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ISCApad Archive  »  2010  »  ISCApad #148  »  Resources  »  Database

ISCApad #148

Sunday, October 10, 2010 by Chris Wellekens

5-2 Database
5-2-1ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Update (June 2010)

ELRA is happy to announce that 2 new Speech Desktop/Microphone resources, 1 new Terminological Resource and 1 Written Corpus are now available in its catalogue: 

ELRA-S0305 EPAC Corpus: orthographic transcriptions
This corpus consists of approx. 100 hours of manual orthographic transcriptions, which were produced from 1,677 hours of non transcribed recordings from the ESTER Evaluation Campaign (Technolangue programme). This corpus also consists of automatic transcriptions of the full 1,677 hours.
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0307 BABEL Polish database
The BABEL Polish Database is a speech database that was produced by a research consortium funded by the European Union under the COPERNICUS programme (COPERNICUS Project 1304). It consists of the basic 'common' set which contains the Many Talker Set (30 males, 30 females), the Few Talker Set (5 males, 5 females), the Very Few Talker Set (1 male, 1 female).
For more information, see:
ELRA-T0374 Terminology database of natural sciences
This dictionary covers the three kingdoms: Animal, Vegetal, Mineral. It contains 50,000 species with numerous synonyms in French, English and Latin and many breeds and varieties. Minerals are given with their chemical formula. About 7,900 definitions in French are included. It also includes synonyms and linguistic variants.
For more information, see:
ELRA-W0053 Catalan-Spanish Parallel Corpus
This corpus contains more than 100 million words and it contains 10 years of bilingual articles from “El Periódico de Catalunya”. The data are aligned at sentence level and stored in text files, in a one sentence per line basis. The data are provided in plain text, with no encoding whatsoever.
For more information, see:
Moreover, please note that the content of the following 3 Terminological Resources has been updated and their prices have been revised:
ELRA-T0102 Terminology database of expressions
This resource comprises over about 26,000-30,000 expressions, such as sayings, proverbs, idioms, slogans, citations, exclamations, onomatopoeias and figurative expressions of French and English. Several grammatical topics that are included in some sentences are also handled. This resource contains synonyms. The DISCIPLINE field refers to the expression category: proverbs, idioms, postposition verbs.
For more information, see:
ELRA-T0103 Terminology database of finance 
This dictionary covers the three kingdoms: Animal, Vegetal, Mineral. It contains 50,000 species with numerous synonyms in French, English and Latin and many breeds and varieties. Minerals are given with their chemical formula. About 7,900 definitions in French are included. It also includes synonyms and linguistic variants.
For more information, see:
ELRA-T0367 Terminology database of telecommunication
This resource comprises over 89,200 entries in the field of telecommunication. It also contains many synonyms and abbreviations in both languages, as well as meaning, case or applications for polysemic terms.
For more information, see:
For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli
Visit our On-line Catalogue:
Visit the Universal Catalogue: 
Archives of ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Updates:   
ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update 
In the framework of our ongoing campaign for updating and reducing the prices of the language resources distributed in the ELRA catalogue, ELRA is happy to announce that the prices for the following resources have been substantially reduced:
ELRA-S0074 British English SpeechDat(II) MDB-1000
This speech database contains the recordings of 1,000 British speakers recorded over the British mobile telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items.
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0075 Welsh SpeechDat(II) FDB-2000
This speech database contains the recordings of 2,000 Welsh speakers recorded over the British fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items.
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0101 Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000 
This speech database contains the recordings of 1,000 Castillan Spanish speakers recorded over the Spanish fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items. 
This database is a subset of the Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-4000 (ref. ELRA-S0102).
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0102 Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-4000
This speech database contains the recordings of 4,000 Castillan Spanish speakers recorded over the Spanish fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 40 read and spontaneous items.
This database includes the Spanish SpeechDat(II) FDB-1000 (ref. ELRA-S0101).
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0140 Spanish SpeechDat-Car database
The Spanish SpeechDat-Car database contains the recordings in a car of 306 speakers, who uttered around 120 read and spontaneous items. Recordings have been made through 5 different channels, of which 4 were in-car microphones (1 close-talk microphone, 3 far-talk microphones) and 1 channel over the GSM network.
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0141 SALA Spanish Venezuelan Database 
This speech database contains the recordings of 1,000 Venezuelan speakers recorded over the Venezuelan fixed telephone network. Each speaker uttered around 50 read and spontaneous items.
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0297 Hungarian Speecon database 
The Hungarian Speecon database comprises the recordings of 555 adult Hungarian speakers and 50 child Hungarian speakers who uttered respectively over 290 items and 210 items (read and spontaneous).
For more information, see:
ELRA-S0298 Czech Speecon database
The Czech Speecon database comprises the recordings of 550 adult Czech speakers and 50 child Czech speakers who uttered respectively over 290 items and 210 items (read and spontaneous).
For more information, see:
For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli
Visit our On-line Catalogue:
Visit the Universal Catalogue: 
Archives of ELRA Language Resources Catalogue Updates:

5-2-2French corpus available

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la mise en ligne de C-Prom, un corpus de parole en français, en libre accès:

C-Prom est un corpus transcrit, phonétiquement aligné et annoté, et développé initialement pour l'étude des proéminences syllabiques. Il inclut 24 enregistrements répartis en 7 genres (ou styles) de parole et produits par des locuteurs francophones (issus de Belgique, de France et de Suisse), pour une durée totale de 70 minutes. 

Ce corpus est distribué librement à la communauté scientifique, sous licence CreativeCommons. Nous souhaitons qu'il puisse donner lieu à des études variées permettant aux chercheurs de confronter leurs analyses et d'éprouver leurs méthodologies sur un matériel partagé. Il est ouvert à des extensions d'enregistrements et d'annotations qui seront intégrées au fur et à mesure des contributions de tous.
Dans l'attente de vos visites et commentaires, nous vous adressons nos cordiales salutations,
Anne Catherine Simon (UCLouvain), Jean-Philippe Goldman (UniGe),
Mathieu Avanzi (UniNe, Paris 10, UCLouvain), Antoine Auchlin (UniGe)

5-2-3LDC Newsletter (September 2010)

-                                LDC Data Scholarship Program Update  -

-  LDC at Interspeech 2010, Makuhari Japan, September 27-30, 2010  -

-  Indian Language Part-of-Speech Tagset: Bengali  -

-  Message Understanding Conference 7 Timed (MUC7_T)  -


LDC Data Scholarship Program Update

LDC is excited to announce that we've received many strong applications for our Fall 2010 LDC Data Scholarship program!  The LDC Data Scholarship program provides university students with access to LDC data at no-cost.  Students were asked to complete an application which consisted of a proposal describing their intended use of the data, as well as a letter of support from their thesis adviser.  LDC will provide information on our scholarship winners in our October newsletter.  The next program cycle is scheduled for the Spring 2011 semester.

LDC at Interspeech 2010, Makuhari Japan, September 27-30, 2010

LDC will soon be traveling to the Far East to exhibit at Interspeech 2010 in Makuhari Japan. We are very enthusiastic about this opportunity to mingle with members of the speech research community in a far-away setting. Please stop by booth #27 to say hi and to try your luck at scoring an exciting giveaway! We hope to see you there!

Interspeech 2010’s central theme is ‘Spoken Language Processing for All’. For more information on the Conference, please click

New Publications


(1) Indian Language Part-of-Speech Tagset: Bengali is a corpus developed by Microsoft Research (MSR) India to support the task of Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS) and other data-driven linguistic research on Indian Languages in general. It is created as a part of the Indian Language Part-of-Speech Tagset (IL-POST) project, a collaborative effort among linguists and computer scientists from MSR India,  Anna Universtiy, Chennai (AU-KBC), Delhi University,  IIT Bombay,  Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi) and Tamil University (Tamilnadu).

The goal of the IL-POST project is to provide a common tagset framework for Indian Languages that offers flexibility, cross-linguistic compatibility and resuability across those languages. It supports a three-level hierarchy of Categories, Types and Attributes. The corpus mainly consists therefore of two different levels of information for each lexical token: (a) lexical Category and Types, and (b) set morphological attributes and their associated values in the context.

Bengali (also referred to as Bangla) is a member of the Eastern Indo-Aryan language group. It is native to the region of Bengal which consists of Bangladesh, the Indian state of West Bengal, and parts of the Indian states of Tripura and Assam. It is spoken by more than 210 million people as a first or a second language with around 100 million speakers in Bangladesh, about 85 million speakers in India, and others in immigrant communities in the United Kingdom, USA and the Middle East.

This corpus contains 7168 sentences (102933 words) of manually annotated text from modern standard Bengali sources including blogs, Wikipedia, Multikulti and a portion of the EMILLE/CIIL corpus. The annotated data is structured into two folders, Bangla1 (3684 sentences, 51091 words) and Bangla2 (3484 sentences, 51842 words), which represent the two stages in which the data was annotated. All annotated data is provided in both xml and text files. Each data file contains between 3,000-5,000 words. The XML file contains metadata about the material, such as language, encoding and data size.

The Annotation Guidelines for Bangla contain a detailed description of the annotation methodology. The Annotation Tool Guideline 1.0 describes the annotation interface developed for the IL-POST framework; the tool is not included in this release.

2010 Subscription Members will automatically receive two copies of this corpus provided that they have submitted a completed copy of the Microsoft Research India License Agreement.  2010 Standard Members may request a copy as part of their 16 free membership corpora. Non-members may license this data by submitting a completed copy of the Microsoft Research India License Agreement.  The agreement can be faxed to +1 215 573 2175 or scanned and emailed to this address.  This data is available at no charge.


(2) Message Understanding Conference 7 Timed (MUC7_T) was developed by researchers at Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany. It is a re-annotation of a portion of the MUC7 corpus (Linguistic Data Consortium, LDC2001T02), which consists of New York Times news stories annotated for use in the Message Understanding Conference 7 (MUC7) evaluation.  The series of MUC evaluations in the 1990s focused on emerging information extraction technologies. Further information about the MUC7 evaluation can be found here here.

MUC7_T consists of 100 articles from the MUC7 corpus training set reannotated for named entities (persons, locations and organizations) with a time stamp indicating the time measured for the linguistic decision making process. The corpus was developed for two principal purposes: for use in evaluations of selective sampling strategies, such as Active Learning; and to create predictive models for annotation costs. The annotation was performed by two advanced students of linguistics with good English language skills who followed the the original guidelines of the MUC7 named entity task (which can be found in the online documentation for the MUC7 corpus).

The data is stored in XML format. There is an element anno_example for each annotation example that has the original MUC7 document as text context. The MUC7 document was tokenized using the Stanford Tokenizer3 with white spaces marking token boundaries. The tokenizer is part of the Stanford Parser package which can be obtained from The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group.

2010 Subscription Members will automatically receive two copies of this corpus on disc.  2010 Standard Members may request a copy as part of their 16 free membership corpora. Non-members may license this data for US$150.


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