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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #214  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2016-09-13) 4th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Workshop, Google, CA, USA

ISCApad #214

Monday, April 11, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-32 (2016-09-13) 4th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Workshop, Google, CA, USA

 4th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition
                 Challenge and Workshop

                 Launch: April 18, 2016
                Deadline: August 19, 2016

           Workshop: Google, CA, Sep 13, 2016

Dear colleague,

Following the success of the CHiME-3 challenge which attracted 25 international teams, it
gives us great pleasure to announce the CHiME-4 Challenge and Workshop.

CHiME-4 will revisit the CHiME-3 data, i.e., Wall Street Journal sentences spoken by
talkers in challenging noisy environments recorded using a 6-microphone tablet device. It
will increase the difficulty by reducing the number of microphones and introducing
mismatches between training and testing microphone configurations.

Participants will be able to rely on updated baselines for speech enhancement and ASR,
which would now score among the best techniques in CHiME-3.

The results will be presented at a dedicated workshop to be held on September 13th at
Google's offices in conjunction with Interspeech 2016.


If you are considering participating, please email with the
subject CHiME-4 and you will be added to the email list for receiving further updates.


18th April, 2016  ?  Launch - Training/dev data + baselines released
27th June, 2016   ?  Test data released
19th Aug, 2016    ?  Challenge abstract/paper submission deadline
24th Aug, 2016    ?  Paper notification & registration open
13th Sept, 2016   ?  CHiME-4 Workshop
14th Oct, 2016    ?  Final paper (2 to 6 pages)


Emmanuel Vincent, Inria
Shinji Watanabe, MERL
Jon Barker & Ricard Marxer, University of Sheffield


Kean Chin, Google


Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs

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