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ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #165  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2012-03-31) CfP 2012 International Workshop on Statistical Machine Learning for Speech Processing (IWSML2012)-Kyoto Japan

ISCApad #165

Saturday, March 10, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-2 (2012-03-31) CfP 2012 International Workshop on Statistical Machine Learning for Speech Processing (IWSML2012)-Kyoto Japan

 Call for Papers - 2012 International Workshop on Statistical Machine Learning for Speech Processing (IWSML2012)

- Scalable Approach in the Era of Abundant Data -

These days, an enormous amount of multimedia data is available on various kinds of Web sites and devices. Until now, R&D of statistical speech processing has been focused on high-quality data annotation and parsimonious model construction using the annotated data. However, from now on, the R&D focus will shift to the issue of how to construct a model that is robust against diverse types of noise in a massive amount of data annotated with either no labels or only unreliable ones. Another subject that will receive attention is how to convert domain knowledge based on a massive amount of data into model construction in different domains that have sparse data, e.g., for speech recognition systems for rare languages with few data resources. In such R&D, it is difficult to use a large amount of data from the beginning and it is necessary to investigate scalable methods that suit various amounts and quality-levels of data and domain knowledge. In this workshop, considering the present circumstances, researchers in machine learning and in speech, natural language, and image processing will get together and discuss scalable approaches in the era of abundant data.

Kyoto International Conference Center
Kyoto, Japan

Important dates
20/Jan/2012        Extended abstract submission deadline        
20/Feb/2012        Notification of acceptance        
31/Mar/2012        Workshop date

Invited Speakers        
Hal Daumé III (Univ. of Maryland)        
Mark Gales (Univ. of Cambridge)        
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (MIT)
Dong Yu (Microsoft)

The working language of the conference is English.

Organizing Committee
General Chairs:        
Li Deng (Microsoft)        
Tomoko Matsui (ISM)

Local Chairs:        
Atsushi Nakamura (NTT)        
Tomoki Toda (NAIST)

Finance Chair:        
Daichi Mochihashi (ISM)

Technical Chairs:        
Mark Gales (Univ. of Cambridge)        
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen Univ. of Tech.)        
Koichi Shinoda (Tokyo Tech.)        
Masashi Sugiyama (Tokyo Tech.)

Publications Chair:        
Erik McDermott (Google)        
Shinji Watanabe (MERL)

Yoko Katayama (ISM)

Network of Excellence for Statistical Machine Learning, Institute of Statistical Mathematics
IEEE Signal Processing Society (Technical Co-Sponsor)

For more information please visit or e-mail

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