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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #161  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2012-06-27) 10th International Workshop On Content –Based Multimedia Indexing, University of Savoie France

ISCApad #161

Monday, November 07, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-20 (2012-06-27) 10th International Workshop On Content –Based Multimedia Indexing, University of Savoie France

********10th International Workshop On Content –Based Multimedia Indexing******
Call for papers

Following the nine successful previous events of CBMI (Toulouse 1999, Brescia 2001, Rennes
2003, Riga 2005, Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania 2009, Grenoble 2010 and Madrid
2011), LISTIC University of Savoy/CNRS will organize the next Context Based Multimedia
Indexing event on June 27-29 2012 10th.

 International Workshop CBMI 2012 aims at bringing together the various communities
involved in the different aspects of content-based multimedia indexing, retrieval, browsing
and presentation. The scientific program of CBMI 2011 will include invited keynote talks and
regular and special sessions with contributed research papers. Best papers will be published
in a special issue of ACM Multimedia tools and Applications, Springer. The Workshop is supported by IEEE,
French national Research network GDR-CNRS ISIS, Rhône-Alpes Region. ACM SIGMM and Eurasip supports are pending.

Technical Program:
Topics of interest, grouped in technical tracks, include, but are not limited to:   
      * Visual Indexing (image, video, graphics)
      * Visual content extraction Identification and tracking of semantic regions
      * Identification of semantic events   
      * Audio and Multi-modal Indexing
      * Audio indexing (audio, speech, music)
      * Audio content extraction
      * Multi-modal and cross-modal indexing
      * Metadata generation, coding and transformation   
      * Multimedia Information Retrieval (image, audio, video, …)
      * Matching and similarity search
      * Content-based search
      * Multimedia data mining
      * Multimedia recommendation
      * Large scale multimedia database management
      * Multimedia Browsing and Presentation
      * Summarisation, browsing and organization of multimedia content
      * Personalization and content adaptation
      * User interaction and relevance feedback
      * Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools

All accepted and registered papers will be published in the workshop proceedings which will
be indexed and distributed by the IEEExplore. Selected papers will appear, after extension
and peer-review, in a special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal.

Paper submission:
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of not more than six (6) pages including
results, figures and references. Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission
through conference management system. Style files (Latex and Word) will be provided for
the convenience of the authors at

Important dates:
      * Submission of full paper (to be received by): January 13, 2012
      * Notification of acceptance: February 27, 2011
      * Submission of camera-ready papers: March 12, 2011

General chair: Patrick Lambert, LISTIC, Polytech de Savoie Technical
Technical Program chair: Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva
Technical Program co-chair: Shin’ichi Satoh, NII, Japan
Special Session chair: Philippe Joly, IRIT, France
Publicity chair: Jenny Benois-Pineau, LABRI, University of Bordeaux, France
Publication chair: Alexandre Benoit, University of Savoie, France
Demo chair: Sid-Ahmed Berrani, Orange Labs, France
ACM SIGMM liaison officer: Suzanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany

Steering committee:
Régine André-Obrecht, IRIT, France
Jenny Benois-Pineau, LABRI, University of Bordeaux, France
Chabane Djeraba, LIFL, France Moncef Gabbouj, University of Tampere, Finland
Patrick Gros, INRIA, France
Ebroul Izquierdo, QMUL, UK
Philippe Joly, IRIT, France
Riccardo Leonardi, University of Brescia, Italy
Bernard Merialdo, EURECOM, France
Georges Quénot, LIG, France
Thomas Sikora, TUB, Germany

Special issue:
Extended communications will be published in a special issue of an open call of ACM
Multimedia Tools and Applications journal, Springer after peer-review.

Cultural program:
The cultural program will be devoted to the history of media production and will comprise a
visit to the French museum of cartoons and a cruise at a historical lake of Annecy with finest
testing of traditional French cuisine.


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