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ISCApad #151

Monday, January 10, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-8 (2011-04-18) CfP 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval/ Dublin, Ireland
***** Final Call for Posters/Demos - ECIR 2011 ****** 
33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval
Dublin, Ireland
18 - 21 April 2011
In cooperation with: BCS-IRSG, Dublin City University, University of Sheffield

* Posters/Demos deadline approaching - 29 October (midnight GMT)
* This deadline is final and will not be extended

The 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011) will take place in Dublin, Ireland from 18-21 April 2011. ECIR provides an opportunity for both new and established researchers to present research papers reporting new, unpublished, and innovative research results within Information Retrieval. ECIR has traditionally had a strong student focus and papers whose sole or main author is a postgraduate student or postdoctoral researcher are especially welcome. As an added incentive at ECIR2011, accepted full-papers whose first author is a student will be given the opportunity to be paired with a senior mentor who will interact with them during the course of the conference. Each mentor will be an expert in the relevant area of the student's work, and will provide questions and subsequent feedback after their presentation.

We are seeking the submission of high-quality and original posters and demos, which will be reviewed by experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field of Information Retrieval. Papers that demonstrate a high level of research adventure or which break out of the traditional IR paradigms are particularly welcome. 

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

-	Enterprise Search, Intranet Search, Desktop Search, Adversarial IR
-	Web IR and Web log analysis
-	Multimedia IR
-	Digital libraries
-	IR Theory and Formal Models
-	Distributed IR, Peer-to-peer IR, 
-	Mobile IR, Fusion/Combination
-	Cross-language retrieval, Multilingual retrieval, Machine translation for IR
-	Topic detection and tracking, Routing
-	Content-based filtering, Collaborative filtering, Agents, Spam filtering
-	Question answering, NLP for IR
-	Summarization, Lexical acquisition
-	Text Data Mining
-	Text Categorization, Clustering
-	Performance, Scalability, Architectures, Efficiency, Platforms
-	Indexing, Query representation, Query reformulation, 
-	Structure-based representation, XML Retrieval
-	Metadata, Social networking/tagging
-	Evaluation methods and metrics, Experimental design, Test collections
-	Interactive IR, User studies, User models, Task-based IR
-	User interfaces and visualization
-	Opinion mining, Sentiment Analysis
-	Blog and online-community search
-	Other domain-specific IR (e.g., Genomic IR, legal IR, IR for chemical structures)

The ECIR 2011 conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors for both long and short papers are invited to submit their paper on or before 15 October 2010. All paper submissions must be written in English following the LNCS author guidelines []. Posters and demos must not be longer than 4 pages. All papers will be refereed through double-blind peer review so authors should take reasonable care not identify themselves in their submissions. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the Conference. 

Important dates 

18 Oct 2010: Paper/Short Paper submission deadline (passed)
29 Oct 2010: Poster/Demo submission deadline
10 Dec 2010: Notification of acceptance
18 Apr 2011: Workshops Day / Tutorial Day
19-21 Apr 2011: ECIR 2011 main conference

Organising Committee

General Chair: Cathal Gurrin (Dublin City University)
Programme Co-chair: Gareth Jones (Dublin City University) and Paul Clough (University of Sheffield)
Student Mentor Chair: Nicola Stokes (University College Dublin)
Workshops Chair: Leif Azzopardi (University of Glasgow)
Tutorials Chair: Evangelos Kanoulas (University of Sheffield)
Posters Chair: Wessel Kraaij (TNO, Radboud University)
Demos Chair: Vanessa Murdock (Yahoo! Research)
Local organization Chair: Colum Foley (Dublin City University) and Peter Wilkins (Dublin City University)
Advertising Chair: Hyowon Lee (Dublin City University)

Any questions please email:


Dr Hyowon Lee
CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies
Dublin City University
Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Tel: +353 -1 700 5829

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