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ISCApad Archive  »  2019  »  ISCApad #247  »  Jobs  »  (2018-10-19) post-doctoral researcher , University of Twente, The Netherlands

ISCApad #247

Friday, January 18, 2019 by Chris Wellekens

6-28 (2018-10-19) post-doctoral researcher , University of Twente, The Netherlands

In the context of the ZonMW project Smart Sports Exercises, the University of Twente is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to develop new multimodal, interactive, digitally enhanced training exercises on an instrumented floor with actuators (LED video screen) and sensors that offer minimized on-body motion sensing. The successful candidate will be embedded in the Human Media Interaction group, and will work together with a colleague already employed at the Biomedical Signals and Systems group who develops new models and methods for tracking and analyzing behavioral data of volleyball players.


As a successful applicant, you will be working in a highly interdisciplinary research project. The aim of the project is to enhance volleyball training and trainer education through three main lines of innovation: (1) development of new interactive concepts for digitally supported training exercises, using game like interaction on an instrumented LED video floor, (2) innovation of data science for automatic analysis of behavioural data in sports exercises to provide the necessary input, and (3) innovation in conceptual thinking about sport training and PE that combines technological and non-technological elements, incorporating pedagogy and training didactics. We target a range of users, from elite players to youth and recreational teams, and including players, trainers, and teacher educators.


The project is a collaboration between a consortium of research institutes, sports organisations, and companies. The University of Twente leads the project, and is responsible for the data science and interaction technology in the project. Other partners are the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (CALO), InnoSportLab Sport & Beweeg, Sportservice Veenendaal, and LedGo BV.


In this particular open position, you will work on developing interactive training exercise systems and on evaluating user experience, perception and performance in explorative and experimental studies. This will be done iteratively, in close interaction with end users such as volleyball trainers and players.



Your profile


You are passionate to work one of the above topics, and have clearly relevant background for that. You hold a PhD degree in computer science, biomedical engineering, HCI, game design or other relevant domain. You are capable of designing and realizing interaction technology systems. An additional background in user centered research and design, games, or embodied interaction is considered a pre.


You are an independent and self-directed researcher and developer, but also a team player able to work in a diverse and multidisciplinary consortium. You are an excellent researcher as well as someone who can contribute to the realization of actual interactive technology systems.


More information on this position

How to apply

Apply to this position by submitting at the following link (closing date: October 31st):!/462306/

Your application should include the following documents:

  • a cover letter (in English or Dutch) which explains your interest in the position and your qualifications.
  • a curriculum vitae which also includes the name and e-mail address/telephone number for (preferably) two or more references;
  • a copy of your PhD-thesis or, if it is not yet available, an outline and summary of your thesis and one of your scientific papers.


Our offer


A challenging opportunity to perform post-doctoral research in the context of a highly ambitious 2-year ZonMw-funded project. The University of Twente offers a stimulating work environment in an area of applied, forefront research and offers strong and inspiring collaboration possibilities with the medical field. You will have a 0.8-1.0 fte position for the duration of ~2 years and can participate in all employee benefits the UT offers. The gross monthly salary starts with ? 3111,- in the first year and increases over time. Additionally, the University of Twente provides excellent facilities for professional and personal development, a holiday allowance of 8%, and an end of year bonus of 8.3%.


The organization


The University of Twente. We stand for life sciences and technology. High tech and human touch. Education and research that matter. New technology which leads change, innovation and progress in society. The University of Twente is the only campus university of the Netherlands; divided over five faculties we provide more than fifty educational programmes. We have a strong focus on personal development and talented researchers are given scope for carrying out groundbreaking research.


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