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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #303  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2024-01-29) Second Call for Papers for the 30th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling — MMM 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ISCApad #303

Thursday, September 07, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-36 (2024-01-29) Second Call for Papers for the 30th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling — MMM 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Second Call for Papers for the 30th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling — MMM 2024

January 29 – February 2, 2024 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

*** MMM is a B-ranked conference, following the CORE ranking updates published in June 2021.

MMM is a leading international conference for researchers and industry practitioners for sharing new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all MMM related areas. The conference calls for research papers reporting original investigation results and demonstrations reporting novel and compelling applications. Special sessions, Brave New Ideas session, keynote lectures, the Video Browser Showdown and the MediaEval workshop will also contribute to a high-quality program.

Conference Website:

MMM 2024 proposes eight special sessions:

  *   MDRE: Multimedia Datasets for Repeatable Experimentation
  *   MOMST: Multi-Object Multi-Sensor Tracking
  *   MARGeM: Multimodal Analytics and Retrieval of Georeferenced Multimedia
  *   ICDAR: Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval
  *   XR-MACCI: eXtended Reality and Multimedia: Advancing Content Creation and Interaction
  *   FMM: Foundation Models for Multimedia
  *   MULTICOM: Towards Multimedia and Multimodality in Conversational Systems
  *   CultMM Cultural AI in Multimedia

MMM 2024 also hosts two community events:

  *   Video Browser Showdown (VBS):<>
  *   MediaEval:

Submission Deadlines

  *   Regular and special session papers are due September 4, 2023
  *   BNI papers and demonstration submissions are due October 2, 2023
  *   MediaEval and VBS deadlines are separately defined by the respective event organisers

Submission website is now open. Regular and special session paper submissions are limited to 12 content pages, including all figures, tables, and appendices, in the Springer LNCS style. Additional 2 pages containing only cited references are allowed. Please note that this is a change from previous MMM conference editions.

MMM seeks contributions on the following research topics:

Multimedia Content Analysis

  *   Multimedia indexing
  *   Multimedia mining
  *   Multimedia abstraction and summarisation
  *   Multimedia annotation, tagging and recommendation
  *   Multimodal analysis for retrieval applications
  *   Semantic analysis of multimedia and contextual data
  *   Interactive learning
  *   Multimedia knowledge acquisition and construction
  *   Multimedia verification
  *   Multimedia fusion methods
  *   Multimedia content generation

Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications

  *   Media representation and algorithms
  *   Multimedia sensors and interaction modes
  *   Multimedia privacy, security and content protection
  *   Multimedia standards and related issues
  *   Multimedia databases, query processing, and scalability
  *   Multimedia content delivery, transport and streaming
  *   Wireless and mobile multimedia networking
  *   Sensor networks (video surveillance, distributed systems)
  *   Audio, image, video processing, coding and compression
  *   Multi-camera and multi-view systems

Multimedia Applications, Interfaces and Services

  *   Media content retrieval, browsing and recommendation tools
  *   Extended reality (AR/VR/MR) and virtual environments
  *   Real-time and interactive multimedia applications
  *   Multimedia analytics applications
  *   Egocentric, wearable and personal multimedia
  *   Urban and satellite multimedia
  *   Mobile multimedia applications
  *   Question answering, multimodal conversational AI and hybrid intelligence
  *   Multimedia authoring and personalisation
  *   Cultural, educational and social multimedia applications
  *   Multimedia for e-health and medical applications

Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects of Multimedia

  *   Fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics in multimedia modeling
  *   Environmental footprint of multimedia modeling
  *   Large multimedia models and LLMs
  *   Multimodal pretraining and representation learning
  *   Reproducibility, interpretability, explainability and robustness
  *   Embodied multimodal applications and tasks
  *   Responsible multimedia modeling and learning
  *   Legal and ethical aspects of multimodal generative AI
  *   Multimedia research valorisation
  *   Digital transformation

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