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ISCApad #233

Friday, November 10, 2017 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1Opening of nominations for the ISCA Medalist 2018
Opening of nominations for the ISCA Medalist 2018
Nominations open on 1st November 2017 for the ISCA Medalist 2018.
The ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement recognizes and honors an individual each year who has made extraordinary contributions to the field of speech communication science and technology. Any ISCA member, except ISCA Board members, can make a nomination. All nominations for ISCA Medal of the year should be submitted to ISCA Secretariat at by 1 January 2018.  ISCA Board will select and announce the winner of the year on 1 March.  The Medalist nomination form can be downloaded from Unsuccessful candidates of the previous year(s) must be re-nominated to qualify for candidacy. 
More information can be found on the ISCA Honors webpage: 

2-2SCOOT - Speech Communication On-line Training

SCOOT - Speech Communication On-line Training

The ISCA board is planning to set up an on-line portal, SCOOT,  on the ISCA web site to help and encourage students to enter the Speech Communication area. The goal is to provide students with an easy route to high-quality, up-to date learning resources which can be tailored to their individual needs.

The multidisciplinary nature of speech research raises problems for how students are introduced to our field. Students of various backgrounds may become interested in speech: while there are very few, if any, degree programmes centred on speech, speech modules are taught in a wide variety of curricula: in phonetics and linguistics, speech therapy, perceptual psychology, electrical engineering, computer science, communications and mathematics. Students come to these modules from different backgrounds and with different skills, requiring different training resources.

Many institutions do not have established speech research groups but nevertheless offer speech modules, and few speech groups are active across the entire axis from phonetics to speech technology. Consequently, many speech modules are not delivered as well as they might be, and teachers as well as students may need refreshing on new techniques (DNNs for example).

SCOOT will point students to material of all kinds: tutorials, lectures, videos, toolkits, interactive software, databases and so on. The only condition is that the material is freely available on the internet. SCOOT will be organised within a software platform which is designed to help students to learn,

At the moment we are collecting suggestions for items which should be available within SCOOT. You can make a suggestion using the google form on

and you can see the responses so far on

We hope to launch SCOOT at Interspeech 2018.

Phil Green ( for the ISCA Board.


2-3Our distinguished lecturers 2017-2018

ISCA Distinguished Lecturers for 2017-2018 are as follows.

For invitations, please take a look at and contact


(1)   Professor Jennifer S. Cole, Linguistics, Northwestern University, USA

  1. Individual differences and attentional effects on cue weighting for prosody perception
  2. Prosodic entrainment and its relation to dialogue conditions
  3. Memory for Prosody


(2)    Professor Laurence Devillers, Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction, University of Paris-Sorbonne IV, LIMSI-CNRS, France

  1. Towards social and affective relations with a robot : Joke and Empathy of a Robot/ECA
  2. Affective and social robotics: engagement and evaluation
  3. Affective and social Robotics aligned with Human Values : ethics by design



2-4Videos of Interspeech and ISCA supported conferences
Video archives are available in 
where keynote speeches from IS 2010 can be seen. You will also find video archives 
of many other conferences.

2-5Videos of INTERSPEECH 2016

The videos for the plenary talks at IS2016 are now accessible via where all the videos of previous conferences are also available.

In case of problems, they can also be watched on our the website of the conference


2-6ISCA Online Archive


ISCA Online Archive is now accessible directly from ISCA Web main page.

2-7ISCA-endorsed events.

 The 2017 vintage was very fruitful with 19 events endorsed by ISCA
(incl. brand new events such as CHAT, VIHAR, DiSS, GLU, etc). Let's maintain this
diversity of research domains in 2018! Applications should be submitted to the ISCA
workshop portal ( Note that the
Organizing Committee of INTERSPEECH 2018 is now inviting proposals for satellite
workshops. Submission deadline: 8/12/2017.


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