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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #160  »  Jobs  »  (2011-10-5) Two positions at the University of Eastern Finland

ISCApad #160

Saturday, October 08, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

6-26 (2011-10-5) Two positions at the University of Eastern Finland

School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland
P.O.Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland
Tel +358-13-251 7928 (office), Fax +358-13-251 7955

JOENSUU, FINLAND: One postdoctoral researcher and one PhD position in speech technology

University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is a new university merged from the universities of Joensuu and Kuopio, with 15000 students and 2800 employees ( School of Computing (SoC) is one of the biggest departments in UEF, with about 120 employees in two campuses. There are three main research directions in the department, (1) intelligent media computing, (2) software engineering and (3) educational technology. The positions announced take place in Joensuu campus, in the Speech and Image Processing Unit (SIPU) research group ( Current research topics of the group include speech technology (especially speaker recognition), clustering methods and mobile navigation systems. The SIPU group announces


Both positions are filled in a 4-year Academy of Finland project 'Reliable speaker recognition and modification', starting January 2012. The context of the project is studying interplay of two spoken language technologies, speaker recognition and voice conversion. The main responsibility of the post-doctoral researcher is to establish and improve a state-of-the-art voice conversion framework and to integrate it with speaker recognition methods. In addition to research activities, the postdoc is expected to take part (10% to 20% of time) in supervising PhD and MSc students in related topics. The PhD candidate will work on either voice conversion, speaker recognition or both. There are no teaching duties.

Both candidates are expected to have a degree in spoken language technology, electrical engineering, computer science or closely related field. The candidates should be familiar with Unix/Linux tools and Matlab with excellent skills in signal processing or machine learning. Experience in either synthesis/conversion or recognition methods, participation to technology benchmarks (e.g. NIST evaluations or Blizzard challenge), knowledge of HTK, HTS and C/C++, and industrial experience are considered a plus.

The postdoctoral researcher position is filled for a period of 1 year (with option to extend). The duration of the PhD position is up to 4 years. The salary of the PhD student will be placed on levels 1-4 of the job requirement level chart for teaching and research personnel in the Salary System for Finnish Universities (1716 eur to 2359 eur/month before taxes). The salary of the post-doctoral researcher will follow default level 5 (2714 eur/month before taxes). In addition, the appointees will be paid an additional salary component based on their personal performance which can be a maximum of 46.3 per cent of the job requirement component. We will also cover at least one conference participation per year.

The application consisting of the following documents should be sent or delivered to the Registry Office of the University of Eastern Finland. Postal address: Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kirjaamo, PL 111, 80101 Joensuu or Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kirjaamo, PL 1627, 70211 Kuopio. Street address: Yliopistokatu 2 (Joensuu) and Yliopistonranta 1 E (Kuopio). Email: The deadline for applications is Friday November 4, 2011 (at 3.00 pm Finland time). We cannot guarantee that applications sent after the deadline will be taken into account. The application should include at least:

o    A cover letter indicating the position to be applied and free-worded
    application, describing the special qualities of the applicant relevant
    to the applied position.
o    Full curriculum vitae (CV), including the list of publications (if any).
o    Copies of relevant diplomas and transcripts of academic records. The diplomas
    should be in English or Finnish, and the grading system should be described.
o    The names and contact information of at least two referees.

All enquiries related to the positions should be addressed to Dr. Tomi H. Kinnunen, or, Tel. +358 13 251 7963,

This application can also be found at

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