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ISCApad Archive » 2019 » ISCApad #249 » Events » Other Events » (2019-07-08) CfProjects eNTERFACE 2019, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey |
ISCApad #249 |
Monday, March 11, 2019 by Chris Wellekens |
Call for Projects | eNTERFACE 2019
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey July 8th ? August 2nd, 2019
Computer Engineering Department of Bilkent University invites project proposals for eNTERFACE?19, the 15th Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, to be held in Ankara, Turkey, from July 8th ? August 2nd, 2019.
Following the success of the previous eNTERFACE workshops held in Mons (Belgium, 2005), Dubrovnik (Croatia, 2006), Istanbul (Turkey, 2007), Paris (France, 2008), Genova (Italy, 2009), Amsterdam (Netherlands, 2010), Plzen (Czech Republic, 2011), Metz (France, 2012), Lisbon (Portugal, 2013), Bilbao (Spain, 2014), Mons (Belgium, 2015), Twente (Netherlands, 2016), Porto (Portugal, 2017), and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium, 2018), eNTERFACE?19 aims at continuing and enhancing the tradition of collaborative, localized research and development work by gathering, in a single place, leading researchers in multimodal interfaces and students to work on specific projects for 4 complete weeks. Procedure Gather a (partial) team and apply with a short project proposal on multimodal interfaces. When the proposal is accepted, a call for participants will be circulated, and people will apply to become a part of your project. You can specify desired skills in this call. You will evaluate the applicants and decide on the final team. The participants will come to the workshop for one month. There are no registration fees, and we have arranged cheap accommodation for the participants. Each participant is responsible from his or her own travel and subsistence. At the end of the workshop, project groups will prepare and present reports that will be gathered in proceedings, and extended reports will be gathered in a journal special issue (typically, Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces). You can check http://enterface.net/ for past editions, and find project reports, open code and data of past projects. The eNTERFACE workshop is a great opportunity to bring together researchers working on an international project, for testing new ideas, for integrating modules, for collecting new datasets, and for meeting new people. There will be some invited lectures and many social activities during the workshop. Topics This year?s special topics will be deep learning for behavior analysis and reinforcement learning. There will be seminars around those topics during the workshop. Although not exhaustive, the submitted projects can cover one or several of the topics listed below: - Art and Technology - Affective Computing - Assistive and Rehabilitation Technologies - Assistive Technologies for Education and Social Inclusion - Augmented Reality - Conversational Embodied Agents - Health Informatics - Human Behavior Analysis - Human Robot Interaction - Interactive Playgrounds - Innovative Musical Interfaces - Interactive Systems for Artistic Applications - Mixed Reality - Multimodal Interaction, Signal Analysis and Synthesis - Multimodal Spoken Dialog Systems - Search in Multimedia and Multilingual Documents - Serious Games - Smart Spaces and Environments - Social Signal Processing - Tangible and Gesture Interfaces - Teleoperation and Telerobotics - Wearable Technology - Virtual Reality Important Dates January 31st Reception of a 1-page Notification of Interest, with a summary of projects goals, tentative work packages, and deliverables February 15th: End of Call for Projects: Reception of the complete Project proposal February 20th: Notification of acceptance to project leaders and call for participation March 29th: End of the call for participation April 7th: Notification of acceptance to participants April 30th: Finalizing team building July 8th - August 2nd: eNTERFACE Workshop Proposals should be submitted to the organizers Hamdi Dibeklio?lu (dibeklioglu@cs.bilkent.edu.tr) and Elif Sürer (elifs@metu.edu.tr). They will be evaluated by eNTERFACE Steering Committee with respect to the suitability to the workshop goals and format. Authors of the accepted proposals will then be invited to build their teams |
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