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ISCApad Archive » 2020 » ISCApad #259 » Events » Other Events » (2020-10-06) SPECOM 2020, St Petersburg, Russia |
ISCApad #259 |
Friday, January 10, 2020 by Chris Wellekens |
********************************************************* SPECOM-2020 – FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS *********************************************************
22nd International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2020) Venue: St. Petersburg, Russia, October 06-10, 2020 Web: http://www.specom.nw.ru/2020
ORGANIZERS The conference is organized by the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg, Russia) in cooperation with Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU, Moscow, Russia).
GENERAL CHAIRS Alexey Karpov - SPIIRAS, Russia Rodmonga Potapova - MSLU, Russia
CONFERENCE TOPICS SPECOM attracts researchers, linguists and engineers working in the following areas of speech science, speech technology, natural language processing, human-computer interaction: Affective computing Audio-visual speech processing Corpus linguistics Computational paralinguistics Deep learning for audio processing Feature extraction Forensic speech investigations Human-machine interaction Language identification Multichannel signal processing Multimedia processing Multimodal analysis and synthesis Sign language processing Speaker recognition Speech and language resources Speech analytics and audio mining Speech and voice disorders Speech-based applications Speech driving systems in robotics Speech enhancement Speech perception Speech recognition and understanding Speech synthesis Speech translation systems Spoken dialogue systems Spoken language processing Text mining and sentiment analysis Voice assistants
SATELLITE EVENT 5th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics ICR-2020: http://www.specom.nw.ru/icr2020
OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language of the event is English. However, papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly encouraged.
FORMAT OF THE CONFERENCE The conference program will include presentation of invited talks, oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions.
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Authors are invited to submit full papers of 6-10 pages formatted in the Springer LNCS style. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers (single-blind), and accepted papers will be presented either orally or as posters. Papers submitted to SPECOM 2020 must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the SPECOM review cycle, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=specom2020
PROCEEDINGS SPECOM Proceedings will be published by Springer as a book in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS) series listed in all major international citation databases. SPECOM Proceedings are included in the list of forthcoming proceedings for October 2020.
IMPORTANT DATES May 26, 2020 ............ Submission of full papers July 03, 2020 ............ Notification of acceptance July 17, 2020 ............ Camera-ready papers and early registration October 06-10, 2020 ......... Conference dates
CONTACTS All correspondence regarding the conference should be addressed to: SPECOM-2020 Secretariat: E-mails: specom@iias.spb.su SPECOM-2020 web-site: www.specom.nw.ru/2020 |
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