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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #306  »  Events  »  ISCA Events  »  (2024-09-01) Interspeech 2024, moved to Greece.

ISCApad #306

Saturday, December 09, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-1-11 (2024-09-01) Interspeech 2024, moved to Greece.



Due to the current security situation in Israel and after consulting the ISCA board, the Interspeech 2024 organizing committee decided to move the conference venue to another country in the eastern Mediterranean - Greece. Details will follow.

We hope that one of the upcoming editions of Interspeech will take place in Jerusalem.

To stay updated, we invite prospective participants to regularly visit the website and reach out to IS24 PCO, Ortra, at and/or ISCA conference coordinators at


Call for Paper



Important Dates
Paper Submission Portal Open: 17 January 2024
Paper Submission Deadline: 2 March 2024
Paper Update Deadline: 9 March 2024
Paper Acceptance Notification: 6 June 2024


Interspeech is the world's largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. Interspeech conferences emphasize interdisciplinary approaches addressing all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to advanced applications.

Interspeech 2024 will feature oral and poster sessions, plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tutorials, special sessions and challenges, show & tell, exhibits, and satellite events.

The theme of Interspeech 2024 is Speech and Beyond. For decades, our focus has been on enhancing speech technologies across various dimensions: spontaneous speech, large vocabulary, different conditions, robustness in adverse acoustic environments, multiple languages, speaker verification, and language identification. This effort continues. As technology evolves, we are ready to embrace the next set of challenges and explore new application domains.

The organizing committee of Interspeech 2024 is committed to the advancement of speech technology in the wider sense while seeking new challenges. A non-exhaustive list of topics that goes beyond the traditional Interspeech topics includes: speech and health, animal voice recognition and understanding, speech for memory and heritage, voice communication across ages, and human-machine interaction, including gaming, virtual and augmented reality, and robot audition. We hope you will join our vision on 'Speech and Beyond'.


Paper Submission
Interspeech 2024 seeks original and innovative papers covering all aspects of speech science and technology. The language of the conference is English, so papers must be written in English. The paper length is up to four pages in two columns with an additional page for references only. Submitted papers must conform to the format defined in the author's kit provided on the conference website and may optionally be accompanied by multimedia files. Authors must declare that their contributions are original and that they have not submitted their papers elsewhere for publication. Papers must be submitted electronically and will be evaluated through rigorous peer review on the basis of novelty and originality, technical correctness, clarity of presentation, key strengths, and quality of references. The Technical Programme Committee will decide which papers to include in the conference programme using peer review as the primary criterion, with secondary criteria of addressing the conference theme, and diversity across the programme as a whole.



Blue Sky Track
This year, we also encourage the authors to consider submitting to the new BLUE SKY track of highly innovative papers in fields or directions that have not yet been explored with strong theoretical or conceptual justification. Large-scale experimental evaluation will not be required for papers in this track. Incremental work will not be accepted. If you think your work satisfies these requirements, please consider submitting a paper to this challenging and competitive track. Please note that to achieve the objectives of this BLUE SKY track, we will ask the most experienced reviewers (mainly our ISCA Fellow members) to assess the proposals.



Scientific Areas and Topics
Interspeech 2024 embraces a broad range of science and technology in speech, language and communication, including - but not limited to - the following topics:


  • Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition
  • Speech Synthesis
  • Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody
  • Spoken Language Generation
  • Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
  • Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Analysis of Conversation
  • Spoken Dialogue and Conversational AI Systems
  • Speech, Voice, and Hearing Disorders
  • Spoken Language Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization
  • Speaker and Language Identification
  • Technologies and Systems for New Applications
  • Speech and Audio Signal Analysis
  • Resources and Evaluation
  • Speech Coding and Enhancement
  • Beyond traditional speech topics (not limited to the provided list)



For all questions related to scientific aspects:
For general questions:


Call for Tutorials



Important Dates
Proposals of tutorials due: 15 February 2024
Notification of pre-selection: 31 March 2024
Final list of tutorials: 15 May 2024


Submissions for tutorials are invited for Interspeech 2024

The tutorial Day of Interspeech 2024 (on September 1st) is an opportunity for experts in a speech domain to deliver rich learning experiences to attendees in areas that include longstanding research challenges, current topics of research and emerging areas. The potential audience for tutorials includes a broad spectrum of Interspeech attendees ranging from experienced researchers with an established track record in speech science and technology, to early-stage researchers and researchers interested in learning about a new domain.

In order to offer a high quality and diverse set of tutorials at Interspeech 2024, we invite proposals that address introductory and advanced topics in a tutorial style. Proposals that target early-stage researchers, as well as those aimed at experienced researchers who might want to delve deeper into a new speech-related area are welcome. Tutorials will be 3 hours in duration, and can introduce an emerging or currently active area of speech-related research, or present an overview of an established area of research, rather than focus on the presenter's individual research area.

The theme of Interspeech 2024 is Speech and Beyond. Whilst it is not a requirement to address this theme in a Tutorial, we encourage proposers to keep it in mind and to explore ways it might resonate in their Tutorial. We also encourage proposals that address the pillars of responsible AI (fairness, explainability, sustainability, security, ...).

Date and Venue of the Tutorial
September 1st, 2024 - 8 tutorials (4 parallel tutorial sessions in the morning and afternoon)
Venue - TBA (but all in-person)


Proposals should follow the proposed format:
  1. Tutorial title
  2. Presenter(s) name and affiliation
  3. Description of the proposal (1 - 2 pages), which includes a few relevant references and any webpages/material useful for reviewing the proposal
  4. Explanation of the relevance of the proposed tutorial (0.5 - 1 page)
  5. Tutorial logistics, including
    • One session (three hours) or two sessions (2 * three hours)
    • Description of presentation format (e.g. one or more presenters etc.)
    • Special equipment required for the tutorial
    • Description of accompanying material provided (handouts, storage devices with media, etc.)
  6. Presenter information
    • Biography of presenter(s)
    • Key publications of presenter(s) on the tutorial topic
    • List of previous tutorial experience
  7. Audience information
    • Target audience (e.g. new researchers to the field, research students, specialists of adjacent fields)
    • Other considerations/comments
  8. Bibliography (from description)



Submission Procedure:


Proposals for the Interspeech 2024 tutorials must be no more than 4 pages long and must conform to the format stated above (please, ensure that the headings listed above are identified clearly).


Proposals should be submitted by email to


By submitting a proposal, the presenter(s) understand the ISCA policy of strongly encouraging video recording of the tutorial for education purposes if the proposal is accepted. Access to recording materials will be given through the ISCA Video Archives.


Questions? Please contact our Tutorial Chairs (Isabel Trancoso INESC-ID / IST University of Lisbon, Portugal and Pedro A. Torres-Carrasquillo MIT LIncoln Lab, USA) at




Call for Special Sessions


Important Dates
Proposals of special sessions due: 5 January 2024
Notification of pre-selection: 19 January 2024
Final list of special sessions: 6 June 2024

Submissions for special sessions are invited for INTERSPEECH 2024

Special Sessions should cover interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest in speech communication. Submissions related to the special focus of the conference's theme, Speech and Beyond, are particularly welcome. Proposals should describe why the topic is relevant to the conference regular topics, and if applicable, to to conference's theme. Special Sessions may include Challenges.

Each special session proposal must contain the following information:

  • Title of the proposed special session
  • Names and affiliations of the organizers (including contact information and a brief biography for each organizer).
  • Up to five bullet points on what makes the session special.
  • A summary (up to one page) stating the importance of the session's topic and objectives. The summary should also explain why the topic cannot be properly covered by regular conference sessions.
  • A tentative list of authors who could contribute papers to the session. Note that with an approximate 50% acceptance rate for INTERSPEECH papers, special sessions should have a minimum of 12 anticipated submissions, unless their format allocates time to other formats than paper presentations.
  • Special sessions may have a different format from a regular session, e.g., panel discussion, longer summary talks, or a mixed thereof. In the proposal, the session format should be clearly defined (panel, oral, posters, etc.).
  • Additional or non-standard resources (e.g., data, equipment, poster stands, etc.) required for organizing the special session.


Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee in consultation with the ISCA Technical Committee for relevance and significance to the conference.

Papers for approved Special Sessions must be submitted according to the same schedule and procedure as used for regular papers. Papers will undergo the same review process by anonymous and independent reviewers. Special Session organizers will be involved in the reviewer assignment and in the final decisions.

Note that the ISCA board has decided that challenges/special sessions can run for a maximum of three years in total. If this rule makes your proposal ineligible, we encourage you to organize your event as an Interspeech Satellite Workshop instead.

Proposals as well as any questions should be submitted to the Special Session Chairs: Mathew Magimai Doss (Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland) and Elizabeth Shriberg (Ellipsis Health, USA) at


Call for Show & Tell

Important Dates
Proposals of Show & Tell due: 22nd April 2024
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 14th May 2024
Final paper and final video: 11th June 2024

Submissions for Show & Tell are invited for Interspeech 2024

Interspeech is the world's largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. An important addition to the regular and special sessions is the Show&Tell demonstrations, where participants are given the opportunity to present engaging and interactive demonstrations to conference attendees. Contributions must highlight scientific or technological innovations of a concept relevant to Interspeech and may relate to a regular paper. Demonstrations should be based on innovations and fundamental research in the areas of speech communication, speech production, perception, acquisition, or speech and language technologies. This year, Interspeech is theme, Speech and Beyond, which may include, but is not limited to the topics: speech and health, animal voice recognition and understanding, speech for memory and heritage, voice communication across ages, and human-machine interaction, including gaming, virtual and augmented reality, and robot audition.

Proposals, as well as any questions, should be submitted to the Show&Tell Chairs: Eli Tzirkel (GM, Israel) and Ofer Schwartz (CEVA, Israel) at

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