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ISCApad Archive  »  2020  »  ISCApad #266  »  Resources  »  Database  »  Language Resources distribution agreement between ELRA and SpeechOcean

ISCApad #266

Monday, August 10, 2020 by Chris Wellekens

5-2-21 Language Resources distribution agreement between ELRA and SpeechOcean

Press Release - Immediate
Paris, France, May 4, 2020

ELRA and SpeechOcean signed a new Language Resources distribution agreement. On behalf of ELRA, ELDA acts as the distribution agency for SpeechOcean since 2007 and incorporated 46 new speech resources to the ELRA Catalogue of Language Resources catalogue.

Those resources were designed and collected to boost Speech Recognition. They cover the following languages:

  • Chinese-Mandarin,
  • French from France and Canada,
  • German,
  • Italian,
  • Hong Kong Cantonese,
  • Japanese,
  • Korean,
  • Pashto,
  • Portuguese from Portugal and Brazil,
  • Russian,
  • Spanish from US and Mexico,
  • Taiwanese,
  • Several variants of English (English from Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Korea, United Kingdom, USA)

This new set of speech LRs leads to a total of 103 LRs distributed by ELRA on behalf of SpeechOcean, and aims to strengthen ELRA's position as the leading worldwide distribution centre. With this agreement SpeechOcean will get more visibility in particular on the European market.

The detailed list of all 103 Language Resources from SpeechOcean is available here:

About SpeechOcean
Since its establishment as an AI data resource provider, Speechocean has always devoted itself to providing specialized engineering data products and services to enterprises and scientific research institutions in the whole industry chain of AI. Our business involves various domains such as speech recognition, speech synthesis, computer vision, lexicon, and natural language processing and provides relevant services for the design, collection, transcription, annotation, etc. of data.

To find out more about SpeechOcean, please visit the website:

About ELRA
The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit-making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for Language Resources and promoting Human Language Technologies. Language Resources covering various fields of HLT (including Multimodal, Speech, Written, Terminology) and a great number of languages are available from the ELRA catalogue. ELRA's strong involvement in the fields of Language Resources  and Language Technologies is also emphasized at the LREC conference, organized every other year since 1998.

To find out more about ELRA, please visit the website:

For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli

If you would like to enquire about having your resources distributed by ELRA, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Visit our On-line Catalogue:
Visit the Universal Catalogue:
Archives of ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Updates:

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