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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #303  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2023-10-09) ACM ICMI 2023 2ND CALL FOR BLUE SKY PAPERS, Paris France

ISCApad #303

Thursday, September 07, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-18 (2023-10-09) ACM ICMI 2023 2ND CALL FOR BLUE SKY PAPERS, Paris France

9-13 October 2023, Paris - France

ICMI 2023 is pleased to partner with the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) to continue the Blue Sky Paper track, initialized in 2021 and continued in 2022, that emphasizes innovative, visionary, and high-impact contributions. This track solicits papers relevant to ICMI content that go beyond the usual research paper to present new visions that stimulate the ICMI community to pursue innovative directions. They may challenge existing assumptions and methodologies or propose new applications or theories. The papers are encouraged to present high-risk controversial ideas. Submitted papers are expected to represent deep reflection, argue rigorously, and present ideas from a high-level synthetic viewpoint (e.g., multidisciplinary, based on multiple methodologies).

The review of the submissions will be handled by the Blue Sky Paper Chairs: Carlos Busso (University of Texas At Dallas), Philippe Palanque (University Toulouse III, France), and Björn Schuller (University of Augsburg, Germany). Three winners will be selected for presentation in the Blue Sky Paper track and publication in the conference proceedings. The CCC will sponsor awards to honor the first ($1,000), second ($750), and third ($500) place winners in the form of travel grants. In addition, they will further distribute and publicize the three Blue Sky award papers.

Important Dates
Paper Submission                June 17th, 2023
Paper notification                July 14th, 2023
Camera-ready paper                August 14th, 2023
Presenting at main conference        October 9-13, 2023

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