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ISCApad #218

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 by Chris Wellekens

3-2 ISCA Supported Events
3-2-1(2016-09-06) WOCCI and LTLT Joint Workshop, San Francisco, CA, USA

WOCCI and LTLT Joint Workshop  -  Register now! (Only 50 seats including authors)
WOCCI 2016: The 5th Workshop on Child Computer Interaction
LTLT 2016: The 2nd Workshop on Language Teaching, Learning and Technology

Dates: 6-7 September 2016
Location: ETS San Francisco, CA  (authors must register by July 31)


Names and affiliation of organizers:

   Kay Berkling, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Karlsruhe, Germany
   Keelan Evanini, Educational Testing Service, USA
   David Suendermann-Oeft, Educational Testing Service, USA


WOCCI: This workshop aims to join researchers and practitioners from universities and
industry working in all aspects of child-machine interaction including computer, robotics
and multi-modal interfaces. Children are special both at the acoustic/linguistic level as
well as the interaction level. The Workshop provides a unique opportunity for bringing
together different research communities from cognitive science, robotics, speech
processing, linguistics as well as applied areas such as medical and educational
technologies. Various state-of-the-art components can be presented here as key components
for the next generation of child-centered computer interaction. Technological advances
are increasingly necessary in a world where education and health pose growing challenges
to the core wellbeing of our societies. Noticeable examples are remedial treatments for
children with or without disabilities and capabilities for providing individualized
attention. The Workshop will serve as a venue for presenting recent advancements in core
technologies as well as experimental systems and prototypes.

LTLT: The LTLT workshop intends to bring together researchers from different countries on
the topic of language teaching/learning. Papers submitted here do not have to employ any
technology yet. We are looking for contributions from users that may not be aware of all
the possibilities that the technologies have to offer to solve educational research
problems. What these papers bring to the table are problem statements and data
collections that the speech and text processing community may in turn not be aware of.
Thus we are looking for symbioses between the two disciplines in research about
learning/teaching language. It is important for both areas to get to know each other's
research questions and potential application for technologies. ---


3-2-2(2016-09-12) 19th International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2016), Brno, Czech Republic


Nineteenth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2016)
              Brno, Czech Republic, 12-16 September 2016

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University, Brno, and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of
West Bohemia, Pilsen.  The conference is supported by International
Speech Communication Association.

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic


    March 15 2016 ............ Submission of abstracts
    March 22 2016 ............ Submission of full papers

Submission of abstract serves for better organization of the review
process only - for the actual review a full paper submission is


TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in
both spoken and written language processing from all over the world.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.  TSD Proceedings
are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
Index.  Moreover, LNAI series are listed in all major citation databases

The TSD 2016 conference will be accompanied by a one-day satellite workshop

    Community-based Building of Language Resources, CBBLR

    The main topic of the workshop is directed at building new language
    resources, especially for languages with no or too little existing
    language resources.  The workshop is organized in cooperation with the
    HaBiT CZ-NO project Consortium, submissions from other resource
    development projects are more than welcomed.  The workshop submissions
    will undergo two separate review processes - the best papers which will
    succeed in both review processes (by the TSD 2016 Conference PC and
    CBBLR Workshop 2016 PC) will be published in the TSD 2016 Springer
    Proceedings, all other accepted CBBLR workshop papers will be published
    in a separate proceedings with ISBN.  The CBBLR workshop will take
    place on September 12 2016 in the conference venue.

The TSD 2016 conference will be directly followed by a meeting of the
working groups and management committee of the

    ISCH COST Action IS 1305
    European Network of e-Lexicography (ENeL)


Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual,
    text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation,
    specialized lexicons, dictionaries)

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional
    speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words,
    alternative way of feature extraction, new models for
    acoustic and language modelling)

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech
    (morphological and syntactic analysis, synthesis and
    disambiguation, multilingual processing, sentiment analysis,
    credibility analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization,
    authorship attribution)

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3-2-3(2016-09-12) TSD 2016 - CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS and DEMONSTRATIONS, Brno, Czech Republic


Nineteenth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2016)
              Brno, Czech Republic, 12-16 September 2016


The TSD 2016 conference will be accompanied by a one-day satellite workshop

    Community-based Building of Language Resources, CBBLR
    Workshop submission deadline .......... August 3 2016

The main topic of the workshop is directed at building new language
resources, especially for languages with no or too little existing language
resources.  See for

Authors are now invited to submit workshop papers within the second call
for papers. All accepted CBBLR workshop papers will be published in
a separate workshop proceedings with ISBN.


Authors are invited to present actual projects, developed software and
hardware or interesting material relevant to the topics of the
conference. The authors of the demonstrations should provide the
abstract not exceeding one page as plain text. The submission must be
made using the online form available at the conference www pages.

The accepted demonstrations will be presented during a special
Demonstration Session (see the Demo Instructions at  Demonstrators can present their contribution
with their own notebook with an Internet connection provided by the
organisers or the organisers can prepare a PC computer with multimedia
support for demonstrators.

The demonstration abstracts will not appear in the Proceedings of TSD
2016, they will be published electronically at the conference website.


August 3 2016 ............ Submission of CBBLR workshop papers
August 8 2016 ............ Submission of demonstration abstracts
August 15 2016 ........... Notification of acceptance for
                           workshop papers and demonstrations
                           sent to the authors
September 12-16 2016 ..... Conference date


    Hinrich Schuetze, University of Munich, Germany
    Embeddings!  For which objects?  For which objectives?

    Ido Dagan, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
    Natural Language Knowledge Graphs

    Elmar Noeth, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet, Germany
    Remote Monitoring of Neurodegeneration through Speech

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University, Brno, and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of
West Bohemia, Pilsen.  The conference is supported by International
Speech Communication Association.

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic


TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in
both spoken and written language processing from all over the world.
Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.  TSD Proceedings
are regularly indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
Index.  Moreover, LNAI series are listed in all major citation databases

The TSD 2016 conference will be directly followed by a meeting of
working group WG3 of the

    ISCH COST Action IS 1305
    European Network of e-Lexicography (ENeL)


Topics of the conference will include (but are not limited to):

    Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual,
    text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation,
    specialized lexicons, dictionaries)

    Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional
    speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words,
    alternative way of feature extraction, new models for
    acoustic and language modelling)

    Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech
    (morphological and syntactic analysis, synthesis and
    disambiguation, multilingual processing, sentiment analysis,
    credibility analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization,
    authorship attribution)

    Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high
    fidelity speech synthesis, computer singing)

    Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information
    extraction, information retrieval, data mining, semantic web,
    knowledge representation, inference, ontologies, sense
    disambiguation, plagiarism detection)

    Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing
    (machine translation, natural language understanding,
    question-answering strategies, assistive technologies)

    Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual,
    question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in

    Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial
    animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotions
    and personality modelling)

Papers on processing of languages other than English are strongly


    Elmar Noeth, Germany (general chair)
    Eneko Agirre, Spain
    Genevieve Baudoin, France
    Vladimir Benko, Slovakia
    Paul Cook, Canada
    Jan Cernocky, Czech Republic
    Simon Dobrisek, Slovenia
    Kamil Ekstein, Czech Republic
    Karina Evgrafova, Russia
    Darja Fiser, Slovenia
    Eleni Galiotou, Greece
    Radovan Garabik, Slovakia
    Alexander Gelbukh, Mexico
    Louise Guthrie, United Kingdom
    Tino Haderlein, Germany
    Jan Hajic, Czech Republic
    Eva Hajicova, Czech Republic
    Yannis Haralambous, France
    Hynek Hermansky, USA
    Jaroslava Hlavacova, Czech Republic
    Ales Horak, Czech Republic
    Eduard Hovy, USA
    Maria Khokhlova, Russia
    Daniil Kocharov, Russia
    Miloslav Konopik, Czech Republic
    Ivan Kopecek, Czech Republic
    Valia Kordoni, Germany
    Pavel Kral, Czech Republic
    Siegfried Kunzmann, Germany
    Natalija Loukachevitch, Russia
    Bernardo Magnini, Italy
    Vaclav Matousek, Czech Republic
    France Mihelic, Slovenia
    Roman Moucek, Czech Republic
    Agnieszka Mykowiecka, Poland
    Hermann Ney, Germany
    Karel Oliva, Czech Republic
    Karel Pala, Czech Republic
    Nikola Pavesic, Slovenia
    Maciej Piasecki, Poland
    Josef Psutka, Czech Republic
    James Pustejovsky, USA
    German Rigau, Spain
    Leon Rothkrantz, The Netherlands
    Anna Rumshisky, USA
    Milan Rusko, Slovakia
    Mykola Sazhok, Ukraine
    Pavel Skrelin, Russia
    Pavel Smrz, Czech Republic
    Petr Sojka, Czech Republic
    Stefan Steidl, Germany
    Georg Stemmer, Germany
    Marko Tadic, Croatia
    Tamas Varadi, Hungary
    Zygmunt Vetulani, Poland
    Pascal Wiggers, The Netherlands
    Yorick Wilks, United Kingdom
    Marcin Wolinski, Poland
    Victor Zakharov, Russia


The conference program will include presentation of invited papers,
oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will
be presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions.

Social events including a trip in the vicinity of Brno will allow
for additional informal interactions.


The official language of the conference is English.


The organizing committee has arranged discounts on accommodation in
the 4-star hotel at the conference venue. The current prices of the
accommodation are available at the conference website.


All correspondence regarding the conference should be
addressed to
    Ales Horak, TSD 2016
    Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
    Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    phone: +420-5-49 49 18 63+420-5-49 49 18 63
    fax: +420-5-49 49 18 20

The official TSD 2016 homepage is:


Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with a
population of almost 400.000 and is the country's judiciary and
trade-fair center. Brno is the capital of South Moravia, which is
located in the south-east part of the Czech Republic and is known
for a wide range of cultural, natural, and technical sights.
South Moravia is a traditional wine region. Brno had been a Royal
City since 1347 and with its six universities it forms a cultural
center of the region.

Brno can be reached easily by direct flights from London, Munich,
or Eindhoven and by trains or buses from Prague (200 km) or
Vienna (130 km).

For the participants with some extra time, nearby places may
also be of interest.  Local ones include: Brno Castle now called
Spilberk, Veveri Castle, the Old and New City Halls, the
Augustine Monastery with St. Thomas Church and crypt of Moravian
Margraves, Church of St.  James, Cathedral of St. Peter & Paul,
Cartesian Monastery in Kralovo Pole, the famous Villa Tugendhat
designed by Mies van der Rohe along with other important
buildings of between-war Czech architecture.

For those willing to venture out of Brno, Moravian Karst with
Macocha Chasm and Punkva caves, battlefield of the Battle of
three emperors (Napoleon, Russian Alexander and Austrian Franz
- Battle by Austerlitz), Chateau of Slavkov (Austerlitz),
Pernstejn Castle, Buchlov Castle, Lednice Chateau, Buchlovice
Chateau, Letovice Chateau, Mikulov with one of the largest Jewish
cemeteries in Central Europe, Telc - a town on the UNESCO
heritage list, and many others are all within easy reach.


3-2-4(2016-09-13) CfP SIGDIAL 2016 CONFERENCE, Los Angeles, CA, USA


SIGDIAL 2016 CONFERENCE 17th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest

Group on Discourse and Dialogue, the University of Southern California

Institute for Creative Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA. September

13-15, 2016 (just after INTERSPEECH)

Submission Deadline: 15 May, 2016



We are happy to announce our invited speakers:

- Susan Brennan, NSF/Stony Brook

- Louis-Philippe Morency, CMU


We will have a special session on 'The Future Directions of

Dialogue-Based Intelligent Personal Assistants'.



- Yoichi Matsuyama (CMU)

- Alexandros Papangelis (Toshiba Cambridge Research Laboratory)

See below for more details.



The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of

cutting edge research in discourse and dialogue to both academic and

industry researchers. Continuing with a series of successful sixteen

previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest area of

discourse and dialogue. The conference is sponsored by the SIGDIAL

organization, which serves as the Special Interest Group in discourse

and dialogue for both ACL and ISCA. SIGDIAL 2016 will be co-located

with INTERSPEECH 2016 ( as a satellite

event, and also with YRRSDS 2016 (, the Young

Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems.


We welcome formal, corpus-based, implementation, experimental, or

analytical work on discourse and dialogue including, but not

restricted to, the following themes:

1. Discourse Processing and Dialogue Systems

Discourse semantic and pragmatic issues in NLP applications such as

text summarization, question answering, and information retrieval.

Spoken, multi-modal, and text/web based dialogue systems, their

components, evaluation and applications.

2. Corpora, Tools and Methodology

Corpus-based and experimental work on discourse and spoken, text-based

and multi-modal dialogue, including supporting topics such as

annotation tools and schemes, and corpora.

3. Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling

The pragmatics and/or semantics of discourse and dialogue (i.e. beyond

a single sentence).


The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short

papers and demo descriptions. Papers submitted as long papers may be

accepted as long papers for oral presentation, long papers for poster

presentation, or short papers for poster presentation. Short papers

will be presented as posters.

- Long papers must be no longer than eight pages, including title,

text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages are allowed

for references. Two additional pages are allowed for example

discourses or dialogues and algorithms.

- Short papers should be no longer than four pages including title,

text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages are allowed

for references.

- Demo descriptions should be no longer than four pages including

title, text, examples, figures, tables and references.

Authors are encouraged to also submit additional accompanying

materials such as corpora (or corpus examples), demo code, videos,

sound files, etc.

Please use the official ACL style files:

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or

publications must provide this information (see submission

format). SIGDIAL 2016 cannot accept for publication or presentation

work that will be (or has been) published elsewhere. Any questions

regarding submissions can be sent to program-chairs<at>


- Susan Brennan, NSF/Stony Brook

- Louis-Philippe Morency, CMU


The Future Directions of Dialogue-Based Intelligent Personal Assistants


- Yoichi Matsuyama (CMU)

- Alexandros Papangelis (Toshiba Cambridge Research Laboratory)

Today is the era of intelligent personal assistants. All the major

tech giants have introduced personal assistants as the front end of

their services, including Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana,

Facebook's M, and Amazon's Alexa. Several of these companies have also

released bot toolkits so that other smaller companies can join the

fray. However, while the quality of conversational interactions with

intelligent personal assistants is crucial for their success in both

business and personal applications, fundamental problems, such as

discourse processing, computational pragmatics, user modeling, and

collecting and annotating adequate real data, remain

unsolved. Furthermore, the intelligent personal assistants of tomorrow

raise a whole set of new technical problems.

The SIGDIAL special session 'The Future of Dialogue-Based Intelligent

Personal Assistants' will consist of talks and posters that introduce

and evaluate solutions to dialogue system challenges preventing the

development of effective and compelling intelligent personal

assistants. Researchers from both academia and industry are welcome. A

panel of notable academic and industry players will lead to insights

on future directions.

The special session will last 2.5 hours and will consist of long/short

paper presentations, poster presentations, and a panel discussion

entitled 'The Future Directions of Dialogue Based Intelligent Personal

Assistants'. For more information, please visit the special session


The papers submitted to the special session are handled by special

session organizers, but for the submitted papers to be in the SIGDIAL

proceedings, they have to undergo the same review process as regular



Submissions with innovative core ideas that may be in need of language

(English) or organizational assistance will be flagged for 'mentoring'

and accepted with recommendation to revise with a mentor. An

experienced mentor who has previously published in the SIGDIAL venue

will then help the authors of these flagged papers prepare their

submissions for publication. Any questions about this initiative can

be addressed to the mentoring chair Pierre Lison (University of Oslo,



In order to recognize significant advancements in dialog/discourse

science and technology, SIGDIAL will recognize BEST PAPER AWARDs. All

papers at the conference are eligible for the best paper awards. A

selection committee consisting of prominent researchers in the fields

of interest will select the recipients of the awards.


Submission: 15 May, 2016

Notification of acceptance: 28 Jun, 2016

Final submission: 21 Jul, 2016

Conference: 13-15 Sept, 2016


Conference website:

Submission link: To be announced

SIGdial organization website:

Co-located Conference website:



For any questions, please contact the appropriate members of the

organizing committee.

General Chairs

Raquel Fernandez, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wolfgang Minker, Ulm University, Germany


Program Chairs

Giuseppe Carenini, The University of British Columbia, Canada

Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Japan


Local Chairs

Ron Artstein, University of Southern California, USA

Alesia Gainer, University of Southern California, USA


Mentoring Chair

Pierre Lison, University of Oslo, Norway


Sponsorships Chair

Ethan Selfridge, Interactions Corporation, USA


SIGdial President

Amanda Stent, Yahoo! Inc., USA

SIGdial Vice President

Jason Williams, Microsoft Research, USA

SIGdial Secretary/Treasurer

Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki, Finland

To contact SIGdial President, vice presidents, and secretary/treasurer, send an

email to exec<at>


3-2-5(2016-09-13) CfP Workshop on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing (MLSLP), San Francisco, CA, USA
*** Call for Papers/Abstracts:
*** Workshop on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing (MLSLP)
*** September 13, 2016
*** Google San Francisco, CA, USA
MLSLP is a workshop of SIGML, the ISCA SIG on machine learning in speech and language processing. Prior workshops were held in 2011 and 2012. While research in speech and language processing has always involved machine learning (ML), current research is benefiting from even closer interaction between these fields. Speech and language processing is continually mining new ideas from ML and ML, in turn, is devoting more interest to speech and language applications. This workshop aims to be a venue for identifying and incubating the next waves of research directions for interaction and collaboration. The workshop will not be yet another venue for applications of deep learning to speech and language processing, as this is already well covered by major conferences. It will, however, include new directions for deep learning in speech/language, as well as other emerging ideas. In general, the workshop will (1) discuss the emerging research ideas with potential for impact in speech/language and (2) bring together relevant researchers from ML and speech/language who may not regularly interact at conferences.
*** Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit 2-page abstracts or 4-6 page papers through the workshop web site.  Each paper/abstract will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
*** Important Dates
May 20:  Submission deadline
June 17:  Accept/reject decisions sent
June 30:  Final papers/abstracts due
*** Invited Speakers
Confirmed speakers thus far include Ian Goodfellow, Fei Sha, and Kai Yu. Additional speakers TBA!
*** Organizing Committee
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, UIUC (finance chair)
Navdeep Jaitly, Google (local arrangements chair)
Joseph Keshet, Bar-Ilan University
Karen Livescu, TTI-Chicago
Tara Sainath, Google
*** Contact

3-2-6(2016-09-13) CHiME 2016, 4th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments, San Francisco USA

CHiME 2016
              4th International Workshop on
        Speech Processing in Everyday Environments

           Google, San Francisco, Sep 13, 2016

        Extended abstract submission: Aug 19, 2016
           Registration deadline: Sept 8, 2016


Registration has opened on June 13. Seats are filling up fast. If you plan to attend we
recommend registering as early as possible!

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsor Google, we will provide 7 travel grants of US$
200 each. Grants will be provided on a first come first served basis.

To register, see


CHiME 2016 will bring together researchers from the fields of computational hearing,
speech enhancement, acoustic modelling and machine learning to discuss the robustness of
speech processing in everyday environments.

As a focus for discussion, the workshop will host the CHiME-4 Speech Separation and
Recognition Challenge. To find out more about the challenge, see


Relevant research topics include (but are not limited to):
- training schemes: data augmentation, semi-supervised training,
- speaker localization and beamforming,
- single- or multi-microphone enhancement and separation,
- robust features and feature transforms,
- robust acoustic and language modeling,
- robust speech recognition,
- robust speaker and language recognition,
- robust paralinguistics,
- cross-environment or cross-dataset performance analysis,
- environmental background noise modelling.

Papers reporting evaluation results on the CHiME-4 dataset or on other datasets are both


19th Aug, 2016    ?  Extended abstract submission (2 pages)
24th Aug, 2016    ?  Paper notification
13th Sept, 2016   ?  CHiME-4 Workshop
14th Oct, 2016    ?  Final paper (2 to 6 pages)


Emmanuel Vincent, Inria
Shinji Watanabe, MERL
Jon Barker & Ricard Marxer, University of Sheffield


Kean Chin, Google


Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)


International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
ISCA Robust Speech Processing SIG




The 17th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2016) will be located in the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technology, Los Angeles, CA, USA. SIGDIAL will be held September 13-15.

The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of cutting edge research in discourse and dialogue to both academic and industry researchers. Continuing with a series of sixteen successful previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest areas of discourse and dialogue. The conference is sponsored by the SIGdial organization, which serves as the Special Interest Group in discourse and dialogue for both ACL and ISCA.


We welcome formal, corpus-based, system-building or analytical work on discourse and dialogue including but not restricted to the following themes and

- Discourse Processing and Dialogue Systems
- Corpora, Tools and Methodology
- Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling
- Computational Sociolinguistics
- Collaborative Process Analysis
- Dimensions of Interaction
- Open Domain Dialogue
- Style, Voice and Personality in Spoken Dialogue and Written Text
- Applications of Dialogue and Discourse Processing Technology
- Novel Methods for Generation Within Dialogue

Call for Special Session Proposals

The SIGDIAL organizers welcome the submission of special session proposals.
SIGDIAL special session has the length of a regular session at the conference and may be organized as a poster session, a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session. Note that Special Session papers can include papers that appear in the SIGDIAL proceedings and/or papers which do not appear in the proceedings. The only firm requirement is that papers which appear in the SIGDIAL proceedings must follow the same review process as normal SIGDIAL papers. Reviews for these papers are managed by the PC as usual. The special session organizers may suggest reviewers for the special session, but that is the extent of their involvement in reviewing special session papers which appear in the SIGDIAL proceedings. Special session organizers can decide how to handle SIGDIAL rejected papers--for example, they may invite papers which will not appear in the proceedings to still be presented. Special sessions may, at the discretion of the SIGDIAL organizers, be held as parallel sessions.

Those wishing to organize a special session should prepare a two-page proposal
(i)   Summary of the topic of the special session;
(ii)  List of organizers and sponsors;
(iii) List of people who may submit and participate;
(iv)  Requested format (poster/panel/oral session).

These proposals should be sent to conference[at] by the special session proposal deadline. Special session proposals will be reviewed jointly by the general and program co-chairs.

Special Session Proposal Deadline: Tuesday, 1 March 2016 (23:59, GMT-11) Special Session Notification: Sunday, 27 March 2016

* General SIGDIAL call for papers will be posted in Feb 2016.


General Chairs
Raquel Fernandez, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Wolfgang Minker, Ulm University, Germany

Program Chairs
Giuseppe Carenini, The University of British Columbia, Canada Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Japan

Local Chairs
Ron Artstein, University of Southern California, USA Alesia Gainer, University of Southern California, USA

Mentoring Chair
Pierre Lison, University of Oslo, Norway

Sponsorships Chair
Ethan Selfridge, Interactions Corporation, USA

SIGdial President
Amanda Stent, Yahoo! Labs, USA

SIGdial Vice President
Jason Williams, Microsoft Research, USA

SIGdial Secretary/Treasurer
Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki, Finland _______________________________________________
SIGdial mailing list

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3-2-8(2016-10-17) The 10th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), Tianjin, China

The 10th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing

(ISCSLP 2016)


October 17 - 20, 2016

Tianjin, China


Call for Papers


The 10th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2016) will be held on October 17-20, 2016 in Tianjin, China. ISCSLP is a biennial conference for scientists, researchers, and practitioners to report and discuss the latest progress in all theoretical and technological aspects of spoken language processing. While the Chinese language is emphasized, works on other languages that may be applied to Chinese speech and language are also encouraged.


Conference Website:


Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to the followings:

1.        Speech Production and Perception

2.        Speech Analysis

3.        Speech Coding

4.        Speech Enhancement

5.        Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implant

6.        Phonetics and Phonology

7.        Corpus-based Linguistics

8.        Speech and Language Disorders

9.        Speech Recognition

10.     Spoken Language Translation

11.     Speaker, Language, and Emotion Recognition

12.     Speech Synthesis

13.     Language Modeling

14.     Speech Prosody

15.     Spoken Dialog Systems

16.     Machine Learning Techniques in Speech and Language Processing

17.     Voice Conversion

18.     Indexing, Retrieval and Authoring of Speech Signals

19.     Multi-Modal Interfaces

20.     Speech and Language Processing in Education

21.     Spoken Language Resources and Technology Evaluation

22.     Applications of Spoken Language Processing Technology

23.     Singing Voice Processing

24.     Others


The working language of ISCSLP is English. Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, five-page papers in any of the areas listed above. All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically and details can be found in the conference website ISCSLP 2016 also invites proposals of special sessions and welcomes exhibitions of products and demos of research prototypes in the areas relevant to the conference. Please refer to the conference website for details of submission procedures.


Important Dates:

Regular and special session paper submission deadline:         June 17, 2016

Notification of paper acceptance:                                       August 05, 2016

Camera-ready paper upload deadline:                                          August 19, 2016

Author’s registration deadline:                                            September 02, 2016


ISCSLP 2016 will be hosted by Tianjin University, the first modern university in China and the pioneer of modern higher education in China. Tianjin was the ancient port city of Beijing, and now is the third largest city of China with a population of over 10 million people. It has a rich history and many examples of old British and Italian architecture. The famous Italian concession area has the largest cluster of old Italian architecture outside of Italy. Tianjin is near the coast and is located 85 miles east of Beijing, only 30 minutes by bullet train. Downtown Tianjin is now a modern, developed city. Tianjin has a reputation throughout China for being extremely friendly, safe and a place of delicious food. Welcome to Tianjin to attend the ISCSLP2016.



3-2-9Forthcoming ISCA Supported Events

Forthcoming ISCA Supported Events

  • JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 à Paris : 23ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles 31ème Journées d’Études sur la Parole
    4-8 July 2016, Paris, France

  • SECNS 2016 : The 1st Workshop on Speech Engineering and Computational Neuroscience of Speech - See more at:
    8 September 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA (a satellite event of INTERSPEECH 2016)

  • CHiME 2016 : The 4th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments
    13 September 2016, San Fransisco, USA (a satellite event of INTERSPEECH 2016)

  • MLSLP 2016 : Workshop on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing (MLSLP) [satellite of Interspeech 2016]
    13 September 2016, Google San Francisco, CA, USA


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