ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2025  »  ISCApad #319  »  Academic and Industry Notes

ISCApad #319

Friday, January 10, 2025 by Chris Wellekens

4 Academic and Industry Notes
4-1New Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research covering all areas of language science,Univ. of Paris, France

The Paris Graduate School of Linguistics (PGSL) is a newly-formed Paris-area graduate program covering all areas of language science.

It offers a comprehensive Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research, in close connection with PhD programs as well as with the Empirical Foundations of Linguistics consortium. 

Research plays a central part in the program, and students also take elective courses to develop an interdisciplinary outlook. Prior knowledge of French is not required.

For more details, please see

New funding opportunity:

 Application deadline : February 1st 2021 (program starting September 1st 2021)

PGSL is funded by Smarts-UP (Student-centered iMproved, Active Research-based Training Strategy at Université de Paris) through the ANR SFRI grant « Grandes universités de recherche » (PIA3) 2020-2029.

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4-2Cambridge's Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil

Cambridge's Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil


Are you interested in speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, human-computer interaction, or machine learning? Please consider applying to the University of Cambridge?s Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (MLMI) MPhil programme


The MLMI MPhil is an elite 11 month programme with a small cohort of about 30 students each year. Due to its small size there is the opportunity to carry out PhD-like research projects on the course (see here for previous students? dissertations), as well having a number of bespoke taught modules with lots of opportunities to interact with the faculty and other members of the course (see here for a list of modules and here for a list of the teaching staff).


Previous members of the MPhil have gone on to study for PhDs in top research groups (e.g. at Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, and MIT), and have gone into top industry positions (e.g. Microsoft Research, Facebook AI Research, Open AI, and AstraZeneca).


This year our programme is restructuring around four overlapping tracks: speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, human-computer interaction, and machine learning. You apply to one of these tracks and this choice shapes your module options and the research project that you will take on. We are especially interested in candidates who are interested in speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, and human-computer interaction as we have significant capacity to expand in these areas this year.


Details about the application process can be found on our website. The application deadline is 2nd December 2021.

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4-3Serveur Discord pour jeunes chercheurs.
Nous souhaitons vous faire part aujourd'hui de la création d'un serveur Discord pour les jeunes chercheurs en parole:

Cet espace de discussion a pour but de rassembler la communauté des jeunes chercheurs en parole en France (étudiants en master, doctorants, post-doctorants...).
Vous pourrez notamment y partager vos derniers papiers publiés, vos questions ou appels à l'aide pour l'utilisation d'un logiciel (ou autre), ou simplement rentrer en contact avec des personnes qui travaillent dans votre domaine ou des domaines liés au votre. Rien n'est fixe, le serveur est voué à évoluer au cours de son utilisation! Il peut aussi nous servir à nous retrouver lors d'une conférence ou autre. En tant que jeunes chercheurs avec un petit réseau, on connaît tous ce sentiment peu confortable d'être seul(e) à une conférence, malgré les 1500 personnes autour de nous. Alors plutôt que de stresser chacun dans notre coin, autant nous retrouver et partager tout ça ensemble en nous donnant rendez-vous grâce au serveur de discussion!

La création de ce serveur Discord fait suite à l'appel du comité d'organisation des JEP pour l'organisation d'un événement à destination des jeunes chercheurs en parole lors des Journées d'Etudes en Parole qui auront lieu à Noirmoutier du 13 au 17 juin 2022 ( Nous l'avons d'abord créé pour discuter entre jeunes chercheurs sur ce que l'on pourrait imaginer comme événement, puis nous avons pensé qu'il serait intéressant de l'ouvrir à tous pour recueillir vos besoins/envies et voir ce qui pourrait intéresser un maximum de personnes. Il est donc également destiné à essayer de mieux cerner les besoins de formation de chacun. Rassurez-vous, il est partagé en deux: une catégorie pour tous, et une catégorie pour celles et ceux intéressés par l'organisation de journées d'études, ainsi, pas de spam inutile. Si vous souhaitez rejoindre cette deuxième catégorie, il faudra me le notifier dans le canal #général ou me le demander par message privé*.

Rendez-vous sur le serveur pour faire vivre notre communauté de jeunes chercheurs!
Merci aux organisateurs des JEP et à l'AFCP pour leur soutien.
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4-4Le projet European Language Equality

Le projet European Language Equality vise à établir un agenda stratégique concernant la
recherche et l’innovation pour atteindre l’égalité des langues à l’ère numérique en
Europe en 2030. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les partenaires ont produit des rapports
documentant l'état des technologies et ressources pour chaque langue officielle, ainsi
que pour certaines langues non-officielles (D1.4-D1.36). Des états de l'art couvrant
quatre grands domaines ont également été produits (D2.12-D2.16):
- la traduction automatique:
- les technologies vocales
- les technologies pour l'analyse et la compréhension des langues
- les ressources et les bases de connaissance.

Tous ces rapports sont accessibles depuis le site du projet:

Le rapport consacré à l'état des technologies pour la langue française et pour la langue
des signes française a fait l'objet d'une traduction en français. Il est disponible ici:

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4-5Distribution Agreement between ELDA and Lexicala for Multilingual Lexical Data Dissemination

Press Release – immediate
Paris, France and Tel Aviv, Israel, October 12, 2023


Distribution Agreement between ELDA and Lexicala for Multilingual Lexical Data Dissemination

ELDA and Lexicala by K Dictionaries are delighted to announce their new cooperation on distributing Language Resources for 50 languages.

ELDA is now making available Lexicala’s high-quality lexical data designed to enhance language learning, and support Machine Translation and diverse Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence applications.

The Lexicala resources consist of different groups of datasets. Full descriptions can be found in the ELRA Catalogue of Language Resources under the following links:

  1. GLOBAL Multilingual Lexical Data: a network of lexicographic cores for major world languages, comprising monolingual cores, bilingual pairs, and multilingual combinations for 25 languages.
  2. MULTIGLOSS Multilingual Glossaries: a series of innovative word-to-sense glossaries for over 30 languages into 45 more languages.
  3. Morphological lexicons: extensive morphological lists linking inflected forms to main lemmas for 15 languages.
  4. Parallel Corpora & Domains: parallel corpora for nearly 400 language pairs and numerous multilingual combinations, featuring general language and vertical domain vocabularies.
  5. Biographical & Geographical Names:
  • English BIO Biographical Names: 4,200 dictionary entries regarding prominent persons worldwide.
  • English GEO Geographical Names: 7,200 dictionary entries regarding major locations worldwide.
  • GEOLINGUAL Tables: multilingual tables of over 200 countries and geographical names – including their adjectives, persons, and main languages – in 16 languages.
  • Audio Pronunciation & Phonetic Transcription: human voice recordings of single-word lemmas and multiword expressions, as well as IPA and alternative scripts for 21 languages.


 For more information, please write to

 About Lexicala

Lexicala by K Dictionaries offers multi-layer lexical data for and across 50 languages, relying on 30-year experience in pedagogical and multilingual lexicography worldwide. Lexicala converges manual content creation and curation with automated data processes and helps to enhance machine translation and other natural language processing applications, as well as language learning and model training.

To find out more about Lexicala, please visit:


About ELDA

The Evaluation and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) identifies, collects, markets, and distributes language resources, along with the dissemination of general information in the field of Human Language Technologies (HLT). ELDA has considerable knowledge and skills in HLT applications. ELDA is part of major French, European and international projects in the field of HLT.

To find out more about ELDA, please visit:

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4-6(2025) Call for Bids for 3rd International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2025)

Dear colleagues,

Following the success of the 2nd International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI 2023) <> held in Singapore 18-20 November 2023, the TAI Standing Committee is now inviting bids to host the 3rd TAI conference in 2025.

As the merger of the TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe) conference series (2004–2018), the TAI series inherits features from its predecessors. The conference accepts 2-page abstracts, avoids parallel sessions, and typically hosts 3 to 5 invited keynote speakers. Following the conference, participants may choose to submit their optional 5-page full papers for publication in the ISCA online archives. With a focus on linguistic rather than technological aspects of prosody, TAI is affiliated with both the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) and the International Phonetic Association (IPA), thereby receiving grants/awards from both organizations. TAI may also feature workshops at the same venue outside the conference program, before, after or during the conference. Given that all previous TIE conferences were held in Europe, the aim for the new TAI series is to rotate between Europe and other locations. Consequently, it is preferable for TAI 2025 to take place in Europe. While the initial two TAIs were held in November/December, the scheduling of future TAI conferences remains flexible, with spring or summer generally preferred, contingent on the preferences of local organizers.

The responsibility of the TAI Standing Committee is to promote the continuation of the series, select the venue for the next conference, and evaluate conferences and any proposals for format changes. The committee is composed of former TAL/TIE and TAI organizers. Its current members are Amalia Arvaniti, Yiya Chen, Christian DiCanio, Minghui Dong, Wentao Gu, Carlos Gussenhoven, Yanfeng Lu, Hansjörg Mixdorff, and Oliver Niebuhr. All bids will be discussed and voted on by the committee.

Bids should minimally provide the following information:

- Host institution
- General chair (and any co-organizers)
- Proposed conference dates
- Proposed conference theme
- Venue or general location of the venue
- Transportation and accommodation
- Estimated full and student registration fees
- Financial plan (including existing or potential funding sources)

Any additional information that may support the bid is welcome.

Bids should be submitted to the current chair of the TAI Standing Committee, Prof. Wentao Gu ( by 30 April 2024. He is also available for additional information. Please feel free to distribute this announcement to any researchers in the speech prosody community who may be interested. Thank you very much!!

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4-7Call for membership: ManyLanguages
We are excited to launch ManyLanguages, a globally distributed network of laboratories that helps coordinate Big Team Science studies on human language. 

Our mission is to facilitate the connection between language science researchers to diversify the languages, participants, researchers, and projects represented in the language sciences. We will facilitate the collection of evidence across the language sciences by supporting a distributed laboratory network that is ongoing, diverse, and inclusive. We embrace open science principles by sharing collected data, materials, translations, and other research outputs from the network. We strive to engage research across a broad spectrum of language sciences creating an inclusive and diverse environment for ideas, investigation, and participation.

Join us as a member and learn more about our plans to help advance the language sciences. Currently, we are accepting proposals for big team science projects that replicate experimental linguistic phenomena across many languages. Selected projects will be supported by our team and external experts throughout the entire project.

Find more information here: 
Join us as a member here: 

Get in touch with us: 

And follow us on social media for updates: 

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4-8Cf Task proposals at CHiME-9 Challenge
Call for task proposals!
Come and share your ideas about distant microphone speech processing with us!
Task proposals deadline October 25.
CHiME is a challenge series whose purpose is to produce scientific advances in the field of distant microphone speech processing. Since CHiME-7, each edition of the CHiME Challenge features independent tasks organised by teams who work within a schedule defined by the CHiME Steering Group. Teams are responsible for managing the tasks, i.e., providing data and instructions, scoring submissions and results, etc. Once the proposal is conditionally accepted, the CHiME Steering Group works to support teams in the development of their task by helping with the design, schedule, webpage/platform and organise a CHiME workshop where the tasks will be presented via regular consultations.
For more information:
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4-9CfProposals of Conferences and Workshops sponsored by Signal Processing Society (SPS)

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has implemented an Annual Call for Proposals for many of the technical conferences and workshops solely sponsored by SPS. Proposals are welcome for the organization of the below indicated workshops with final selection occurring in April 2025. 

This Call for Proposals is distributed on behalf of the Signal Processing Society Technical Directions Board in solicitation of proposals for the following workshops: 

  • IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop - SAM 2026
  • IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems - SiPS 2026
  • IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop - SLT 2026
  • IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security - WIFS 2026
  • IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing - MLSP 2027
  • IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing - MMSP 2027
  • IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop - SSP 2027 

Interested parties will be asked to complete a short Intent to Bid Form by 27 November 2024. Finalists will be selected by 6 December 2024 and will be invited to prepare a full proposal, due 25 March 2025. Visit the Call for Proposals page for more details about each call.

SPS continues to be dedicated to providing opportunities to network with peers from around the world, and to exchange high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed scientific and technological knowledge. This change is implemented to increase the transparency of the bidding process for our valued Organizers.


For additional inquiries regarding proposal submission, please visit the Signal Processing Society website at or email the Signal Processing Society Conferences team at

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4-10Bids for Interspeech 2028

Bids for Interspeech 2028

ISCA now invites bids for hosting Interspeech 2028. Interspeech conferences include papers on all the scientific and technological aspects of Speech. More than 1,500 participants from all over the world attend the conference annually to present their work in oral and poster sessions. Several satellite workshops and a Scientific and Industrial Exhibition highly enrich the conference content. Bids must be submitted by members of the scientific community; bids coming directly from PCOs will not be considered. However, we strongly recommend that organizers collaborate with a PCO (including during the preparation of the bid, if you so desire).

Interspeech conferences may be held in any country, although they generally should not occur on the same continent in two consecutive years. After this year’s Interspeech conference in Kos, the next conferences will be held in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) in 2025, Sydney (Australia) in 2026, and São Paolo (Brazil) in 2027.

In order to prepare the bid, please contact the ISCA conference coordinators at well in advance of the deadline in order to prepare a high-quality bid. Each bid needs to include:

    - the bidding and budget template

    - a detailed description of the bid

    - other material which might be necessary for evaluating the bid

Guidelines on how to prepare an Interspeech conference can be found here.

Deadline for bid submission: November 1, 2024

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4-11Appel à candidatures pour l'organisation des Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP) en 2026.
L'AFCP sollicite des candidatures pour l'organisation des Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP) en 2026. 
Conférence bisannuelle, les JEP se tiennent une fois sur deux de manière conjointe avec TALN/RECITAL. 
Après l’édition conjointe JEP/TALN/Recital 2024 à Toulouse cette année, la prochaine édition JEP 2026  sera à nouveau focalisée sur la parole. 
La dernière édition des JEP seuls, sous la responsabilité de nos collègues de Nantes, a eu lieu en 2022 à Noirmoutier et 
a réussi à rassembler largement la communauté scientifique autour des recherches et développements technologiques en parole. 
Pour rappel, l’historique des JEP (/TALN) sur les 20 dernières années :
2024 : JEP/TALN Toulouse
2022 : JEP.           Noirmoutier (Nantes…)
2020 : JEP/TALN  Nancy (Covid / en distanciel)
2018 : JEP            Aix-en-Provence
2016 : JEP/TALN  Paris
2014 : JEP            Le Mans
2012 : JEP/TALN Grenoble
2010 : JEP           Mons, Belgique
2008 : JEP/TALN Avignon
2006 : JEP           Dinard (Rennes…)
2004 : JEP/TALN Fez, Maroc
Le dossier de candidature (3 pages maximum) devra comporter dans la mesure du possible les éléments suivants :
1. organisateurs (noms et affiliations); merci de bien préciser le correspondant JEP/AFCP.
2. description générale du projet et des thèmes mis en avant
3. calendrier prévu
4. lieu, locaux, logistique, : si possible, préciser où pourrait se tenir la conférence, les facilités qu'offre ce lieu, les hébergements possibles, les accès (train, avion), etc.
5. financement, sponsors : si possible, préciser les soutiens financiers éventuels sur lesquels vous comptez (organismes et éventuellement montants que vous pensez solliciter, ...)
6. points forts de votre candidature, motivations
Les JEP se tiennent typiquement sur une semaine autour de communications orales, sessions posters et ateliers-formations.
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : lundi 18 novembre 2024

Les dossiers de candidatures sont à envoyer à la Présidente du Conseil d'administration de l'AFCP (
Les dossiers seront examinés par le CA de l’AFCP qui reviendra vers les porteurs de projet dans les meilleurs délais.
N’hésitez pas à contacter les membres du bureau de l’AFCP pour plus d’informations :
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4-12Call for bids for ICASSP 2029

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) welcomes proposals for the organization of the 2029 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) and invites SPS members to submit a proposal.


ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing applications. The series is sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society and has been held annually since 1976. The conference features world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and over 170 lecture and poster sessions. 

To submit a proposal, first familiarize yourself with the SPS Conference Organizer Guidelines. Please read, review, discuss, and build your proposal and plans based around these guidelines. If you’d like more information about ICASSP to help strengthen your proposal development, you can request support by completing the SPS Conference Proposal Information Request Form. Then, please complete and submit the following material by 20 November 2024:

1.       SPS Conference Proposal Pre-Screening Form
2.       SPS Conference Proposal Pre-Screening Budget Summary
3.       Organizing Committee List



The SPS Conferences Board Executive Subcommittee will assess proposal Pre-screening Forms to determine the final proposing teams.


Finalists will be invited to prepare full proposals, host a site visit by SPS representatives in March 2025, and present the proposal at the SPS Conferences Board meeting held at ICASSP 2025 from 06-11 April in Hyderabad, India.

For additional inquiries regarding ICASSP 2029 proposal submission, please email the Signal Processing Society at

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4-13Prix de these AFCP


Prix de thèse AFCP 2024

Depuis 2004, l'Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée (AFCP) décerne un prix scientifique récompensant la grande qualité d'un travail de thèse francophone (ou anglophone issue d'un laboratoire francophone) du domaine, afin de promouvoir les recherches en communication parlée, fondamentales ou appliquées, dans le domaine des technologies de la communication, des sciences humaines et de la vie. Ce prix permet de soutenir et diffuser les travaux de jeunes chercheurs du domaine.

Le prix est décerné par un jury composé des chercheuses et chercheurs élu(e)s du Conseil d'Administration de l'AFCP. Il sera officiellement remis lors des prochaines Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole.

Le ou la lauréat(e) se verra remettre la somme de 500€ et sera invité(e) à présenter ses travaux à la communauté de la communication parlée lors des prochaines JEP (inscription offerte à la conférence). Il ou elle se verra également offrir l'opportunité de publier sa thèse sous la forme d'un livre dans la collection 'Parole' (éditions CIPA).


Date limite de dépôt du dossier : 07 février 2025

Décision du jury AFCP : avril-mai 2025

Remise officielle du prix : JEP 2026


Peut postuler au présent appel tout docteur dont la thèse, préparée dans un laboratoire francophone et rédigée en français ou en anglais, a été soutenue entre le 1er janvier 2024 et le 31 décembre 2024. Toute candidature est limitée à une seule édition du prix. Seuls les dossiers de candidature complets seront examinés.


Pour envoyer votre candidature, il suffit de :

  1. Envoyer un e-mail déclarant votre intention de postuler, avec vos nom, prénom, titre de la thèse, directeur de thèse, date de soutenance à : Vous recevrez un accusé de réception.
  2. Déposer votre manuscrit de thèse en PDF sur le serveur du site web de l'AFCP : 
  3. Envoyer votre dossier complet via un courrier électronique à l'adresse La pièce jointe sera constituée d'un fichier unique nommé VOTRENOM.pdf, contenant, dans l'ordre :
  • le résumé de la thèse (2 pages) accompagné d'une liste de mots clés ;
  • la liste des publications ;
  • les rapports des rapporteurs autorisant la soutenance ;
  • le rapport de soutenance de thèse ;
  • une lettre de recommandation du directeur de thèse ;
  • votre CV (avec coordonnées complètes, dont adresse mail).

Date limite de dépôt du dossier : 7 février 2025

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4-14Blizzard Challenge 2025

We are delighted to announce the Blizzard Challenge 2025, which will focus on speech synthesis for Bildts - a regional language with Dutch and Frisian features. The Challenge will be part of the 13th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW13) at the University of Groningen, Faculty Campus Fryslân in Leeuwarden.

This year's challenge aligns with SSW13's theme of 'Scaling down: sustainable synthesis for language diversity' and will feature a comprehensive dataset including dictionary resources and audio recordings.

For the first time, we will integrate community evaluation, with members of the Bildts-speaking community participating in the evaluation process and the workshop, which will take place on August 27, 2025, following SSW13 (August 24-26).

More detailed information about the challenge will be available in January 2025.

Please feel free to distribute this announcement.

The Blizzard Challenge 2025 Organising team

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