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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #305  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2023-11-29) SPECOM 2023, Hubli-Dharwad, India

ISCApad #305

Friday, November 10, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-3 (2023-11-29) SPECOM 2023, Hubli-Dharwad, India

Announcing the SPECOM 2023 Call for Papers! 


The Call for Papers for SPECOM 2023 is now open! The 25th  International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM) will be held from 29th November- 1st December 2023 in Hubli-Dharwad, India. 

This flagship conference will offer a comprehensive technical program presenting all the latest developments in research and technology for speech processing and its applications. Featuring world-class oral and poster sessions, plenaries and perspective exhibitions, demonstrations, tutorials,  and satellite workshops, it is expected to attract leading researchers and global industry figures, providing a great networking opportunity. Moreover, exceptional papers and contributors will be selected and recognized by SPECOM.

Website Link:

Call for papers PDF is available here.

Special attractions for commemorating Silver Jubilee of SPECOM

  • Students Special Session

  • Special Session on Speech Processing for Under-Resource Languages

  • Special Session on Industrial Speech and Language Technology

  • Satellite Workshop on “Speaker and Language Identification, Verification and Diarization” @ Goa

Technical Scope:

We invite submissions of original unpublished technical papers on topics including but not limited to:

  • Affective computing

  • Audio-visual speech processing

  • Corpus linguistics

  • Computational paralinguistics

  • Deep learning for audio processingVoice

  • Forensic speech investigations

  • Human-machine interaction

  • Language identification

  • Multichannel signal processing

  • Multimedia processing

  • Multimodal analysis and synthesis

  • Sign language processing

  • Speaker recognition

  • Speech and language resources

  • Speech analytics and audio mining

  • Speech and voice disorders

  • Speech-based applications

  • Speech driving systems in robotics

  • Speech enhancement

  • Speech perception

  • Speech recognition and understanding

  • Speech synthesis

  • Speech translation systems

  • Spoken dialogue systems

  • Spoken language processing

  • Text mining and sentiment analysis

  • Virtual and augmented reality

  • Voice assistants


  • General chairs:

    • Prof. Yegnanarayana Bayya (IIIT Hyderabad)

    • Prof. Shyam S Agrawal (KIIT Gurugram)

  • Technical Program Committee Chairs:

    • Prof. Rajesh M. Hegde (IIT Dharwad)

    • Prof. Alexey Karpov (SPC RAS St. Petersburg)

    • Prof. K. Samudravijaya (KL University)

    • Dr. Deepak K. T. (IIIT Dharwad)

  • Organizing Commiittee:

    • Prof. S R M Prasanna (IIT Dharwad)

    • Prof. Suryakanth V gangashetty (KL University)

Important dates:

  • Paper Submission Starts: 15 May 2023

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 31 July 2023

  • Paper Acceptance Notification: 8 September 2023 

  • Camera Ready Paper Deadline: 24 September 2023

  • Early Bird Registration Deadline: 24 September 2023 

  • Author Registration Deadline: 20 March 2023 

  • Conference date: 29 November - 1 December 2023

  • Satellite workshop: 2 December 2023

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