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ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #149  »  ISCA News

ISCApad #149

Friday, November 05, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

2 ISCA News
2-1Frederick Jelinek's Memorial

A memorial service for Fred Jelinek will be held in Baltimore at 3PM on November 5, 2010.

Details are available here:

All are welcome.


2-2Professor Julia Hirschberg awarded with the ISCA Scientific Achievement Medal 2011
The ISCA Board has great pleasure in announcing the ISCA Scientific
Achievement Medalist for 2011: Prof. Julia Hirschberg. She has made
outstanding contributions to text-to-speech synthesis, prosody research,
and many other topics in spoken language processing.  Her keynote address
will close the opening session of the next Interspeech conference in
Florence. We are all looking forward to that. Congratulations, Julia!

2-3ISCA Distinguished Lecturers Program

ISCA started a new Distinguished Lecturers Program in 2006 to send Distinguished Lecturers to travel to different parts of the world to give lectures to help promote research activities on speech science and technologies. Up to now, the following Distinguished Lecturers were selected and completed their trips. Professor Chin-Hui Lee and Professor Marc Swerts (2007-2008), Professor Richard M. Stern, Professor Abeer Alwan and  Professor James R. Glass (2008-2009), For the details of DL trips are found at the bottom of this page. For 2009-2010, Dr. Li Deng and Professor Thierry Dutoit are selected.

2)Nominations and Selection

A Distinguished Lecturers Committee has been organized. The chair of the Committee for 2010-2013 is Professor Julia Hirshberg. Nominations of candidates for 2010-2011 terms are called. Each nomination should include information (short biography, selected publications, website, etc. plus topics/titles of up to 3 possible lectures) of no more than 2 pages to be sent to the Committee Chair (  and Only those who receive the highest votes by the Committee, exceeding a minimum threshold of 2/3, are selected. Nominations for this year should be received before the deadline of Nov 15 2010.



2-4ISCA student advisory committee (ISCA-SAC) seeks student volunteers.

'ISCA Student Advisory Committee (ISCA-SAC) is seeking student volunteers to
help with several interesting projects such as reporting on ISCA related events
and cutting edge research, plan/organize student events at ISCA-sponsored
conferences/workshops, increase awareness of speech and language research to
undergraduate and junior graduate students. 

At the moment, we are particularly looking for someone to help keep our web
resources up to date, e.g. keeping track of upcoming conferences and other
events, or general help with web programming.  However, there are many other
small tasks to be done, each of which would only take up a few hours.  If you
are interested, please contact the ISCA-SAC Volunteer Coordinator at: vo lun te
er [at] isca-students [dot] org.  You can also find more details on our


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