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ISCApad Archive  »  2011  »  ISCApad #161  »  Journals

ISCApad #161

Monday, November 07, 2011 by Chris Wellekens

7 Journals

The journal Signal Processing published by Elsevier is issuing a call for a special issue on latent variable models and source separation. Papers dealing with multi-talker ASR and noise-robust ASR using source separation techniques are highly welcome.

                         SIGNAL PROCESSING

                          Special issue on

                     DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2011

While independent component analysis and blind signal separation have become mainstream topics in signal and image processing, new approaches have emerged to solve problems involving nonlinear signal mixtures or various other types of latent variables, such as semi-blind models and matrix or tensor decompositions. All these recent topics lead to new developments and promising applications. They are the main goals of the conference LVA/ICA 2010 which took place in Saint-Malo, France, from September 27 to 30, 2010.

The aim of this special issue is to provide up to date developments on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, including theoretical analysis, algorithms and applications. Contributions are welcome both from attendees of the above conference and from authors who did not attend the conference but are active in these areas of research.

Examples of topics relevant to the special issue include:
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- Joint tensor factorization
- Latent variables
- Source separation
- Nonlinear ICA
- Noisy ICA
- BSS/ICA applications: image analysis, speech and audio data, encoding of natural scenes and sound, telecommunications, data mining, medical data processing, genomic data analysis, finance,...
- Unsolved and emerging problems: causality detection, feature selection, data mining,...

Manuscript submissions shall be made through the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) at
Once logged in, click on “Submit New Manuscript” then select “Special Issue: LVA” in the “Choose Article Type” dropdown menu.

January 15, 2011: Manuscript submission deadline
May 15, 2011: Notification to authors
September 15, 2011: Final manuscript submission
December 15, 2011: Publication

Vincent Vigneron, University of Evry – Val d’Essonne, France
Remi Gribonval, INRIA, France
Emmanuel Vincent, INRIA, France
Vicente Zarzoso, University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, France
Terrence J. Sejnowski, Salk Institute, USA


7-2IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: Special Issue on Fundamental Technologies in Modern Speech Recognition
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Special Issue on Fundamental Technologies in Modern Speech Recognition
Guest Editors:		 
Sadaoki Furui   Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan  
Li Deng         Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA (
Mark Gales      University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (
Hermann Ney     RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Keiichi Tokuda  Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan 

Recently, various statistical techniques that form the basis of fundamental technologies underlying today’s automatic speech recognition (ASR) research and applications have attracted new attentions. These techniques have significantly contributed to progress in ASR, including speaker recognition, and their various applications.  The purpose of this special issue is to bring together leading experts from various disciplines to explore the impact of statistical approaches on ASR.  The special issue will provide a comprehensive overview of recent developments and open problems.

This Call for Papers invites researchers to contribute articles that have a broad appeal to the signal processing community.  Such an article could be for example a tutorial of the fundamentals or a presentation of a state-of-the-art method.  Examples of the topics that could be addressed in the article include, but are not limited to:
 * Supervised, unsupervised, and lightly supervised training/adaptation
 * Speaker-adaptive and noise-adaptive training
 * Discriminative training
 * Large-margin based methods
 * Model complexity optimization
 * Dynamic Bayesian networks for various levels of speech modeling and decoding
 * Deep belief networks and related deep learning techniques
 * Sparse coding for speech feature extraction and modeling
 * Feature parameter compensation/normalization
 * Acoustic factorization
 * Conditional random fields (CRF) for modeling and decoding
 * Acoustic source separation by PCA and ICA
 * De-reverberation
 * Rapid language adaptation for multilingual speech recognition
 * Weighted-finite-state-transducer (WFST) based decoding
 * Uncertainty decoding
 * Speaker recognition, especially text-independent speaker verification
 * Statistical framework for human-computer dialogue modeling
 * Automatic speech summarization and information extraction

Submission Procedure:
Prospective authors should submit their white papers to the web submission system at

 * White paper due:         October 1, 2011
 * Invitation notification: November 1, 2011
 * Manuscript due:          February 1, 2012
 * Acceptance notification: April 1, 2012
 * Final manuscript due:    May 15, 2012
 * Publication date:        September 15, 2012 




                          Special issue on

                  *FINAL DEADLINE: DECEMBER 31, 2011* 

One of the chief difficulties of building distant-microphone speech recognition systems for use in `everyday' applications is that the noise background is typically `multisource'. A speech recognition system designed to operate in a family home, for example, must contend with competing noise from televisions and radios, children playing, vacuum cleaners, and outdoors noises from open windows. Despite their complexity, such environments contain structure that can be learnt and exploited using advanced source separation, machine learning and speech recognition techniques such as those presented at the 1st International Workshop on Machine Listening in Multisource Environments (CHiME 2011).

This special issue solicits papers describing advances in speech separation and recognition in multisource noise environments, including theoretical developments, algorithms or systems.

Examples of topics relevant to the special issue include:
• multiple speaker localization, beamforming and source separation,
• hearing inspired approaches to multisource processing,
• background noise tracking and modelling,
• noise-robust speech decoding,
• model combination approaches to robust speech recognition,
• datasets, toolboxes and other resources for multisource speech separation and recognition.

Manuscript submissions shall be made through the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) at
Once logged in, click on “Submit New Manuscript” then select “Special Issue: Speech Separation and Recognition in Multisource Environments” in the “Choose Article Type” dropdown menu.

November 30, 2011: Paper submission
March 30, 2012: First review
May 30, 2012: Revised submission
July 30, 2012: Second review
August 30, 2012: Camera-ready submission


7-4Acoustical Science and Technology (AST) English Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan

The new issue of the Acoustical Science and Technology
(AST), English Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan,  Vol. 32, No. 6, published on
November 1st, 2011 is available at the following URL:


7-5CfP Signal processing Special issue on Processing Under-Resourced Languages

Call for Papers

 Special Issue on Processing

Under-Resourced Languages


The creation of language and acoustic resources, for any given spoken language, is typically a costly task. For example, a large amount of time and money is required to properly create annotated speech corpora for automatic speech recognition (ASR), domain-specific text corpora for language modeling (LM), etc. The development of speech technologies (ASR, Text-to-Speech) for the already high-resourced languages (such as English, French or Mandarin, for example) is less constrained by this issue and, consequently, high-performance commercial systems are already on the market. On the other hand, for under-resourced languages, the above issue is typically the main obstacle.


Given this, the scientific community’s concern with porting, adapting, or creating language and acoustic resources or even models for low-resourced languages has been growing recently and several algorithms and methods of adaptation have been proposed and experimented with. In the mean time, workshops and special sessions have been organized on this domain.


This special issue focuses on research and development of new tools based on speech technologies for less-resourced national languages, mainly, used in the following large geographical regions: Eastern Europe, South and Southeast Asia, West Asia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Central America, Oceania. The special issue is open to present problems and peculiarities of targeted languages in application to spoken language technologies, including automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech, speech-to-speech translation, spoken dialogue systems in an internationalized context. When developing speech-based technologies researchers are faced with many new problems from lack of audio databases and linguistic resources (lexicons, grammars, text collections), to inefficiency of existing methods for language and acoustical modeling, and limited infrastructure for the creation of relevant resources. They often have to deal with novel linguistic phenomena that are poorly studied or researched from a speech technology perspective (for instance, clicks in southern African languages, tone in many languages of the world, language switching in multilingual systems, rich morphology, etc).


Well-written papers on speech technologies for targeted languages are encouraged, and papers describing original results (theoretical and/or experimental) obtained for under-resourced languages, but important for well-elaborated languages too, are invited as well. Good papers from any countries and any authors may be accepted if they present new speech studies concerning the languages of interest of the special issue. Submissions from countries where issues related to under-resourced languages are a practical reality, are strongly encouraged for this special issue.


Important Dates:

Submission deadline:  1st August 2012

Notification of acceptance: 1st February 2013

Final manuscript due:  April 2013

Tentative publication date: Summer 2013






Etienne Barnard

North-West University, South Africa

Laurent Besacier

Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble, France

Alexey Karpov

SPIIRAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Tanja Schultz

University of Karlsruhe, Germany



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