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ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #315  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2024-11-04) Cf Wkshps, Special sessions and Grand Challenge @ICMI, Costa Rica

ISCApad #315

Friday, September 13, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-2 (2024-11-04) Cf Wkshps, Special sessions and Grand Challenge @ICMI, Costa Rica
We are delighted to inform you that ICMI 2024 will be hosted in Latin America, specifically Costa Rica. The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) is the premier global platform for multidisciplinary research about multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. We extend an invitation to teams for the submission of proposals for the following components: 
- Workshops, deadline February 5th. 2024.
- Special Sessions, deadline February 2nd. 2024.
- Grand Challenge, deadline February 5th. 2024.
ICMI has established a tradition of hosting workshops concurrently with the main conference to facilitate discourse on new research, technologies, social science models, and applications. Recent workshops include themes like Media Analytics for Societal Trends, International Workshop on Automated Assessment of Pain (AAP), Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics, Generation and Evaluation of Non-verbal Behaviour for Embodied Agents, Bridging Social Sciences and AI for Understanding Child Behavior, and more.
Interested parties are invited to submit a 3-page workshop proposal for evaluation. Workshops may span half or a full day, with accepted papers indexed by ACM Digital Library in an adjunct proceeding and a brief workshop summary published in the main conference proceedings. The Workshop submission deadline is February 5th, 2024. Proposals should be emailed to the workshop chairs Naveen Kumar and Hendrik Buschmeier to For additional details, please visit the conference website: 
Special Sessions
Special Sessions are vital in exploring emerging topics within multimodal interaction, contributing significantly to this year's conference program. We invite proposals to enrich the conference's diversity and provide valuable insights into the overarching theme, 'Equitability and Environmental Sustainability in Multimodal Interaction Technologies.' Interested teams are requested to submit the following:
- Title of the special session: the title is designed to appeal to the ICMI community and be self-explanatory.
- Aims and scope, elucidating why the ICMI community should engage with this session.
- Tentative Speakers, comprising a list of potential contributing authors with provisional presentation titles. Special sessions typically include 4 to 6 peer-reviewed papers.
- Organizers and Bios are emphasizing the relevance and experience of the speakers.
The deadline for Special Sessions submissions is February 2nd, 2024. Prospective organizers are encouraged to submit proposals via Further details can be found on the conference website:
Grand Challenge
The ICMI community is keen on identifying optimal algorithms and their failure modes, which are crucial for developing systems capable of reliably interpreting human-human communication or responding to human input. We invite the ICMI community to define and address scientific Grand Challenges in our field, offering perspectives over the next five years as a collective. The ICMI Multimodal Grand Challenges aim to inspire innovative ideas and foster future collaborative endeavors in tasks such as analysis, synthesis, and interaction.
To participate, submit a 5-page proposal for expert evaluation, considering originality, ambition, feasibility, and implementation plans. Accepted proposals will be published in the conference's main proceedings. The Grand Challenge submission deadline is February 5th, 2024. Proposals should be emailed to both ICMI 2024 Multimodal Grand Challenge Chairs, Dr. Ronald Böck (Genie Enterprise) and Dr. Dinesh Babu JAYAGOPI (IIIT Bangalore), using  Additional information is on the conference website: 
We look forward to your valuable contributions and participation in ICMI 2024.
On behalf of the Organizers of ICMI 2024!

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