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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #306  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2024-05-13) Workshop “Speech production models and empirical evidence from typical and pathological speech” , Grenoble, France

ISCApad #306

Saturday, December 09, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-19 (2024-05-13) Workshop “Speech production models and empirical evidence from typical and pathological speech” , Grenoble, France

*** Workshop “Speech production models and empirical evidence from typical and pathological speech” ***

We are pleased to announce the workshop “Speech production models and empirical evidence from typical and pathological speech” which will take place on Monday the 13th of May 2024 in Grenoble from 10 AM to 4 PM. 

The workshop is organized in the context of the ChaSpeePro Sinergia FNS project and is aimed at debating, in a convivial and constructive atmosphere, theoretical positions and empirical evidence from both typical and pathological speech on three major questions: 

  1. Planning/programming/execution or phonological/phonetic/motor encoding (or other encoding/computing distinctions): How to define the different processes in (motor) speech production?
  2. Encoding units/representations in speech production models: Which ones, how many different units, and how are they selected and combined in larger units?
  3. How are different speech modulations (whispered, loud, fast, clear, …) encoded/parametrized for production?


The day will be organized with four talks in the morning and round tables in the afternoon to debate these questions. We are happy to announce the following invited participants:


Morning talks:

              Frank Guenther, Boston University
              Ben Parrell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
              Antje Mefferd, Vanderbilt University

              Marina LaganaroCécile Fougeron & ChaSpeePro Team


Round tables moderator/discussants:

Louis Goldstein, University of Southern California
Monica Lancheros Pompeyo, Université de Génève
Hélène Lœvenbruck, Université Grenobles-Alpes
Doris Mücke, University of Cologne
Caroline Niziolek, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pascal Perrier, Université Grenobles-Alpes
Wolfram Ziegler, LMU Munich


The registration will be free but limited and will open in February. For updates and registration check back the workshop’s website


Note that transportation from Grenoble to Autrans will be organized after the workshop for the people attending ISSP2024 which starts in the evening of the 13th in Autrans.


Looking forward to fruitful discussions with many enthusiastic participants! 


The organizing committee,
Marina Laganaro, Cécile Fougeron, Maëva Garnier, Anne Hermes & Pascal Perrier
and the ChaSpeePro Team


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