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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #245  »  Jobs  »  (2018-08-20) PhD student opportunity at LTCI, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France

ISCApad #245

Saturday, November 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

6-33 (2018-08-20) PhD student opportunity at LTCI, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France

A PhD student opportunity is now available at LTCI, Telecom ParisTech,
Paris, France (,

Groups are a fascinating interdisciplinary phenomenon. They can be
defined as bounded and structured entities that emerge from the
purposive, interdependent actions of individuals. One of the current
open challenges on automated groups? analysis is to provide
computational models of higher level concepts called emergent states,
that is states emerging as results of affective, behavioral and
cognitive interactions among the members of a group. Cohesion is one
of these states. It is a dynamic process that is reflected in the
tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of
its instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of members?

affective needs. Cohesion is considered as a highly valued group
property serving crucial roles for group effectiveness and
performance. Scholars proposed theoretical models of cohesion having

from one to five dimensions.

Among these dimensions, the task and social ones were the most
investigated. The task dimension concerns the extent to which group
members are united to achieve the group?s goals and objectives; the
social dimension refers to the social relationships within the group
(e.g. the extent to which group members like each other). The thesis
will focus on the development of a computational model of cohesion
among humans, able to integrate its task and social dimensions and
also accounting for their relationship and their development over time.
This work will be conducted in the framework of the ANR JCJC French
national project GRACE (Groups? Analysis for automated Cohesion


- State-of-the-art on cohesion to identify which are its most suitable
and frequent multimodal behavioral descriptors. State-of-the-art will
span several research fields, including sociology, psychology, and
computer science
- Computation of multimodal behavioral descriptors of cohesion
- Designing and performing experiments to collect a multimodal data
set on cohesion
- Designing, implementing, and evaluating a computational model of

The ideal candidate should have a strong academic background in one or
more of the following fields: Computer Science, AI, Machine learning,
Human- Computer Interaction, Information Technology, Affective
Computing, Social Signal Processing, or closely related fields. In
addition to a passion for science and programming, you should be open
to extend your thinking to the issues linked to Human-Computer
Interaction. Moreover, the ideal candidate should
- Interest in multidisciplinary research at the interface between
computer science and sociology/psychology
- Excellent academic track record
- Good command of English (written and spoken)
- Strong programming skills (C++/Python)
- Very good communication skills, commitment, independent working
style as well as initiative and team spirit

Starting date: between winter 2018 and spring 2019. This is flexible
and can be negotiated with the supervisor within the above-mentioned

time frame.

Application deadline: the evaluation of the PhD candidates starts
immediately and it will continue until the position is filled.
To apply please send by email to a
single pdf file including:
- A cover letter stating your research interests and how they could be
related to the research topic the thesis focuses on.
- A detailed CV
- Transcripts of records of your MSc
- List of at least 2 referees
- Recommendation letters

You are encouraged to contact Prof. Giovanna Varni for more information.
Please quote ?PhD position? in the email subject for both asking
information and application.

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