ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #305  »  Editorial

ISCApad #305

Friday, November 10, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

1 Editorial
Editorial policy

ISCApad is the  monthly newspaper of ISCA. It is edited independantly of ISCA web but in collaboration with ISCA secretariat: ISCApad and ISCA web are thus complementary.

All announcements are free: it is a service to the community. They must be sent to the editor at before the 5th of each month to be included in the issue of this month (tentatively posted on the web on  the 10th of the month).

The member mailing list is used to inform the members as soon as a new issue is posted on the web. Members should check whether the mailing is not blocked by the server of their company. ISCA member mailing list is never used by the editor for other reason but  on special request of urgency to the editor (f.i.cancellation of a conference or modification of its venue or dates).

All sections are regularly updated but not at the same frequencies.

Section devoted to events (ISCA events or others) are updated each month: event announcements are kept posted up to their date. Only events related to speech science and technology are accepted. The date in front of the title is the first day of the event. Organizers who want to modify a deadline between two ISCApad issues should send a personal message to the editor who will modify 'on the fly'.

Section announcing new positions is open to every announcer of a speech job; of course disciplines strongly related to speech are also considered like deep neural nets and machine learning or to speech applications (medical, robotics, man-machine communication,...).  Announcements are deleted after six months but a premature cancellation may be asked by the announcer. The date in front of the title is the date of the reception of the announcement by the editor. Be attentive: announcers could be  employment agencies. 

Section on ressources is updated at the request of ressource providers (LDC, ELRA, Speechocean,...). Softwares and databases proposed by individual researchers are usually free of charge. They are just announced  and ISCA will never serve as an intermediate for a commercial transaction.

Section on new books is open to recently published books in speech science. It is not intented to write any comments on them. They are announced together with the introduction (4th cover page) by the book publisher. Usually book announcements are kept on line for one year...

Future Journal issues are withdrawn at the tentative publication date or if not known, at the final version deadline.

To help readers  easily identify new titles (appearing for the first time in this issue) , those are printed in  black fonts while titles duplicated from previous issues are printed in blue fonts.

Young PhD's are heartly welcome to announce the title of their recent thesis along the format they can mimic from the current ISCApad issue.  'Old' theses will be skipped after a 'reasonable' delay.

August 2020                                                                         

                                                             Prof.em.Chris Wellekens

                                                             ISCApad editor

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Readability of ISCApad

In ordrer to improve readability,we modified the presentation of ISCApad.

The new articles (those who did not appear in a previous issue) are printed in black color. The titles of the replicated articles show up in blue color. The reader can so immediately detect what is new in the current issue.The titles of new articles will turn to blue in the following issues.

This modification has been implemented by Tse Min Lua, who supports ISCApad editing software. Thanks for her regular and efficient help set up ISCApad issues.

Prof.em.Chris Wellekens

ISCApad editor

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Code-of-Conduct for Conference and Workshop Attendees

Code-of-Conduct for Conference and Workshop Attendees

ISCA is committed to providing a pleasant conference experience
without harassment and discrimination for anyone, regardless of
gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability and physical
appearance.  We do not tolerate any verbal or non-verbal expressions
of harassment or discrimination.  Please note that it matters if a
person feels harassed or discriminated regardless of the original
intent of the expressions. In particular, sexual language and imagery
are not appropriate in any conference venue.  Conference participants
who engage in inappropriate behavior may be expelled from the
conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference
organizer. These persons may be included in a watchlist for future
ISCA-sponsored events.

If you are troubled by the behavior of another attendee at the
conference, or notice someone is in trouble, please speak immediately
to a member of conference staff or send a message to .

Your concern will be heard in confidence and taken seriously to solve
the problem.

* Short version: (to be posted in a limited space)

ISCA is committed to a pleasant conference experience without
harassment and discrimination. Our code-of-conduct can be found at:

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Code-of-Ethics for Authors (updated)

Code of Ethics for Authors

ISCA is committed to publishing high-quality journals and conference
proceedings.  To this end, all authors are requested to ensure they
adhere to ethical standards. Authors should meet the following

(1) The work does not include fabrication, falsification, or any kind
of data breach.  Authors should retain their code and maintain a log
of the data that produced the results in their paper.  Authors are
also encouraged to make their code and dataset freely available.

(2) The work does not include plagiarism or significant
self-plagiarism.  The work must be original, and any paper which
significantly overlaps with previous work is not allowed.  Proper
reference to previous work is also required.  Verbatim copying of work
that has been distributed but not refereed, such as technical reports
and arXiv articles, is permitted only if the authors are the
same.  ISCA (and conference organizers or journal editors) may use
tools to detect (self-)plagiarism and reject papers without review.
The work may not be submitted to any other conference, workshop or
journal during the review process.

(3) The work does not use figures, photographs, or any other kind of
content whose copyright is not owned by or granted to the authors,
except for proper quotations allowed by the copyright law.  ISCA (and
conference organizers or journal editors) may request authors to
provide evidence of permission to use the content for their work.

(4) The work does not include inappropriate content in terms of human
rights.  ISCA (and conference organizers or journal editors) may
request authors to provide evidence of approval from the host Ethics
Committee (Institutional Review Board or equivalent) that the work
meets their Institution's ethical requirements, and/or explicit
consent from the human subjects involved in the work.

(5) All (co-)authors must be responsible and accountable for the work,
and consent to its submission.

Ethical Standard checking is not limited to these 5 points.

If any concerns relating to this code are raised or reported, ISCA
(and conference organizers or journal editors) will convene their
Ethics Committee to investigate the matter and decide on appropriate
action, which may include rejection/removal of the paper (and other
papers in the same conference/workshop by the same authors) and
suspension of future submissions by the authors.

ISCA also enforces the No-show policy for conference papers.  Any
paper accepted into the technical program but not presented on-site
may be withdrawn from the official proceedings.  Please refer to point 2) and 8).


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