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ISCApad Archive  »  2018  »  ISCApad #235  »  Academic and Industry Notes

ISCApad #235

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 by Chris Wellekens

4 Academic and Industry Notes
4-1New Masters in Machine Learning, Speech and Language Processing at Cambridge University, UK
New Masters in Machine Learning, Speech and Language Processing
This is a new twelve-month full-time MPhil programme offered by the Computational and Biological Learning Group (CBL) and the Speech Group in the Cambridge University Department of Engineering, with a unique, joint emphasis on both machine learning and on speech and language technology. The course aims: to teach the state of the art in machine learning, speech and language processing; to give students the skills and expertise necessary to take leading roles in industry; to equip students with the research skills necessary for doctoral study.
UK and EU students applications should be completed by 9 January 2015 for admission in October 2015. A limited number of studentships may be available for exceptional UK and eligible EU applicants. 

Self-funding students who do not wish to be considered for support from the Cambridge Trusts have until 30 June 2015 to submit their complete applications.

More information about the course can be found here:


4-2Master Informatique en Apprentissage et Traitement Automatique de la Langue : ATAL. Universités du Maine et de Nantes France
Les Universités du Maine et de Nantes propose un parcours conjoint de Master Informatique en Apprentissage et Traitement Automatique de la Langue : ATAL !

Le parcours ATAL forme des étudiants issus de filières informatiques à un ensemble de techniques d'apprentissage automatique et de traitement automatique de la langue qui sont au c?ur des applications en ingénierie des langues telles que la traduction automatique, la fouille d?opinions, la recherche d?information, la reconnaissance de la parole et du locuteur? Il s'agit donc de former des étudiants hautement spécialisés qui seront capables de mettre en ?uvre des applications prenant en compte des masses de données complexes et hétérogènes. Au terme de la formation les étudiants seront reconnus comme DataScientist, Chef de projet en ressources linguistiques, Cadre en technologies et services de l?information? 

La formation s?appuie sur des chercheurs issus des laboratoires du LS2N (Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes) et du LIUM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine) et sur des acteurs économiques dont les applications nécessitent des connaissances sur le traitement de données langagières. En outre, la formation est très ancrée dans son écosystème régional et les étudiants seront invités à participer à des Meetup et sensibilisés au monde de l?entrepreneuriat. 

Il est possible d?accéder à la formation en M1 comme en M2 selon les acquis du candidat. 
- le M1 peut être indifféremment réalisé au Mans ou à Nantes selon la préférence de l?étudiant. 
- l?ensemble des cours du M2 sont mutualisés entre les Universités du Maine et de Nantes et l?étudiant peut librement s?inscrire au Mans ou à Nantes. Le M2 peut être réalisée en présentiel ou en alternance.

- Nantes :
- Le Mans:
Modalités d?accès
- Nantes :
- Le Mans :

- Nantes : 
- Le Mans :

4-3Enquête AFCP: Ecole d'hiver 2018 sur l'analyse statistique des données phonétiques

L'AFCP (Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée) souhaite organiser une école d'Hiver en Janvier 2018 sur le thème de l'analyse statistique des données phonétiques. Nous menons une enquête pour évaluer la population intéressée par cette proposition. Si c'est votre cas, merci de prendre 2mn pour remplir le questionnaire suivant :


4-4Creation of Yajie Miao Memorial Student Travel Grants
Creation of Yajie Miao Memorial Student Travel Grants
As many readers might already know, Yajie Miao, a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon?s Language Technology Institute, successfully defended his thesis on ?Incorporating Context Information into Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models? in August 2016.
He had accepted a position at Microsoft in Redmond, and was set to start work there in October 2016. It is with a heavy heart that we announce that he died tragically, while visiting his family in China, before he was able to do so.
In fond memory of Yajie and his work, his colleagues and friends at Carnegie Mellon and Microsoft, in consultation with his family, have decided to set up a Memorial Student Travel Grant, which will support additional student travel to Interspeech and other speech conferences in the coming years.
More information on Yajie and the opportunity to support these travel grants can be found at

4-5Nominations for the prize Antonio Zampolli

In 2004, the ELRA Board has created a prize to honour the memory of its first President, Professor Antonio Zampolli, a pioneer and visionary scientist who was internationally recognized in the field of Computational Linguistics and Human Language Technologies (HLT). He also contributed much through the establishment of ELRA and the LREC conference.

To reflect Professor Zampolli's specific interest in our field, the ELRA Antonio Zampolli Prize is awarded to individuals and small groups whose work lies within the areas of Language Resources and Language Technology Evaluation with acknowledged contributions to their advancements.

The Prize will be awarded for the eighth time in May 2018 at the LREC 2018 conference in Miyazaki (7-12 May 2018).

Nominations should be sent to the ELRA President Henk van den Heuvel at no later than February 1st, 2018.

On behalf of the ELRA Board
Henk van den Heuvel

Please visit ELRA web site for the ELRA Antonio Zampolli Prize Statutes, the nomination procedure and the previous winners:


4-6Bids for ICMI 2019 and ICMI 2020

              ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development.


The Steering Board of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) invites proposals to host either

  1. the 21st Annual Conference, to be held between the end of September and mid-November 2019. Priority will be given for proposals hosted in Asia or Australia continents.
  2. the 22nd Annual Conference, to be held between the end of September and mid-November 2020. Priority will be given for proposals hosted in Europe or Africa continents


Strong proposals from other regions are also welcome. ICMI 2016 was in Tokyo, Japan, ICMI 2017 was in Glasgow, UK and ICMI 2018 will be in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Please see the attached document for more details about ICMI bid process.


Important Dates


For ICMI 2019 bids:

  • December 18, 2017 - Notify intention to submit proposal
  • January 26, 2018 - Draft proposals due
  • February 12, 2018 - Feedback to bidders
  • March 2, 2018 - Final bids due
  • March 20, 2018 - Bid selected


For ICMI 2020 bids:

  • January 29, 2018 - Notify intention to submit proposal
  • February 15, 2018 - Draft proposals due
  • March 5, 2018 - Feedback to bidders
  • April 9, 2018 - Final bids due
  • April 30, 2018 - Bid selected


ICMI 2016, 2017 and 2018 websites





              All communications, including request for information and bid submission, should be sent to the ICMI Steering Board Chair (Louis-Philippe Morency,


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