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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #300  »  ISCA News  »  Call for ISCA conferences Reviewers

ISCApad #300

Saturday, June 10, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

2-3 Call for ISCA conferences Reviewers
Dear speech researcher,

In preparation for INTERSPEECH 2023, we are currently searching for reviewers to evaluate submitted manuscripts. The reviewing period will be between 8th March and 19th April 2023.

If you are not already a reviewer for ISCA conferences, we encourage you to sign up at, using the same email address as your CMT account. If you do not have a CMT account, you will need to create one, as reviewing will take place fully within CMT ( To be eligible as a reviewer for ISCA you should have previously published at INTERSPEECH, ICASSP, ICPhS or related conferences and satisfy two or more of the following conditions:
- Hold a Ph.D.
- Published at least one journal article as first author in a speech-related journal (e.g., IEEE/ACM T-ASLP; Speech Communication; Computer, Speech & Language; JASA; Phonetica; - Journal of Phonetics; or other comparable journals)
- Published at least 3 INTERSPEECH/ICASSP/ASRU/SLT or major NLP conference (ACL/EMNLP/NAACL) papers as first author
- Received at least 100 citations on first authored papers
- Have an h-index of at least 7 and i10-index of at least 10
- Be recommended by an ISCA Fellow, ACL Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Senior Member, or current/past INTERSPEECH Area Chair

To help conference organisers match the papers allocated to you, please also register with the Toronto Paper Matching System at using the same email address as CMT. This should result in you being assigned papers that better match your interests and expertise.

Kind regards,

Simon, Kate, Petra

Simon King, Kate Knill, Petra Wagner
Technical Programme Committee chairs
Dublin, Ireland - 20-24th August 2023

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