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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #286  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2022-06-27) Special sessions-ICMR 2022, Newark, NJ, USA

ISCApad #286

Sunday, April 10, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-11 (2022-06-27) Special sessions-ICMR 2022, Newark, NJ, USA

Special Session Proposals
ACM ICMR 2022 ( will include one or more Special Sessions on innovative and frontier topics in the field of multimedia retrieval. Special sessions differentiate from the regular sessions in the sense that they address very specific problems or very focused communities. They should attract the presentation of innovative contributions in the targeted narrow domain. The special session papers will appear in the ACM ICMR 2022 proceedings and will be presented at the conference in a dedicated oral session.

Important Dates
?- Proposal Submission Due: 20/12/2021
?- Proposal Notification of Acceptance: 30/12/2021
?- SS Paper Submission Due: the same as the main conference

Submission Instructions
Proposals should be submitted by email to the Special Session Chairs, in PDF format. Please include the following information:
?- Title of the proposed special session,
?- Description of the importance of the topic and the rationale for the proposal,
?- Identification of the target audience and how is related to ACM ICMR,
?- A brief bio and contact information for the organizers,
?- A tentative/confirmed list of invited papers (title / authors / affiliations),
?- Information about any supporting projects (if the case).

Evaluation of the Proposals
Proposals will be evaluated based on topic appropriateness for ACM ICMR, its relevance and potential impact in the targeted field, the experience of the organizers, the potential in attracting high quality submissions, and the overall quality of the written proposal.

For any questions regarding special session submissions, please visit the conference website ( or email the Special Session Chairs:
-Pradeep K Atrey, University at Albany, SUNY, USA (
-Xirong Li, Renmin University of China, China (
-Yoko Yamakata, The University of Tokyo, Japan (

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