ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2012  »  ISCApad #166  »  Events

ISCApad #166

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 by Chris Wellekens

3 Events
3-1 ISCA Events
3-1-1(2012-09-09) INTERSPEECH 2012 Portland Oregon USA (updated)

                                 REGISTRATION IS OPEN


Interspeech 2012
Join Us for InterSpeech 2012! 
Held in beautiful Portland, Oregon, the InterSpeech 2012 Conference will feature 4 Keynote Speakers, including Chin-Hui Lee, the 2012 ISCA Medalist, Show & Tell Demonstrations, 9 poster sessions, a variety of special sessions, and presentations of the top rated papers. 
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to network with over 1,000 of your colleagues! 
Paper Submission Deadline Approaching
The Call for Papers, Special Sessions, and Show & Tell will be open until  Sunday, April 1, 2012
Important Dates and Deadlines
April 1: Deadline to submit a paper for the Conference, Special Sessions, and Show & Tell
June 8: Notification of paper acceptance
June 16: Grant application deadline
June 22: Camera-ready paper due
June 30: Early registration deadline
August 8: Hotel and standard registration deadline
Rooms at the discounted guest rate are limited! Reserve your room today!
Register early and save!
Eight tutorials will be offered at the 2012 Conference.  Click here to view the schedule. 
A limited number of grants to offset registration and travel costs are available.  Cash awards are possible, too.  Click here for more information.

InterSpeech 2012 c/o Conference Solutions 2545 SW Spring Garden Street, Suite 150 | Portland, OR 97219 US

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3-1-2(2012-09-09) Tutorials and Workshops at Interspeech 2012 Portland OR USA
The organizers of InterSpeech 2012, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 9-13 are
pleased to announce the following Satellite Workshops and Tutorials. The
tutorials will all be held on September 9. Workshop dates are listed with the
individual workshops below:


-- Domain Adaptation in Machine Learning and Speech Recognition
Fei Sha and Brian Kingsbury

-- Topic Models for Acoustic Processing of Speech
    Bhiksha Raj and Paris Smaragdis

-- Voice, Speech and Language Pathology: Biological Basis, Diagnosis and Challenges
    Maria Schuster and Joshua Schindler

-- From Stationary to Adaptive Sinusoidal Modeling of Speech with
     Applications to Speech Technologies and Voice Function Assessment
    Yannis Stylianou

-- Privacy Preserving Speech Processing
    Manas A. Pathak and Bhiksha Raj

-- Computer Assisted Language Learning Systems,
    Tatsuya Kawahara and Nobuaki Minematsu

-- Uncertainty Handling for Environment-Robust Speech Recognition
    R. F. Astudillo, E. Vincent, L. Deng

-- Computational Paralinguistics: Emotion, Affect, and Personality in
    Speech and Language Processing
    Björn Schuller and Anton Batliner



Interdisciplinary Workshop on Feedback Behaviors in Dialog
September 7-8, 2012

September 7-8, 2012


Blizzard Challenge
September 14, 2012

WOCCI - 3rd Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction
September 14-15, 2012

For up-to-date information visit


3-1-3(2013-08-23) INTERSPEECH 2013 Lyon France

Interspeech 2013 Lyon, France 25-29 August 2013 General Chair: Frédéric Bimbot


Poster Interspeech 2013, Lyon France MENSR AFCP INRIA Université de Lyon CNRS Centre des congrès de Lyon Lyon France ISCA


Conference will start in 593days 20h 32m 40s!

Interspeech 2013 will be the 14th annual conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), with a special focus on speech in life science and human societies. It will be held in Lyon, France, from 25 to 29 august 2013. The venue of Interspeech 2013 will be the Congress Center of Lyon.


Interspeech conferences





3-1-4(2014-09-07) INTERSPEECH 2014 Singapore



3-1-5(2015) INTERSPEECH 2015 Dresden RFA

Conference Chair: Sebastian Möller, Technische Universität Berlin


3-1-6Call for ISCA Training Schools

ISCA Training Schools
       There is even a call for the next ISCA Summer School with
deadline April 15th.

Please find details above uner ISCA News.



3-1-7Call for Satellite Workshops Interspeech 2013
Call for Satellite Workshops

Submit a satellite proposal now!  Email:


The Organizing Committee of InterSpeech 2013 invites proposals for satellite workshops at InterSpeech 2013, which will be held in Lyon, FRANCE on 25-29 August 2013. The theme of InterSpeech 2013 is “Speech in life science and human societies'.

The Organizing Committee would be pleased to host various workshops and conferences organized as satellite events of InterSpeech 2013 in order to stimulate research fields and disciplines related to speech and language. If you are interested in organizing a satellite workshop, or would like a planned event to be listed as an official satellite event, please contact

The Satellite Workshop coordinator can also help you to connect with local contacts in different places in France located less than 3 hours from Lyon by train or car (Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Grenoble, Montpellier, Paris, etc.).

Proposals should include:

    * date and suited location of the workshop
    * estimated number of participants
    * a short description of the motivation for the workshop
    * an outline of the program
    * a list of the technical/scientific committee members.


    * Proposals for satellite workshops must be submitted by email to before September 1st 2012.
    * Notification of acceptance and ISCA approval / sponsorship is scheduled for October 30, 2012.

If you have any questions about whether a potential event would be a good candidate for an InterSpeech 2013 satellite workshop feel free to contact the Satellite Workshops Chair.



Laurent Besacier
Satellite Workshops Chair

3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2012-05-22) 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody
6th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2012 May 22-25

3-2-2(2012-05-27) The Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2012), Nanjing, China

The Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2012)

Nanjing, China, May 27-29, 2012


The Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2012) will be held in Nanjing, China during May 27-29, 2012. This will be a long-awaited event following TAL 2004 (Beijing, China) and TAL 2006 (La Rochelle, France). As a satellite meeting of Speech Prosody 2012 (to be held in Shanghai, China during May 22-25, 2012), TAL 2012 will be organized by Nanjing Normal University under the joint supports of the International Speech Communication Association (especially by SProSIG and SIG-CSLP), the International Phonetic Association, the Phonetic Association of China, the Chinese Information Processing Society of China, the Acoustical Society of China, and the Chinese Dialect Society.

The theme of TAL 2012 is ‘Tonal aspects across tone and non-tone languages.’ Following the heritage of the past two symposia, TAL 2012 will continue to focus on tone languages, covering studies of tones from phonetic, phonological, psychological, technological, and pathological points of view; but will also welcome studies on tonal aspects of non-tone languages and singing. In particular, this symposium emphasizes the relationship between phonology and phonetics of tones, the relationship between production and perception of tones, the modeling of tones, and the practical utilization of tonal information in spoken language processing. We will make it a great opportunity for linguists, phoneticians, psychologists, language educators, speech pathologists, and speech engineers from all over the world to get together to share and deepen our understanding of tones.

Nanjing, which literally means ‘South Capital,’ has a prominent status in China’s long history and glorious culture. It had been the capital of China during ten dynasties including early Ming Dynasty and the Republic of China. With its beautiful nature and a variety of traditional architectures and historical sights, Nanjing is one of China’s most attractive cities. The transportation to Nanjing is very convenient. There are direct international flights between Nanjing and some cities in Europe, USA and Asian countries. Also, it takes only about 80-90 minutes to travel by train between Nanjing and Shanghai, where the airline connections to almost all main cities in the world are available.

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers (up to 6 pages and written in English) on original research related to tonal aspects of languages, including but not limited to:

- Phonology and phonetics of tones

- Typology of tones and tone languages

- Tone production and perception

- Tone language acquisition and learning

- Evolution of tones and tone change

- Tone, accent, and intonation

- Tonal variation in continuous speech

- Modeling of tonal aspects of languages

- Speech processing for tone languages

- Tonal processing in speech recognition and synthesis

- Psychological and neural mechanisms of tones

- Pathology and therapy for tonal aspects of languages

- Speech corpus and annotation for tones

- Cross-linguistic study of tone languages and non-tone languages

- Tonal information in forensic phonetics

- Tone in singing and traditional operas

We are also calling for exhibits and financial supports. Donations from corporate, academic, government, and individual sponsors would be greatly appreciated. Your support brings you various benefits as stated in our website.


Important Dates

Special session proposal:            December 20, 2011

Submission of full papers:          February 15, 2012

Notification of acceptance:         March 15, 2012

Camera-ready paper due:           March 25, 2012

Early registration deadline:         March 31, 2012


General Chair: Wentao Gu (Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China)

Contact Email:  


3-2-3(2012-06-04) JEP 2012 Grenoble France



29e Journées d'Études sur la Parole

Grenoble du 4 au 8 juin 2012


Date limite de soumission : 31 janvier 2012

Notification aux auteurs : 20 mars 2012

Date limite de soumission des versions définitives : 15 avril 2012

Conférence : 4-8 juin 2012


Organisée par l'équipe GETALP du LIG (Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble), le LIDILEM (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles) et le département DPC du Gipsa-lab, les JEP'2012 se tiendront du 4 au 8 juin 2012 à Grenoble à l'occasion de la conférence jointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL'2012.

JEP-TALN-RECITAL'2012 regroupe la 29ème édition des Journées d'Étude sur la Parole (JEP'2012), la 19ème édition de la conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'2012) et la 14ème édition des Rencontres des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL'2012).

Pour la quatrième fois, après Nancy en 2002, Fès en 2004, et Avignon en 2008, l'AFCP (Association Francophone pour la Communication Parlée) et l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) organisent conjointement leur principale conférence afin de réunir en un seul lieu les deux communautés du traitement de la langue orale et écrite.

Les JEP'2012 comprendront des communications orales et affichées et des conférences invitées.

Les communications porteront sur la parole dans ses différents aspects. Les thèmes de la conférence incluent, de façon non limitative :

  • Acoustique de la parole
  • Acquisition de la parole et du langage
  • Analyse, codage et compression de la parole
  • Applications à composantes orales (dialogue, indexation, interaction, etc)
  • Apprentissage d'une langue seconde
  • Communication multimodale
  • Dialectologie
  • Évaluation, corpus et ressources
  • Langues en danger
  • Modèles de langage
  • Pathologies de la parole
  • Perception de parole
  • Phonétique et phonologie
  • Phonétique clinique
  • Prises de position présentant un point de vue sur les sciences et technologies de la parole
  • Production de parole
  • Prosodie
  • Psycholinguistique
  • Reconnaissance et compréhension de la parole
  • Reconnaissance de la langue
  • Reconnaissance du locuteur
  • Signaux sociaux, sociophonétique
  • Synthèse de la parole

Critères de Sélection
Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre des travaux de recherche originaux, n'ayant pas fait l'objet de publications antérieures. Les contributions proposées seront examinées par au moins deux spécialistes du domaine. Seront considérées en particulier :

  • l’importance et l’originalité de la contribution ;
  • la discussion critique des résultats, en particulier par rapport aux autres travaux du domaine ;
  • la situation des travaux présentés dans le contexte de la recherche internationale ;
  • l’organisation et la clarté de la présentation ;
  • l’adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence. 

Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence.

Modalités de Soumission

Les articles soumis ne devront pas dépasser 4 pages en Times 10, sur deux colonnes, format A4.

Les différents modèles (Word, Word 2007, OpenOffice Writer et LaTeX) seront disponibles sur le site internet de la conférence (

Contact :

L'AFCP offre un certain nombre de bourses pour les doctorants et jeunes chercheurs désireux de prendre part à la conférence, voir le site de l'AFCP

L'ISCA apporte également un soutien financier aux jeunes chercheurs participant à des manifestations scientifiques sur la parole et le langage, voir le site de l'ISCA


3-2-4(2012-06-04) JEP 2012 Grenoble, France- Invitation to students

Dans le cadre de sa politique d’ouverture internationale, et en
    continuité de l’action lancée lors des JEPs 2004 au Maroc,
    2006 à Dinard, 2008 à Avignon et 2010 à Mons, l’AFCP invite des
    étudiants ou jeunes chercheurs de la communauté
    « Communication Parlée » rattachés à des laboratoires situés hors de
    France, à participer à la conférence JEP 2012
    qui aura lieu conjointement avec TALN
    à Grenoble, France, les 4-8 juin 2012 :

    Cette aide correspond au financement par l'AFCP, des frais de
    transport, d’hébergement et d’inscription pour quelques
    (4 à 5) jeunes chercheurs venus de l’étranger ayant fait acte de
    candidature selon les modalités suivantes.

    Modalités de candidature :

    Tout(e) candidat(e) devra constituer un dossier  (voir fiche jointe
     ou sur le site web AFCP
    comportant :
    • un CV succinct
        - présentant les activités scientifiques du candidat ainsi que
    sa formation universitaire,
        - exposant ses motivations et mettant en valeur les retombées
    attendues d’une participation aux JEP 2012 (1 à 2 pages),
    • une estimation des frais de transport.

    Pour les étudiant(e)s, le dossier devra être accompagné d’une lettre
    de recommandation du directeur de recherche.

    Calendrier :
    • Envoi du dossier par courrier électronique à Isabelle Ferrané et
    Loïc Barrault (,
    avant le vendredi 17 février 2012
    • Décisions d’acceptation rendues pour le vendredi 2 mars 2012
    • 29ièmes Journées d’Etudes sur la Parole du 4 au 8 juin 2012.

    Remarques :
    - La soumission et l’acceptation d’une contribution scientifique aux
    JEPs n’est pas un critère de sélection pour cette invitation
    - Priorité sera donnée aux candidat(e)s venant de pays peu
    représentés aux JEP
    - Pour votre estimation de frais de transport, vous pouvez consulter
    la page du site des JEP 2012 consacrée aux informations pratiques :
    aéroports et liaisons ferroviaires (
    - Un hébergement proche du lieu de la conférence sera proposé aux
    jeunes chercheurs invités.
    - Attention aux délais nécessaires pour l'obtention des visas.


3-2-5(2012-07-05) CfP SIGDIAL 2012 Conference, Seoul, South Korea
SIGDIAL 2012 CONFERENCE:  13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest
Group on Discourse and Dialog
Seoul, South Korea
July 5-6, 2012

Deadline for submissions:  March 26, 2012 GMT-11


The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of
cutting edge research in discourse and dialog to both academic and
industry researchers. Continuing a series of twelve successful
previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest areas
of discourse and dialog. The conference is sponsored by the SIGDIAL
organization (, which serves as the Special
Interest Group on discourse and dialog for both ACL and ISCA.

Topics of Interest

We welcome formal, corpus-based, implementation or analytical work on
discourse and dialog including but not restricted to the following
themes and topics:

1. Discourse Processing and Dialog Systems
2. Corpora, Tools and Methodology
3. Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling
4. Dimensions of Interaction
5. Applications of Dialog and Discourse Processing Technology

For a detailed list of topics of interest, see

Special Theme

Coherence, whether understood as 'general overall interrelatedness' or
'continuity in meaning and context' (Louwerse and Graesser, 2005) is a
topic that spans research on discourse and on dialog and has strong
connections to research on coreference, discourse structure,
dialog/task modeling, natural language generation, etc.  The special
theme for SIGDIAL 2012 is 'characterizing dialog coherence', where
dialog includes multi-party interaction.  We welcome theoretical,
analytical, computational or interdisciplinary submissions on this


The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short
papers, and demo descriptions. All accepted submissions will be
published in the conference proceedings.
    * Long papers will be presented in full plenary presentations.
They must be no longer than 8 pages, including title, content, and
examples. Two additional pages are allowed for references and
appendices which may include extended example discourses or dialogs,
algorithms, graphical representations, etc.
    * Short papers will be featured in short plenary presentations,
followed by posters. They should be no longer than 4 pages.  One
additional page is allowed for references and appendices.
    * Demonstrations will be presented in special sessions, separate
from short paper presentations and poster sessions. Demo descriptions
will appear in a dedicated section of the proceedings and should be no
longer than 3 pages, inclusive of references. To encourage late
breaking demos, demo submissions have a later deadline.

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or
publications must provide this information (see submission format).
SIGDIAL 2012 cannot accept for publication or presentation work that
will be (or has been) published elsewhere, except for demonstrations.
Any questions regarding submissions can be sent to the technical
program co-chairs at program-chairs[at]

Authors are encouraged to submit additional supportive material such
as video clips or sound clips and examples of available resources for
review purposes.

Submission is electronic using paper submission software at:


All long, short, and demo submissions should follow the two-column
ACL-HLT 2012 format. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style
files or Microsoft Word style files tailored for ACL-HLT 2012
conference. Submissions must conform to the official ACL-HLT 2012
style guidelines (, and they
must be electronic in PDF. As in most previous years, submissions will
not be anonymous.


The mentoring service offered last year has been very beneficial. We
will follow the same practice this year. Submissions with innovative
core ideas that may need language (English) or organizational
assistance will be flagged for 'mentoring' and conditionally accepted
with recommendation to revise with a mentor. An experienced mentor who
has previously published in the SIGDIAL venue will then help the
authors of these flagged papers prepare their submissions for
publication. Any questions about the mentoring service can be
addressed to the mentoring service chair, Dr. Kallirroi Georgila, at


In order to recognize significant advancements in dialog and discourse
science and technology, SIGDIAL will recognize two best paper awards.
A selection committee consisting of prominent researchers in the
fields of interest will select the recipients of the awards.


SIGDIAL also offers a number of opportunities for sponsors. For more
information, email Jason Williams, Sponsorship Chair, at

Dialogue and Discourse

SIGDIAL authors are encouraged to submit their research to the journal
Dialogue and Discourse, which is endorsed by SIGDIAL.


Long and Short Papers
 Submission Deadline	March 26, 23:59, GMT-11, 2012
 Paper Notification	May 7, 2012
 Final Paper Due	June 4, 2012

 Submission Deadline	May 14, 2012
 Notification		May 21, 2012
 Final Paper Due	June 4, 2012

Conference   		July 5-6, 2012


For any questions, please contact the appropriate members of the
organizing committee:

General Co-Chairs
Gary Geunbae Lee, POSTECH, South Korea
Jonathan Ginzburg, Universite Paris-Diderot, France

Technical Program Co-Chairs
Claire Gardent, CNRS/LORIA Nancy, France
Amanda Stent, AT&T Labs - Research, USA

Mentoring Chair
Kallirroi Georgila, University of Southern California Institute for
Creative Technologies

Local Chair
Minhwa Chung, Seoul National University

Sponsorships Chair
Jason Williams AT&T Labs - Research, USA

SIGDIAL President
Tim Paek, Microsoft Research, USA

SIGDIAL Vice President
Amanda Stent, AT&T Labs - Research, USA

SIGDIAL Secretary/Treasurer
Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki, Finland

3-2-6(2012-09-09) Special Session at Interspeech 2012 Speech and Audio Analysis of Consumer and Semi-Professional Multimedia

  Special Session at Interspeech 2012

Speech and Audio Analysis of Consumer and Semi-Professional Multimedia



Consumer-grade and semi-professional multimedia material (video) is becoming abundant on the Internet and other online archives. It is easier than ever to download material of any kind. With cell-phones now featuring video recording capability along with broadband connectivity, multimedia material can be recorded and distributed across the world just as easily as text could just a couple of years ago. The easy availability of vast amounts of text gave a huge boost to the Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval research communities, The above-mentioned multimedia material is set to do the same for multi-modal audio and video analysis and generation. We argue that the speech and language research community should embrace that trend, as it would profit vastly from the availability of this material, and has significant own know-how and experience to contribute, which will help shape this field.

Consumer-created (as opposed to broadcast news, “professional style”) multimedia material offers a great opportunity for research on all aspects of human-to-human as well as man-machine interaction, which can be processed offline, but on a much larger scale than is possible in online, controlled experiments. Speech is naturally an important part of these interactions, which can link visual objects, people, and other observations across modalities. Research results will inform future research and development directions in interactive settings, e.g. robotics, interactive agents, etc., and give a significant boost to core (offline) analysis techniques such as robust audio and video processing, speech and language understanding, as well as multimodal fusion.

Large-scale multi-modal analysis of audio-visual material is beginning in a number of multi-site research projects across the world, driven by various communities, such as information retrieval, video search, copyright protection, etc. While each of these have slightly different targets, they are facing largely the same challenges: how to robustly and efficiently process large amounts of data, how to represent and then fuse information across modalities, how to train classifiers and segmenters on un-labeled data, how to include human feedback, etc. Speech, language and audio researchers have considerable interest and experience in these areas, and should be at the core and forefront of this research. To make progress at a useful rate, researchers must be connected in a focused way, and be aware of each other’s work, in order to discuss algorithmic approaches, ideas for evaluation and comparisons across corpora and modalities, training methods with various degrees of supervision, available data sets, etc. Sharing software, databases, research results and projects' descriptions are some of the key elements to success which are at the core of the Speech and Language in Multimedia (SLIM) SIG's objectives.

The special session will serve these goals by bringing together researchers from different fields – speech, but also audio, multimedia – to share experience, resources and foster new research directions and initiatives. Contributions are expected on all aspects of speech and audio processing for multimedia contents: research results but also presentation of ongoing research projects or software, multimedia databases and benchmarking initiatives, etc. A special session, as opposed to a regular session, offers unique opportunities to emphasize interaction between participants with the goal of strengthening and growing the SLIM community. The following format will be adopted: a few selected talks targeting a large audience (e.g., project or dataset descriptions, overview) will open the session, followed by a panel and open discussion on how to develop our community along with poster presentations.

  Assistant Research Professor
  Language Technologies Institute
  School of Computer Science
  Carnegie Mellon University


3-3 Other Events
3-3-1(2012-05-21) CfP 8th LREC Conference and Workshops, Istambul Turkey
The 8th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference will take place in Istanbul (Turkey) on May 21-27, 2012.
More information will be available soon on:
20 workshops are announced in this ISCApad issue but listed at the bottom of the 'Other events' list for editorial  technical reasons. Do not miss to have a look on them!

Submit an Abstract for Oral and Poster presentation:

To submit your abstract, please go to: Your abstract must consist of 1500 to 2000 words (about 3-4 pages; can contain references, tables, figures)  and must be formatted in PDF.
There is no template for the pdf abstract. The template will be made available online for the final papers.  Submissions are NOT anonymous.

In addition to the LRE Map, for LREC2012 we introduce a new feature, the Language Library: it is an experiment of a collaboratively created repository which can be built with a small effort from each of you.

We suggest to submit your abstract and the corresponding LRE Map information as soon as possible. Note that you will be able to revise and re-submit an improved version of the abstract and the Map forms at any time (before the call closure).

Please do not wait until the last moment!


Submit a proposal for Workshop, Tutorial or Panel:

Submission of workshop, tutorial and panel proposals should be made via the LREC2012 conference website. The links for making your submission are the following:

Important Dates:
Submission of proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials: 15 October 2011

Submission of proposals for oral and poster/demo papers: 15 October 2011

Notification of acceptance of panels, workshops and tutorials proposals: 20 November 2011
Notification of acceptance of oral papers, posters: 1 February 2012

Conference: 23 - 24 - 25 May 2012

Pre-conference workshops and tutorials: 21 and 22 May 2012

Post-conference workshops and tutorials: 26 and 27 May 2012

More information on the conference:


3-3-2(2012-05-21) Updated schedule for LREC 2012 workshops and tutorials

The updated schedule for LREC 2012 workshops and tutorials is online:
Many workshops have already issued their 2nd Call for papers and deadlines have been extended.
Please visit the page to find more information on each event, including submission information and deadlines, organizers, invited speakers, etc.

LREC 2012 in Istanbul
Workshops & Tutorials: 21-22 May & 26-27 May 2012
Main conference: 23-24-25 May 2012


3-3-3(2012-06-04) CfP Journées d'étude de la parole à Grenoble, France

APPEL À COMMUNICATIONS JEP'2012 29e Journées d'Études sur la Parole Grenoble du 4 au 8 juin 2012

le site de soumission des JEP est désormais ouvert.
Vous trouverez les consignes aux auteurs sur :
et les liens pour soumettre sont sur

Attention, cette année , les styles présentent des modifications importantes par rapport aux versions des conférences précédentes car ils ont été optimisés pour une lecture à l’écran. Nous souhaitons ainsi réduire l’impact écologique de l’utilisation de nos articles en évitant des impressions dues à un format inadapté.

Par ailleurs, les orateurs invités suivant ont confirmé leur venue à JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012 (titres à venir)

Ian MADDIESON, University of California, Berkeley
Jacqueline LEON, CNRS, Paris
Yoshinori SAGISAKA, University of Waseda, Tokyo
Hans USZKOREIT, DFKI, Saarbrucken


Date limite de soumission : 31 janvier 2012 Notification aux auteurs : 20 mars 2012 Date limite de soumission des versions définitives : 15 avril 2012 Conférence : 4-8 juin 2012


 Organisée par l’équipe GETALP du LIG (Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble), le LIDILEM (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles) et le Gipsa-lab, les JEP’2012 se tiendront du 4 au 8 juin 2012 à Grenoble à l’occasion de la conférence jointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL’2012. JEP-TALN-RECITAL’2012 regroupe la 29ème édition des Journées d’Étude sur la Parole (JEP’2012), la 19ème édition de la conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2012) et la 14ème édition des Rencontres des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL’2012). Pour la quatrième fois, après Nancy en 2002, Fès en 2004, et Avignon en 2008, l’AFCP (Association Francophone pour la Communication Parlée) et l’ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) organisent conjointement leur principale conférence afin de réunir en un seul lieu les deux communautés du traitement de la langue orale et écrite. Les JEP’2012 comprendront des communications orales et affichées et des conférences invitées.

 Thématiques Les communications porteront sur la parole dans ses différents aspects. Les thèmes de la conférence incluent, de façon non limitative : •Acoustique de la parole •Acquisition de la parole et du langage •Analyse, codage et compression de la parole •Applications à composantes orales (dialogue, indexation, interaction, etc) •Apprentissage d’une langue seconde •Communication multimodale •Dialectologie •Évaluation, corpus et ressources •Langues en danger •Modèles de langage •Pathologies de la parole •Perception de parole •Phonétique et phonologie •Phonétique clinique •Prises de position présentant un point de vue sur les sciences et technologies de la parole •Production de parole •Prosodie •Psycholinguistique •Reconnaissance et compréhension de la parole •Reconnaissance de la langue •Reconnaissance du locuteur •Signaux sociaux, sociophonétique •Synthèse de la parole

Critères de Sélection

Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre des travaux de recherche originaux, n’ayant pas fait l’objet de publications antérieures. Les contributions proposées seront examinées par au moins deux spécialistes du domaine. Seront considérées en particulier : •l’importance et l’originalité de la contribution ; •la discussion critique des résultats, en particulier par rapport aux autres travaux du domaine ; •la situation des travaux présentés dans le contexte de la recherche internationale ; •l’organisation et la clarté de la présentation ; •l’adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence. Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence. Modalités de Soumission Les articles soumis ne devront pas dépasser 4 pages en Times 10, sur deux colonnes, format A4. Les différents modèles (Word, Word 2007, OpenOffice Writer et LaTeX) seront disponibles sur le site internet de la conférence (à venir cet automne). Contact :

Bourses L’AFCP offre un certain nombre de bourses pour les doctorants et jeunes chercheurs désireux de prendre part à la conférence, voir le site de l’AFCP L’ISCA apporte également un soutien financier aux jeunes chercheurs participant à des manifestations scientifiques sur la parole et le langage, voir le site de l’ISCA


3-3-4(2012-06-04)CfP 19e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles
19e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles
Grenoble du 4 au 8 juin 2012
- Articles LONGs :
    - Date limite de soumission : 24 janvier 2012
    - Notification aux auteurs : 1 mars 2012
    - Date limite de soumission des versions définitives : 15 avril 2012
- Articles COURTs et Démonstrations :
    - Date limite de soumission : 15 mars 2012
    - Notification aux auteurs : 15 avril 2012
    - Date limite de soumission des versions définitives : 20 avril 2012
Organisée par l'équipe GETALP du LIG (Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble), le LIDILEM (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles) et le département DPC du Gipsa-lab, la conférence TALN'2012 se tiendra du 4 au 8 juin 2012 à Grenoble à l'occasion de la conférence jointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL'2012.
JEP-TALN-RECITAL'2012 regroupe la 29ème édition des Journées d'Étude sur la Parole (JEP'2012), la 19ème édition de la conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'2012) et la 14ème édition des Rencontres des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RECITAL'2012).
Pour la quatrième fois, après Nancy en 2002, Fès en 2004, et Avignon en 2008, l'AFCP (Association Francophone pour la Communication Parlée) et l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) organisent conjointement leur principale conférence afin de réunir en un seul lieu les deux communautés du traitement de la langue orale et écrite.
La conférence TALN'2012 comprendra des communications orales et affichées, des conférences invitées et des ateliers.
La langue officielle de la conférence est le français. Les communications en anglais sont acceptées pour les participants non-francophones.
Deux formats de communications sont prévus : les articles longs (de 10 à 12 pages) et les articles courts (de 4 à 6 pages).
Les auteurs sont invités à présenter deux types de communications :
- des articles présentant des travaux de recherche originaux,
- des prises de position présentant un point de vue sur l'état des recherches en TAL (traitement automatique de la langue), fondées sur une solide expérience du domaine.
Les articles longs seront présentés sous forme de communication orale, les articles courts sous forme de poster.
Les communications pourront porter sur tous les thèmes habituels du TAL, incluant, de façon non limitative :
- Analyse et génération dans les domaines suivants :
     - Phonétique
     - Phonologie
     - Morphologie
     - Syntaxe
     - Sémantique
     - Discours
- Développement de ressources linguistiques pour le TAL :
     - Bases de données comportant des informations morphologiques, syntaxiques, sémantiques, et/ou phonologiques
     - Grammaires
     - Lexiques
     - Ontologies
     - Linguistique de corpus
- Applications du TAL :
     - Analyse de sentiments ou d'opinions
     - Catégorisation ou classification automatique
     - Désambiguïsation lexicale
     - Dialogue homme-machine en langage naturel
     - Enseignement assisté par ordinateur
     - Indexation automatique
     - Recherche et extraction d'information
     - Résumé automatique
     - Résolution d'anaphores
     - Systèmes de question-réponse
     - Traduction automatique
     - Web sémantique
- Approches:
     - Linguistiques formelles destinées à soutenir les traitements automatiques
     - Symboliques
     - Logiques
     - Statistiques
     - Basées sur l'apprentissage automatique
-Prises de position présentant un point de vue sur le TAL
Les soumissions seront examinées par au moins deux spécialistes du domaine.
Pour les travaux de recherches, seront considérées en particulier :
     - l'adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence. 
     - l'importance et l'originalité de la contribution,
     - la correction du contenu scientifique et technique,
     - la discussion critique des résultats, en particulier par rapport aux autres travaux du domaine,
     - la situation des travaux dans le contexte de la recherche internationale,
     - l'organisation et la clarté de la présentation,
Pour les prises de position, seront privilégiées :
     - la largeur de vue et la prise en compte de l'état de l'art,
     - l'originalité et l'impact du point de vue présenté.
Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence.
Le comité de programme sélectionnera parmi les communications acceptées un article (prix TALN) pour recommandation à publication (dans une version étendue) dans la revue Traitement Automatique des Langues (Revue TAL).
Les articles seront rédigés en français pour les francophones, en anglais pour ceux qui ne maîtrisent pas le français.
Une feuille de style LaTeX et un modèle Word seront disponibles sur le site web (à venir) de la conférence.

3-3-5(2012-06-06) International Symposium on Audiovisual Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training (IS ADEPT)

Invitation to and call for papers for the

International Symposium on Audiovisual Detection of Errors in
Pronunciation Training (IS ADEPT)

KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
6-8 June 2012

This symposium is a one-time event endorsed by SLaTE (the ISCA Special
Interest Group on Speech and Language Technologies in Education) and
organized to bring together academia and industry within the field of
Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT). Its aim is to reach a
common understanding of the current state-of-the-art in methods for
pronunciation error analysis and their use in CAPT software in order
to identify the needs and paths for future research.

Keynote speakers
Lewis Johnson, Chief scientist at Alelo Inc.
Gary Pelton, Vice President, Speech Development at Rosetta Stone
Horacio Franco, Speech Technology & Research Laboratory SRI International
Gary Pelton, Vice President Carnegie Speech
Helmer Strik, Radboud University Nijmegen
Silke Witt-Ehsani, Vice President, TuVox Design Center
Florian Hoenig, University of Erlangen

The invited speakers will give presentations focusing on overviews of
automatic pronunciation detection methods in commercial applications
and research projects, ongoing development of pronunciation analysis
algorithms, and the pedagogical or pragmatic needs in future
The symposium program will also include regular scientific
presentations, a demo session, panel discussion plus a social program
(included common lunches, symposium dinner and guided visit to the
Stockholm City Hall).

Paper submissions
Prospective participants should submit a full 4 or 6 page paper, or a
1 page demo proposal.

Important Dates
Paper Submission: 15 February 2012
Notification of Acceptance: 13 April 2012
Demo description Submission: 13 April 2012
Camera-Ready Paper: 4 May 2012
Early registration Deadline: 4 May 2012

3-3-6(2012-06-08) Appel pour ateliers et tutoriels TALN France
Appel pour ateliers et tutoriels


Un atelier porte sur une thématique particulière de TALN afin de
rassembler quelques exposés plus ciblés. Il a son propre président et
son propre comité de programme. Le responsable d'un atelier est chargé
de l'appel à candidatures et de la coordination de son comité de
programme. Les organisateurs de TALN ne s'occuperont que de la partie
matérielle (gestion des salles, pauses café, déjeuner et diffusion des
actes). Les ateliers et tutoriels auront lieu en parallèle sur une
journée ou une demi-journée (2 à 4 sessions de 1h30).


Les propositions d'ateliers et tutoriels seront envoyées sous forme
électronique à ou à au plus tard le 24 janvier 2012.

Les propositions d'ateliers comprendront une description synthétique (1
page) de la thématique de la conférence ainsi que son comité de
programme et la durée souhaitée.

Les propositions de tutoriel comprendront une description synthétique (1
page) de la thématique, les noms des intervenants ainsi que la durée
souhaitée (1 à 2 sessions de 1h30).

Le comité de programme de TALN choisira parmi toutes les propositions et
donnera sa réponse au plus tard le 6 février 2012.


  * Date limite de soumission : 24 janvier 2012
  * Réponse du comité de programme : 6 février 2012
  * Version finale pour actes: 15 avril 2012
  * Date des ateliers et tutoriels: 8 juin 2012


Les conférences auront lieu en français (ou en anglais pour les
non-francophones). Les articles devront suivre le format de TALN et ne
pas dépasser 10 pages en Times 12, espacement simple, figures, exemples
et références compris.
Message diffuse par la liste Langage Naturel <>
Informations, abonnement :
English version       : 
Archives                 :

La liste LN est parrainee par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement
Automatique des Langues)
Information et adhesion  :

3-3-7(2012-06-08) Workshop of NAACL-HLT 2012 on 'Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT. '
 NAACL-HLT 2012 workshop is 'Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model?
On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT. '
The details of our workshop are given on our web page

3-3-8(2012-06-10) APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2012, Hollywood, CA
APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2012 (
Hollywood, California, USA, December 3-6, 2012 
Paper submission Deadline: June 10, 2012
Important Dates:
Submission of Proposals for Special Sessions, Forum, Panel & Tutorial Sessions: May 10, 2012
Submission of Full and Short Papers: June 10, 2012 
Submission of Papers in Special Sessions: July 10, 2012 
Notification of Papers Acceptance: Aug. 30, 2012 
Submission of Camera Ready Papers: Sep. 30, 2012

Welcome to the APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) 2012 located in Hollywood, California. Hollywood is home to the stars and to some of the most recognizable attractions in the world. APSIPA ASC 2012 will be the 4th annual conference organized by Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA). Founded in 2009, APSIPA aims to promote research and education on signal processing, information technology and communications. The annual conference was previously held in Japan (2009), Singapore (2010) and China (2011). 

The regular technical program tracks and topics of interest include (but not limited to):

1.   Biomedical Signal Processing and Systems (BioSPS) 
1.1 Biomedical Imaging 
1.2 Modeling and Processing of Physiological Signals (EKG, MEG, EKG, EMG, etc) 
1.3 Biologically-inspired Signal Processing 
1.4 Medical Informatics and Healthcare Systems 
1.5 Genomic and Proteomic Signal Processing 
2.  Signal Processing Systems: Design and Implementation (SPS) 
2.1 Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems 
2.2 VLSI Systems and Applications 
2.3 Embedded Systems 
2.4 Video Processing and Coding 
2.5 Signal Processing Systems for Data Communication 

3.  Image, Video, and Multimedia (IVM) 
3.1 Image/video Coding 
3.2 3D image/video Processing 
3.3 Image/video Segmentation and Recognition 
3.4 Multimedia Indexing, Search and Retrieval
3.5 Image/video Forensics, Security and Human Biometrics 
3.6 Graphics and Animation 
3.7 Multimedia Systems and Applications 

4.  Speech, Language, and Audio (SLA) 
4.1 Speech Processing: Analysis, Coding, Synthesis, Recognition and Understanding 
4.2 Natural Language Processing: Translation, Information Retrieval, Dialogue 
4.3 Audio Processing: Coding, Source Separation, Echo Cancellation, Noise Suppression 
4.4 Music Processing  

5.  Signal and Information Processing Theory and Methods (SIPTM) 
5.1 Signal Representation, Transforms and Fast Algorithms 
5.2 Time Frequency and Time Scale Signal Analysis 
5.3 Digital Filters and Filter Banks 
5.4 DSP Architecture 
5.5 Statistical Signal Processing 
5.6 Adaptive Systems and Active Noise Control 
5.7 Sparse Signal Processing 
5.8 Signal Processing for Communications 
5.9 Signal Processing for Energy Systems 
5.10 Signal Processing for Emerging Applications 

6.  Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) 
6.1 Wireless Communications: Physical Layer 
6.2 Wireless Communications and Networking: Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, MAC, Wireless Routing and Cross-layer Design 
6.3 Wireless Networking: Access Network and Core Network 
6.4 Security and Cryptography 
6.5 Devices and Hardware  

Submission of Papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit either full papers, up to 10 pages in length, or short papers up to 4 pages in length, where full papers will be for the single-track oral presentation and short papers will be mostly for poster presentation. The conference proceedings of the main conference will be published, available and maintained at the APSIPA website. The proceedings will be indexed by EI Compendex.
Tutorial Proposals:
Tutorials will be held on Monday, December 3, 2012. Proposals must include title, outline, contact and biography information of the presenter, and a short description of the material to be distributed.

Special Session Proposals:
Proposals must provide title, rationale, contact and biography information of the organizers, and a list of invited papers with tentative title and abstract.

Awards will be given to a number of papers with best quality. More information can be found at conference website 

Look forward to seeing you in Hollywood!

General Chairs: 
C.-C. Jay Kuo, Shrikanth Narayanan and Antonio Ortega
University of Southern California

3-3-9(2012-06-15) CfP XVèmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (French)- Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3

École Doctorale 268 « Langage et langues : description, théorisation, transmission »

XVèmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs

Date limite de soumission reportée au 10 mars.

Créées en 1998, les Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs de l'École Doctorale « Langage et langues» (ED 268, Université Paris III) offrent la possibilité aux jeunes chercheurs inscrits en Doctorat ou en Master Recherche de présenter leurs travaux sous forme de communication orale ou de poster.


Au carrefour des disciplines :
Inter - et transdisciplinarité dans les sciences du langage

On assiste depuis la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle à un processus de fragmentation des savoirs, à la fois scientifique et politique, qui a contribué à construire le paysage actuel de la recherche. De nouvelles disciplines, telles que la psychologie ou la sociologie, se sont institutionnalisées. Dans le même temps, les différents domaines du savoir ont connu une spécialisation grandissante, tant dans le champ des sciences humaines que dans les autres sciences. Depuis quelques années, un sentiment de « crise d'identité » (Bouvier, 2004) des disciplines se manifeste par le nombre croissant de programmes de recherche qui visent à promouvoir la collaboration ou la confrontation de différentes spécialités, afin d'étudier les phénomènes dans leur globalité.

L'étude des faits de langue requiert une multiplication des points de vue (étude du son, de la structure, du sens, etc.) et des emprunts à la logique, aux sciences cognitives, à l'anthropologie, à l'histoire, etc. Ainsi, les sciences du langage se révèlent emblématiques de ces échanges entre les domaines du savoir.

S'intéresser aux rapports entre disciplines implique de s'interroger sur la notion de « discipline » elle-même, d'analyser les relations d'englobement (« sous-disciplines », « composantes ») et les délimitations internes d'une discipline donnée. On ne peut circonscrire une discipline sans faire appel à des critères à la fois épistémologiques (définition de l'objet d'étude, méthodologie, formulation d'un ensemble d'explications cohérentes, etc.), sociaux et historiques (institutionnalisation).

Il faut également définir quels sont les modes d'interactions possibles entre les disciplines. À la suite de Frédéric Darbellay (2005) et de Patrick Charaudeau (2010), nous en distinguons trois : la « pluridisciplinarité », l'« interdisciplinarité » et la « transdisciplinarité ». Est « pluridisciplinaire » une démarche de recherche dans laquelle chaque discipline conserve son autonomie, ses méthodes et ses outils ; il s'agit « d'une juxtaposition de points de vue qui apportent chacun une connaissance particulière sur le phénomène étudié » (Charaudeau, 2010). Est « interdisciplinaire » une approche qui s'efforce de faire dialoguer plusieurs disciplines sur un même thème, cherchant ainsi à « établir de véritables connexions entre concepts, outils d'analyse et modes d'interprétation » (ibid.). Enfin, est « transdisciplinaire » une démarche qui transcende les disciplines, réalisant une « intégration des savoirs [...] de telle sorte qu'émerge un discours sui generis construisant son propre lieu de pensée » (ibid.).


L'inter- et la transdisciplinarité ne se résument pas à un simple phénomène de « mode intellectuelle ». On peut les envisager comme un « principe de précaution » permettant de mettre à distance « les visions et les divisions du travail scientifique que les disciplines imposent ». Ainsi que le rappellent Nicolas Freymond et al. (2003) : « oublier que c'est le point de vue qui crée l'objet conduit à enfermer la pratique scientifique dans des limites qui ne jouissent d'aucune pertinence théorique ». Le recours critique à plusieurs (sous-)disciplines ou courants disciplinaires paraît donc nécessaire.

Dans cette perspective, les RJC 2012 invitent les participants à réfléchir aux possibilités d'échange (de concepts, de méthodes, de résultats, etc.), de confrontation, voire de fusion, entre différentes spécialités. Nous retiendrons en particulier les communications qui s'intéressent aux questions suivantes :

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une « discipline » ? Quelles sont les relations entre « disciplines » et « savoirs » ? Comment les disciplines et sous-disciplines actuelles se sont-elles constituées historiquement ?
  • Quelles ont été les évolutions socio-historiques des théories et pratiques de l'inter- et de la transdisciplinarité ?
  • La monodisciplinarité est-elle encore possible dans les sciences du langage ?
  • Quelles perspectives offrent les recherches inter- et transdisciplinaires ?
  • Quels sont les risques du décloisonnement ? Quelles en sont les limites et les contraintes ?
  • Quelles passerelles peut-on réellement établir entre les disciplines ?
  • Comment les différentes spécialités se positionnent-elles par rapport aux échanges inter- et transdisciplinaires ?
  • Comment l'interdisciplinarité se construit-elle au sein des équipes de recherche ?

Bibliographie sélective

  • BOUTET, Josiane & MAINGUENEAU, Dominique (2005) « Approches interdisciplinaires des pratiques langagières et discursives », Langage et société, 114, Paris, MSH.
  • BOUVIER, Pierre (2004) « Interdisciplinarité, monodisciplinarité, transdisciplinarité » [en ligne], Socio-anthropologie, 14, URL :
  • CHARAUDEAU, Patrick (2010) « Pour une interdisciplinarité focalisée'' dans les sciences humaines et sociales » [en ligne], Questions de Communication, 17, URL :
  • CHISS, Jean-Louis & PUECH, Christian (1999) Le Langage et ses disciplines, Paris, Duculot.
  • DARBELLAY, Frédéric (2005) Interdisciplinarité et trans-disciplinarité en analyse des discours. Complexité des textes, intertextualité et transtextualité, Genève, Slatkine.
  • FREYMOND, Nicolas et al. (2003) « Ce qui donne sens à l'interdisciplinarité » [en ligne], A contrario, 1, URL :
  • KOURILSKY, François (dir.) (1990) Carrefour des sciences, Actes du colloque du CNRS « Inter-disciplinarité », Paris, Éditions du CNRS.
  • ORRIGI, Gloria & DARBELLAY, Frédéric (dir.) (2010) Repenser l'interdisciplinarité, Genève, Slatkine.
  • RAMADIER, Thierry (2011) « L'interdisciplinarité au service de la complexité » [en ligne], Articulo - Journal of Urban Research, Book Reviews, URL :

Conférenciers invités :
Dan SAVATOVSKY - Professeur, Université de Bourgogne


Comité Scientifique :
Violaine BIGOT
, Maria CANDEA, Francine CICUREL, Jeanne-Marie DEBAISIEUX, Cécile FOUGERON, Jean-Marie FOURNIER, Emmanuel FRAISSE, Florentina FREDET, Cédric GENDROT, Kim GERDES, Daniel GILE, Luca GRECO, Jean-Patrick GUILLAUME, Pierre HALLÉ, S-tõõg-nooma Kkka KABORE, Dominique KLINGLER, Marie-Christine LALA, Florence LEFEUVRE, Jean-Léo LÉONARD, Marc-Antoine MAHIEU, Aliyah MORGENSTERN, Jean-Paul NARCY-COMBES, Gilles PHILIPPE, Claire PILLOT-LOISEAU, Konstantin POZDNIAKOV, Christian PUECH, Nicolas QUINT, Sandrine REBOUL-TOURÉ, Annie RIALLAND, Rachid RIDOUANE, Anne SALAZAR ORVIG, Pollet SAMVELIAN, Dan SAVATOVSKY, Jacqueline VAISSIÈRE, Daniel VÉRONIQUE, Martine VERTALIER


Comité d'Organisation :
Marion CARNIS, Alejandro DIAZ VILLALBA, Aurélia ELALOUF, Raphaëlle FOUILLET, Jiayin GAO, Maximilien GUÉRIN, Marine LE MENÉ, Laura NICOLAS, Marie REETZ, Marie RIVIÈRE, Camille SIMON, Marie VIAIN


Le colloque est ouvert à tous : masterants, doctorants, chercheurs...
Entrée libre en fonction des places disponibles.
Une attestation de présence sera remise aux participants


Les propositions de communication orale se feront en police Times New Roman 12, interligne simple, sous forme d'un résumé de 1000 mots au maximum (références incluses) et les propositions de poster sous forme d'un résumé de 500 mots au maximum (références incluses). Dans le cas de transcriptions phonétiques, veuillez utiliser la police SILDoulos téléchargeable ici.

Les propositions sont à envoyer au Comité d'Organisation par courriel ( en double exemplaire au format .rtf : le premier sera nommé « anon_nom-de-l-auteur_rjc2012.
rtf » (par exemple « anon_DUPONT_rjc2012.rtf ») et contiendra :

Le titre
5 mots-clés
La ou les discipline(s)
Le résumé
Le type de présentation (communication orale ou poster)

Le second nommé « nom-de-l-auteur_rjc2012.rtf » (par exemple « DUPONT_rjc2012.rtf ») devra comporter les informations suivantes, en plus des précédentes :

Les coordonnées (nom, prénom, courriel et adresse postale)
L'affiliation (nom de l'université, nom du laboratoire)
Le niveau d'études (master / doctorat / post-doc ; préciser le nombre d'années pour le doctorat)
Le directeur de recherche

Une seule soumission par participant sera examinée.

Les communications orales et les posters pourront se faire en anglais ou en français. La durée de la communication est fixée à 20 minutes + 10 minutes de discussion.

Contact et soumission:
Date limite pour les soumissions : 15 février 2012
Notification et début des inscriptions : 30 mars 2012
Date limite pour les inscriptions et le dépôt du résumé : 15 avril 2012
Colloque : 15 & 16 juin 2012

3-3-10(2012-06-18) 19th International ECSE Summer School in Novel Computing , JOENSUU, FINLAND

19th International ECSE Summer School in Novel Computing
June 18-21, 2012, JOENSUU, FINLAND

Registration deadline: May 31, 2012

University of Eastern Finland (UEF) announces the 19th
International ECSE Summer School in Novel Computing:

The summer school includes two parallel tracks:

Course 1:     Recent Advances in Probabilistic Modeling for Pattern Recognition
Lecturer:     Dr. PATRICK KENNY, Lead researcher, CRIM, Montreal, Canada

Course 2:     Social Computing
Lecturer:     Dr. ROSTA FARZAN, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

By participating to the lectures, the course participants earn two credit points (2 ECTS) according to the European credit transfer system. Upon successful participation, each participants will be given a printed course certificate.

In addition to high-quality lectures, the summer school offers an
inspiring learning environment and relaxed social program, in the middle of
North Carelia region. Experience the unique Finnish midsummer with lakeside
sauna and the nearly 'nightless night'.

With approximately 15000 students and 2800 members of staff, the University of
Eastern Finland is one of the largest universities in Finland. The university
has campuses in Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna. The university has extensive
international relations and it is involved in several international networks.
The university's teaching and research staff and students are active in
participating in various mobility programmes.

The summer school is organized by the School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland ( The research areas of the department include intelligent media computing (speech & image processing, color research and computational intelligence), information systems and software quality, interactive technologies and educational technology.



Any questions about the individual courses can be directed to:

Pattern recognition:    Dr. Tomi Kinnunen (
Social Computing:       Dr. Roman Bednarik (
General inquiries:      Prof. Pasi Fränti (

See you in Joensuu!


3-3-11(2012-06-25) 2012 Summer Workshop on Language Engineering,Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
 Johns Hopkins University
 Center for Language and Speech Processing
   2012 Summer Workshop on Language Engineering
One-page proposals are invited for the 18th annual JHU summer workshop. Proposals should aim to advance the state of the art in any of the various fields of Human Language Technology (HLT) or of related areas of Machine Intelligence, such as Computer Vision (CV).
Proposal Submission .................................................... October 24, 2011
Preliminary Review Notification .................................... November 1, 2011
Invitations to Review Meeting ....................................... November 1-4, 2011
Main Planning Meeting ................................................. December 2-4, 2011
Workshop Dates ........................................................... June 25 - August 7, 2012
Proposals are welcome (via e-mail to on any topic of interest to HLT, CV and technically related areas.  For example, proposals may address novel topics or long-standing problems in one of the following areas.
SPEECH TECHNOLOGY:  Proposals are welcomed that address any aspect of information extraction from speech signal (message, speaker identity, language,...). Of particular interest are proposals for techniques whose performance would be minimally degraded by input signal variations, or which require minimal amounts of training data.
NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: Proposals for knowledge discovery from text are encouraged, as are proposals in traditional fields such as parsing, machine translation, information extraction, sentiment analysis, summarization, and question answering.  Proposals to improve the accuracy or to enrich the output of such systems, or extend their reach by improving their speed, scalability, and coverage of languages and genres are desired.
VISUAL SCENE INTERPRETATION: New strategies are needed to parse visual scenes or generic (novel) objects, analyzing an image as a set of spatially related components.  Such strategies may integrate global top-down knowledge of scene structure (e.g., generative models) with the kind of rich bottom-up, learned image features that have recently become popular for object detection.  They will support both learning and efficient search for the best analysis.
TASK-BASED EVALUATION METHODS: Different tasks that utilize human language technology impose different types of demands on the technology and require different levels of performance.  Proposals are solicited that address task-based evaluation of functionality as well as usability of various technologies such as speech transcription, spoken term detection, information extraction, machine translation, and text, image and video retrieval.
Research topics selected for investigation by teams in past workshops may serve as good examples for prospective proposers (
An independent panel of experts will screen all received proposals for suitability. Results of this screening will be communicated by November 1, 2011. Authors passing this initial screening will be invited to an interactive peer-review meeting in Baltimore on December 2-4, 2011.  It is expected that the proposals will be revised at this meeting to address any outstanding concerns or new ideas.  Two to three research topics and the teams to tackle them will be selected at this meeting for the 2012 workshop.
We attempt to bring the best researchers to the workshop to collaboratively pursue the selected topics for six weeks.  Authors of successful proposals typically become the team leaders.  Each topic brings together a diverse team of researchers and students.  The senior participants come from academia, industry and government.  Graduate student participants familiar with the field are selected in accordance with their demonstrated performance. Undergraduate participants, selected through a national search, are rising star seniors: new to the field and showing outstanding academic promise.
If you are interested in participating in the 2012 Summer Workshop we ask that you submit a one-page research proposal for consideration, detailing the problem to be addressed.  If your proposal passes the initial screening, we will invite you to join us for the December 2-4 meeting in Baltimore (as our guest) for further discussions aimed at consensus.
If a topic in your area of interest is chosen as one of the topics to be pursued next summer, we expect you to be available for participation in the six-week workshop. We are not asking for an ironclad commitment at this juncture, just a good faith understanding that if a project in your area of interest is chosen, you will actively pursue it.  We in turn will make a good faith effort to accommodate any personal/logistical needs to make your six-week participation possible.
Proposals should be submitted via e-mail to by 4PM EST on Mon, October 24, 2011.

3-3-12(2012-06-27) CfP 10th International Workshop On Content –Based Multimedia Indexing, University of Savoie France


the submission date for CBMI'2012 has been extended to February 20th, 2012


********10th International Workshop On Content –Based Multimedia Indexing******
Call for papers

Following the nine successful previous events of CBMI (Toulouse 1999, Brescia 2001, Rennes
2003, Riga 2005, Bordeaux 2007, London 2008, Chania 2009, Grenoble 2010 and Madrid
2011), LISTIC University of Savoy/CNRS will organize the next Context Based Multimedia
Indexing event on June 27-29 2012 10th.

 International Workshop CBMI 2012 aims at bringing together the various communities
involved in the different aspects of content-based multimedia indexing, retrieval, browsing
and presentation. The scientific program of CBMI 2011 will include invited keynote talks and
regular and special sessions with contributed research papers. Best papers will be published
in a special issue of ACM Multimedia tools and Applications, Springer. The Workshop is supported by IEEE,
French national Research network GDR-CNRS ISIS, Rhône-Alpes Region. ACM SIGMM and Eurasip supports are pending.

Technical Program:
Topics of interest, grouped in technical tracks, include, but are not limited to:   
      * Visual Indexing (image, video, graphics)
      * Visual content extraction Identification and tracking of semantic regions
      * Identification of semantic events   
      * Audio and Multi-modal Indexing
      * Audio indexing (audio, speech, music)
      * Audio content extraction
      * Multi-modal and cross-modal indexing
      * Metadata generation, coding and transformation   
      * Multimedia Information Retrieval (image, audio, video, …)
      * Matching and similarity search
      * Content-based search
      * Multimedia data mining
      * Multimedia recommendation
      * Large scale multimedia database management
      * Multimedia Browsing and Presentation
      * Summarisation, browsing and organization of multimedia content
      * Personalization and content adaptation
      * User interaction and relevance feedback
      * Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools

All accepted and registered papers will be published in the workshop proceedings which will
be indexed and distributed by the IEEExplore. Selected papers will appear, after extension
and peer-review, in a special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal.

Paper submission:
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of not more than six (6) pages including
results, figures and references. Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission
through conference management system. Style files (Latex and Word) will be provided for
the convenience of the authors at

Important dates:
      * Submission of full paper (to be received by): January 13, 2012
      * Notification of acceptance: February 27, 2011
      * Submission of camera-ready papers: March 12, 2011

General chair: Patrick Lambert, LISTIC, Polytech de Savoie Technical
Technical Program chair: Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva
Technical Program co-chair: Shin’ichi Satoh, NII, Japan
Special Session chair: Philippe Joly, IRIT, France
Publicity chair: Jenny Benois-Pineau, LABRI, University of Bordeaux, France
Publication chair: Alexandre Benoit, University of Savoie, France
Demo chair: Sid-Ahmed Berrani, Orange Labs, France
ACM SIGMM liaison officer: Suzanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany

Steering committee:
Régine André-Obrecht, IRIT, France
Jenny Benois-Pineau, LABRI, University of Bordeaux, France
Chabane Djeraba, LIFL, France Moncef Gabbouj, University of Tampere, Finland
Patrick Gros, INRIA, France
Ebroul Izquierdo, QMUL, UK
Philippe Joly, IRIT, France
Riccardo Leonardi, University of Brescia, Italy
Bernard Merialdo, EURECOM, France
Georges Quénot, LIG, France
Thomas Sikora, TUB, Germany

Special issue:
Extended communications will be published in a special issue of an open call of ACM
Multimedia Tools and Applications journal, Springer after peer-review.

Cultural program:
The cultural program will be devoted to the history of media production and will comprise a
visit to the French museum of cartoons and a cruise at a historical lake of Annecy with finest
testing of traditional French cuisine.



3-3-13(2012-07-02) eNTERFACE'12 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Supelec, Metz, France
The 8th International Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces; July 2nd - July 27th, 2012; Supélec (Metz, France) After the previous workshops, held in Mons (Belgium), Dubrovnik (Croatia), Istanbul (Turkey), Paris (France), Genova (Switzerland), Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Plzen (Czech Republic) which had an impressive success record and had proven the viability and usefulness of this original workshop, the 8th editionwill take place in Supélec (Metz, France). eNTERFACE workshops aims at establishing a tradition of collaborative, localized research and development work by gathering, in a single place, a team of senior project leaders in multimodal interfaces, researchers, and (undergraduate) students, to work on a pre-specified list of challenges, for 4 weeks. Participants are organized in teams, attached to specific projects, working on free software. Each week will typically consist of working sessions by the teams on their respective projects plus a tutorial given by an invited senior researcher and a presentation of the results achieved by each project group. The last week will be devoted to writing an article on the results obtained by the teams plus a big session where all the groups will present their achievements. This year, participants will be provided with an especially great technical infrastructure, the SmartRoom. In addition to basic network infrastructure and internet access, robots (Nao, Parrot drone, Koala, Rovio and Bioloid), multimedia devices (2d and 3d cameras, Kinect, array of microphones and even an holophonic room) and sensors (brain computer interfaces, eyetrackers and some biomedical sensors) will be available for the projects. For more details, see the website. The eNTERFACE'12 committee now invites researchers to submit project proposals that will be evaluated by the scientific committee. All the informations asked to submit a project are available on the website of the workshop ( ). The proposals should contain a full description of the project's objectives, required hardwares/softwares and relevant literatures. When submitting a project proposal, a list of potential candidates can be proposed by the authors. Although not exhaustive, the submitted projects can cover one or several of the topics listed below. A special focus ismade this year on human-robot and human-environment interaction. Topics : - Embodied agents - Human-robot and human-environments interactions in smart environments - Multimodal signal analysis and synthesis - Signal-level and meaning-level data fusion - Multimodal conversational systems - Intuitive interfaces and personalized systems in real and virtual environments - User, context and semantics aware self-learning and adapting systems - Innovative modalities and modalities conversion - Applications of Multimodal Interfaces Important dates : * December 17th, 2011 Reception of a 1 page Notification of Interest, with a summary of project goals, work-packages, and deliverables * January 28th, 2012 Reception of the complete project proposal in the format provided in the guidelines * February 18th, 2012 Notification of project acceptance, publication of the Call for Participation * April 1st, 2012 Closing of the Call for Participation * April 15th, 2012 Publication of the teams * July 2nd - July 27th, 2012 eNTERFACE'12 Workshop Website of the workshop : Send correspondence to :

3-3-14(2012-07-05) CfP QoMEX 2012 Australia
QoMEX is QUALINETs' flagship scientific event and I'd like to draw your attention to the following topic (among others as part of the CfP [1]):

Standardization Activities in Multimedia Quality Evaluation: Benchmarking efforts, multimedia databases/ datasets of various modalities (speech, audio, video, sensory, etc.) and fidelities (quality, bitrate, etc.), testing conditions and methods, new objective metrics and models for upcoming standards.

Authors of databases/datasets of different sorts accepted for publication will receive:
 - Dataset hosting as part of COST IC1003 QUALINET [2].
 - Citable publication as part of the QoMEX proceedings.

Datasets shall be appropriately anonymized and will be evaluated by the program committee on the basis of the collection methodology and the value of the dataset as a resource for the research community.

Submission guidelines are the same as for regular papers, see QoMEX'12 authors' paper kit for details [3].
Important Dates
 *) Submission deadline: February 14, 2012
 *) Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2012
 *) Camera ready submission: May 14, 2012
 *) Author registration deadline: May 30th, 2012

Best regards,
(TPC Co-Chair of QoMEX'12 & Chair of QUALINET WG4 Databases and Validation)

:- Dr. Christian Timmerer
:- Ass.-Prof., Multimedia Communication, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


3-3-15(2012-07-16) CfP Third 2012 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing Shanghai China
Third 2012 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing
July 16-18, 2012, Shanghai, China
This IEEE/IET conference (the 3rd International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, ICALIP2012) will provide a unique forum for researchers, engineers and educators interested in audio, language and image processing to learn about recent progresses, to address related challenges and to develop new methods, applications and systems. The conference, to be held on July 16-18, 2012 in Shanghai, the largest city of China, is co-organized by IEEE CIS Shanghai Chapter, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, IET Shanghai Network, Shanghai University, Tongji University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The conference proceedings including all the accepted papers will be published by IEEE (IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1250D-ART and ISBN: 978-1-4673-0174-9) and indexed in both EI and ISTP. Best Paper Awards will be granted to the authors of those outstanding papers determined by the International Program Committee of the conference and also the expanded version of the selected papers will be published in four SCI-E indexed IET Research Journals.
²   The Submission Deadline       March 15, 2012
²   Notification of Acceptance     May 1, 2012
²    Camera-ready Copy               May 30, 2012
Conference topics include, but are not limited to: 
A.   Audio and Music Processing: Compression and Coding, 3D and Surround Sounds, Digital Rights and Watermarking, Music Information Retrieval, Internet Audio, Audio Beam Loudspeaker, Hearing Aids, Echo Cancellation, Binaural Hearing, Crosstalk Cancellation, Voice Processing in Cochlear Implants.
B.   Language and Speech Processing: Language Acquisition and Reproduction, Human Language Understanding and Learning, Machine Translation, Speech Recognition and Understanding, Speech Enhancement, Spoken Document Retrieval.
C.   Image Processing: Image Coding, Image Filtering and Enhancement, Image Segmentation and Understanding, Image Representation and Modeling, Feature Extraction and Analysis, Image Storage and Retrieval, Image Authentication and Watermarking, DSP/FPGA Implementations.
D.   Computer Graphic and Virtual Reality: Computational Geometry, Modeling, Rendering, Visualization, Animation and Simulation, Interactive Environments, Immersive Virtual Reality, Virtual environments, Applications of Virtual Reality.
E.   Bio-informatics: Biomedical Image Processing & Visualization, Bio-signal Processing and Analysis, Biomedical Engineering, Medical and Biomedical Applications, Health Monitoring Systems, Health Informatics.
F.   Remote Sensing and GIS: Mobile and Wireless GIS, Geospatial Information Visualization and Service, Multi-dimensional GIS (3D GIS), Indoor and Outdoor Location, Remote Sensing Image Preprocessing, Multisensor and Multisource Data Fusion, GPS Technology, Remote Sensing and GIS Application.
G.   Multimedia SOC Design: Reconfigurable Processor for Multimedia, Multimedia system-on-a-chip, Multi-core Technology for Multimedia Processing, GPU-based Multimedia Processing, Novel Architecture for Multimedia Computing.
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to send full-length  papers, including figures and references, to the conference website ( following the Instructions for Authors. All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically. Check the conference website for update.

3-3-16(2012-07-27) LabPhon 13 Stuttgart, Germany

Call for papers

LabPhon 13
The 13th Conference on Laboratory Phonology
Stuttgart, Germany, July 27-29, 2012

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2012

Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2012

Conference website:

Abstracts are solicited for contributed papers for presentation as 20-minute oral contributions or as posters. Contributions relating to the conference themes are especially encouraged; there will also be sessions for non-thematic papers.

The overall theme for the conference is “Phonological and phonetic computations: between grammar and neural activity.” Our goal is to bring together researchers from phonology, phonetics, and adjacent psycho- and neurosciences and to seek to advance these disciplines by encouraging the joint pursuit of interdisciplinary research questions. Specific topics that address this theme are the following:

    Simulation as a research method in Laboratory Phonology.
    Invited speakers: Bruce Hayes (UCLA), Andrew Wedel (Univ. Arizona)
    Invited moderator: Bernd Möbius (Saarland Univ.)

    Computational approaches to sound change: data-driven and model driven.
    Invited speakers: Jonathan Harrington (LMU Munich), Paul Boersma (Univ. Amsterdam)
    Invited moderator: John Coleman (Univ. Oxford)

    Temporal mechanisms in neural processing of sounds and prosodies.
    Invited speakers: Karsten Steinhauer (McGill Univ.), William Idsardi (Univ. Maryland)
    Invited moderator: Carsten Eulitz (Univ. Konstanz)

    Rich memory for rich phonology.
    Invited speakers: Stephen Goldinger (Arizona State Univ.), Robert Port (Indiana Univ.)
    Invited moderator: Holger Mitterer (MPI Nijmegen)

Non-thematic sessions (both oral and poster) will include contributions to other topics of interest to the LabPhon community.


3-3-17(2012-08-27) CfP EUSIPCO 2012 Bucharest Romania

27-31 August 2012, Bucharest, Romania

The 2012 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2012) is the 20th of its kind organized by the European Association for Signal, Speech, and Image Processing (EURASIP). The conference will be held at the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania and is organized by University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and Telecom ParisTech.

The focus will be on signal processing theory, algorithms, and applications. Papers will be accepted based on quality, relevance, and novelty and accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of EUSIPCO-2012 and indexed in the main bibliographic databases (IEEExplore inclusion pending, ISI Thomson Web of Knowledge pending).

Areas of Interest

  • Audio and electroacoustics
  • Design and implementation of signal processing systems
  • Multimedia signal processing
  • Spoken language technology
  • Image and video processing
  • Signal estimation and detection
  • Sensor array and multi-channel processing
  • Signal processing for communications
  • Machine learning
  • Nonlinear signal processing
  • Signal processing applications
  • Bio-medical signal processing
  • Information forensics and security


Proposal for special sessions:
December 4, 2011

Proposals for tutorials:
February 19, 2012

Electronic submission of papers:
February 26, 2012

Notification of acceptance:
May 20, 2012

Submissions of camera-ready papers:
June 17, 2012

Confirmed Plenary Speakers:

  • Vivek Goyal, MIT, USA: 'Space-from-Time Imaging:  Acquiring Reflectance and Depth With Less Optics
  • Lajos Hanzo, EURASIP Fellow, University of Southampton, UK: 'Shannonian Abstractions, Real-Time Interactive Communications Calamities and Near-Capacity Multimedia Transceivers...'
  • Jean-Paul Haton, IEEE Fellow, IARP Fellow, IUF, France: 'Automatic Speech Recognition: Past, Present and Future'
  • Christian Jutten, IEEE Fellow, IUF, GIPSA Lab, France:  'Source Separation in Nonlinear Mixtures: How and Why?'
  • Arye Nehorai, IEEE Fellow, RSS Fellow, Washington Univ. in St. Louis: 'Computable performance analysis of sparsity recovery with applications'
  • Mihaela van der Schaar, IEEE Fellow, UCLA
  • Alle-Jan van der Veen, IEEE Fellow, Delft Univ. of Technology: 'Sensing the universe: Signal processing challenges for large radio telescope arrays'

More information is available at

3-3-18(2012-09-03) CfP INT. SYMPOSIUM ON IMITATION AND CONVERGENCE IN SPEECH (ISICS 2012)-Aix-en-Provence, France


Aix-en-Provence, France, 3-5 September 2012



In the course of a conversational interaction, the behavior of each talker often tends to become more similar to that of the conversational partner. Such convergence effects have been shown to manifest themselves under many different forms, which include posture, body movements, facial expressions, and speech. Imitative speech behavior is a phenomenon that may be actively exploited by talkers to facilitate their conversational exchange.  It occurs, by definition, within a social interaction, but has consequences for language that extend much beyond the temporal limits of that interaction. It has been suggested that imitation plays an important role in speech development and may also form one of the key mechanisms that underlie the emergence and evolution of human languages. The behavioral tendency shown by humans to imitate others may be connected at the brain level with the presence of mirror neurons, whose discovery has raised important issues about the role that these neurons may fulfill in many different domains, from sensorimotor integration to the understanding of others' behavior.

The focus of this international symposium will be the fast-growing body of research on convergence phenomena between speakers in speech. The symposium will also aim to assess current research on the brain and cognitive underpinnings of imitative behavior. Our main goal will be to bring together researchers with a large variety of scientific backgrounds (linguistics, speech sciences, psycholinguistics, experimental sociolinguistics, neurosciences, cognitive sciences) with a view to improving our understanding of the role of imitation in the production, comprehension and acquisition of spoken language.

The symposium is organized by the laboratoire Parole et Langage, CNRS and Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence, France ( It will be chaired by Noël Nguyen (LPL) and Marc Sato (GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble), and will be held in the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences Humaines.


. Luciano Fadiga, University of Ferrara, Italy
. Maëva Garnier, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
. Simon Garrod, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
. Beatrice Szczepek Reed, University of York, United Kingdom


Papers are invited on the topics covered by the symposium. Abstracts not exceeding 2 pages must be submitted electronically and in pdf format by 15 April 2012. They will be selected by the Scientific Committee on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the symposium. Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent to the authors by 31 May 2012.


. 15 April 2012: Abstract submission deadline
. 31 May 2012: Notification of acceptance / rejection
. 30 June 2012: Early registration deadline


. Patti Adank, University of Manchester, UK
. Martine Adda-Decker, laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris, France
. Gérard Bailly, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
. Roxane Bertrand, laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France
. Ann Bradlow, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA
. Jennifer Cole, Department of Linguistics, Urbana-Champaign, USA
. Mariapaola D’Imperio, laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France
. Laura Dilley, Department of Psychology and Linguistics, Michigan State University, USA
. Sophie Dufour, laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France
. Carol Fowler, Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, USA
. Jonathan Harrington, University of Munich, Germany
. Jennifer Hay, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
. Julia Hirschberg, Columbia University, New York, USA
. Holger Mitterer, Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
. Lorenza Mondada, laboratoire ICAR, Lyon, France
. Kuniko Nielsen, Oakland University, Rochester, USA
. Noël Nguyen, laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France
. Martin Pickering, University of Edinburgh, UK
. Marc Sato, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
. Jean-Luc Schwartz, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France
. Véronique Traverso, laboratoire ICAR, Lyon, France
. Sophie Wauquier, Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis, France


3-3-19(2012-09-03) CfP Fifteenth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2012) Brno, Czech Republic

Fifteenth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2012)
	      Brno, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2012

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University, Brno, and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of
West Bohemia, Pilsen.  The conference is supported by International
Speech Communication Association.

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic


    March 15 2012 ............ Submission of abstracts
    March 22 2012 ............ Submission of full papers

Submission of abstract serves for better organization of the review
process only - for the actual review a full paper submission is


TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in
both spoken and written language processing from all over the world.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.  TSD Proceedings
are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
Index.  Moreover, LNAI series are listed in all major citation databases

The TSD 2012 conference will be accompanied by a one-day satellite workshop

    Hybrid Machine Translation

The workshop is organized in cooperation with the PRESEMT EU project
Consortium, submissions from other EU machine translation and other
projects are more than welcomed.  The MT workshop submissions will
undergo two separate review processes - the best papers which will
succeed in both review processes (by the TSD 2012 Conference PC and MT
Workshop 2012 PC) will be published in the TSD 2012 Springer
Proceedings, all other accepted MT workshop papers will be published
in a separate proceedings with ISBN.  The MT workshop will take
place on September 3 2012 in the conference venue.


Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual,
    text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation,
    specialized lexicons, dictionaries)

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional
    speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words,
    alternative way of feature extraction, new models for
    acoustic and language modelling)

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech
    (morphological and syntactic analysis, synthesis and
    disambiguation, multilingual processing, sentiment analysis,
    credibility analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization,
    authorship attribution)

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high
    fidelity speech synthesis, computer singing)

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information
    extraction, information retrieval, data mining, semantic web,
    knowledge representation, inference, ontologies, sense
    disambiguation, plagiarism detection)

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing
    (machine translation, natural language understanding,
    question-answering strategies, assistive technologies)

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in

    Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial
    animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotions
    and personality modelling)

Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly


    Hynek Hermansky, USA (general chair)
    Eneko Agirre, Spain
    Genevieve Baudoin, France
    Jan Cernocky, Czech Republic
    Radovan Garabik, Slovakia
    Alexander Gelbukh, Mexico
    Louise Guthrie, GB
    Jan Hajic, Czech Republic
    Eva Hajicova, Czech Republic
    Patrick Hanks, GB
    Ludwig Hitzenberger, Germany
    Jaroslava Hlavacova, Czech Republic
    Ales Horak, Czech Republic
    Eduard Hovy, USA
    Ivan Kopecek, Czech Republic
    Steven Krauwer, The Netherlands
    Siegfried Kunzmann, Germany
    Natalija Loukachevitch, Russia
    Vaclav Matousek, Czech Republic
    Diana McCarthy, UK
    Hermann Ney, Germany
    Elmar Noeth, Germany
    Karel Oliva, Czech Republic
    Karel Pala, Czech Republic
    Nikola Pavesic, Slovenia
    Vladimir Petkevic, Czech Republic
    Fabio Pianesi, Italy
    Maciej Piasecki, Poland
    Adam Przepiorkowski, Poland
    Josef Psutka, Czech Republic
    James Pustejovsky, USA
    Leon Rothkrantz, The Netherlands
    Milan Rusko, Slovakia
    Pavel Skrelin, Russia
    Pavel Smrz, Czech Republic
    Petr Sojka, Czech Republic
    Stefan Steidl, Germany
    Georg Stemmer, Germany
    Marko Tadic, Croatia
    Tamas Varadi, Hungary
    Zygmunt Vetulani, Poland
    Taras Vintsiuk, Ukraine
    Yorick Wilks, GB
    Victor Zakharov, Russia


    Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton, UK
    Walter Daelemans, University of Antwerp, Belgium


The conference program will include presentation of invited papers,
oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will
be presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions.

Social events including a trip in the vicinity of Brno will allow
for additional informal interactions.


Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages
formatted in the LNCS style (see below). Those accepted will be
presented either orally or as posters. The decision about the
presentation format will be based on the recommendation of the
reviewers. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the
on-line form accessible from the conference website.

Papers submitted to TSD 2012 must not be under review by any other
conference or publication during the TSD review cycle, and must not be
previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

As reviewing will be blind, the paper should not include the authors'
names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the
author's identity, e.g., 'We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...',
should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as 'Smith previously
showed (Smith, 1991) ...'.  Papers that do not conform to the
requirements above are subject to be rejected without review.

The authors are strongly encouraged to write their papers in TeX
or LaTeX formats. These formats are necessary for the final
versions of the papers that will be published in the Springer
Lecture Notes.  Authors using a WORD compatible software for the
final version must use the LNCS template for WORD and within the
submit process ask the Proceedings Editors to convert the paper
to LaTeX format.  For this service a service-and-license fee of
CZK 1500 will be levied automatically.

The paper format for review has to be either PDF or PostScript file
with all required fonts included. Upon notification of acceptance,
presenters will receive further information on submitting their
camera-ready and electronic sources (for detailed instructions on
the final paper format see

Authors are also invited to present actual projects, developed
software or interesting material relevant to the topics of the
conference.  The presenters of the demonstration should provide the
abstract not exceeding one page. The demonstration abstracts will not
appear in the conference proceedings.


March 15 2012 ............ Submission of abstracts
March 22 2012 ............ Submission of full papers
May 15 2012 .............. Notification of acceptance
May 31 2012 .............. Final papers (camera ready) and registration
July 26 2012 ............. Submission of demonstration abstracts
July 31 2012 ............. Notification of acceptance for
                           demonstrations sent to the authors
September 3-7 2012 ....... Conference date

Submission of abstracts serves for better organization of the review
process only - for the actual review a full paper submission is

The accepted conference contributions will be published in proceedings
that will be made available to participants at the time of the


The official language of the conference is English.


The organizing committee will arrange discounts on accommodation in
the 3-star hotel at the conference venue. The current prices of the
accommodation will be available at the conference website.


All correspondence regarding the conference should be
addressed to
    Vendula Halkova, TSD 2012
    Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
    Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    phone: +420-5-49 49 18 63
    fax: +420-5-49 49 18 20

The official TSD 2012 homepage is:


Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with a
population of almost 400.000 and is the country's judiciary and
trade-fair center. Brno is the capital of South Moravia, which is
located in the south-east part of the Czech Republic and is known
for a wide range of cultural, natural, and technical sights.
South Moravia is a traditional wine region. Brno had been a Royal
City since 1347 and with its six universities it forms a cultural
center of the region.

Brno can be reached easily by direct flights from London, Moscow,
Saint Petersburg, Eindhoven, Rome and Prague and by trains or
buses from Prague (200 km) or Vienna (130 km).

For the participants with some extra time, nearby places may
also be of interest.  Local ones include: Brno Castle now called
Spilberk, Veveri Castle, the Old and New City Halls, the
Augustine Monastery with St. Thomas Church and crypt of Moravian
Margraves, Church of St.  James, Cathedral of St. Peter & Paul,
Cartesian Monastery in Kralovo Pole, the famous Villa Tugendhat
designed by Mies van der Rohe along with other important
buildings of between-war Czech architecture.

For those willing to venture out of Brno, Moravian Karst with
Macocha Chasm and Punkva caves, battlefield of the Battle of
three emperors (Napoleon, Russian Alexander and Austrian Franz
- Battle by Austerlitz), Chateau of Slavkov (Austerlitz),
Pernstejn Castle, Buchlov Castle, Lednice Chateau, Buchlovice
Chateau, Letovice Chateau, Mikulov with one of the largest Jewish
cemeteries in Central Europe, Telc - a town on the UNESCO
heritage list, and many others are all within easy reach.

3-3-20(2012-09-03) Hybrid Machine Translation Workshop Brno Czech Rep.
       Hybrid Machine Translation - LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

Hybrid Machine Translation Workshop, satellite workshop of TSD 2012
	     Brno, Czech Republic, 3 September 2012

The MT Workshop is organized by the Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University, Brno, in cooperation with the PRESEMT EU
project Consortium. The MT Workshop is a satellite workshop of
the Text, Speech and Dialog Conference.

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic


    March 25 2012 ............ Submission of full papers

The submission will be closed during the next day after the deadline.


Interest in flexible and adaptable MT systems, based on the
language-independent hybrid methods, whose principles ensure easy
portability to new language pairs has led us to organizing
an MT Workshop in the framework of the TSD Conference 2012. These
methods attempt to overcome well-known problems of some
MT approaches, e.g. bilingual corpora compilation or the
laborious creation of the new rules per language pair. We also
want to address the issue of effectively managing multilingual
content and would welcome interesting suggestions in the
direction of a language-independent machine-learning-based

The key aspects that should be touched at the MT Workshop involve
among others syntactic phrase-based modelling, pattern
recognition approaches (such as extended clustering) or
techniques towards the development of a language-independent
analysis. These aspects are intended to be of a hybrid nature,
combining linguistic processing with the positive aspects of the
corpus-based approaches, such as SMT and EBMT.

The need for easy amenability to new language pairs and
relatively inexpensive, readily available language resources as
well as bilingual lexica should be touched too. Modelling of the
translation context on phrases can improve the translation
quality so it should be considered too. Producing phrases via
a semi-automatic and language-independent process of
morphological and syntactic analysis may remove the need for
compatible NLP tools per language pair.

Another relevant aspect to which the attention has to be paid is
a parallelisation of the main translation processes since their
investigation may help to reach a fast, high-quality translation
system. Furthermore, the optimisation and personalisation of the
system parameters via automated processes (such as GAs or swarm
intelligence) is an issue which deserves to be investigated in
any case.

One of the points relevant for MT systems is a user adaptability
and user feedback with appropriate integrated interactive
interfaces. Such systems can be easily customised to both new
language pairs and specific sublanguages.


Topics of the MT Workshop include all themes of machine
translation (with stress on hybrid aspects of MT).

The workshop is organized in cooperation with the PRESEMT EU project
Consortium, submissions from other EU machine translation and other
projects are more than welcomed.

Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly


    George Tambouratzis, Greece (chair)
    Bjorn Gamback, Sweden
    Adam Kilgarriff, GB
    Karel Pala, Czech Republic
    Paul Schmidt, Germany


    George Tambouratzis
        Institute for Lnaguage and Speech Processing, Greece
        PRESEMT Machine Translation System


The MT Workshop program will include presentation of invited papers,
oral presentations, and poster session.

As a part of the main TSD 2012 Conference, social events including
a trip in the vicinity of Brno will allow for additional informal


TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in
both spoken and written language processing from all over the world.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.  TSD Proceedings
are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
Index.  Moreover, LNAI series are listed in all major citation databases


The MT Workshop submissions will undergo two separate review processes
- the best papers which will succeed in both review processes (by the
TSD 2012 Conference PC and MT Workshop 2012 PC) will be published in
the TSD 2012 Springer Proceedings, all other accepted MT Workshop
papers will be published in a separate MT Workshop proceedings
with ISBN.

Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages
formatted in the LNCS style (see below). Those accepted will be
presented either orally or as posters. The decision about the
presentation format will be based on the recommendation of the
reviewers. The authors are asked to submit their papers using the
on-line form accessible from the conference website, MT Workshop
submissions have to tick 'MT Workshop review' check box in the form.

Papers submitted to the MT Workshop must not be under review by any
other conference or publication during the workshop review cycle, and
must not be previously published or accepted for publication

As reviewing will be blind, the paper should not include the authors'
names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the
author's identity, e.g., 'We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...',
should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as 'Smith previously
showed (Smith, 1991) ...'.  Papers that do not conform to the
requirements above are subject to be rejected without review.

The authors are strongly encouraged to write their papers in TeX
or LaTeX formats. These formats are necessary for the final
versions of the papers that will be published in the Springer
Lecture Notes.  Authors using a WORD compatible software for the
final version must use the LNCS template for WORD and within the
submit process ask the Proceedings Editors to convert the paper
to LaTeX format.  For this service a service-and-license fee of
CZK 1500 will be levied automatically.

The paper format for review has to be either PDF or PostScript file
with all required fonts included. Upon notification of acceptance,
presenters will receive further information on submitting their
camera-ready and electronic sources (for detailed instructions on
the final paper format see


March 25 2012 ............ Submission of full papers
May 15 2012 .............. Notification of acceptance
May 31 2012 .............. Final papers (camera ready) and registration
September 3 2012 ......... MT workshop date
September 4-7 2012 ....... TSD 2012 Conference date

Submission of abstracts serves for better organization of the review
process only - for the actual review a full paper submission is

The accepted workshop contributions will be published in proceedings
that will be made available to participants at the time of the


The official language of the conference is English.


The organizing committee will arrange discounts on accommodation in
the 3-star hotel at the conference venue. The current prices of the
accommodation will be available at the conference website.


All correspondence regarding the conference should be
addressed to

    Karel Pala, MT Workshop, TSD 2012
    Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
    Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    phone: +420-5-49 49 18 63
    fax: +420-5-49 49 18 20

The official TSD 2012 homepage is:


Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with a
population of almost 400.000 and is the country's judiciary and
trade-fair center. Brno is the capital of South Moravia, which is
located in the south-east part of the Czech Republic and is known
for a wide range of cultural, natural, and technical sights.
South Moravia is a traditional wine region. Brno had been a Royal
City since 1347 and with its six universities it forms a cultural
center of the region.

Brno can be reached easily by direct flights from London, Moscow,
Saint Petersburg, Eindhoven, Rome and Prague and by trains or
buses from Prague (200 km) or Vienna (130 km).

For the participants with some extra time, nearby places may
also be of interest.  Local ones include: Brno Castle now called
Spilberk, Veveri Castle, the Old and New City Halls, the
Augustine Monastery with St. Thomas Church and crypt of Moravian
Margraves, Church of St.  James, Cathedral of St. Peter&Paul,
Cartesian Monastery in Kralovo Pole, the famous Villa Tugendhat
designed by Mies van der Rohe along with other important
buildings of between-war Czech architecture.

For those willing to venture out of Brno, Moravian Karst with
Macocha Chasm and Punkva caves, battlefield of the Battle of
three emperors (Napoleon, Russian Alexander and Austrian Franz
- Battle by Austerlitz), Chateau of Slavkov (Austerlitz),
Pernstejn Castle, Buchlov Castle, Lednice Chateau, Buchlovice
Chateau, Letovice Chateau, Mikulov with one of the largest Jewish
cemeteries in Central Europe, Telc - a town on the UNESCO
heritage list, and many others are all within easy reach.


3-3-21(2012-09-09) Cf Participation Speaker Trait Challenge at Interspeech 2012
Call for Participation
Speaker Trait Challenge 

Personality, Likability, Pathology


The Challenge

Whereas the first open comparative challenges in the field of paralinguistics targeted more 'conventional' phenomena such as emotion, age, and gender, there still exists a multiplicity of not yet covered, but highly relevant speaker states and traits. In the last instalment, we focused on speaker states, namely sleepiness and intoxication. Consequently, we now focus on speaker traits. The INTERSPEECH 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge broadens the scope by addressing three less researched speaker traits: the computational analysis of personality, likability, and pathology in speech. Apart from intelligent and socially competent future agents and robots, main applications are found in the medical domain.

In these respects, the INTERSPEECH 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge shall help bridging the gap between excellent research on paralinguistic information in spoken language and low compatibility of results.

Three Sub-Challenges are addressed:

. In the Personality Sub-Challenge, the personality of a speaker has to be determined based on acoustics potentially including linguistics for the OCEAN five personality dimensions, each mapped onto two classes.

. In the Likability Sub-Challenge, the likability of a speaker's voice has to be determined by a learning algorithm and acoustic features. While the annotation provides likability in multiple levels, the classification task is binarised.

. In the Pathology Sub-Challenge, the intelligibility of a speaker has to be determined by a classification algorithm and acoustic features.

The measures of competition will be Unweighted Average Recall of the two classes. Transcription of the train and development sets will be known. All Sub-Challenges allow contributors to find their own features with their own machine learning algorithm. However, a standard feature set will be provided per corpus that may be used. Participants will have to stick to the definition of training, development, and test sets. They may report on results obtained on the development set, but have only five trials to upload their results on the test sets, whose labels are unknown to them. Each participation will be accompanied by a paper presenting the results that undergoes peer-review and has to be accepted for the conference in order to participate in the Challenge. The organisers preserve the right to re-evaluate the findings, but will not participate themselves in the Challenge. Participants are encouraged to compete in all Sub-Challenges. 
Overall, contributions using the provided or equivalent data are sought in (but not limited to) the following areas:

. Participation in the Personality Sub-Challenge
. Participation in the Likability Sub-Challenge
. Participation in the Pathology Sub-Challenge
. Novel features and algorithms for the analysis of speaker traits
. Unsupervised learning methods for speaker trait analysis
. Perception studies, additional annotation and feature analysis on the given sets
. Context exploitation in speaker trait assessment

The results of the Challenge will be presented at Interspeech 2012 in Portland, Oregon. Prizes will be awarded to the Sub-Challenge winners. If you are interested and planning to participate in the Speaker Trait Challenge, or if you want to be kept informed about the Challenge, please send the organisers an e-mail to indicate your interest and visit the homepage:



Björn Schuller (TUM, Germany)
Stefan Steidl (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
Anton Batliner (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
Elmar Nöth (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
Alessandro Vinciarelli (University of Glasgow, UK)
Felix Burkhardt (Deutsche Telekom, Germany)
Rob van Son (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands)

If you want to participate, please find the License Agreement at:

Thank you for excusing cross-postings.

All the best,

Björn Schuller
On behalf of the Organisers


Dr. Björn Schuller
Senior Lecturer

Technische Universität München
Institute for Human-Machine Communication
D-80333 München

3-3-22(2012-09-09) CfP Special session at Interspeech 2012 on Glottal Source Processing: from Analysis to Applications

Special session at the next Interspeech conference  Portland, Oregon, September 9-13, 2012.
This special session is entitled “Glottal Source Processing: from Analysis to Applications”.
The special session aims at gathering researchers interested in speech processing techniques dealing with the analysis of the glottal excitation, and in its applicability in various speech technologies such as voice pathology detection, speech synthesis, speaker identification and emotion recognition.
The deadline for full paper submission is April 1, 2012. Note that your paper will go through the regular reviewing system and will be included in the special session if it is accepted and fits the scope.
First we have to collect a list of potential papers that could be submitted to the special session. 
If you think that you could have a contribution to submit, please return the tentative title, authors and affiliations by email: thomas.drugman - at -

 If you think that you could have a contribution to submit in April, could you please return by email for January 12 the tentative title, authors and affiliations
T. Drugman, P. Alku, B. Yegnanarayana and A. Alwan


3-3-23(2012-09-09) Special Session at Interspeech 2012: Speech and Audio Analysis of Consumer and Semi-Professional Multimedia

Special Session at Interspeech 2012

Speech and Audio Analysis of Consumer and Semi-Professional Multimedia



Consumer-grade and semi-professional multimedia material (video) is becoming abundant on the Internet and other online archives. It is easier than ever to download material of any kind. With cell-phones now featuring video recording capability along with broadband connectivity, multimedia material can be recorded and distributed across the world just as easily as text could just a couple of years ago. The easy availability of vast amounts of text gave a huge boost to the Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval research communities, The above-mentioned multimedia material is set to do the same for multi-modal audio and video analysis and generation. We argue that the speech and language research community should embrace that trend, as it would profit vastly from the availability of this material, and has significant own know-how and experience to contribute, which will help shape this field.

Consumer-created (as opposed to broadcast news, “professional style”) multimedia material offers a great opportunity for research on all aspects of human-to-human as well as man-machine interaction, which can be processed offline, but on a much larger scale than is possible in online, controlled experiments. Speech is naturally an important part of these interactions, which can link visual objects, people, and other observations across modalities. Research results will inform future research and development directions in interactive settings, e.g. robotics, interactive agents, etc., and give a significant boost to core (offline) analysis techniques such as robust audio and video processing, speech and language understanding, as well as multimodal fusion.

Large-scale multi-modal analysis of audio-visual material is beginning in a number of multi-site research projects across the world, driven by various communities, such as information retrieval, video search, copyright protection, etc. While each of these have slightly different targets, they are facing largely the same challenges: how to robustly and efficiently process large amounts of data, how to represent and then fuse information across modalities, how to train classifiers and segmenters on un-labeled data, how to include human feedback, etc. Speech, language and audio researchers have considerable interest and experience in these areas, and should be at the core and forefront of this research. To make progress at a useful rate, researchers must be connected in a focused way, and be aware of each other’s work, in order to discuss algorithmic approaches, ideas for evaluation and comparisons across corpora and modalities, training methods with various degrees of supervision, available data sets, etc. Sharing software, databases, research results and projects' descriptions are some of the key elements to success which are at the core of the Speech and Language in Multimedia (SLIM) SIG's objectives.

The special session will serve these goals by bringing together researchers from different fields – speech, but also audio, multimedia – to share experience, resources and foster new research directions and initiatives. Contributions are expected on all aspects of speech and audio processing for multimedia contents: research results but also presentation of ongoing research projects or software, multimedia databases and benchmarking initiatives, etc. A special session, as opposed to a regular session, offers unique opportunities to emphasize interaction between participants with the goal of strengthening and growing the SLIM community. The following format will be adopted: a few selected talks targeting a large audience (e.g., project or dataset descriptions, overview) will open the session, followed by a panel and open discussion on how to develop our community along with poster presentations.


3-3-24(2012-09-12) 54th International Symposium ELMAR-2012
54th International Symposium ELMAR-2012
                   September 12-14, 2012
                     Zadar, Croatia

        Paper submission deadline: March 19, 2012


                     CALL FOR PAPERS


 IEEE Region 8
 IEEE Croatia Section
 IEEE Croatia Section SP, AP and MTT Chapters
 EURASIP - European Association for Signal Processing


 (Conference Proceedings Citation Index)


 --> Image and Video Processing
 --> Multimedia Communications
 --> Speech and Audio Processing
 --> Wireless Communications
 --> Telecommunications
 --> Antennas and Propagation
 --> e-Learning and m-Learning
 --> Navigation Systems
 --> Ship Electronic Systems
 --> Power Electronics and Automation
 --> Naval Architecture
 --> Sea Ecology

 --> Special Sessions:

 --> Student Session (B.Sc. and M.Sc. students only):


 * Prof. Abdelhak M. Zoubir, Germany:
   Recent Advances on Bootstrap for Signal Processing

 * Prof. Alan Hanjalic, The Netherlands:
   Advances in Multimedia Information Retrieval


 Deadline for submission of full papers: March 19, 2012
 Notification of acceptance mailed out by: May 21, 2012
 Submission of (final) camera-ready papers: May 29, 2012
 Preliminary program available online by: June 12, 2012
 Registration forms and payment deadline: June 19, 2012

3-3-25(2012-April-June and July) Cf workshop proposals EACL 2012 / NAACL-HLT 2012 / ACL 2012

           EACL 2012 / NAACL-HLT 2012 / ACL 2012

The European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
(EACL), The North American Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (NAACL), and The Association for Computational Linguistics
(ACL) invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the
EACL, NAACL, or ACL conferences in the spring and summer of 2012. We
solicit proposals on any topic of interest to the ACL communities.
Workshops will be held at one of the following conference venues:

 * EACL 2012 is the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the
  Association for Computational Linguistics. It will be held in
  Avignon, April 23 - 27, 2012. The dates for the EACL workshops
  will be April 23-24. The webpage for EACL 2012 is:

 * NAACL-HLT 2012 is the 13th Annual Meeting of the North American
Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. It will
be held Montreal, Canada, June 3 - 8, 2012. The dates for the
NAACL-HLT workshops will be June 7 - 8. The webpage for NAACL-HLT
2012 is:

 * ACL 2012 is the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL). It will be held in Jeju, Republic
of Korea, July 8 - 14, 2012. The ACL workshops will be held July
12 - 13. The webpage for ACL 2012 is:

Proposals will be jointly reviewed by the workshop organizers for all
three conferences.


Similarly to previous conferences, the submission and reviewing of
workshop proposals for EACL, NAACL-HLT, and ACL will be coordinated.

Proposals for workshops should contain:

  1. A title and brief (2-page max) description of the workshop topic
     and content.
  2. The desired workshop length (one or two days), and an estimate of
     the number of attendees.
  3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
     the organizers, with one-paragraph statements of their research
     interests and areas of expertise.
  4. A list of potential members of the program committee, with an
     indication of which members have already agreed.
  5. A description of any shared tasks associated with the workshop.
  6. A description of special requirements for technical needs.
  7. A note specifying which venue(s) (EACL versus NAACL-HLT versus
     ACL) would be acceptable to you; if all are acceptable, you may
     express preference for one or the other.

There will be a single workshop committee, coordinated by the three sets
of workshop chairs. This single committee will review the quality of the
workshop proposals. Once the reviews are complete, the workshop chairs
will work together to assign workshops to each of the three conferences,
taking into account the location preferences given by the proposers.

The ACL has a set of policies on workshops. You can find the ACL's
general policies on workshops at,
the financial policy for workshops at,
and the financial policy for SIG workshops at

  * Please submit proposals in plain text in the body of an email to the
    workshop organizers:

    no later than *October 28, 2011, 23:59:59 UTC/GMT*
    (which is 18:59:59 EST, 15:59:59 PST, and 08:59:59 JST on Oct 29).

  * Notification of acceptance of workshop proposals will occur no later
    than *November 11, 2011*.

Since the three conferences will occur at different times, the
timescales for the submission and reviewing of workshop papers, and the
preparation of camera-ready copies, will be different for each
conference. Suggested timescales for each of the conferences are given
below. Workshop organizers should not deviate from this schedule unless
absolutely necessary.

Workshop organisers are also requested to pay attention to the fact that
there will be only a week between the notification of the workshop
acceptance and sending out the first CFPs for the workshop (in case of EACL
and ACL). Thus it is important that the workshop proposals are already well
structured and organised at the time of the submission, to allow quick launch
of the first CFP.


  Oct 28, 2011 Workshop proposal deadline
  Nov 11, 2011 Notification of acceptance

 * EACL 2012
  Nov 18, 2011  Proposed 1st workshop CFP
  Jan 27, 2012  Proposed paper due date
  Feb 24, 2012  Proposed notification of acceptance
  Mar 09, 2012  Camera-ready deadline
  Apr 23-24, 2012  Workshops

 * NAACL-HLT 2012
  Dec 16, 2011  Proposed 1st workshop CFP
  Mar 02, 2012  Proposed paper due date
  Mar 30, 2012  Proposed notification of acceptance
  Apr 13, 2012  Camera-ready deadline
  Jun 7-8, 2012  Workshops

 * ACL 2012
  Nov 21, 2011  Proposed 1st workshop CFP
  Mar 18, 2012  Proposed paper due date
  Apr 15, 2012  Proposed notification of acceptance
  Apr 30, 2012  Camera-ready deadline
  Jul 12-13, 2012  Workshops


 * EACL 2012
Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki -
Alessandro Moschitti, University of Trento -

 * NAACL-HLT 2012
Colin Cherry, National Research Council Canada -
Mona Diab, Columbia University -

 * ACL 2012
Massimo Poesio, University of Essex -
Satoshi Sekine, New York University -

For inquiries, send email to the workshop organizers:


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