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ISCApad #313

Saturday, July 06, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-32 (2024-11-21) CfP 2nd Automatic Assessment of Parkinsonian Speech Workshop ( AAPS’24) @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA

2nd  Automatic Assessment of Parkinsonian Speech Workshop ( AAPS’24)

Nov 21-22, 2024

MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

We cordially invite you to contribute to AAPS’24, a Research Workshop on Automatic
Assessment of Parkinsonian Speech that will be held at the main campus of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Despite of the amount of research in the field, there is still room for developing new
knowledge, not only about the characteristics of the speech of people affected with
Parkinson’s disease, but also about its correlation with the extent of the disease. Automatic
systems to evaluate and assess the disease will take advantage of the new knowledge
generated in the field to make more accurate and robust systems. 
The aim of this workshop is to put together speech professionals with different backgrounds
to discuss and advance in the field of the automatic assessment of parkinsonian speech. The
long-term goal is to gain new knowledge about the influence of Parkinson’s disease on
speech, which could be used for diagnosis, assessment, and prognosis, especially in the early
Attenders will be asked to prepare a presentation about their current research to open
discussions about different aspects and to define the new trends in the field. The workshop is
expected to establish new synergies among the attenders, being an opportunity for future
Being conscious of this, the Speech Communication Group of the Massachussetts Institute
of Technology in collaboration with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has the honor
and pleasure to invite the whole scientific community to the event to be held in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA, on November 21 st -22 nd , 2024 and hosted by the Massachussetts
Institute of Technology.

Feature Tracks and Topics
The workshop provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of current scientific
research on speech of parkinsonian patients. Topics or interest include, but are not limited
to: automatic detection of Parkinson's Disease from the voice and speech; automatic
stratification of Parkinson's Disease from the speech; automatic assessment & rating of
voice and speech quality for parkinsonian patients; prognosis for Parkinson's Disease from
the speech; new strategies for parameterization and modeling parkinsonian speech; corpora
of parkinsonian speech; speech enhancement for parkinsonian voices; multi-modal analysis
of parkinsonian speech; diagnosis and evaluation protocols; automatic evaluation of clinical
treatments from the speech 

Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers written in English. Papers will be submitted
via the AAPS2024 web site at The document style,
templates, and submission form can be downloaded from the web site. The tentative
contributions will be reviewed about their suitability. At least one author of each paper is
required to register. The workshop proceedings will be published in a book a book in
the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series with Springer. 

Proposal due September 20 th , 2024
Notification of acceptance October 1 st , 2024
Final papers due October 25 th , 2024
Preliminary program October 30 th , 2024
Workshop November 21 st – 22 nd , 2024
Registration and Information
Registration will be handled via the AAPS2024 web site
( Please contact the organizers (

Program Committee

Program Chairs
Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel,
Massachussets Institute of
Technology (MIT)
Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente,
Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid (UPM)
Scientific Secretariat
Jeung-Yoon Choi, (MIT)
Julián D. Arias Londoño, (UPM)
Local Organizing Committee
Alejandro Guerrero-López, (UPM)
Carlos Hoyos-Barceló, (UPM)
Mateo Cámara Lago, (UPM)
Juan Camilo Puerta Acevedo, (UPM)
Scientific Committee
Alberto Abad
Ascensión Gallardo Antolín
Daryush Metha
Germán Castellanos-Domínguez
Jeung-Yoon Choi
Jiri Mekyska
Jorge A. Gómez-García
Jose L. Blanco Murillo
Juan I. Godino-Llorente
Julián David Arias Londoño
Laureano Moro-Velazquez
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
Matías Zañartu
Nicholas Cummins
Philipp Aichinger
Saturnino Luz
Stefan Goetze
Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel

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