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Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2025  »  ISCApad #319  »  Events  »  Other Events

ISCApad #319

Friday, January 10, 2025 by Chris Wellekens

3-3 Other Events

I would like to personally encourage you to attend our online 2025 conference and hopefully submit an abstract for the special conference entitled VOICE AND SPEECH SCIENCE IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Our keynote speakers are Frank Guenther and Shri Narayanan, international experts on this topic. The conference is organized by the National Center for Voice and Speech (NCVS) and scheduled for March 3-4, 2025, only a few months away. Here are some topics that would fit into the general theme:

  1. General voice and speech science
  2. Management of large data bases
  3. Handling systems with many degrees of freedom
  4. Perception to physiology mapping
  5. Motor control and learning
  6. Maintaining the integrity of physical laws
  7. Handling outliers and anomalies
  8. Artificial Intelligence: its benefits and limitations in speech therapy, disorders, and training

Abstract submission is extended to January 6, 2025. You can submit an abstract here:

NCVS is committed to bringing new areas of science to the voice and speech community.


Ingo R. Titze, PhD

President, National Center for Voice and Speech


3-3-2(2025-03-25) Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2025, Aussois (French Alps), France



Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS) 2025

March 30th - April 4th 2025

Aussois (French Alps)


We are pleased to announce the 5th edition of ALPS - the Advanced NLP School to be held in the French Alps from March 30th to April 4th 2025

This school targets advanced research students in Natural Language Processing and related fields and brings together world leading experts and motivated students. The programme comprises lectures, poster presentations, practical lab sessions and nature activities - the venue is located near a National Park.


Important Dates

  • Oct 15th 2024: Application deadline

  • Nov 15th 2024: acceptance notification

  • Jan 15th 2025: registration deadline

  • March 30th 2025: Start of School


Confirmed speakers so far:

  • Kyunghyun Cho (New York University & Prescient Design)

  • Titouan Parcollet (Cambridge University & Samsung AI Center)

  • Barbara Plank (LMU Munich)

  • François Yvon (ISIR CNRS)


Website and online application:



The registration fees for the event encompass accommodation and full board at the conference venue, the Centre Paul Langevin. We will announce the fee amounts later, and they will vary depending on the participant's background: students, academia, and industry. Student fees will be set at or below €600, including twin room accommodation. We will have a limited amount of scholarships for the registration: if you are interested please mark this in the application form. The rates for academia and industry will be higher, as is customary, and will include accommodation in a single room.


3-3-3(2025-04-06) Workshops and Grand Challenges 50th ICASSP, Hyderabad, India

We are excited to announce the Grand Challenges and Workshops that will take place at the 50th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP) in Hyderabad, India, from 2025 April 6-11.


Explore all the official ICASSP Grand Challenges and Workshops below. For more details about these events, visit the individual websites listed on the ICASSP website.




Grand Challenges


3-3-4(2025-04-06) Call for ICASSP 2025 Grand Challenge, Hyberabad, India

Call for ICASSP 2025 SP Grand Challenges! 

Submit your Proposal by 8 July 2024.

The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) invites proposals for the Signal Processing Grand Challenge Program (SPGC)! The 50th ICASSP will be held in Hyderabad, India, from 6-11 April 2025 


ICASSP 2025 will feature high technical quality, many novel scientific activities, excellent networking opportunities, enjoyable social events, and unforgettable touristic possibilities. This year's conference theme will be “Celebrating Signal Processing.”


Submit your SP Grand Challenge proposals by 8 July 2024 to be considered. Learn more about the submission requirements and guidelines below.


Signal Processing Grand Challenge Guidelines 


Prospective SPGC organizers should include the following items in their proposal (please limit it to 4 pages):

  • One-page call for participation
  • Signal Processing Grand Challenge description
  • Description of the dataset provided for training and evaluation, evaluation criteria and methodology, guidelines for participants, and the full challenge schedule including the submission deadline
  • List of potential participants (indicate confirmed participants if applicable)

All SPGC proposals should be submitted online here.


Important Dates 

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: 8 July 2024
  • Proposal Acceptance Notification: 19 July 2024
  • 2-Page Papers Due (Invitation Only): 9 December 2024
  • 2-Page Paper Acceptance Notification: 30 December 2024
  • Camera Ready Papers Due: 13 January 2025
  • OJ-SP Papers Due (Invitation Only): 11 June 2025

3-3-5(2025-04-06) Cf Show &Tell proposals@ICASSP2025, Hyderabad, India

Call for Show and Tell Demo Proposals 

Proposal Deadline: 19 January 2025

The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) will feature sessions for Show and Tell demonstration. In Show and Tell sessions, the participants can demonstrate research or engineering innovations in industry, academia, and government entities.


The proposal must clearly explain how the proposed demonstration is novel and innovative and why it should appeal to the ICASSP audience. Show and Tell demonstrations should have an interactive component beyond demonstrating simple simulated graphs or presenting slides or a video on a computer. Proposals demonstrating open-source research software/hardware are also within the scope of the session.

  • Commercial product demonstrations are considered more appropriate for ICASSP Exhibitions and will not be considered for show-and-tell demonstrations.
  • If your Show and Tell demonstration is related to a paper submitted to the 2025 edition of ICASSP, the paper ID and title should also be mentioned in the abstract.

The demonstrations will be conducted in person at the conference in Hyderabad, India, from 6-11 April 2025. Learn more about the submission requirements here


Important Dates:

  • Show and Tell Proposal Deadline: 19 January 2025 
  • Show and Tell Acceptance Notification: 30 January 2025 

3-3-6(2025-04-06) CfP ICASSP 2025, Hyderabad, India

Announcing the ICASSP 2025 Call for Papers!

Paper Submission Deadline: 9 September 2024

The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Call for Papers is now open! The 50th ICASSP will be held in Hyderabad, India, from 6-11 April 2025 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre.


The flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society will offer a comprehensive technical program presenting the latest developments in signal processing research and applications. Exceptional papers and contributors will be selected and recognized at ICASSP 2025.


Submit your papers by 9 September 2024 to be considered. Learn more about the technical scope, submission requirements and guidelines below.


Important Dates 

  • Submission Deadline: 9 September 2024
  • Author Response Period: 15-26 November 2024
  • SPS Jornal Papers/Letters Deadline: 11 December 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: 18 December 2024
  • Camera Ready Paper Deadline: 13 January 2025
  • Author Registration: 13 January 2025
  • Open Preview: 7 March 2025

SPS Society Journal Paper Presentations 

Authors of papers published or accepted in IEEE SPS journals may present their work at ICASSP 2025. These papers will not be re-reviewed or included in the proceedings.


In addition, the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJSP) will provide a special track for longer submissions with the same processing timeline as ICASSP. Accepted papers will be published in OJSP and presented at the conference but will not be included in the conference proceedings.


Open Preview

Conference proceedings will be available in IEEE Xplore, free of charge, to everyone, 30 days before the conference start date, through the end date.


ICASSP 2025 is a flagship event of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, a global network of signal processing and data science professionals. A membership to IEEE SPS connects you with more than 30,000 researchers, academics, industry practitioners, and students advancing and disseminating the latest breakthroughs and technology. By joining, you’ll receive significant savings on registration to future events, including ICASSP 2025, as well as access to highly-ranked journals, continuing education materials, and a robust technical community. Learn more about how you can save and grow with us! 


3-3-7(2025-04-06) CfShort courses/ ICASSP2025, Hyderabad, India

ICASSP 2025 Call for Short Course Proposals

Submit your Proposals by 24 September 2024


General Information



Each course should have a total duration of 9 hours, distributed over 2 days, at 3 hours for one day and 6 hours for the other day. However, a shorter course with a length of 6 hours is also acceptable and in this case the delivery will be three hours for each day. Short courses will be delivered on Sunday and Monday of the week of ICASSP 2025.




Short courses should be different than tutorials and aim for a broader view covering a wide spectrum of ideas and results in their area, and not focus only on research results from a specific individual or group. Both established and emerging topics in signal processing  are welcome. We also encourage experiential, hands-on components that introduce methods and tools


Target Audience

  • Students
  • Researchers from universities or research labs/centers and industry
  • Signal processing engineers and practitioners from industry
  • Hybrid combinations of the above

Important Dates

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: 24 September 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: 25 November 2024

3-3-8(2025-04-06) CfW ICASSP 2025, Hyderabad, India

Call for ICASSP 2025 Workshop Proposals!

Submission Deadline: 8 July 2024

The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) organizing committee invites proposals for Satellite Workshops aiming to enrich the conference program, attract a wider audience, and enhance inclusivity for students and professionals.


The 50th ICASSP will be held in Hyderabad, India, from 6-11 April 2025 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. The ICASSP Satellite Workshops will be half or full-day events and will take place before or after the main technical program at the conference venue.


Submit your proposals by 8 July 2024 to be considered. Learn more about the submission requirements and guidelines below.



The ICASSP Satellite Workshops main emphasis will lie on clearly focused and emerging topics that are not specifically covered in the main conference and/or enable thematic synergies between the IEEE Signal Processing and other related societies, including (but not limited to) IEEE Communication Society, IEEE Information Theory Society, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, among others.


We also encourage proposals that focus on the use of novel technology for modern signal processing education. In keeping with the theme of “Celebrating Signal Processing”, we welcome workshop proposals focused on seminal contributions from the past five decades with sustained impact. 


The workshops may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynotes, and panels, encouraging the participation of attendees in active discussions. Learn more about the Workshop logistics here.


Important Dates 

  • Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: 8 July 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: 25 July 2024
  • Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: 9 September 2024
  • Paper Acceptance Notification: 18 December 2024
  • Camera Ready Paper Deadline: 13 January 2025

3-3-9(2025-04-06) Deadlines for ICASSP 2025, Hyderabad, India
cropped-ICASSP-2025-Logo-Theme-Text-SPS-logo (1)

Deadlines Approaching! Call for Papers, Short Course Proposals, and Tutorials.

There is still time to submit your work to the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)! The 50th ICASSP will be held in Hyderabad, India, from 6-11 April 2025 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre.


The flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society will offer a comprehensive technical program presenting the latest developments in signal processing research and applications. Exceptional papers and contributors will be selected and recognized at ICASSP 2025.


Important Dates:

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 9 September 2024
  • Short Course Proposal Deadline: 23 September 2024 
  • Tutorial Proposal Deadline: 23 September 2024

Call for Papers 

Submit a Conference Paper

To maximize visibility and impact, all accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore digital library and will be freely accessible and downloadable by all, in final format, beginning one month prior to the conference and through the conference end date (Open Preview). 


Exceptional papers and contributors will be selected and recognized at ICASSP 2025. Learn more about the Call for Papers submission guidelines and requirements here.


Submit an Open Access Journal Paper in the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP)

Following the same timeline as the conference papers, authors have the option to submit an 8+1 page Short Paper for publication in the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP), the completely open access journal of the SPS, instead of in the conference proceedings.


Papers submitted to OJ-SP prior to the conference submission deadline that are designated as being intended for presentation at the conference will receive expedited review to ensure that a decision is available in time for inclusion in the conference program. Learn more here.


Present an Accepted SPS Journal Paper
Authors who have published a paper in a Signal Processing Society Journal within the last year may submit an SPS Journal Paper Presentation Request to present the paper at the conference. Learn more here.


Call for Short Course Proposals

The education-oriented short courses will offer Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) certificates to those who complete each course. Given that students, academics, and industry researchers and practitioners worldwide have a broad diversity of interests and areas of expertise, the IEEE SPS goal is to develop meaningful methods of offering beneficial and relevant courses in support of our members’ educational needs. 


Both established and emerging topics in signal processing are welcome. We also encourage experiential, hands-on components that introduce methods and tools


Learn more about the Short Course proposal requirements here


Call for Tutorials

The selection of tutorials for presentation at the conference will be based on the relevance of the topic and its potential interest to signal processing professionals and students, the expertise of the presenters, peer-review feedback, the diversity of the topics selected for the tutorial program, and other criteria. An honorarium of $1000 will be given per tutorial. 


Proposals related to new and emerging topics in signal processing are particularly encouraged. Learn more about the guidelines and submission requirements here.


ICASSP 2025 is a flagship event of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, a global network of signal processing and data science professionals. A membership to IEEE SPS connects you with more than 30,000 researchers, academics, industry practitioners, and students advancing and disseminating the latest breakthroughs and technology. By joining, you’ll receive significant savings on registration to future events, including ICASSP 2025, as well as access to highly-ranked journals, continuing education materials, and a robust technical community. Learn more about how you can save and grow with us! 


3-3-10(2025-04-06)Cf Tutorials, IEEE ISCASSP 2025, Hyderabad, India

Announcing the Call for Tutorials!

Submit your proposal by 23 September 2024.

The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). is now accepting Tutorial proposals in all areas of signal processing and its applications. Proposals related to new and emerging topics in signal processing are particularly encouraged.


The 50th ICASSP will be held in Hyderabad, India, from 6-11 April 2025 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. ICASSP 2025 will feature high technical quality, many novel scientific activities, excellent networking opportunities, enjoyable social events, and unforgettable touristic possibilities. This year's conference theme will be “Celebrating Signal Processing.”


Call for Tutorials

Tutorials will have a duration of 3 hours, excluding a 20-minute break, and will take place prior to the main technical program. As ICASSP 2025 is an in-person conference, for each accepted tutorial, its proposer(s) will have to present it in person at the conference venue in Hyderabad, India.


The selection of tutorials for presentation at the conference will be based on the relevance of the topic and its potential interest to signal processing professionals and students, the expertise of the presenters, peer-review feedback, the diversity of the topics selected for the tutorial program, and other criteria. An honorarium of $1000 will be given per tutorial. 



3-3-11(2025-04-22) Call for Science: 2025 Voice AI Symposium, Tampa, FL, USA

Call for Science: 2025 Voice AI Symposium

hosted by the Bridge2AI-Voice Consortium


Submit your innovative research and technology to shape the future of AI and voice biomarkers!

This year's theme is 'Translating AI Research into Reality: Implementing Voice Biomarkers for Transformative Healthcare'




Important Dates 

Submission Deadline for AbstractsDecember 15th, 2024

Selection Notifications begin January 15th, 2025

Symposium + Hackathon DatesApril 22-24, 2025


We are welcoming submissions for the following categories

Podium or Poster Presentations

Panel Discussions

Voice AI Technology Fair



About: The Bridge 2AI Voice Symposium is more than a conference; it is an interactive and collaborative effort between three integral aspects which impact our understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML): people, ethics, and data. Submit your groundbreaking work for consideration to be a part of the 2024 Bridge 2AI Voice Symposium. Come join a global network of pioneers and collaborate with patients, scientists, clinicians, and industry. You play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI and ML. We will see you in sunny Tampa Florida April 22-24.




Abstracts will be accepted for the presentation of research. We will be accepting presentations in the format of (1) oral presentation (30 minute oral presentation), (2) poster, or (3) either format. Reviewers will evaluate the submission and determine the best fit for presentation.  


The goals of the podium and poster sessions are to:  


  1. Promote collaborative efforts in the emerging field of AI in voice research. 
  2. Provide a unique networking and discussion opportunity among academic and industry peers participating in the Voice AI Symposium.  
  3. Encourage presenters to think outside the box and brainstorm innovative approaches to address major challenges in AI research. While prior experimentation is welcome, it is not mandatory.  


Topic Areas for Submission:  We invite proposals for topics including but not limited to: 


Topic Area 1: 

The reliability of Voice AI in clinical diagnostics and prediction.  

Subjects can include specific disorders, public health, health policy and organization, and accessibility. Proposals can target clinician workflow, home health, virtual screening etc. Focus on tangible solutions rather than broad ideas. Current projects or new projects/ideas can be included. 


Topic Area 2: 

Validation of Voice AI processes and demonstrations of robustness.  

Subjects can include optimizing machine learning for voice data or identification of explicit and implicit biases in current clinical practice that could be exacerbated by voice AI. Topics should address mitigation strategies or systematic approaches to overcome these challenges. 


Topic Area 3: 

How can we build trust and transparency in voice AI, ensuring that it is used in responsible and effective ways to improve health outcomes and transform healthcare? 

Practical solutions presented can cover: highlighting methods to promote data privacy and security while fostering data sharing for research innovation, respecting patients’ rights, addressing biases and unintended consequences, and establishing a clear and consistent legal framework for voice AI in healthcare.  


Abstract Guidelines 


Specifications and submission details:  

There is no submission fee.   

Abstracts will be reviewed by committee who will determine best presentation for research (either poster or podium)

Podiums will be 30-minute oral presentations that offer valuable insights into the field of voice AI. Submissions should focus on either research or clinical applications of AI in voice.

Research Presentations: Share recent findings or ongoing research that advances our understanding of voice AI]. 

Clinical Presentations: Highlight innovative approaches to diagnosis, treatment, or service delivery for voice AI. Discuss the practical implications and benefits of your methods. 

Abstracts should include: an introduction stating its relevance to improving human health, approach, preliminary findings (if available), conclusion, and future direction of your work.  

Maximum character count per abstract submission is 1,900 characters NOT including spaces. If you choose to add an image or table to your abstract submission, it will count as 600 characters towards the total 1,900 characters that are allowed. 




We invite abstracts for panel presentations that address the effective development and use of AI in healthcare. Each panel will consist of a moderator and 3-4 presenters who will address moderator questions or present brief papers related to a specific topic. The panel session length will be approximately 60 minutes, and should include interaction with the audience through live polling questions, which we will facilitate through the use of 'Aha Slides' at the day of the event. The topic should be addressed within the context of our 3 key pillars – people, data, and ethics. The organizer of the symposium is expected to be the chair. Diversity of background and expertise within the panel is encouraged.Presenters should represent different laboratories and an international mix of contributors is encouraged. 


Specifications and submission details: 

There is no submission fee.   

Panel presentation abstracts should include bullets that include: a title, name and affiliation of the moderator, a list of the panelists, and an abstract describing the intent of the panel presentation.  

The abstract should include a brief overview of the panel presentation, a description of the structure of the presentation, the purpose and the intended outcome(s). 

The abstract should include 5 questions relevant to your panel that will be used in interactive 'Aha slides' on the day of the event (e.g. 'How do you think voice biomarkers are most likely to be implemented in the next year?' plus four answers for the audience to choose from)

Maximum character count per panel submission is 1,900 characters NOT including spaces. If you choose to add an image or table to your abstract submission, it will count as 600 characters towards the total 1,900 characters that are allowed. 




A technology fair will be hosted during the 2025 Bridge 2AI Voice Symposium. Eligible participants include startup companies, independent tech researchers and voice AI companies with relevant technology for demonstration. Technology should be relevant to applications of Voice AI or voice biomarkers in healthcare. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with clinicians, scientists, and patients to discuss and provide hands on interactions with their tech.  


Specifications and submission details:  

  • Cost per submission is $300  (payment not required until application is accepted by symposium committee)
  • Submit a one paragraph description of your company, startup and/or technology, describe how you would demonstrate it to attendees, and describe how it is relevant to voice AI in healthcare or voice biomarker research



3-3-12(2025-04-27) CfP Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Sorbonne Université, Paris

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le prochain Congrès Français d’Acoustique (, organisé sous l’égide de la Société Française d’Acoustique (SFA), se tiendra sur le Campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université du 27 au 30 Avril 2025L'Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée (AFCP) est société partenaire pour l'organisation avec le Groupe d'Acoustique de la Parole (GAP-SFA) d'une session générale intitulée : acoustique de la voix, de la parole et du chant. Cette session a pour objectif de donner un aperçu des recherches scientifiques actuelles en sciences phonétiques et en acoustique : études expérimentales, travaux en modélisation et simulation, en phonétique expérimentale et clinique, analyse et synthèse, et histoire des sciences de la parole.

Nous vous sollicitons aujourd’hui pour soumettre un résumé pour une communication orale à ce congrès. Le format d'un résumé est entre 120 et 300 mots, en langue française de préférence. Le résumé et les différentes informations saisies restent modifiables jusqu’à la date limite de contribution fixée au 01 décembre 2024.  Nous espérons que vous pourrez y participer pour présenter vos derniers travaux.

Veuillez noter que vous devez effectuer une pré-inscription avant de soumettre votre résumé, vous engageant ainsi à payer ultérieurement les frais d’inscription. Après avoir pris connaissance des informations sur l’inscription et la soumission des résumés sur , vous pourrez procéder à l’inscription en vous enregistrant sur la plateforme puis en utilisant les identifiants pour soumettre votre résumé sur À la première étape, choisissez 'GAP - Voix et Parole' dans le menu déroulant nommé 'Thème', puis 'Session générale d'acoustique de la voix, de la parole et du chant' dans le menu déroulant 'Session spéciale'.

En espérant que vous accepterez cette invitation à participer, nous vous remercions par avance pour votre contribution à la réussite de cette manifestation.

Bien cordialement,

Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni, Coriandre Vilain et Claire Pillot-Loiseau


3-3-13(2025-05-16) CfP 3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation - TAI 2025, Herrsching, Germany

Call for Papers

3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation - TAI 2025

Date: 16-May-2025 to 18-May-2025
Location: Herrsching (near Munich), Germany
Meeting Email:
Web Site:

Call Deadline: 09-Dec-2024

Meeting Description:

The TAI conference is the result of the merging the International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL) and the Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE). The TAI 2025 conference aims to bring together distinguished researchers, experts, and practitioners from around the world to exchange ideas, insights, and the latest advancements in the field of tone and intonation. The TAI proceedings are archived by ISCA, the International Speech Communication Association.

Call for Papers:


We are delighted to announce that the Third International Conference on Tone and TAI 2025 will be held in Herrsching near Munich, Germany, from 16–18 May 2025. Jointly sponsored by the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) and the International Phonetic Association (IPA), TAI 2025 will be hosted by the Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing of the LMU Munich.

With the theme of 'Variation and change in tone and intonation systems across space and time', our aim at TAI 2025 is to foster a more diverse and comprehensive understanding of tone and intonation by exploring variation in geographical as well as physical space, along with the dynamic evolution of tone and intonation across various timescales. We invite submissions that explore phonetic and phonological aspects of tone and intonation, with a particular focus on the following topics:

1. Variation and Change in Space:
- Cross-linguistics comparison of tone and intonation in well- and under-studied languages.
- Documentation of tonal and intonational patterns in endangered languages.
- Analysis of geographic variation in tone and intonation.
- Tone and intonation in language contact.

2. Variation and Change in Time:
- Diachronic change of tone and intonation.
- Generational differences of tone and intonation.
- Sociolinguistic factors influencing tonal and intonational change.

3. Variation Beyond Space and Time:
- Psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural correlates of tone and intonation.
- Physiological underpinnings of tone and intonation.
- Acquisition of tone and intonation in L1 and L2.
- Tone and intonation in neurodevelopmental disorders and impairments.
- Role of tone and intonation in multimodal communication.
- Computational modeling and applications of tone and intonation.

We welcome submissions on any aspect of tone and intonation in language, not limited to the aforementioned topics. We encourage contributions from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives, including experimental, descriptive, and computational approaches. Contributions by junior researchers and/or with interdisciplinary research methods are strongly encouraged.

Submission information:

Abstracts should be written in English and no more than 2 A4-sized pages (1 page of text and 1 page for tables, figures, and references), including up to 5 keywords that best describe the paper. All submissions should be in PDF format. Abstracts will be subject to double-blind peer review; please ensure that all identifying information is removed from the abstract.

Abstract submission opens: 15 October 2024
Abstract submission deadline: 9 December 2024
Notification of acceptance: 3 February 2025

Abstract submission will be via CMT:


Sireemas Maspong




3-3-14(2025-06-09?) Cf research proposals: 2025 Jelinek Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies (JSALT), Brno, Czech Republic
2025 Jelinek Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies

We are pleased to invite one page research proposals for an
Eight Week Residential Summer Research Workshop

at Brno University of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic,
from June 9 to August 1, 2025 (Tentative)


Deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
We invite one-page research proposals for the annual Frederick Jelinek Memorial Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies (JSALT). Proposals should advance human language technologies (HLT) or related areas of artificial intelligence (AI) including computer vision and robotics,  or enable their applications, e.g. in healthcare or education.  Proposals may address emerging or long-standing challenges.  Areas of interest in 2025 include but are not limited to

TEXT UNDERSTANDINGChallenges of large language models (LLMs), including auditability of training data, high cost of pretraining & fine-tuning, interpretability, explainability, prompt-brittleness, hallucinations & misaligned behavior; Machine translation for informal, dialectal and low-resource languages.

SPEECH UNDERSTANDINGRobust models for understanding challenging audio, including dialectal, code-mixed and far-field speech; Speaker identity, voice anonymization, deep-fake generation and detection; Synthesizing spoken conversations for model training in new languages, domains and acoustic conditions.

MULTIMODAL UNDERSTANDINGMultimodal foundation models (including LLMs) for audio, text, images, handwriting and machine-print; Application of multimodal models in education, scientific discovery, health monitoring and healthcare delivery; Embodied AI.

RESPONSIBLE AI: Privacy-preserving model training and inference for HLT/AI; Designing HLT/AI systems to be equitable/fair to all demographics; Preventing/Mitigating harmful behavior of HLT/AI models; Securing HLT/AI models against adversarial actors and operating conditions.
Research topics selected for investigation by teams in past workshops should serve as good examples for prospective proposers:
All received proposals will be screened for basic feasibility, and results of this screening will be communicated by October 18, 2024.  Authors of feasible proposals will be invited to an interactive peer-review meeting in Baltimore on November 15-17, 2024.  At this meeting, proposals will be peer-reviewed in depth, revised iteratively and interactively to address any concerns and to incorporate new ideas from the floor, and 3-4 topics will eventually be selected for pursuit in Summer 2025.
These workshops aim to bring together “dream teams” to collaboratively pursue research on the selected topics: teams that are interdisciplinary and diverse in many ways including institutionally, demographically, and seniority of researchers. Authors of successful proposals typically lead these teams, and another 3-5 senior researchers from academia, industry and government join each team.  3-5 PhD students familiar with the topic are then selected, based on their demonstrated research performance, in consultation with the senior researchers. Finally, a few outstanding undergraduates, typically rising-seniors from a variety of majors, are selected via a nationwide search.
If you are interested in leading a dream team in JSALT 2025, please submit a one-page research proposal for consideration, detailing the problem to be addressed. If your proposal (or a modified version of it) is chosen for pursuit next summer, we expect you to be resident at the workshop for 6+ weeks. We are not asking for an ironclad commitment at this juncture, just a good faith assertion that if a topic advocated by you is chosen, you will actively pursue it with us. We in turn will make a good faith effort to accommodate any personal/logistical needs to enable your travel to, residence at and participation in the workshop, including airfare, housing, meals and incidentals.
The peer-review meeting and summer workshop will be in-person events.
Please submit proposals to by Tuesday, October 15, 2024.


3-3-15(2025-06-10) 10èmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique, Sète, France

10e Journées de Phonétique Clinique


En 2025, les 10e JPC auront lieu dans la proche région de Montpellier, à Sète du 10 au 12 Juin 2025.

Elles seront organisées conjointement par l’équipe d’Anthropologie Évolutive de l’ISEM UMR5554 (CNRS & Université de Montpellier), le laboratoire Praxiling UMR5267 (CNRS & Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3), le CHU Gui de Chauliac (Service Voix Parole Déglutition), le Laboratoire Audiocampus (Faculté de Pharmacie) et le Département Universitaire d’Orthophonie (Faculté de Médecine). 

 Ces journées pluridisciplinaires sont principalement destinées à rassembler et à favoriser les échanges entre chercheurs, cliniciens et phonéticiens et avec tout autre professionnel s’intéressant aux mécanismes de production et de perception de la parole. Les JPC accueillent autant les experts que les jeunes chercheurs et les étudiants, des domaines cliniques (médecine, orthophonie, audiologie), psychologique, et des sciences du langage. Elles concernent tout ce qui a trait au langage, à la parole et à la voix de l’enfant et de l’adulte, sain ou atteint d’une pathologie. Ces aspects y sont abordés selon des points de vue variés, permettant le partage des savoirs et l’ouverture de nouvelles pistes de réflexion, de recherche et de collaboration.  Les Journées de Phonétique Clinique offrent aux jeunes chercheurs une plateforme d'échange et de formation en contact direct avec des experts du domaine. Ils peuvent y présenter leurs travaux, recevoir des retours critiques, et assister à des conférences spécialisées, ce qui favorise l'acquisition de nouvelles compétences méthodologiques et théoriques. Cette immersion dans un cadre scientifique et collaboratif enrichit leur parcours académique, soutient leur développement professionnel en recherche clinique et linguistique et leur ouvre des perspectives d’avenir pour la suite de leur parcours universitaire (post-docs).

Lors de cette 10e édition, les femmes, grandes oubliées de la recherche, seront mises à l’honneur. En effet, la recherche biomédicale vise à comprendre le fonctionnement, normal ou pathologique, du corps humain, afin d’améliorer la santé et la qualité de vie des individus. Que ce soit dans son volet clinique ou dans le domaine fondamental, elle s’est souvent cantonnée à des études sur des individus masculins sans tenir compte du fait que la prévalence de certaines maladies diffère selon le genre (Baggio et al. 2013). Ainsi, à l’heure actuelle, 60% des études publiées ne font aucunement mention du genre. La communauté scientifique a aujourd’hui pris conscience de l’importance d’inclure suffisamment de femmes dans les études et d’analyser ces données en fonction du genre.

 Les propositions de communication porteront sur les problématiques suivantes (liste non exhaustive) :

  • Parole et perturbations des systèmes perceptifs, auditifs et visuels


  • Modélisation de la parole et de la voix pathologiques


  • Perturbations du système oro-pharyngo-laryngé


  • Perception de la parole (notamment en milieu bruité)


  • Interaction audio-visuelle chez les malentendants


  • Évaluation fonctionnelle de la parole, du langage et de la voix


  • Évaluation fonctionnelle de l'audition


  • Troubles de la fluence


  • Perception de la parole chez le malentendant


  • Réhabilitation prothétique de la surdité


  • Diagnostic et traitement des troubles de la parole et de la voix parlée et chantée


  • Instrumentation et ressources en phonétique clinique


  • Troubles cognitifs et moteurs de la parole et du langage


  • Méthodes d’analyses / de mesures

     NB : Une attention particulière sera portée aux propositions en lien avec la santé des femmes, les méthodes de mesure spécifiquement adaptées aux voix féminines, les analyses comparatives en fonction du genre, etc…


 Dates importantes (site internet de soumission à venir)

 Date d’appel à communication : 12/11/2024

 ***Date limite de réception des soumissions (abstracts de 500 mots) : 31/01/2025

 Date de notification aux auteurs : 17/03/2025

 Dates d’inscription (early-bird) : 17/03/2025 au 14/04/2025 inclus

 Date d’inscription (tarif normal) : 15/04/2025 au 02/06/2025 inclus 

 Version finale des résumés : 16/05/2025


10e Journées de Phonétique Clinique : 10-12 juin 2025




3-3-16(2025-06-18) PAC 2025 - Spoken English Varieties - Perception and Representations, Aix-en-Provence,France (extended deadline)

Deuxième appel à communications pour la conférence internationale PAC 2025 (phonologie de l’anglais contemporain) - Spoken English Varieties - Perception and Representations, qui se tiendra à Aix-en-Provence du 18 au 20 juin 2025.

La conférence sera suivie le 20 juin après-midi d’un atelier sur le dépôt et le partage des données. 


Dates à retenir :

Conférence : 18-20 juin 2025, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence. 

Date de soumission des résumés: 5 janvier 2025

 Bien cordialement,

Le comité d’organisation PAC 2025. 



3-3-17(2025-06-23) CfP Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, Malaga, Spain

Call for Submissions:


Special Session on Speaker Characterization: Speaker Recognition, Diarization, Speech Emotion Recognition

We are pleased to invite you to submit your work to the Special Session on Speaker Recognition, Diarization, and Speech Emotion Recognition at the upcoming Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, to be held from 23rd to 26th of June 2025 in Malaga. This session will focus on cutting-edge research in the fields of speech analysis, with particular emphasis on speaker recognition, diarization, and the recognition of speech-based emotions.

We welcome two types of submissions:

1. Oral Presentation of Published Work: Authors of previously published journal articles related to the session’s theme are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation of their work. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research to an interdisciplinary audience and engage in discussions.

2. Full Paper Submissions for Review: Authors with unpublished research are invited to submit their full papers for review. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will also be eligible for oral presentation during the special session. Important Dates: - Abstract Submission Deadline: January 19th - Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 23rd - Notification of Acceptance: April 10th - Conference Dates: 23rd to 26th of June Submission Guidelines: - Abstracts for oral presentations of published work should be no more than 200 words. - Full paper submissions should be 2-4 pages for short papers, and up to 8 pages for long papers. - Detailed instructions can be found on the conference website We look forward to your contributions and hope to see you at Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025!

For more information, please contact:

Thomas Thebaud,

PhD Assistant Research Scientist,

Center for Language and Speech Processing Johns Hopkins University


3-3-18(2025-06-25) CfP : Prosody in Languages of the Middle East , Palma de Mallorca, Spain



Call for Papers: Prosody in Languages of the Middle East

Date: 25-Jun-2025
Location: Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Contact Person: Niamh Kelly

Meeting  ;

Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2025 



  • Dr Niamh Kelly (Newcastle University, UK)
  • Dr Cong Zhang (Newcastle University, UK) 
  • Dr Vahid Sadeghi (Imam Khomeini International University, Iran)

Meeting Description:
This is a half-day satellite workshop for the 6th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE) conference.

Speech prosody refers to the suprasegmental aspects of speech, including intonation, tone, rhythm, stress, and so on. Prosody can be used, for example, for information structure, lexical contrasts, or to express questions vs statements. 
Languages of the Middle East are traditionally understudied when it comes to prosody. Research on the languages of the region has shown some interesting patterns relating to stress and prosodic focus (Egyptian Arabic (Hellmuth 2011), Jordanian Arabic (de Jong & Zawaydeh 1999)) and the interaction of tonal alignment with syllable structure (Persian (Sadeghi 2019), Lebanese Arabic (Kelly 2024)).
In this workshop on the prosody of languages of the Middle East (including Arabic, Persian, Kurdish languages, Turkic languages, etc), we intend to contribute to the discussion of word-level and sentence-level prosody in these languages, as well as create a space to make connections among researchers working on it. We particularly encourage submissions on lesser studied languages of the region, including work in progress. We also welcome submissions on the multilingual aspect of the region and how that may influence prosody. 

Submission information:
Deadline: February 1st 2025; notification of acceptance February 28th.

Abstract guidelines: Max. 1 page for the body of the abstract (font size 11-12) and max. 1 page for figures/references. Please submit your abstracts to: 

Oral sessions: 10 min talk, 5 mins for Q&A. There will also be a poster session.
This workshop will be held in a hybrid format so we can accept online talks. Participation at the workshop requires registration for the PaPE conference


3-3-19(2025-06-30) Appel à ateliers - CORIA TALN 2025, Marseille, France

Appel à ateliers - CORIA TALN 2025

Dans le cadre de la conférence conjointe CORIA-TALN 2025 qui aura lieu à Marseille du 30 juin au 4 juillet 2025, nous invitons la communauté scientifique à soumettre des propositions d’ateliers. Ces ateliers doivent aborder une thématique spécifique en lien avec la Recherche d'Information ou le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel. L'objectif est de permettre des échanges approfondis et ciblés, complémentaires aux sessions plénières de la conférence principale.

Chaque atelier disposera de son propre président ou présidente et de son propre comité de programme. Les responsables de l'atelier auront en charge la coordination des activités, incluant la communication autour de l’atelier, la publication de l’appel à contributions, ainsi que la gestion du processus de soumission et d’évaluation des articles.

Les organisateurs et organisatrices de CORIA-TALN 2025 prendront en charge les aspects logistiques (par exemple : gestion des salles, pauses café).

Les ateliers se tiendront en parallèle sur une journée complète ou une demi-journée le lundi 30 juin 2025 sur le campus Saint-Charles d’Aix-Marseille Université, à Marseille.

Dates importantes

  • Date limite pour la soumission des propositions d’ateliers :
    31 Janvier 2025
  • Notification d’acceptation :
    14 Février 2025

Modalités de proposition

Les propositions d’ateliers (1 à 2 pages au format PDF) devront inclure :

  • Le titre et l’acronyme de l’atelier.
  • Une description synthétique de la thématique.
  • La liste des organisateurs et organisatrices (responsable(s) et équipe).
  • Un comité scientifique provisoire ou pressenti.
  • L’adresse du site web de l’atelier, si disponible.
  • Besoins spécifiques (audiovisuel, posters, etc.).
  • La durée souhaitée (1 journée ou ½ journée) et une estimation du public cible.

Les propositions doivent être envoyées par courriel à, avec pour objet : [Atelier CORIA-TALN 2025].

Modalités de sélection

Les propositions seront évaluées par des membres du comité d’organisation avec l’aide d’experts issus de la communauté CORIA et TALN, et validées par l’ATALA et l’ARIA. Les critères suivants seront pris en compte :

  • L’adéquation aux thématiques de CORIA et/ou TALN.
  • L’originalité et la pertinence de la proposition.


Les ateliers pourront se dérouler en français ou en anglais (notamment pour les participants non-francophones). Les articles soumis devront respecter le format de CORIA-TALN 2025. Le calendrier de soumission des versions finales devra suivre celui de la conférence principale.



3-3-20(2025-07-20) CfP 61st IEEE Professional Communication Conference (ProComm), University of Southern Denmark, Sonderborg, Denmark
Call for Papers for the 61st IEEE Professional Communication Conference (ProComm)
20-23 July 2025 at the University of Southern Denmark, Sonderborg, Denmark.
ProComm is the flagship conference of the IEEE Professional Communication Society.
The conference takes place under the theme: “Digital Solutions and Multimodal Challenges”
Modern communication calls for more than traditional methods today. Digital solutions play a crucial role as they expand the efficiency and reach of communication. Multimodal communication, an evolution of this trend, is about the challenge of seamlessly integrating various media forms, from messaging apps to video calls – and it is also about the challenge of understanding how the different type and layers of communication, text and images, speech and body language, interact and interfere in the creation of attractive and effective messages. In an increasingly interconnected world, the integration of digital solutions and multimodal communication is crucial for effective exchange and collaboration. While, of course, inviting papers from all areas of professional communication, the conference will put a focus on building such inter-disciplinary bridges, using our Acoustics Lab’s international network to invite (foreign) language teachers, public-speaking coaches, researchers from the speech sciences, and speech-communication engineers to the event.
The 2025 issue of the conference is hosted by the CIE Acoustics Lab at the University of Southern Denmark in Sonderborg, Denmark.
All papers are subject to two rounds of double-bling peer review, and accepted papers will be published as proceedings in IEEE Xplore®, see here for further information and indexing:
Please note that the website for the 2025 conference is constantly updated. Information about keynotes, important dates etc. follow in autumn 2024.

3-3-21(2025-07-21) 12th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING, Porto, Portugal
(with a special focus on Large Language Models, Foundation Models and Generative AI)

DeepLearn 2025

Porto – Maia, Portugal

July 21-25, 2025


Co-organized by:

University of Maia

Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA


Early registration: January 23, 2025



DeepLearn 2025 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants on the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. Previous events were held in Bilbao, Genova, Warsaw, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Guimarães, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Luleå, Bournemouth, Bari, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Porto.

Deep learning is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current frontier research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in a huge variety of environments: computer vision, neurosciences, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedicine and health informatics, medical image analysis, recommender systems, advertising, fraud detection, robotics, games, business and finance, biotechnology, physics experiments, biometrics, communications, climate sciences, geographic information systems, signal processing, genomics, materials design, video technology, social systems, earth and sustainability, etc. etc.

The field is also raising a number of relevant questions about robustness of the algorithms, explainability, transparency, interpretability, as well as important ethical concerns at the frontier of current knowledge that deserve careful multidisciplinary discussion.

Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 18 four-hour and a half courses, 2 keynote lectures, 1 round table and a hackathon competition among participants. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Face to face interaction and networking will be main ingredients of the event. It will be also possible to fully participate in vivo remotely.

DeepLearn 2025 will place special emphasis on large language models, foundation models and generative artificial intelligence.


Graduate students, postgraduate students and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees, so people less or more advanced in their career will be welcome as well.

Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses.

Overall, DeepLearn 2025 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen to and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.


DeepLearn 2025 will take place in Porto, the second largest city in Portugal, recognized by UNESCO in 1996 as a World Heritage Site. The venue will be:

University of Maia
Avenida Carlos de Oliveira Campos - Castêlo da Maia
4475-690 Maia
Porto, Portugal


3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.

All lectures will be videorecorded. Participants will be able to watch them again for 45 days after the event.

An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Also companies will be able to present their technical developments for 10 minutes.

The school will include a hackathon, where participants will be able to work in teams to tackle several machine learning challenges.

Full live online participation will be possible. The organizers highlight, however, the importance of face to face interaction and networking in this kind of research training event.


Yonina Eldar (Weizmann institute of Science), Model Based Deep Learning: Applications to Imaging and Communications

Manuela Veloso (JPMorganChase), The Journey of Humans and AI: Insights from AI in Robotics and AI in Finance


Pierre Baldi (University of California Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] From Deep Learning and Transformers to AI Risks and Safety

Sean Benson (Amsterdam University Medical Center), [intermediate] Digital Twins and Generative AI for Personalised Medicine

Xavier Bresson (National University of Singapore), [intermediate/advanced] Graph Transformers, Graph Generative Models and Large Language Models

Nello Cristianini (University of Bath), [introductory] Machina Sapiens - Towards More General Forms of AI

Mark Derdzinski (Dexcom), [introductory] From Prototype to Production: Evaluation Strategies for Agentic Applications

Samira Ebrahimi Kahou (University of Calgary), [intermediate/advanced] Explainability in Machine Learning

Elena Giusarma (Michigan Technological University), [introductory/intermediate] Machine Learning at the Frontier of Astrophysics: Simulating the Universe

Shih-Chieh Hsu (University of Washington), [intermediate/advanced] Real-Time Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering

Xia 'Ben' Hu (Rice University), [introductory/advanced] Efficient LLM Serving: Algorithms and Systems

Lu Jiang (ByteDance & Carnegie Mellon University), [introductory/intermediate] Transformers for Image and Video Generation: Fundamentals, Design, and Innovations

Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer (University of Colorado), [introductory/intermediate] Multimodal AI for Healthcare

Yingbin Liang (Ohio State University), [intermediate/advanced] Theory on Training Dynamics of Transformers

Chen Change Loy (Nanyang Technological University), [intermediate/advanced] Harnessing Prior for Content Enhancement and Creation

Evan Shelhamer (DeepMind), [intermediate] Test-Time Adaptation for Updating Models on New and Different Data

Atlas Wang (University of Texas Austin), [intermediate] Low Rank Strikes Back in the Era of Large Language Models

Xiang Wang (University of Science and Technology of China), [advanced] Large Language Models for User Behavior Modeling: Cross-Modal Interpretation, Preference Optimization, and Agentic Simulation

Cao (Danica) Xiao (GE HealthCare), [introductory/intermediate] Transforming Healthcare and Drug Development through Multimodal AI with LLMs and Generative AI Technologies

Rex Ying (Yale University), [intermediate/advanced] Multimodal Foundation Models for Graph-Structured Data: Framework and Scientific Applications


An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary oral presentations of work in progress by participants.

They should submit a half-page abstract containing the title, authors, and summary of the research to by July 13, 2025.


A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry.

Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. People in charge of the demonstration must register for the event.

Expressions of interest have to be submitted to by July 13, 2025.


A hackathon will take place, where participants can work in teams to tackle several machine learning challenges. They will be coordinated by Professor Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Alabama). The challenges will be released 2 weeks before the beginning of the school. A jury will judge the submissions and the winners of each challenge will be announced by August 25, 2025. The winning teams will receive a modest monetary prize and the runners-up will get a certificate.


Companies/institutions/organizations willing to be sponsors of the event can download the sponsorship leaflet from


Sergei V. Gleyzer (Tuscaloosa, hackathon chair)
José Paulo Marques dos Santos (Maia, local chair)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, program chair)
Sara Morales (Brussels)
José Luís Reis (Maia)
Luís Paulo Reis (Porto)
David Silva (London, organization chair)


It has to be done at

The selection of 6 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For logistical reasons, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course.

Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration tool disabled when the capacity of the venue will have got exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.


Fees comprise access to all program activities and lunches.

There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.

The fees for on site and for online participation are the same.


Accommodation suggestions will be available in due time at


A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of academic activities. This should be sufficient for those participants who plan to request ECTS recognition from their home university.



Universidade da Maia

Universidade do Porto

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA, Brussels/London

3-3-22(2025-08-24) 13th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW13) , Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

13th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW13) - 24-26 August 2025 in Leeuwarden, NL - <>

We are delighted to announce the 13th edition of the Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW) which will take place in Leeuwarden (the Netherlands), from Sunday the 24th till Wednesday the 26th of August 2025. The workshop is a satellite event of the Interspeech 2025 conference (held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands).

The SSW is the main meeting place for research and innovation in speech synthesis, i.e. predicting speech signals from text input. Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology is a key component of numerous applications: speech-to-speech translation, digital assistants, conversational agents, social robots. While early research focused on basic intelligibility, contemporary systems now achieve remarkable naturalness. Current research frontiers include emotional expression, speaking style control, and efficient deployment for the world's languages.

**Theme: Scaling down: Sustainable synthesis for language diversity**

SSW13 focuses on making speech synthesis more accessible for the world's languages. We encourage submissions addressing:

- Data-efficient methods for low-resource languages
- Computationally sustainable approaches
- Cross-lingual transfer learning
- Language-specific challenges in TTS

= Key Information =

- Paper Format: Up to 6 pages including references using the Interspeech 2025 template
- Review Process: Double-blind peer review
- Presentation format: Oral and poster sessions
- Virtual Participation: None, in-person only

= Important Dates =

- January 30, 2025: Submission site opens
- **April 1, 2025: Initial submission deadline (title/abstract/authors)**
- April 14, 2025: Full paper deadline
- June 14, 2025: Notification of acceptance
- June 28, 2025: Camera-ready deadline
- August 17-22, 2025: Interspeech (Rotterdam)
- August 24-26, 2025: SSW13 (Leeuwarden)

= Topics =

SSW welcomes contributions not only in the core TTS technology but also includes researchers from related science -- from phoneticians, phonologists, and neuroscientists to experts of multimodal human-machine interaction.

Core tech
- End-to-end text-to-speech synthesis
- Direct waveform generation
- Voice conversion and modification
- Multilingual/cross-lingual synthesis
- Low-resource TTS methods

Linguistic aspects
- Text normalization and preprocessing
- Prosody modeling
- Expression and emotion
- Natural language generation for TTS
- G2P conversion

Applications & eval
- Speech synthesis for accessibility
- Embedded/edge deployment
- Quality assessment metrics
- Privacy and security
- Ethical considerations

Special applications
- Singing synthesis
- Non-human vocalization
- Talking faces/avatars
- Clinical applications


3-3-23(2025-09-06) Labs @CLEF2025, Madrid, Spain


CLEF 2025
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum
Madrid, Spain, September 9-12, 2025
Call for Lab Proposals
At its 26th edition, the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) is a continuation of the very successful series of evaluation campaigns of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) -- which ran between 2000 and 2009 -- and established a framework of systematic evaluation of information access systems, primarily through experimentation on shared tasks. As a leading annual international conference, CLEF uniquely combines evaluation laboratories and workshops with research presentations, panels, posters and demo sessions. In 2025, CLEF takes place in September, 9-12 in Madrid, Spain.
Researchers and practitioners from all areas of information access and related communities are invited to submit proposals for running evaluation labs as part of CLEF 2025. Proposals will be reviewed by a lab selection committee, composed of researchers with extensive experience in evaluating information access, retrieval, and extraction systems. Organisers of selected proposals will be invited to include their lab in the CLEF 2025 labs programme, possibly subject to suggested modifications to their proposal to better suit the CLEF lab workflow or timeline.
The CLEF Initiative ( is a self-organised body whose main mission is to promote research, innovation, and development of information access systems with an emphasis on multilingual information in different modalities - including text and multimedia - with various levels of structure. CLEF promotes research and development by providing an infrastructure for:
1.    independent evaluation of information access systems;
2.    investigation of the use of unstructured, semi-structured, highly-structured, and semantically enriched data in information access;
3.    creation of reusable test collections for benchmarking;
4.    exploration of new evaluation methodologies and innovative ways of using experimental data;
5.    discussion of results, comparison of approaches, exchange of ideas, and transfer of knowledge.
Scope of CLEF Labs
We invite submission of proposals for two types of labs:
1.    “Campaign-style” Evaluation Labs for specific information access problems (during the twelve months period preceding the conference), similar in nature to the traditional CLEF campaign “tracks”. Topics covered by campaign-style labs can be inspired by any information access-related domain or task.
2.    Labs that follow a more classical “workshop” style, exploring evaluation methodologies, metrics, processes, etc. in information access and closely related fields, such as natural language processing, machine learning, and human-computer interaction.
We highly recommend organisers new to the CLEF format of shared task evaluation campaigns to first consider organising a lab workshop to discuss the format of their proposed task, the problem space and practicalities of the shared task. The CLEF 2025 programme will reserve about half of the conference schedule for lab sessions. During the conference, the lab organisers will present their overall results in overview presentations during the plenary scientific paper sessions to give non-participants insights into where the research frontiers are moving. During the conference, lab organisers are expected to organise separate sessions for their lab with ample time for general discussion and engagement with all participants -- not just those presenting campaign results and papers. Organisers should plan time in their sessions for activities such as panels, demos, poster sessions, etc. as appropriate. CLEF is always interested in receiving and facilitating innovative lab proposals.
Potential task proposers unsure of the suitability of their task proposal or its format for inclusion at CLEF are encouraged to contact the CLEF 2025 Lab Organising Committee Chairs to discuss its suitability or design at an early stage.
Proposal Submission
Lab proposals must provide sufficient information to judge the relevance, timeliness, scientific quality, benefits for the research community, and the competence of the proposers to coordinate the lab. Each lab proposal should identify one or more organisers as responsible for ensuring the timely execution of the lab.
Proposals should be 3 to 4 pages long and should provide the following information:
1.    Title of the proposed lab.
2.    A brief description of the lab topic and goals, its relevance to CLEF and the significance for the field.
3.    A brief and clear statement on usage scenarios and domain to which the activity is intended to contribute, including the evaluation setup and metrics.
4.    Details on the lab organiser(s), including identifying the task chair(s) responsible for ensuring the running of the task. This should include details of any previous involvement in organising or participating in evaluation tasks at CLEF or similar campaigns.
5.    The planned format of the lab, i.e., campaign-style (“track”) or workshop.
6.    Is the lab a continuation of an activity from previous year(s) or a new activity?  
a)    For activities continued from previous year(s): Statistics from previous years (number of participants/runs for each task), a clear statement on why another edition is needed, an explicit listing of the changes proposed, and a discussion of lessons to be learned or insights to be made.
b)    For new activities: A statement on why a new evaluation campaign is needed and how the community would benefit from the activity.
7.    Details of the expected target audience, i.e., who do you expect to participate in the task(s), and how do you propose to reach them.
8.    Brief details of tasks to be carried out in the lab. The proposal should clearly motivate the need for each of the proposed tasks and provide evidence of its capability of attracting enough participation. The dataset which will be adopted by the Lab needs to be described and motivated in the perspective of the goals of the Labs; also indications on how the dataset will be shared are useful. It is fine for a lab to have a single task, but labs often contain multiple closely related tasks, needing a strong motivation for more than 3 tasks, to avoid useless fragmentation.
9.    Expected length of the lab session at the conference: half-day, one day, two days. This should include high-level details of planned structure of the session, e.g. participant presentations, invited speaker(s), panels, etc., to justify the requested session length.
10.   Arrangements for the organisation of the lab campaign: who will be responsible for activities within the task; how will data be acquired or created, what tools or methods will be used, e.g., how will necessary queries be created or relevance assessment carried out; any other information which is relevant to the conduct of your lab.
11.   If the lab proposes to set up a steering committee to oversee and advise its activities, include names, addresses, and homepage links of people you propose to be involved.
Lab proposals must be submitted via EasyChair at the following address:
choosing the “CLEF 2025 Lab Proposals” track.
Reviewing Process
Each proposal submitted by 7 July 2024 will be reviewed by the CLEF 2025 Lab Organising Committee. The acceptance decision will be sent by email to the responsible organiser by 5 Aug 2024. The final length of the lab session at the conference will be determined based on the overall organisation of the conference and the number of participant submissions received by a lab.
Advertising Labs at CLEF 2024 and ECIR 2025
Organisers of accepted labs are expected to advertise their labs at both CLEF 2024 (September 9-12, 2024, Grenoble, France) and ECIR 2025 (April 6-10, Lucca, Italy). So, at least one lab representative should attend these events.
Advertising at CLEF 2024 will consist of displaying a poster describing the new lab, running a break-out session to discuss the lab with prospective participants, and advertising/announcing it during the closing session.
Advertising at ECIR 2025 will consist of submitting a lab description (due on early October 2024) to be included in ECIR 2025 proceedings and advertising the lab in a booster session during ECIR 2025.
Lab Proposals from Newcomers
If you have not organised a lab before, do not panic! The CLEF 2025 Lab Organising Committee Lab is willing to mentor you by offering help, guidance, and feedback on the writing of your draft lab proposal.
If you are a newcomer interested in receiving guidance, please send an e-mail with the following tag in the subject “[Mentorship CLEF 2025 Lab Proposals]” to:
We also encourage newcomers to refer to Friedberg et al. (2015) for initial guidance on preparing their proposal:
Friedberg I, Wass MN, Mooney SD, Radivojac P. Ten simple rules for a community computational challenge. PLoS Comput Biol. 2015 Apr 23;11(4):e1004150.
Important Dates
- 7 July 2024: Lab proposals submission
- 5 August 2024: Notification of lab acceptance
- 9-12 Sep 2024: Advertising Accepted Labs at CLEF 2024, Grenoble, France
- October 2024 (TBA by ECIR): Submission of short lab description for ECIR 2025 (
- 6-10 April 2025: Advertising labs at ECIR 2025, Lucca, Italy
- April-May: Lab evaluation cycle
- May-June: Review process of participant papers
- June 2025: Review of the condensed labs overviews
- July 2025: CEUR-WS Working Notes Preview for Checking by Authors and Lab Organisers
- 6-12 Sep 2025: Labs at CLEF 2025, Madrid, Spain
CLEF 2025 Lab Chairs
- Paolo Rosso, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain
- Damiano Spina, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Questions? E-mail us at

3-3-24(2025-09-08) EUSIPCO 2025, Palermo, Italy


On behalf of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), it is a great pleasure of the organizing committee to invite you to the 33rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2025) to be held in Isola delle Femmine-Palermo, Italy, on September 8-12, 2025.

EUSIPCO 2025 offers a comprehensive technical program, addressing all the latest developments in research and technology for signal processing, which include plenary talks by distinguished international speakers, tutorials and oral sessions, cutting-edge research demos and poster presentations, as well as a round table with leading industrial ICT operators. Finally, yet importantly, the program include several social events in the heart of Sicily that you will never forget. 

The organizing committee is inviting submission of original unpublished research papers on signal processing topics, including but not limited to:

  • Audio and acoustic signal processing
  • Speech and language processing
  • Image and video processing
  • Multimedia signal processing
  • Signal processing theory and methods
  • Sensor array and multichannel signal processing
  • Signal processing for communications
  • Radar and sonar signal processing
  • Signal processing over graphs and networks
  • Nonlinear signal processing
  • Statistical signal processing
  • Compressed sensing and sparse modelling
  • Optimization methods
  • Machine learning
  • Bio-medical image and signal processing
  • Signal processing for computer vision and robotics
  • Computational imaging / spectral imaging
  • Information forensics and security
  • Signal processing for power systems
  • Signal processing for education
  • Bioinformatics and genomics
  • Signal processing for big data
  • Signal processing for the Internet of Things
  • Design/implementation of signal processing systems

Accepted papers will be included in IEEEXplore©. EURASIP enforces a “no-show” policy. Detailed procedures to submit papers will be reported on the website:


  • Special Session proposals
  • Notification of Special Session acceptance
  • Satellite Workshop proposal
  • Notification of Satellite Workshop acceptance
  • Tutorial proposal
  • Notification of Tutorial acceptance
  • Paper submission
  • Paper acceptance notification
  • Demo proposal
  • Notification of Demo acceptance
  • Camera-ready paper upload
  • Author’s registration deadline
  • 3MT video and one-page abstract submission
  • 3MT shortlist announced
  • December 1, 2024
  • January 10, 2025
  • January 10, 2025
  • January 24, 2025
  • January 31, 2025
  • March 1, 2025
  • March 1, 2025
  • May 20, 2025
  • May 4, 2025
  • May 31, 2025
  • June 20, 2025
  • June 20, 2025
  • July 4, 2025
  • August 10, 2025


General Co-Chairs:

Fulvio Gini, University of Pisa, Italy
Giuseppe Campobello, University of Messina, Italy

Technical Program Co-Chairs:

Maria Sabrina Greco, University of Pisa, Italy
Riccardo Leonardi, University of Brescia, Italy
Augusto Sarti, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy

Local Arrangements Co-Chairs:

Salvatore Serrano, University of Messina, Italy
Daniele Croce, University of Palermo, Italy

Special Sessions Co-Chairs:

Abdelhak Zoubir, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Luca Sanguinetti, University of Pisa, Italy
Fabio Antonacci, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy

Tutorials Co-Chairs:

Fernando Pereira, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Federica Battisti, University of Padua, Italy

Industry Co-Chairs:

Alfonso Farina, Consultant to Leonardo S.p.A., Rome, Italy
Nicola Adami, University of Brescia, Italy
Michele Chiabrera, Inventvm, Pavia, Italy

Sponsor Co-Chairs:

Patrice Abry, CNRS, ENS de Lyon, France
Kostas Berberidis, University of Patras, Greece

Publication Co-Chairs:

Nicola Acito, University of Pisa, Italy
Giacomo Bacci, University of Pisa, Italy

Student Activities:

Pia Addabbo, Università degli studi Giustino Fortunato, Benevento, Italy
Alberto Bernardini, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Danilo Orlando, University of Pisa, Italy

Demo Sessions Co-Chairs:

Salvatore Serrano, University of Messina, Italy
Mark Sandler, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Igal Bilik, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel

3MT Co-Chairs:

Lucio Marcenaro, Università di Genova, Italy
Stéphanie Bidon, ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France

Workshops Co-Chairs:

Paolo di Lorenzo, University of Roma Sapienza, Italy
Alexander Bertrand, KU Leuven, Belgium

Social Media and WEB Co-Chairs:

Stefano Mangione, University of Palermo, Italy
Mirco Pezzoli, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Filippo Battaglia, University of Messina, Italy

Cultural Events:

Mark d’Inverno, Goldsmith University of London, United Kingdom

Publicity Co-Chairs:

Domenico Garlisi, University of Palermo, Italy
Fabrizio Giuliano, University of Palermo, Italy

International Liaisons:

Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota, USA
K. V. S. Hari, Indian Institute of Science (IIS), Bangalore, India
Hing Cheung So, City University of Hong Kong, China
Paulo Sergio Ramirez Diniz, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Thushara D. Abhayapala, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Janusz Konrad, University of Boston, USA
Xiangrong Wang, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Alberto Moreira, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany


3-3-25(2025-11-06) The First VoicePrivacy Attacker Challenge, ICASSP 2025, Hyderabad, India

The First VoicePrivacy Attacker Challenge 



  • Task: develop attacker systems against voice anonymization

  • Deadline for participants to submit a list of training data and models: 13th October 2024

  • Publication of the full final list of training data and models: 15th October 2024

  • Deadline for participants to submit scores, evaluation results and system descriptions: 5th December 2024

  • Deadline for participants to submit 2-page papers to ICASSP-2015 (by invitation only): 9th December 2024

  • Paper acceptance notification: 30th December 2024

  • Camera-ready 2-page papers due: 13th January  2025

  • Special session at ICASSP 2025 (Hyderabad, India): 6-11 April 2025




Dear colleagues,


Registration for The First VoicePrivacy Attacker Challenge is now open!


The First VoicePrivacy Attacker Challenge is supported by ICASSP 2025 as the SP Grand Challenge ( It focuses on developing attacker systems against voice anonymization, which will be evaluated against a set of anonymization systems submitted to the VoicePrivacy 2024 Challenge. Training, development, and evaluation datasets are provided along with a baseline attacker system. Participants shall develop their attacker systems in the form of automatic speaker verification systems and submit their scores on the development and evaluation data to the organizers. To do so, they can use any additional training data and models, provided that they are openly available and declared before the specified deadline. The metric for evaluation is equal error rate (EER). Results will be presented at the ICASSP 2025 special session to which 5 selected top-ranked participants will be invited to submit and present their challenge systems.


Please find more information in The First VoicePrivacy Attacker Challenge Evaluation Plan:






The VoicePrivacy Attacker Challenge Organizers:

Xiaoxiao Miao - Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore

Natalia Tomashenko - Inria, France

Emmanuel Vincent - Inria, France

Junichi Yamagishi - NII, Japan


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