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ISCApad #241

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-23 (2018-09-04) CfP Special Session on Indexing, Retrieval, Annotation and Mining in Earth Observation (IR4EO), CBMI 2018 - La Rochelle, France

Call for papers: Special Session on Indexing, Retrieval, Annotation and Mining in Earth
Observation (IR4EO)
CBMI 2018 - La Rochelle, France 4-6 Sept 2018

* Important dates:
Paper submission:              May 18, 2018
Notification of acceptance:    June 29, 2018
Camera-ready papers due:       July 13, 2018

* Organizers:
Sébastien Lefèvre, Université de Bretagne Sud, IRISA (
Josiane Mothe, Université de Toulouse, IRIT CNRS (

* Call for papers:
The proliferation of Earth Observation satellites, together with their
continuously increasing performances, provides today a massive amount of
geospatial data. Analysis and exploration of such data leads to various
applications, from agricultural monitoring to crisis management and
global security. However, they also raise very challenging problems,
e.g. dealing with extremely large and real time geospatial data,
user-friendly querying and retrieval satellite images or mosaics,
semantic indexing and annotation. The purpose of this special session is
to address these challenges, and to allow researchers from multimedia
retrieval and remote sensing to meet and share their experiences in
order to build the remote sensing retrieval systems of tomorrow. This
special session aims to establish connections between researchers from
multimedia retrieval and issues raised in remote sensing, and to provide
interesting problems to the former while providing solutions for the
latter. On the one hand, geospatial data requires specific models of
description, with characteristics very different from other domains. To
name a few, remotely sensed images are not necessarily defined in usual
color spaces, they compose large-scale mosaics enabling a continuous
global cover of the earth, they can be analysed and understood at
various scales, etc. On the other hand, the multimedia retrieval
community propose many scalable algorithms for learning, searching, or
classifying data in a more generalist way. This special session will be
a very interesting opportunity for multimedia researchers to propose
adaptations to geospatial data, and for remote sensing researchers to
create new models compatible with retrieval algorithms, while offering a
context where people from these two domains can meet and share their
experiences. Earth Observation is one of the major resource of visual
data that still greatly lacks of efficient and effective methods for
indexing and retrieval. Major challenges are faced since the geospatial
data available worldwide is at the order of magnitude of ZettaBytes.
Besides, thanks to the efforts of NASA in the USA and Copernicus program
in Europe, satellite images provided free of charge to end-users
represent several new TB every day. To ease the design of new solutions,
the scientific community benefits from the availability of an increasing
number of public benchmarks, such as: UC Merced Land Use Dataset,
Brazilian Coffee Scenes Dataset, SAT-4 and SAT-6 airborne datasets,
Sentinel-2 EuroSAT dataset, ISPRS 2D and 3D Semantic Labeling benchmark,
ImageClef 2017 Remote Pilot task, IEEE Data Fusion Contest, Kaggle
contests, etc. This is expected to ensure fair comparison of methods and
to support the evolution of the state-of-the-art.

* Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
-        Content- and context-based indexing, search and retrieval of EO data
-        Semantic annotation
-        Deep Learning and CBIR of EO data
-        Search and browsing on EO repositories
-        Change detection and its applications,
-        Near real time monitoring,
-        Multimodal / multi-observations (sensors, dates, resolutions) analysis of EO data
-        HCI issues in EO retrieval and browsing
-        Evaluation of EO retrieval systems, benchmarks for EO indexing and retrieval tasks
-        High-performance, large-scale indexing algorithms for EO data
-        Data fusion
-        Summarization and visualization of very large satellite image datasets
-        Applications: deforestation detection, air pollution detection and
prediction, climate change, monitoring of resources, from land cover to
phenology, photosynthetic activity, etc. Submissions should be sent via
easychair and follow the IEEE format (see CBMI call). Each submission
will be peer reviewed by at least 3 PC members (general PC and special
session PC). The title of the submission should include ?(SS on
IR4EO)? to avoid misclassification.

Since the Remote Sensing journal as an open call for a special issue on
these topics
( with a
deadline of 30th of September, the best papers from the special session
will be encouraged to submit an extended journal version to this special
issue. The selection of the papers will be eased by the fact that one
of the special session organizers is also the leading guest editor of
the special issue.

* Invited speaker:
Begüm Demir is associate professor at the University of Trento (Italy).
In 2017, she got an (ERC) Starting Grant with the project « BigEarth -
Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation ».

* Session programme committee members:
Erchan Aptoula, Gebze Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey ( -
Alexandre Benoit, Université Savoie Mont Blanc ( -
Piero Boccardo, DIST, Politecnico di Torino, Ithaca ( -
Mihai Datcu, DLR, Germany ( -
Fabio Del Frate, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy (
Fabio Dell'Acqua, Department of Electrical, Computer, Biomedical EngineeringUniversity of
Pavia, Italy ( -
Begüm Demir, University of Trento, Italie ( -
Jefferson Dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
( -
Mathieu Roche, Research Scientist (PhD, HDR), CIRAD - Environments and Societies
Department UMR TETIS, (
Sergi Trilles Oliver, Universitat Jaume I, Spain ( -

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