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ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #312  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2024-07-16) CfP 7th Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop - Belfast, UK

ISCApad #312

Friday, June 07, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-13 (2024-07-16) CfP 7th Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop - Belfast, UK

Call for Papers: 7th Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations
> Workshop - July 16-17 2024
> We are excited to announce the 7th Laughter and Other Non-Verbal
> Vocalisations Workshop ( on July 16-17 at
> Queen’s University Belfast. The workshop will be a pre-conference
> event, part of the 2024 Conference of the International Society for
> Research on Emotion (
> Non-verbal vocalisations in human-human and human-machine interactions
> play important roles in displaying social and affective behaviours and
> in managing the flow of interaction. Laughter, sighs, clicks, filled
> pauses, and short utterances such as feedback responses are among some
> of the non-verbal vocalisations that are being increasingly studied
> from various research fields. However, much is still unknown about the
> phonetic or visual characteristics of non-verbal vocalisations
> (production/encoding), their relations to the social actions they are
> part of, their perceived meanings (perception/decoding), and their
> ordering in interaction. Furthermore, with the increased interest for
> more naturalness in human-machine interaction, current times also
> invite exploring how these phenomena can be integrated in speech
> applications.
> Research themesinclude, but are not restricted to, these aspects of
> laughter and other non-verbal vocalisations:
>  *
>    Articulation, acoustics, and perception
>  *
>    Interaction and pragmatics
>  *
>    Affective and evaluative meanings
>  *
>    Social perception and organisation
>  *
>    Disfluency
>  *
>    Technology applications
> Researchers are invited to submit extended abstracts(2 pages long,
> including figures and references) describing their work, including work
> in progress. The deadline for submission is March 15th, 2024. More
> information about the submission process can be found on our website
> (
> There will be twokeynote presentations on the topics treated by the
> workshop, delivered by Prof. Carolyn McGettigan (University College
> London, UK) and Prof. Margaret Zellers (Kiel University, Germany).
> Looking forward to receiving your contributions and welcoming you at
> the workshop in July!

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