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ISCApad Archive  »  2024  »  ISCApad #308  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2024-09-01) Cf Tutorials for Interspeech 2024, Kos Island, Greece

ISCApad #308

Saturday, February 10, 2024 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-11 (2024-09-01) Cf Tutorials for Interspeech 2024, Kos Island, Greece

Call for Tutorials for Interspeech 2024

Important Dates
Proposals of tutorials due: 15 February 2024
Notification of pre-selection: 31 March 2024
Final list of tutorials: 15 May 2024

Submissions for tutorials are invited for Interspeech 2024

The tutorial Day of Interspeech 2024 (on September 1st) is an opportunity for experts in a speech domain to deliver rich learning experiences to attendees in areas that include longstanding research challenges, current topics of research and emerging areas. The potential audience for tutorials includes a broad spectrum of Interspeech attendees ranging from experienced researchers with an established track record in speech science and technology, to early-stage researchers and researchers interested in learning about a new domain.

In order to offer a high quality and diverse set of tutorials at Interspeech 2024, we invite proposals that address introductory and advanced topics in a tutorial style. Proposals that target early-stage researchers, as well as those aimed at experienced researchers who might want to delve deeper into a new speech-related area are welcome. Tutorials will be 3 hours in duration, and can introduce an emerging or currently active area of speech-related research, or present an overview of an established area of research, rather than focus on the presenter’s individual research area.

The theme of Interspeech 2024 is Speech and Beyond. Whilst it is not a requirement to address this theme in a Tutorial, we encourage proposers to keep it in mind and to explore ways it might resonate in their Tutorial. We also encourage proposals that address the pillars of responsible AI (fairness, explainability, sustainability, security, …).


Proposals should follow the proposed format:

  1. Tutorial title

  2. Presenter(s) name and affiliation

  3. Description of the proposal (1 – 2 pages), which includes a few relevant references and any webpages/material useful for reviewing the proposal

  4. Explanation of the relevance of the proposed tutorial (0.5 – 1 page)

  5. Tutorial logistics, including

    • One session (three hours) or two sessions (2* three hours)

    • Description of presentation format (e.g. one or more presenters etc.)

    • Special equipment required for the tutorial

    • Description of accompanying material provided (handouts, storage devices with media, etc.)

  6. Presenter information 

    • Biography of presenter(s) 

    • Key publications of presenter(s) on the tutorial topic 

    • List of previous tutorial experience

  7. Audience information

    • Target audience (e.g. new researchers to the field, research students, specialists of adjacent fields)

    • Other considerations/comments

  8.  Bibliography (from description)

Submission Procedure:

Proposals for the Interspeech 2024 tutorials must be no more than 4 pages long and must conform to the format stated above (please, ensure that the headings listed above are identified clearly).

Proposals should be submitted by email to

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