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ISCApad Archive  »  2014  »  ISCApad #190  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #190

Thursday, April 10, 2014 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1Secretary's message
Dear ISCA Members,

Welcome to the April edition of ISCApad.  As Secretary of ISCA, I am pleased to write this column for the first time.

The deadline for submission of papers to Interspeech-2014 recently passed, and we are now actively in the review process.  We group our speech and language research areas into 12 categories, each with three Area Chairs to direct the reviews; these 36 AC's assist the two Technical Chairs of the conference in selecting referees and  ensuring that each paper is well reviewed. If you have not registered to help as reviewer and are interested, please contact us.

One of the services that ISCA provides is the Distinguished Lecturer Series, where two prominent researchers are selected every year to present seminars around the world to interested audiences.  If you have an interest in hosting one of these, please let us know.  

Another service is our ISCA Training Schools, which can provide local help to graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in speech communication.  These Schools are held on-site over the course of several days.

We also welcome participation in ISCA at higher levels, e.g., as a member of the Board or a member of the Advisory Council.  The Board consists of 14 people selected directly by the votes of all ISCA members.  Our next Board election will occur in early 2015.  Anyone may submit a nomination, which only needs the support of three ISCA members.

The Advisory Council consists of twenty-five senior speech communication researchers who are not members of the Board.  These people advise the Board in many matters, including selection of future sites for Interspeech, Medalists, and other policy issues.

We also invite all ISCA members to view the resources of the ISCA Archive, showing all papers presented at all past ISCA meetings.  To access this Archive or participate at our meetings (e.g., Interspeech), one must register as a member of ISCA.  For that, see our membership page.  There are no formal technical requirements to become a member.

Finally, allow me to remind you that ISCA sponsors travel grants to students to present their papers at international meetings that have ISCA support.

Best regards,
Douglas O'Shaughnessy
ISCA Secretary



2-2Interspeech 2013 abstracts and papers

The abstracts of Interspeech 2013 papers are now accessible on our Website at

 The full text of papers can be reached by the members only on

Wolfgang Hess, ISCA Archivist


2-3Videos of Interspeech conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2007, 2010 and 2011 can be seen. Very soon we will have 
the material for IS 2012 as well.

2-4Distinguished lecturers

ISCA is pleased to announce two new Distinguished Lecturers for 2014-2015, nominated by the ISCA board and selected by the DL committee chaired by Isabel Trancoso and under the supervision of Satoshi Nakamura. Congratulations to Roger Moore and Catherine Best, our two new ISCA DLs! More details on the DL program can be found at ISCA DL website, .



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