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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #305  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2024-04-14) Satellite Workshops @ ICASSP 2024, Seoul, Korea.

ISCApad #305

Friday, November 10, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-22 (2024-04-14) Satellite Workshops @ ICASSP 2024, Seoul, Korea.

Announcing the Satellite Workshops at ICASSP 2024!

The ICASSP 2024 Workshop Committee is pleased to announce 15 Satellite Workshops that will be hosted at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, taking place in Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April 2024. 


Satellite Workshop Papers will be accepted until 30 November 2023. Deadlines may vary by workshop. 


View all 15 official ICASSP Satellite Workshops below. Learn more about the individual workshops and participation guidelines here.


ICASSP 2024 Satellite Workshops

  • Deep Neural Network Model Compression
  • Trustworthy Speech Processing (TSP)
  • Self-supervision in Audio, Speech and Beyond (SASB)
  • ICASSP 2024 Workshop on Explainable AI for Speech and Audio
  • Workshop on Computational Imaging Using Synthetic Apertures
  • Timely and Private Machine Learning over Networks
  • Second Workshop on Signal Processing for Autonomous Systems (SPAS)
  • Revolutionizing Interaction: Embodied Intelligence and the New Era of Human-Robot Collaboration
  • SPID-CPS: Signal Processing for Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems
  • 1st Workshop on Integration of Sensing, Communication, and Computation (ISCC)
  • Signal Processing and Machine Learning Advances in Automotive Radars
  • Workshop on Radio Maps and Their Applications (RMA)
  • Super-resolution integrated communications, localization, vision and radio mapping (SUPER-CLAM)
  • Fearless Steps APOLLO: A Naturalistic Team based Speech Communications Community Resource (FS-APOLLO)
  • Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA 2024): Efficient and Personalized Speech Processing through Data Science

ICASSP 2024 is a flagship event of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, a global network of signal processing and data science professionals. A membership to IEEE SPS connects you with more than 18,000 researchers, academics, industry practitioners, and students advancing and disseminating the latest breakthroughs and technology. By joining, you’ll receive significant savings on registration to future events, including ICASSP 2024, as well as access to highly-ranked journals, continuing education materials, and a robust technical community. Learn more about how you can save and grow with us! 

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