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ISCApad Archive  »  2021  »  ISCApad #279  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2021-09-30) Call for proposals 2023 IEEE Int.Wkshp on Machine Learning and Signal Processing (MLSP)

ISCApad #279

Friday, September 17, 2021 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-18 (2021-09-30) Call for proposals 2023 IEEE Int.Wkshp on Machine Learning and Signal Processing (MLSP)

Call for Proposals

2023 IEEE International Workshop on
Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)


IEEE Signal Processing Society?s Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee (MLSP TC) is soliciting proposals from researchers interested in organizing the 2023 MLSP Workshop. The MLSP Workshop is a four-day workshop and will include tutorials on the first day.
Proposals will be reviewed by the MLSP TC and proposal finalists will be invited to present (virtually) at the TC meeting during MLSP 2021 that will be held between October 25-28.

Proposing teams are asked to create a proposal that follows the following outline:

  1. Location and Venue: Give an idea on the venue size and facilities.
  2. Conference Dates: Ensure they do not conflict with major holidays, or other SPS conferences and workshops. Typically, the workshop is held during the period of mid-September to mid-October.
  3. Organizing Committee Members: Build the organizing committee considering factors including (a) active SPS members; (b) diversity in geographical, industry and academia, age, and gender; (c) conference and/or workshop experience; (d) event management experience. For examples, refer to, or
  4. Technical Program: Consider the overall structure and conference model; innovative initiatives; student and young professional initiatives; and industry-participation/support initiatives.
  5. Budget including registration fees.
  6. Hotels in the area that cater to different attendee budget levels.
  7. Travel and transportation between the nearest airport and the conference venue.
  8. Any other relevant information about the venue or the organization.

Important Dates:

  • Intention letter deadline: September 15, 2021
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: September 30, 2021
The intention letter deadline is September 15, 2021, and the deadline for submission of proposals is September 30, 2021. Please submit your proposal to the MLSP TC Chair, Zheng-Hua Tan, at, and the MLSP Workshop Sub-Committee Chair, Murat Akcakaya,, via email. We encourage you to contact them with questions or to obtain further details about the content of the proposals.

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