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ISCApad Archive » 2019 » ISCApad #249 » Events » Other Events » (2019-05-17) The 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019), Poznan, Poland |
ISCApad #249 |
Monday, March 11, 2019 by Chris Wellekens |
The 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019), May 17-19, 2019, Poznan, Poland CALL FOR PAPERS AND WORKSHOPS CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Zygmunt Vetulani (Poland) and Patrick Paroubek (France) Yes, we started 24 years ago! Our tradition goes back to the Language and Technology Awareness Days, a meeting organized in 1995 with the assistance of the European Commission (DG XIII). Among the key speakers were Antonio Zampolli (Italy), Dafydd Gibbon (Germany), Dan Tufi? (Romania), Orest Kossak (Ukraina). Today, we refer to this event as the first LTC. Since 2005 LTC is organized every two years as the ?Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics?. Fostering language technologies and resources remains an important challenge in the dynamically changing, information-saturated world and we invite all concerned people to join us in Pozna? at the LTC 2019 in order to face this challenge together. Zygmunt Vetulani and Patrick Paroubek NEW LTC WORKSHOPS We are pleased to inform that the following LTC workshops have been announced:
Workshops are accessible to all LTC participants (no extra inscription fees). See www.ltc.amu.edu.pl for details. IMPORTANT DATES/DEADLINES
CONFERENCE TOPICS The conference topics include the following (the ordering is not significant and the list is not exhaustive):
This list is by no means closed and we are open to further proposals. Please do not hesitate to contact us with new suggestions and ideas. LANGUAGE The conference language is English PAPER SUBMISSION The conference accepts papers in English only. Papers (5 formatted pages in the conference format) are due by March 20, 2019 (midnight, any time zone) and should not disclose the authorship in any manner. In order to facilitate submission we have decided to reduce the formatting requirements as much as possible at this stage. Please, have a look at www.ltc.amu.edu.pl (Paper Submission section). PUBLICATION POLICY Acceptance will be based on the reviewers' assessments (double-blinded submission model). The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (hard copy, with ISBN number) and on CD-ROM. Proceedings will be published by Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje sp. z o.o. indexed by the Polish Ministry of Higher Education. Publication requires full electronic registration and payment of the conference fee (full registration) by at least one of the co-authors in due time (dates will be presented at the conference site). One registration fee entitles publication of one paper. POST-CONFERENCE PAPERS We intend to publish a post-conference volume with extended versions of selected papers in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (Springer Verlag). Papers will be selected on the basis of reviewers? reports among the best evaluated papers of general interest with new, innovative results. Preference will be given to papers providing substantial content extension with respect to the paper presented at the conference. REGISTRATION Only electronic registration will be possible. Details will be published at www.ltc.amu.edu.pl. OTHER Please notice that remaining important information on the general conference and workshops is or will be provided at the conference site www.ltc.amu.edu.pl.
CONTACT vetulani@amu.edu.pl mkubis@amu.edu.pl ltc19@amu.edu.pl
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