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ISCApad #242

Friday, August 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2018-09-07) 5th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge, Hyderabad, India

5th CHiME Speech Separation
                and Recognition Challenge

                Deadline: August 3, 2018

         Workshop: Microsoft, Hyderabad, Sep 7, 2018

Dear colleague,

It gives us great pleasure to announce the official launch of the CHiME-5 Challenge.

CHiME-5 considers the problem of distant-microphone conversational speech recognition in
everyday home environments. Speech material was elicited using a dinner party scenario
with efforts taken to capture data that is representative of natural conversational
speech. Participants may use a single microphone array or multiple distributed arrays.


If you are considering participating, please join the CHiME-5 Google group for
discussions and further announcements.!forum/chime5/join


The Challenge website is now live and contains all the information and data that you will
need for participation:
- a detailed description of the challenge scenario and recording conditions,
- real training and development data,
- full instructions for participation and submission.

Baseline software for array synchronization, speech enhancement, and state-of-the-art
speech recognition will be provided on March 12.

If you have a question that isn't answered by the website and you expect other
participants to have the answer or to be interested by the answer, please post it on the
forum. Otherwise, please email us:

We look forward to your participation.


5th March, 2018 ? Training and development set data released
12th March, 2018 ? Baseline recognition system released
10th June, 2018   ?  Workshop registration open
June/July, 2018   ?  Test data released
3rd Aug, 2018   ? Extended abstract and challenge submission deadline
20th Aug, 2018   ?  Author notification
31st August, 2018   ?  Workshop registration deadline
7th Sept, 2018   ?  CHiME-5 Workshop (satellite of Interspeech 2018) and release of
8th Oct, 2018   ?  Final paper (2 to 6 pages)


Jon Barker, University of Sheffield
Shinji Watanabe, Johns Hopkins University
Emmanuel Vincent, Inria


Microsoft Research


International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
ISCA Robust Speech Processing SIG


3-2-2(2018-09-07) CfP 5th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments, Hyderabad, India

                                 CHiME 2018
             5th International Workshop on
Speech Processing in Everyday Environments

          Microsoft, Hyderabad, Sep 7, 2018

           Submission deadline: Aug 3, 2018


CHiME 2018 will bring together researchers from the fields of computational hearing, speech enhancement, acoustic modelling and machine learning to discuss the robustness of speech processing in everyday environments.

As a focus for discussion, the workshop will host the CHiME-5 Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge. To find out more about the challenge, see


Relevant research topics include (but are not limited to):
- training schemes: data augmentation, semi-supervised training,
- speaker localization and beamforming,
- single- or multi-microphone enhancement and separation,
- robust features and feature transforms,
- robust acoustic and language modeling,
- robust speech recognition,
- robust speaker and language recognition,
- robust paralinguistics,
- cross-environment or cross-dataset performance analysis,
- environmental background noise modelling.

Papers reporting evaluation results on the CHiME-5 dataset or on other datasets are both welcome.


3rd Aug, 2018    Extended abstract submission (2 pages)
20th Aug, 2018  Paper notification
7th Sept, 2018   CHiME-5 Workshop
8th Oct, 2018     Final paper (2 to 6 pages)


Jon Barker, University of Sheffield
Shinji Watanabe, Johns Hopkins University
Emmanuel Vincent, Inria


Simerpreet Kaur, Microsoft




International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
ISCA Robust Speech Processing SIG 


3-2-3(2018-09-08) Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE) IISc Bangalore, India.

Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE), September 08, 2018, IISc Bangalore, India.


3-2-4(2018-09-08) Blizzard Challenge Workshop 2018, Microsoft, Hyderabad, India.

 Blizzard Challenge Workshop 2018, September 08, 2018, Microsoft, Hyderabad, India.




3-2-5(2018-09-08) Satellite Events of INTERSPEECH 2018: Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE), IISc Bangalore, India

Satellite Events of INTERSPEECH 2018: Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE)

Date: September 08, 2018
Location: IISc Bangalore, India.

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and DRDO are happy to announce this 1st edition of the International Workshop on Speech Processing in Challenging Environments (SPICE) as a part of the Satellite Events of Interspeech 2018. The automatic speech processing techniques for various tasks have matured steadily from being effective under purely under benign conditions towards more challenging ones. Even then, their performance under noisy environments still remains far from those of humans. Not only the environmental noise, but also the effects of noisy transmission channels pose serious challenges in robust processing of such speech signals. Examples of such signals are speech signals transmitted over radio equipment, far-field recordings, recordings collected from open broadcasts and public meetings and battlefield recordings to name a few. Each of such scenarios brings unique challenges in the pre-processing and feature computation from the speech signal to enhance the quality of the signal and make it suitable for the targeted tasks. The aim of the workshop is to bring experts working in the related areas for pedagogic tutorial sessions.


All researchers are welcomed to register! 

The list of speaker and tutorial will be announced in August, 2018

Registration will be opened soon


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