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ISCApad #184

Friday, October 11, 2013 by Chris Wellekens

3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2014-09-14) INTERSPEECH 2014 Singapore



It is a great pleasure to announce that the 15th edition of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) will be held in Singapore during September 14-18, 2014. INTERSPEECH 2014 will bring together the community to celebrate the diversity of spoken languages in the vibrant city state of Singapore.  INTERSPEECH 2014 is proudly organized by the Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS), the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).




Ten steps to Singapore


You want to know more about Singapore?


During the next ten months, the organization committee will introduce you to Singaporean culture through a series of brief newsletters featuring topics related to spoken languages in Singapore. Please stay tuned!






Submission deadline:  December 1, 2013


Satellite workshops related to speech and language research will be hosted in Singapore as well as in Phuket Island, Thailand (1 hr 20 min flight from Singapore) and in Penang, Malaysia (1 hr flight from Singapore).


Proposals must be submitted by email to before December 1, 2013. Notification of acceptance and ISCA approval/sponsorship will be announced by January 31, 2014.




Sponsorship and Exhibition


The objective of INTERSPEECH 2014 is to foster scientific exchanges in all aspects of Speech Communication sciences with a special focus on the diversity of spoken languages. We are pleased to invite you to take part in this major event as a sponsor. For more information, view the Sponsorship




Conference venue


INTERSPEECH 2014 main conference will be held in the MAX Atria @ Singapore Expo.






Lists of the organizing, advisory and technical program committees are available on line (here).




Follow us


Facebook: ISCA


Twitter: @Interspeech2014 follow hash tags: #is2014 or #interspeech2014


LinkedIn Interspeech






Conference website:— For general enquiries — For Exhibition & Sponsorship — For Workshops & Satellite Events








3-1-2(2015) INTERSPEECH 2015 Dresden RFA

Interspeech 2015


September 6-10, 2015, Dresden, Germany



Speech Beyond Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal



Speech is the most important biosignal humans can produce and perceive. It is the most common means of human-human communication, and therefore research and development in speech and language are not only paramount for understanding humans, but also to facilitate human-machine interaction. Still, not all characteristics of speech are fully understood, and even fewer are used for developing successful speech and language processing applications. Speech can exploit its full potential only if we consider the characteristics which are beyond the traditional (and still important) linguistic content. These characteristics include other biosignals that are directly accessible to human perception, such as muscle and brain activity, as well as articulatory gestures.



will therefore be organized around the topic “Speech beyond Speech: Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal”. Our conviction is that spoken language processing can make a substantial leap if it caters for the full information which is available in the speech signal. By opening our prestigious conference to researchers in other biosignal communities, we expect that substantial advances can be made discussing ideas and approaches across discipline and community boundaries.



The following preliminary list of principal organizers plan INTERSPEECH 2015:

  • Sebastian Möller, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin (General Chair)
  • Rüdiger Hoffmann, Chair for System Theory and Speech Technology, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Ercan Altinsoy, Chair for Communication Acoustics, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Ute Jekosch, Chair for Communication Acoustics, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Siegfried Kunzmann, European Media Laboratory GmbH, Heidelberg
  • Bernd Möbius, Dept. of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics, Saarland University
  • Hermann Ney, Chair of Computer Science 6, RWTH Aachen
  • Elmar Nöth, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Alexander Raake, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Gerhard Rigoll, Institute of Human-Machine Communication, Technische Universität München
  • Tanja Schultz, Cognitive Systems Lab, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)



The event will be staged in the recently built Maritim International Congress Center (ICD) in Dresden, Germany. As the capital of Saxony, an up-and-coming region located in the former eastern part of Germany, Dresden combines glorious and painful history with a strong dedication to future and technology. It is located in the heart of Europe, easily reached via two airports, and will offer a great deal of history and culture to INTERSPEECH 2015 delegates. Guests are well catered for in a variety of hotels of different standards and price ranges, making INTERSPEECH 2015 an exciting as well as an affordable event.



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Möller, Quality and Usability Lab, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, TU Berlin

Sekr. TEL-18, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, D-10587 Berlin, Germany





3-1-3(2016) INTERSPEECH 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA

Interspeech 2016 will take place

from September 8-12 2016 in San Francisco, CA, USA

General Chair is Nelson Morgan.



3-1-4CfP Speech Technology for the Interspeech App

Call for Proposals

Speech Technology for the Interspeech App

During the past Interspeech conference in Lyon, a mobile application (app) was provided for accessing the conference program, designing personal schedules, inspecting abstracts, full papers and the list of authors, navigating through the conference center, or recommending papers to colleagues. This app was designed by students and researchers of the Quality and Usability Lab, TU Berlin, and will be made available to ISCA and to future conference and workshop organizers free-of-charge. It will also be used for the upcoming Interspeech 2014 in Singapore, and is available under both iOS and Android.

In its current state, the app is limited to mostly touch-based input and graphical output. However, we would like to develop the app into a useful tool for the spoken language community at large, which should include speech input and output capabilities, and potentially full spoken-language and multimodal interaction. The app could also be used for collecting speech data under realistic environmental conditions, for distributing multimedia examples or surveys during the conference, or for other research purposes. In addition, the data which is being collected with the app (mostly interaction usage patterns) could be analyzed further.

The Quality and Usability Lab of TU Berlin would like to invite interested parties to contribute to this development. Contributions could be made by providing ready-built modules (e.g. ASR, TTS, or alike) for integration into the app, by proposing new functionalities which would be of interest to a significant part of the community, and preferably by offering workforce for such future developments.

If you are interested in contributing to this, please send an email with your proposals to

by October 31, 2013. In case that a sufficient number of interested parties can be found, we plan to submit a proposal for a special session around speech technology in mobile applications for the upcoming Interspeech in Singapore.

More information on the current version of the app can be found in: Schleicher, R., Westermann, T., Li, J., Lawitschka, M., Mateev, B., Reichmuth, R., Möller, S. (2013). Design of a Mobile App for Interspeech Conferences: Towards an Open Tool for the Spoken Language Community, in: Proc. 14th Ann. Conf. of the Int. Speech Comm. Assoc. (Interspeech 2013), Aug. 25-29, Lyon.


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