ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #311

ISCApad #311

Thursday, May 09, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

1    Editorial
2    ISCA News
  2-1    Message of Dr Odette Scharenborg, ISCA president
  2-2    ELRA/ISCA Special Interest Group: Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL)
  2-3    ISCA Language SIGS
  2-4    ISCA Special Interest Group (SIG) 'Spoken Language Translation'
  2-5    ISCA-PEDRAC: a new service of ISCA.
  2-6    ISCA social networks
  2-7    Women in Speech Research
  2-8    ISCA Distinguished Lecturer for 2023-2024
3    Events
  3-1    ISCA Events
    3-1-1    (2024-07-02) CfP 12th Speech Prosody 2024 Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands
    3-1-2    (2024-08-31) Young Female* Researchers in Speech Workshop (YFRSW), Kos Island,Greece
    3-1-3    (2024-09-01) Author kit for Interspeech 2024 Kos Island, Greece
    3-1-4    (2024-09-01) Cf Show&Tell for Interspeech 2024, Kos Island, Greece
    3-1-5    (2024-09-01) Late informations on Interspeech 2024, Kos Island, Greece.
    3-1-6    (2025-08-17) Interspeech 2025, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    3-1-7    (2026) Interspeech 2026, Australia
    3-1-8    (2027) Interspeech 2027 Sao Polo, Brazil
    3-1-10    Speech Prosody courses
  3-2    ISCA Supported Events
    3-2-1    (2024-09-09)Twenty-seventh International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2024), Brno, Czech Republic
    3-2-2    (2024-09-18) 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL), Kyoto, Japan
    3-2-3    (2025) Call for Bids for 3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2025)
  3-3    Other Events
    3-3-1    (2024-05-13) 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP2024), Autrans, France
    3-3-2    (2024-05-13) Workshop “Speech production models and empirical evidence from typical and pathological speech” , Grenoble, France
    3-3-3    (2024-05-20) The 3rd Annual Meeting of the ELRA-ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL2024), Torino, Italy
    3-3-4    (2024-05-20) The 8th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-VIII), Torino, Italy
    3-3-5    (2024-05-20)CfP LREC-COLING 2024 - The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, Torino, Italy
    3-3-6    (2024-05-22) The Industry Day@LREC-COLING 2024 conference week, Turin, Italy.
    3-3-7    (2024-05-25)1st CfP LEGAL 2024 Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Language Technologies Workshop at LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, Italy
    3-3-8    (2024-06-03) 27èmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC 2024), Paris, France
    3-3-9    (2024-06-06) CfP TOTh 2024 - Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications, University Savoie Mont Blanc, France
    3-3-10    (2024-06-10) 3rd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation (MAD’24), Phuket, Thailand,
    3-3-11    (2024-06-10) ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket, Phuket Island, Thailand,
    3-3-12    (2024-06-17) 'Madrid UPM Machine Learning and Advanced Statistics' summer school@Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Spain
    3-3-13    (2024-06-20) Colloque international Nouvelles perspectives d'analyse musicale de la voix,Université Lumière Lyon2 France,
    3-3-14    (2024-07-01) CfAbstracts Workshop 'Prosodic features of language learners' fluency', Leiden, The Netherlands
    3-3-15    (2024-07-06) Speech Prosody Workshop -CROSSIN: Intonation at the Crossroads, Leiden, The Netherlands
    3-3-16    (2024-07-08) 35ème Journées d’Études sur la Parole, Toulouse, France
    3-3-17    (2024-07-08) Appel à ateliers JEPTALN 2024, Toulouse, France
    3-3-18    (2024-07-08) Atelier Parole Spontanée lors des JEP-TALN 2024
    3-3-19    (2024-07-16) CfP 7th Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop - Belfast, UK
    3-3-20    (2024-07-22) 13th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Erlangen, Germany
    3-3-21    (2024-07-29) 'Conversational Grounding in the Age of Large Language Models,' @ TheEuropean Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) 2024, Leuven, Belgium
    3-3-22    (2024-08-07) The 7th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR 2024) , San Jose, CA, USA
    3-3-23    (2024-09-06) 4th SPSC Symposium with 3rd Voice Privacy Challenge Workshop ( Satellite event Interspeech)
    3-3-24    (2024-09-06) VoicePrivacy 2024 Challenge, Kos Island, Greece
    3-3-25    (2024-09-09) Cf Labs Proposals @CLEF 2024, Grenoble, France
    3-3-26    (2024-09-09) The CLEF Cross Language Image Retrieval Track, Grenoble, France
    3-3-27    (2024-09-18) CfDemonstrations for the 21st International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI) , Reykjavík, Iceland
    3-3-28    (2024-09-18) CfP Special Session on 'Multimedia Indexing for eXtended Reality' at CBMI 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland
    3-3-29    (2024-09-18) CfP Special Session on 'Multimodal Insights for Disaster Risk Management and Applications, (MIDRA)' at CBMI 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland
    3-3-30    (2024-09-18) Special Session on 'Explainability in Multimedia Analysis' (ExMA)@ CBMI 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland
    3-3-31    (2024-09-18) Special Session on' Content based Indexing for audio and music: from analysis to synthesis' @ CBMI 2024 , Reykjavik, Iceland.
    3-3-32    (2024-09-18)The 21st International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing — CBMI 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland
    3-3-33    (2024-09-20) 6th Int. Wkshop on the History of Speech Communication Research, Budapest, Hungary
    3-3-34    (2024-09-25) Second international multimodal communication symposium (MMSYM 2024), Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany,
    3-3-35    (2024-10-28) CfP 7th International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports'24) @ ACM Multimedia, Melbourne, Australia
    3-3-36    (2024-11-04)) Cf Wkshps, Special sessions and Grand Challenge @ICMI, Costa Rica
    3-3-37    (2024-11-05) The 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2024), San Jose, Costa Rica
    3-3-38    (2024-11-25) 26th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM-2024), Belgrade, Serbia
    3-3-39    (2024-11-26) The 2nd International Conference on Foundation and Large Language Models (FLLM2024), Dubai, UAE
    3-3-40    (2024-xx-xx) Fearless Steps APOLLO Workshop.
4    Academic and Industry Notes
  4-1    New Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research covering all areas of language science,Univ. of Paris, France
  4-2    Cambridge's Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil
  4-3    Serveur Discord pour jeunes chercheurs.
  4-4    Le projet European Language Equality
  4-5    Distribution Agreement between ELDA and Lexicala for Multilingual Lexical Data Dissemination
  4-6    Cf bids for the 2025 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU 2025)
  4-7    Invitation to the DISPLACE challenge: DIarization of SPeaker and LAnguage in Conversational Environments
  4-8    Applications to the Adam Kilgarriff Prize.
  4-9    Call for membership: ManyLanguages
  4-10    Symposium in honor of Lise Crevier-Buchman, @ Foch Hospital, Suresnes, France
  4-11    Bids for ASRU 2025
  4-12    Bids for Speech Prosody 2026
  4-13    The Speech Prosody Conference program 2024
5    Resources
  5-1    Books
    5-1-1    Proceedings of SLTU-CCURL2020
    5-1-2    J.Blauert, J. Braasch, 'The Technology of Binaural Understanding', Springer and ASA-Press
    5-1-3    Weiss B., Trouvain J., Barkat-Defradas M., Ohala J.J., 'Voice Attractiveness', Springer 2021
    5-1-4    Proceedings Speech Prosody 2022
    5-1-5    Diana Sidtis, Foundations of Familiar Language, Wiley
    5-1-6    Cf Contribution to a book on interactions in the production, acoustics, and perception of speech and music, DeGruyter Mouton Publishers.
  5-2    Database
    5-2-1    Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) update (April 2024)
    5-2-2    ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update (November and December2023)
    5-2-3    Speechocean – update (August 2019)
    5-2-4    Google 's Language Model benchmark
    5-2-5    Forensic database of voice recordings of 500+ Australian English speakers
    5-2-6    Audio and Electroglottographic speech recordings
    5-2-7    EEG-face tracking- audio 24 GB data set Kara One, Toronto, Canada
    5-2-8    TORGO data base free for academic use.
    5-2-9    Datatang
    5-2-10    SIWIS French Speech Synthesis Database
    5-2-11    JLCorpus - Emotional Speech corpus with primary and secondary emotions
    5-2-12    OPENGLOT –An open environment for the evaluation of glottal inverse filtering
    5-2-13    Corpus Rhapsodie
    5-2-14    The My Science Tutor Children's Conversational Speech Corpus (MyST Corpus) , Boulder Learning Inc.
    5-2-15    HARVARD speech corpus - native British English speaker
    5-2-16    Magic Data Technology Kid Voice TTS Corpus in Mandarin Chinese (November 2019)
    5-2-17    FlauBERT: a French LM
    5-2-18    ELRA-S0408 SpeechTera Pronunciation Dictionary
    5-2-19    Ressources of ELRC Network
    5-2-20    ELRA announces that MEDIA data are now available for free for academic research
    5-2-21    ELRA/ELDA Communication : LT4all
    5-2-22    Search and Find ELRA LRs on Google Dataset Search and ELG LT Platform
    5-2-23    Sharing language resources (ELRA)
    5-2-24    The UCLA Variability Speaker Database
    5-2-25    Free databases in Catalan, Spanish and Arabic (ELRA and UPC Spain)
    5-2-26    USC 75-Speaker Speech MRI Database. Multispeaker speech production articulatory datasets of vocal tract MRI video
    5-2-27    Annoted tweet corpus , ELDA and INSA Rouen
    5-2-28    LR Agreement between ELRA and Datatang
    5-2-29    Biomedical language model DrBERT
    5-2-30    A respiratory sounds and symptoms dataset: Coswara
    5-2-31    ELDA releases air-traffic control data from ATCO2 Project
    5-2-32    AVID (Aalto Vocal Intensity Database): An open speech/electroglottography repository for machine learning -based studies on vocal intensity
  5-3    Software
    5-3-1    Cantor Digitalis, an open-source real-time singing synthesizer controlled by hand gestures.
    5-3-2    MultiVec: a Multilingual and MultiLevel Representation Learning Toolkit for NLP
    5-3-3    An android application for speech data collection LIG_AIKUMA
    5-3-4    Web services via ALL GO from IRISA-CNRS
    5-3-5    Clickable map - Illustrations of the IPA
    5-3-6    LIG-Aikuma running on mobile phones and tablets
    5-3-7    Python Library
    5-3-8    Evaluation des troubles moteurs de la parole MONPAGE version 2.0.s
    5-3-9    VocalTractLab3D: articulatory synthesis software.
6    Jobs
  6-1    (2023-11-15) Master 2 Internship, LPC Marseille, France
  6-2    (2023-11-23) Post-doctoral research position - L3i - La Rochelle France
  6-3    (2023-11-25) M2 Master Internship, Nancy, France
  6-4    (2023-11-26) Stage Université du Mans, Le Mans, France
  6-5    (2023-11-27) Internship @ Telecom Paris, Paris, France
  6-6    (2023-11-30) Internship Université du Mans, Le Mans, France
  6-7    (2023-12-02) Senior Data Scientist at the University of Chicago, IL, USA
  6-8    (2023-12-05) Post-doc et ingénieur d'étude dans le dans le cadre de l’ANR-JCJC RESSAC, LPNC, Grenoble, France
  6-9    (2023-12-05) Postdoctoral Scholar, Penn State University, PA, USA
  6-10    (2023-12-07) Post-doc @ Université du Mans, Le Mans, France
  6-11    (2023-12-07) Stages (M1, M2, PFE ingénieur) @ IRIT, Toulouse, France
  6-12    (2023-12-07) Stage INA, Bry-sur-Marne, France
  6-13    (2023-12-11) Postdoctoral researcher, Aalto University, Finland
  6-14    (2023-12-15) PhD candidate in speech sciences, Université de Mons, Belgium
  6-15    (2023-12-18) Senior Project Manager @ELDA, Paris, France
  6-16    (2023-12-23) Ph position @ Saarland University, Germany
  6-17    (2024-01-06) PhD Research Assistant @ DFKI Berlin, Germany
  6-18    (2024-01-07) PhD position @ Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI), Talence, France
  6-19    (2024-01-11) PhD student @ LPL, Aix-Marseille University, France
  6-20    (2024-01-15) Full-time (100%) Research Assistant / Ph.D. Student position, Bielefeld University, Germany
  6-21    (2024-01-20) Internship in ANR Project Revitalise, Telecom-Paris, France
  6-22    (2024-01-20) Professeur d'informatique, GETALP, Université de Grenoble,France
  6-23    (2024-01-24) Enquêteur/Enquêtrice spécialisé(e) en analyse audio avec une compétence en traitement automatique de la parole et de l’audio (H/F), BEA, Paris, France
  6-24    (2024-01-21) Maitre de conference à IRIT,Université de Toulouse 3, Paul Sabatier, France
  6-25    (2024-02-01) Several academic positions @ LORIA, Nancy, France
  6-26    (2024-02-02) Four-year funded PhD studentships at the University of Edinburgh, UK
  6-27    (2024-02-05) 4 postes de doctorat, INRIA, Paris
  6-28    (2024-02-10) Maitre de conférences IA, (LIUM) Université du Mans, France
  6-29    (2024-02-15) 2 Postdoctoral Researchers in Multimodal Interaction @Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
  6-30    (2024-02-21) Academic positions at Avignon University, Avignon, France
  6-31    (2024-02-25) Professeur en informatique (parole, IA) Université de Grenoble, France
  6-32    (2024-03-10) PhD position @ CEREMA, Strasbourg, France
  6-33    (2024-03-19) Research position In Speech Synthesis Massive generation of TTS for Deepfake detection @IRISA, Lannion, France
  6-34    (2024-03-21) PhD position @ LIUM, University Le Mans, France
  6-35    (2024-03-23) Post-doc @LIUM, University of Le Mans, France
  6-36    (2024-03-22) Collaborateurs pour annotation de corpus textuels @ELDA, Paris, France
  6-37    (2024-03-27) Two funded PhD positions @Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
  6-38    (2024-03-31) Theses et stages @INRIA Defense et Sécurité
  6-39    (2024-04-02) Proposition de these @ INRIA Nancy France
  6-40    (2024-04-03) Two post-docs@Afeka Center of Language Processing (ACLP), Tel-Aviv, Israel
  6-41    (2024-04-15) PhD , Université d'Aix-Marseille, France
  6-42    (2024-04-30) PhD offer at IMT-Atlantique, Brest, France
  6-43    (2024-05-03) Post-doc à l' INA, Paris, France
  6-44    (2024-05-05) 3 offres de doctorat à l'INRIA, France
7    Journals
  7-1    Special issue: Embodied Conversational Systems for Human-Robot Interaction in Dialogue & Discourse journal.
  7-2    Call for papers on Prosody in a New journal: Journal of Connected Speech
  7-3    Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI)
  7-4    Cf Contribution to a book on interactions in the production, acoustics, and perception of speech and music, DeGruyter Mouton Publishers.
8    Recent Theses
  8-1    Omid Ghahabi, 'Deep Learning for i-Vector Speaker and Language Recognition'
  8-2    Neeraj Kumar Sharma, 'Information-rich Sampling of Time-varying Signals'
  8-3    Daniel Michelsanti, 'Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Learning'

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