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ISCApad Archive  »  2016  »  ISCApad #212  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #212

Friday, February 05, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1A message from Haizhou Li, ISCA President

Dear ISCA Members,


Welcome to the February edition of ISCApad!


I will start by reminding you that the nomination deadline for this year’s ISCA Fellows 2016 will close on 10 February 2016. Any ISCA member may nominate a deserving colleague. Please consider submitting a nomination to [fellows_nomination [at]] today!

(for more details on the ISCA Fellows program, please visit: [])


I am also glad to share with you that the ISCA Board has just concluded the selection of the host city of INTERSPEECH 2019. The Board received wonderful submissions from three outstanding European cities. The results will be announced during INTERSPEECH 2016.


I will also take this occasion to announce a change in our committees.  The ISCA Advisory Council (IAC) plays an important role in the ISCA organization. In 2016, IAC welcomes two new members, Tanja Schultz (ISCA Past-President) and Sebastian Möller (INTERSPEECH 2015 General Chair). This year is the election year of IAC, the Board will elect new IAC members according to ISCA by-laws in due course.  


Finally, we are approaching the INTERSPEECH 2016 paper submission deadline: 23 March 2016. Some of you may have already received invitations to join the scientific committee, your timely responses are very much appreciated, and will ensure another comprehensive and balanced review process for this year’s submissions.


Haizhou Li,

ISCA President


2-2Nominees for ISCA fellowship
Since its introduction in 2007, ISCA's Fellows Program has recognised and honoured 51 outstanding members who have made significant contributions to the field of speech communication science and technology. Nominations are now open for the 2016 ISCA Fellows which will be presented at Interspeech 2016 in San Francisco. Any ISCA member can make a nomination. 

To qualify for this distinction, a candidate must have been an ISCA member for five years or more with a minimum of ten years experience in the field. A Fellow may be recognised by their outstanding technical contributions and/or continued significant service to ISCA. The supporting case for the candidate's nomination should include up to 3 major contributions which have had impact on the speech community and/or society in general. A nomination should be supported by 4 references from ISCA Fellows and/or Board Members. Current ISCA Board members are not eligible for nomination. Fellow Selection Committee members will avoid writing references for Fellow candidates. The total number selected in any one year will not exceed one-third percent of the total ISCA membership in that year.   

Nominations should be sent to 'fellows_nomination [at]' by February 10. Those who plan to nominate are strongly advised to write brief information on candidates (candidate's name and affiliation) to the above address before January 10 with your names and contacting e-mail address. 

Further information and nomination and reference forms can be found at:

2-3Grants for students

ISCA wants to support and encourage students and young researchers by providing grants for attending conferences, and by recognizing good research. At each INTERSPEECH, an ISCA award is given to the 3 best student papers presented at the conference, based on anonymous review of the papers and the presentation at the conference.  ISCA also financially supports students and young scientists by providing a limited number of grants for young authors with accepted papers at INTERSPEECH and ISCA supported workshops. The ISCA board member responsible for Grants and Awards is Torbjørn Svendsen. 


2-4Satellites of Interspeech 2016

 The following  workshops have been approved by ISCA and are officially satellites of Interspeech 2016. 

San Francisco, USA, September 6 & 7, 2016
Hosted jointly at ETS offices: Call for paper can be found at:

WOCCI - Workshop on Child Computer and Interaction

LTLT - Language Teaching, Learning and Technology (Satellite of Wocci)


2-5Videos of Interspeech conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2007, 2010 and 2011 can be seen. Very soon we will have 
the material for IS 2012 as well.

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