ISCA - International Speech
Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #303  »  Jobs

ISCApad #303

Thursday, September 07, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

6 Jobs
6-1(2023-03-02) Full Professor in Computer Sciences @Grenoble-INP Phelma/Gipsa-Lab, Grenoble, France
Grenoble-INP Phelma is recruiting in 2023 a Full Professor in Computer Sciences (Section CNU 27). The host research laboratory will be GIPSA-lab (UMR 5216). The research profile is entitled 'Computer Science and Learning for Image and Signal Processing' and covers all the scientific themes of GIPSA-lab related to information processing, including automatic speech and language processing, for an affiliation  to the « Speech and Cognition » group and the CRISSP (Cognitive Robotics, Interactive Systems and Speech Processing) team. The job description is available at
Contacts : Nicolas Marchand, Laurent Girin, Thomas Hueber (
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6-2(2023-03-15) PhD student in Phonetics, Stockholm, Sweden

PhD student in Phonetics


Ref. No. SU FV-0793-23


at the Department of linguisticsClosing date: 15 april 2023.

The Department of Linguistics conducts research and offers education in a number of areas such as child language development, computational linguistics, general linguistics, multilingualism in the deaf and hard of hearing, phonetics and sign language. The department hosts three infrastructures, Språkstudion Language Learning Resource Centre, the Phonetics Laboratory and SUBIC Stockholm University Brain Imaging Center, and several research groups conduct research in experimental paradigms related to the mentioned infrastructures.

Project description
The position is linked to the research profile phonetics. This implies that the research plan attached to the application must have an experimental phonetics topic linked to research on acoustic and/or physiological (e.g. breathing, phonation, articulation) aspects of speech and conversation conducted at the Department of Linguistics.

Qualification requirements
In order to meet the general entry requirements, the applicant must have completed a second-cycle degree, completed courses equivalent to at least 240 higher education credits, of which 60 credits must be in the second cycle, or must have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere.

In order to meet the specific entry requirements for doctoral studies in linguistics, the general syllabus stipulates that an applicant must have received a passing grade on course work of at least 30 higher education credits from the second cycle in Linguistics, including a degree project of at least 15 credits on a topic relevant to the proposed research plan. In addition, the applicant is required to be proficient in the language of the proposed doctoral thesis (English, Swedish or Swedish Sign Language). Proficiency is demonstrated in the research plan and other relevant parts of the application (such as undergraduate theses, publications, grades, certificates and an interview).

The entry requirements can also be met by students who have acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere. Assessment of eligibility is decided on in accordance with the department's local admission procedure and the department's decision and delegation procedure. 

The qualification requirements must be met by the deadline for applications. Induvidual plan for studies in linguistics (in swesdish).

Selection among the eligible candidates will be based on their capacity to benefit from the training. Selection is made by the Department Board, applying the following assessment criteria:

  • Education in general. Assessment is made with regard to both depth and breadth in previous education
  • Scholarly production. On the basis of the applicant’s degree projects from the first and second cycle and, where applicable, other scholarly production, the applicant’s ability to benefit from the training is assessed according to the following criteria: critical ability, analytical skills, creativity, independence and scholarly precision. The time aspect is also considered, that is, to what extent the applicant has demonstrated an ability to complete previous academic projects within specified time limits. In addition, based on a comparison of previous academic output, an assessment is made of the applicant’s academic development
  • The applicant must describe his/her proposed field of research in a research plan. The dissertation project must focus on phonetics. The plan should not exceed 3 numbered pages A4 in Arial, font size 11, with single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, references and any images and examples included. The research plan should contain one or more research problems and an outline of the research project. The research plan is assessed on the basis of: relevance, originality, and potential for completion within the specified time limits (i.e. a period equivalent to four years of full-time study for a doctoral degree)
  • Available supervisor resources
  • Teamwork skills. The applicant's ability to collaborate is assessed on the basis of, for example, references, certificates or interviews.

In selecting applicants for postgraduate education in linguistics, the department board must take into account rules and regulations of the Faculty of Humanities. In addition to the above selection criteria, the following will be of great importance in the assessment:

  • Relevance of the proposed research project to the department's research environment
  • Experience in research-related work within phonetics.

Admission Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Stockholm University are available at: and regulations.

Terms of employment
Only a person who will be or has already been admitted to a third-cycle programme may be appointed to a doctoral studentship.

The term of the initial contract may not exceed one year. The employment may be extended for a maximum of two years at a time. However, the total period of employment may not exceed the equivalent of four years of full-time study. 

Doctoral students should primarily devote themselves to their own education, but may engage in teaching, research, and administration corresponding to a maximum of 20 % of a full-time position. For this particular position, the doctoral student is expected to perform departmental duties corresponding to 20 % of full time. Where applicable, the total time of the appointment is extended to correspond to a full-time doctoral programme for four years.

The proportion of departmental duties may be unevenly distributed across the duration of the doctoral programme.

Please note that admission decisions cannot be appealed.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

For more information, please contact the Head of Department Mattias Heldner, telephone: +46 8 16 19 88, For questions about the doctoral programme, contact the Director of Studies for postgraduate education, Bernhard Wälchli, +46 8 16 23 44,

Union representatives
Ingrid Lander (Saco-S), telephone: +46 708 16 26 64,, Alejandra Pizarro Carrasco (Fackförbundet ST/OFR), telephone: +46 8 16 34 89, (SEKO), and PhD student representative,

Apply for the PhD student position at Stockholm University's recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

Please include the following information with your application

  • Your contact details and personal data
  • Your highest degree
  • Your language skills
  • Contact details for 2–3 referees (please, specify their relationship to you as an applicant and what they are expected to testify to or comment on)

 and, in addition, please include the following documents

  • Cover letter
  • CV – degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list of degree projects/theses
  • Dissertation plan/research proposal, inclusive of the following:
    • research question(s)
    • brief background (research context and relationship to own interests/qualifications)
    • method and data
    • expected results (specify the scope, especially if the results are mainly descriptive)
    • time plan

Note that the proposal must address the following questions: why your project is suitable to be carried out at the Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University, how you intend to contribute to the research environment at the department with your research project, what makes you particularly suitable (to carry out the proposed research project).

  • Degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files)
  • Degree projects/theses (no more than 6 files).

The instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position.

You are welcome to apply!

Stockholm University contributes to the development of sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.


Closing date: 15/04/2023


URL to this page

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6-3(2023-03-06) 2 open postdoc position at the LISN (ex-LIMS), Paris, France

We have  currently 2 open postdoc position at the LISN (ex-LIMS). You can apply online
and get more details here:
- multilingual ASR
- ASR for low computational resource environment

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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6-4(2023-03-08) PhD in ML/Speech Processing @LIA, Avignon, France
PhD in ML/Speech Processing ? Speaker recognition systems against voice attacks : voices synthesis and voice transformation

Starting date: September 1st, 2023 (flexible)

Application deadline: July 10th, 2023

Interviews (tentative): July 15th, 2023

Salary: ~2000? gross/month (social security included)

Mission: research oriented (teaching possible but not mandatory)

Keywords: speech processing, automatic speaker recognition, anti-spoofing, deep neural network

It is now widely accepted that automatic speaker recognition (ASV) systems are vulnerable not only to speech produced artificially by text-to-speech (TTS) [1], but also to other forms of attacks such as voice conversion (VC) and replay [2]. Voice conversion can be used to manipulate the voice identity of a speech signal, has progressed extremely rapidly in recent years [3], and has indeed become a serious threat.

The progress made in recent years in deep neural networks training has enabled spectacular advances in the fields of text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC): DeepVoice, Tacotron 1 and 2 [4], Auto-VC [5,6]. Existing architectures now make possible producing synthesized or manipulated artificial voices with a realism close to or equal to that of human voices [4]. At the same time, voice conversion algorithms (from one speaker to another) have also made spectacular advances. It now becomes possible to clone a voice identity using a small amount of data. In the space of two years, extremely significant advances have been made [5,6,7]. The ability of these algorithms to forge voice identities capable of deceiving speaker recognition and counter-measure systems is an urgent topic of research.

Progress in terms of the fight against identity theft has been led by the initiative of the ASVspoof community, formed in 2013 and recognized as competent at the international level [8]. The most significant efforts have been made at the level of the acoustic parametrization (front-end) making it possible to better differentiate authentic (human) utterances from fraudulent utterances. The best performing system [9], which combines acoustic parameters based on Cepstrum-Mel, Cepstrum based on cochlear filters and instantaneous frequencies using a classifier based on a Gaussian mixture model, obtained the best performance.

For the past  years, research efforts have focused on the back-end. As in speaker recognition research, the anti-spoofing community has embraced the power of deep learning and, unsurprisingly, the neural architectures used are almost the same. Advances in anti-spoofing have followed the rapid advances in TTS and VC. The best anti-spoofing system again used traditional acoustic parameters, with a classifier based on ResNet-18 [10].

As part of this thesis, the robustness of existing countermeasures against new forms of adversarial attacks designed specifically to deceive them will be assessed. One of the advances expected in this thesis will focus on the design of new countermeasures to detect such emerging, increasinly adversarial attacks. To do this, two avenues will be explored. The first is to redesign front-end feature extraction to capture cues that characterize adversarial attacks, then use them with re-trained classifiers. As it is not always easy to identify reliable characteristics, the second direction will aim at the adoption of end-to-end architectures able to learn characteristics automatically. Although these advances improve robustness to adversarial attacks, it will be important to ensure that the resulting countermeasures remain robust to previous attacks. This is known as the problem of the generalization. An effective anti-spoofing countermeasure must reliably detect any form of attack it encounters, not just the specific attacks it is trained to detect. Finally, improving adversarial attack detection performance should not come at the cost of increased false positives (genuine speech labeled as spoofed speech), which can hurt usability and convenience. The progress and results targeted in this thesis will therefore be countermeasures capable of defending speaker recognition systems against adversarial and non-adversarial attacks.

In parallel to this competition between research teams specializing in attacks and research teams specializing in counter-attacks, the speaker recognition community is focused on the creation and design of high-performance systems that are robust to acoustic variability. Recognition systems are trained to recognize speakers in increasingly difficult conditions (presence of several types of noise: additive, reverb, etc.). This robustness against difficult acoustic conditions can lead to weakness against recordings of attacks that were not taken into account during training. Of course this vulnerability can be reduced by using countermeasures (CM) systems. This approach can impact the usability of ASV systems since the countermeasures can also reject genuine clients (authentic users).  This thesis will therefore go beyond the state of the art by optimizing both the ASV and the CM system, so that they work together to achieve the best possible compromise between security and usability/convenience.

- Master 2 in speech processing, computer science or data science
- Good mastering of Python programming and deep learning framework
- Previous experience in bias in machine learning would be a plus
- Good communication skills in English
- Good command of French would be a plus but is not mandatory

The PhD position will be co-supervised by Nicholas Evans from EURECOM and Driss Matrouf from LIA-Avignon. Joint meetings are planned on a regular basis and the student is expected to spend time in LIA-Avignon. The students, along with the partners (IRCAM specialized in attack generation and EURECOM specialized in countermeasures) will closely collaborate.

Applications must contain: CV + letter/message of motivation + master notes + be ready to provide letter(s) of recommendation; and be addressed to Driss Matrouf (, Mickael Rouvier ( and Nicholas Evans (

[2] N. Evans, T. Kinnunen and J. Yamagishi, ?Spoofing and countermeasures for automatic speaker verification? in Proc. Interspeech 2013 Aug 25 (pp. 925-929).
[3] Z. Yhi et al. (2020) Voice Conversion Challenge 2020- Intra-lingual semi-parallel and cross-lingual voice conversion . SCA Joint Workshop for the Blizzard Challenge and Voice Conversion Challenge 2020.
[4] J. Shen et al, Natural TTS Synthesis by Conditioning WaveNet on Mel Spectrogram Prediction, ICASSP,2018.
[5] Qian, K., Zhang, Y., Chang, S., Yang, X., and Hasegawa- Johnson, M. AutoVC: Zero-Shot Voice Style Transfer with Only Autoencoder Loss. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp. 5210?5219, 2019
[6] Zhang, J.-X., Ling, Z.-H., and Dai, L.-R. Non-Parallel Sequence-to-Sequence Voice Conversion With Disentan- gled Linguistic and Speaker Representations. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP), 28:540?552, 2020.
[7] Jia, Y., Zhang, Y., Weiss, R., Wang, Q., Shen, J., Ren, F., ... & Wu, Y. (2018). Transfer learning from speaker verification to multispeaker text-to-speech synthesis. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 4480-4490).
[8] N. Evans, T. Kinnunen and J. Yamagishi, ?Spoofing and countermeasures for automatic speaker verification? in Proc. Interspeech 2013,
pp. 925-929, 2013
[9] T. B. Patel, H. A. Patil, ?Combining Evidences from Mel Cepstral, Cochlear Filter Cepstral and Instantaneous Frequency Features for Detection of Natural vs. Spoofed Speech?, in Proc. INTERSPEECH 2015, pp. 2062-2066, 2015
[10] X. Cheng, M. Xu, and T. F. Zheng, ?Replay detection using CQTbased modified group delay feature and ResNeWt network in ASVs poof 2019?, in Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), pp. 540?545, 2019

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6-5(2023-03-09) Doctoral position : Acoustic to Articulatory Inversion by using dynamic MRI images @LORIA, Nancy, France

Doctoral position : Acoustic to Articulatory Inversion by using dynamic MRI images


Loria ?Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications? is a research unit common to CNRS, the Université de Lorraine and INRIA. Loria gathers 450 scientists and its missions mainly deal with fundamental and applied research in computer sciences, especially the MultiSpeech Team which focuses automatic speech processing, audiovisual speech and speech production. IADI is a research unit common to Inserm the Université de Lorraine whose specialty is developing various techniques and methods to improve imaging of moving organs via the acquisition of MR images.


This PhD project founded by LUE (Lorraine Université d?Excellence) associates the Multispeech team and the IADI laboratory.


Start date is (expected to be) 1st septembre 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.



Yves Laprie, email

Pierre-André Vuissoz, email


The project


Articulatory synthesis mimics the speech production process by first generating the shape of the vocal tract from the sequence of phonemes to be pronounced, then the acoustic signal by solving the aeroacoustic equations. Compared to other approaches to speech synthesis which offer a very high level of quality, the main interest is to control the whole production process, beyond the acoustic signal alone.

The objective of this PhD is to succeed in the inverse transformation, called acoustic to articulatory inversion, in order to recover the geometric shape of the vocal tract from the acoustic signal. A simple voice recording will allow the dynamics of the different articulators to be followed during the production of the sentence.

Beyond its interest in terms of scientific challenge, articulatory acoustic inversion has many potential applications. Alone, it can be used as a diagnostic tool to evaluate articulatory gestures in an educational or medical context.


Description of work


The objective is the inversion of the acoustic signal to recover the temporal evolution of the medio-sagittal slice. Indeed, dynamic MRI provides two-dimensional images in the medio-sagittal plane at 50Hz of very good quality and the speech signal acquired with an optical microphone can be very efficiently deconstructed with the algorithms developed in the MultiSpeech team (examples available on We plan to use corpora already acquired or in the process of being acquired. These corpora represent a very large volume of data (several hundreds of thousands of images) and an approach for tracking the contours of articulators in MRI images which gives very good results was developed to process corpora. The automatically tracked contours can therefore be used to train the inversion. The goal is to perform the inversion using the LSTM approach on data from a small number of speakers for which sufficient data exists. This approach will have to be adapted to the nature of the data and to be able to identify the contribution of each articulator. In itself, successful inversion to recover the shape of the vocal tract in the medio-sagittal plane will be a remarkable success since the current results only cover a very small part of the vocal tract (a few points on the front part of the vocal tract). However, it is important to be able to transpose this result to any subject, which raises the question of speaker adaptation, which is the second objective of the PhD.


What we offer

  • A position funded by LUE (Lorraine Université d?Excellence) at a leading technical university that generates knowledge and skills for a sustainable futur.
  • A very complementary scientific environment of the two teams (MultiSpeech and IADI) in all fields of MRI and anatomy in the IADI laboratory and in deep learning and speec processing in the MultiSpeech team of Lori.

  • Engaged and ambitious colleagues along with a creative, international and dynamic working environmen.

  • At Loria, there are lively research groups in a number of areas, for example natural language processing, deep learning, computer graphics, robotics? At the moment, there are about 150 PhD students at Loria and IADI.

  • Works in the very center of Europe in close proximity to nature.

  • Help to relocate and be settled in France and at Université de Lorraine.



Yves Laprie, email

Pierre-André Vuissoz, email



Your application including all attachments must be in English and submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

Please include

  1. Motivated letter of application (max. one page)

  2. Your motivation for applying for the specific PhD project

  3. Curriculum vitae including information about your education, experience, language skills and other skills relevant for the position

  4. Publication list (if possible)

  5. Reference letters (if available)

The deadline for applications is April 15 2023, 23:59 GMT +2

log into Inria?s recruitment system( in order to apply to this position. 

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6-6(2023-03-10) Ingénieur d'étude, GIPSA LAB, Grenoble, France

Le service Plateformes du laboratoire GIPSA-LAB (CNRS/G-INP/UGA, Grenoble) recrute un.e ingénieur.e d?étude en instrumentation.
Il/Elle interviendra en support pour les plateformes expérimentales du laboratoire, et en particulier celles en lien avec l'aéro-acoustique, l'automatique ou la robotique. Il/elle aura notamment en charge  la responsabilité technique de la plateforme AERO, dédiée à l'étude des phénomènes aéro-acoustiques de la production de parole : réalisation de l'interfaçage d'instrumentations, gestion et entretien du parc d'appareils de mesures, préparation et participation aux expériences scientifiques.

Pour plus d'information, la fiche de poste détaillée est disponible ici :

N'hésitez pas à me contacter si besoin d'information complémentaire.

Coriandre VILAIN

Coriandre Vilain
Ingénieur de Recherche UGA
Equipe PCMD, Pôle Parole & Cognition, GIPSA-LAB 
Responsable Service Plateformes GIPSA
04 76 82 77 80
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6-7(2023-03-12) Associate-Assistant Professor in artificial intelligence for semantic and multi-modal multimedia analysis. Telecom Sud Paris, France

Dear All,

Telecom SudParis welcomes applications for a permanent position of Associate-Assistant Professor in artificial intelligence for semantic and multi-modal multimedia analysis. Telecom SudParis is a public graduate school for engineering, which has been recognized on the highest level in the domain of digital technology. Telecom SudParis is co-founder member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and part of the Institut Mines-Telecom, the number one group of engineering schools in France. The recruited assistant/associate professor will join the ARTEMIS (Advanced Research and TEchniques for Multidimensional Imaging Systems) Department of Télécom SudParis and the SAMOVAR laboratory. The targeted research theme concerns the field of artificial intelligence, applied to the semantic analysis of massive, distributed and heterogeneous multimedia data. This concerns the automatic, multi-modal interpretation of complex audio-visual documents, computer vision, multimedia indexation, knowledge extraction and machine learning methodologies. The expected contributions will focus on deep neural network learning methods and target the entire multimedia content processing chain. Detailed information can be found at the following URL: The application deadline is March 31, 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.

Best regards,

Titus ZAHARIA, Professor

Head of the ARTEMIS Department Télécom SudParis

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

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6-8(2023-03-16) PhD Position in Deep Cascaded Representation Learning for Speech Modelling, Univ.Sheffield, UK

Title of Project: Deep Cascaded Representation Learning for Speech Modelling

Supervisor:Professor Thomas Hain

Deadline for Applications:13th April 2023

The LivePerson Centre for Speech and Language offers a 3 year fully funded PhD studentship
covering standard maintenance, fees and travel support, to work on cascaded deep learning structures
to model speech. The Centre is connected with the Speech and Hearing (SpandH) and the Natural
Language Processing (NLP) research groups in the Department of Computer Science at the University
of Sheffield.
Auto-encoding is powerful concept that allows us to compress signals and find essential
representations.Th econcept was expanded to include context, which is usually referred to as
self-supervised learning. On very large amounts of speech data this has led to very successful
methods and models for representing speech data, for a wide range of downstream processes.
Examples of such models are Wave2Vec or WaveLM. Use of their representations often requires
fine-tuning to a specific task, with small amounts of data. When encoding speech, it is desirable to
represent a range of attributes at different temporal specificity. Such attributes often reflect a hierarchy
of information.
The aim in this PhD project is to explore the use of knowledge about natural hierarchies in speech in
cascaded auto- and contextual encoder/decoder models. The objective is to describe a structured way
to understand such hierarchies. The successful candidate is expected to propose methods to combine
different kinds of supervision (auto, context, label) and build hierarchies of embeddings extractions.
These propositions may have to be seen in the context of data availability and complexity. All
proposals are to be implemented and tested on speech data. Experiments should be conducted on a
range of speech data sets with different speech types and data set size.
The student will join a world-leading team of researchers in speech and language technology. The
LivePerson Centre for Speech and Language Technology was established in 2017 with the aim to
conduct research into novel methods for speech recognition and general speech processing, including
end to end modelling, direct waveform modelling and new approaches to modelling of acoustics and
language. It has recently extended its research remit to spoken and written dialogue. The Centre hosts
severa lResearch Associates, PhD researchers,graduate and undergraduate project students,
Researchers and Engineers from LivePerson, and academic visitors. Being fully connected with
SpandH brings collaboration, and access to a wide range of academic research and opportunities for
collaboration inside and outside of the University. The Centre has access to extensive dedicated
computing resources (GPU, large storage) and local storage of over 60TB of raw speech data.


The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Prof. Hain who is the Director of the
LivePerson Centre and also Head of the SpandH research group. SpandH was and is involved in a
large number of national and international projects funded by national bodies and EU sources as well
as industry. Prof. Hain also leads the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training In Speech and Language
Technologies and their Applications ( - a collaboration between the NLP research
group and SpandH. Jointly, NLP and SpandH host more than 110 active researchers in these fields.
This project will start as soon as possible.
If English is not your first language, you must have an IELTS score of 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0
in each component.

How to Apply:All applications must be made directly to the University of Sheffield using the
Postgraduate Online Application Form.
Information on what documents are required and a link to the application form can
be found here -
On your application, please name Prof. Thomas Hain as your proposed supervisor
and include the title of the studentship you wish to apply for.
Your research proposal should:
Be no longer than 4 A4 pages, including references
Outline your reasons for applying for this studentship
Explain how you would approach the research, including details of your
skills and experience in the topic area
If you have any queries, please contact

Funding Details:
This position is fully funded by LivePerson, covering all tuition fees and a stipend at
the standard UKRI rate

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6-9(2023-03-15) Research Associate in Integrated Multitask Neural Speech Labelling, Univ.Sheffield, UK

Job Title:Research Associate in Integrated Multitask Neural Speech Labelling
For further information and the link to apply please visit:
Deadline for
Applications:15th March 2023
We are seeking an outstanding Research Associate in Integrated Multitask Neural Speech
Labelling, to join the LivePerson Centre for Speech and Language Technology based at the
University of Sheffield, which is linked with the Speech and Hearing (SpandH) research group
in the Department of Computer Science.
Youare applying to join a world-leading team of researchers in speech and language
technology to work on new ways to integrate a variety of speech technology labelling,
clustering or segmentatio ntasks into a single algorithm or process, in the context o fdeep
neural networks.Even end to end(E2E) automatic speech recognition is  typically
considered as a standalone process, independent of other speech audio technology tasks
such as diarisation, acoustic event detection or intent recognition.
The LivePerson Centre for Speech and Language Technology was established in 2017 with
the aim of conducting research into novel methods for speech recognition and general speech
processing, including end to end modelling, direct waveform modelling and new approaches
to modelling of acoustics and language. It has recently extended its research remit to spoken
and written dialogue. The Centre hosts several Research Associates, PhD researchers,
graduate and undergraduate project students, Researchers and Engineers from LivePerson,
and academic visitors, which will provide avibrant work environmentwithin the University.
Being fully connected with SpandH brings collaboration, and access to a wide range of
academic research and opportunities for collaboration inside and outside of the University.
Thepostholder wil lwork closely with Prof.Thomas Hain who is the Director of the
LivePerson Centre and also Head of the SpandH group. Prof. Hain also leads the UKRI
Centre for Doctora lTraining InSpeech and LanguageTechnologies and their
Applications( - a collaboration between the Natural Language Processing
(NLP) research group and SpandH. Jointly, NLP and SpandH host more than 110 active
researchers in these fields.

We’re one of the best not-for-profit organisations to work for in the UK. The University’s Total
Reward Package includes a competitive salary, a generous Pension Scheme and annual
leave entitlement, as well as access to a range of learning and development courses to
support your personal and professional development.
We build teams of people from different heritages and lifestyles from across the world, whose
talent and contributions complement each other to the greatest effect. We believe diversity in
all its forms delivers greater impact through research, teaching and student experience.
To find out what makes the University of Sheffield a remarkable place to work, watch this short
film:, and follow @sheffielduni and @ShefUniJobs
on Twitter for more information.

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6-10(2023-03-15) PhD Position in Adaptive Deep Learning for Speech and Language, Univ.Sheffield, UK

Title of Project: PhD Position in Adaptive Deep Learning for Speech and Language

Supervisor:Professor Thomas Hain
Deadline for
Applications:13th April 2023
The LivePerson Centre for Speech and Language offers a 3 year fully funded PhD studentship
covering standard maintenance, fees and travel support, to work on deep neural network adaptive
learning modules for speech and language. The Centre is connected with the Speech and Hearing
(SpandH) and the Natural Language Processing(NLP) researchg roups at the Department  of
Computer Science at the University of Sheffield.
Domain mismatch remains a key issue for speech and language technologies for which traditional
solutions are transfer learning and adaptation. The latter was widely used for modelling of speech in
the context of generative models, however less so with modern neural network approaches. Such
adaptation targeted features or models and was often informed by previous model output and
estimates of latent factors. These approaches were often informed by observations on human abilities
to adapt and adjust to new acoustic or semantic situations. Adaptation in neural networks is model
based and often implicit - through attention or dynamic convolution. However, these methods to date
still fail to reproduce the rapid learning and adaptation that humans exhibit when being exposed to new
The objective in this project is to conduct research into neural network structures that are capable of
rapidly adjusting to a change in latent factors and at the same time allow for robust control. This will
require rapid feedback mechanisms on the mismatch between the observed data and the model
expectation. A range of strategies may be applied - through instantaneous feedback or through control
of transformational model parameters. All proposals are to be implemented and tested on speech, and
where suitable, also language data. Experiments should be conducted on a range of tasks of different
complexity in the context of different data types.
The student will join a world-leading team of researchers in speech and language technology. The
LivePerson Centre for Speech and Language Technology was established in 2017 with the aim to
conduct research into novel methods for speech recognition and general speech processing, including
end-to-end modelling, direct waveform modelling and new approaches to modelling of acoustics and
language. It has recently extended its research remit to spoken and written dialogue. The Centre hosts
ResearchersandEngineers from LivePerson, and academic visitors. Being fully connected with
SpandH brings collaboration, and access to a wide range of academic research and opportunities for
collaboration inside and outside of the University. The Centre has access to extensive dedicated
computing resources (GPU, large storage) and local storage of over 60TB of raw speech data


The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Prof. Hain who is the Director of the
LivePerson Centre and also Head of the SpandH research group. SpandH was and is involved in a
large number of national and international projects funded by national bodies and EU sources as well
as industry. Prof. Hain also leads the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training In Speech and Language
Technologies and their Applications ( - a collaboration between the NLP research
group and SpandH. Jointly, NLP and SpandH host more than 110 active researchers in these fields.
This project will start as soon as possible.
If English is not your first language, you must have an IELTS score of 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0
in each component.
How to Apply:All applications must be made directly to the University of Sheffield using the
Postgraduate Online Application Form.
Information on what documents are required and a link to the application form can
be found here -
On your application, please name Prof. Thomas Hain as your proposed supervisor
and include the title of the studentship you wish to apply for.
Your research proposal should:
Be no longer than 4 A4 pages, including references
Outline your reasons for applying for this studentship
Explain how you would approach the research, including details of your
skills and experience in the topic area
If you have any queries, please contact
This position is fully funded by LivePerson, covering all tuition fees and a stipend at
the standard UKRI rate.

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6-11(2023-03-17) Deux postes de MCF en phonétique au concours à l'Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 ,France

Deux postes de MCF en phonétique sont ouverts au concours à l'Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 cette année :

Phonétique générale et traitement outillé de l'oral (UMR 5267 Praxiling) :

Phonétique et Didactique de l'oral en FLE (acquisition / appropriation des langues) :

Date limite : 30 mars 2023

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6-12(2023-03-20) 2 postdocs for project ASTRID DeTOX @IRCAM Paris and EURECOM Sophia Antipolis , France
Dans le cadre du projet ASTRID DeTOX sur la lutte contre les vidéos hyper-truquées de personnalités françaises, 
deux postes sont à pourvoir :
- Un post-doc de 15 mois à l?IRCAM sur la génération de deep fakes audio-visuels
- Un post-doc de 18 mois ou une thèse de 36 mois à EURECOM sur la détection de deep fakes audio-visuels
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6-13(2023-03-15) PhD student in Phonetics, Stockholm University, Sweden

PhD student in Phonetics


Ref. No. SU FV-0793-23


at the Department of linguistics. Closing date: 15 april 2023.

The Department of Linguistics conducts research and offers education in a number of areas such as child language development, computational linguistics, general linguistics, multilingualism in the deaf and hard of hearing, phonetics and sign language. The department hosts three infrastructures, Språkstudion Language Learning Resource Centre, the Phonetics Laboratory and SUBIC Stockholm University Brain Imaging Center, and several research groups conduct research in experimental paradigms related to the mentioned infrastructures.

Project description
The position is linked to the research profile phonetics. This implies that the research plan attached to the application must have an experimental phonetics topic linked to research on acoustic and/or physiological (e.g. breathing, phonation, articulation) aspects of speech and conversation conducted at the Department of Linguistics.

Qualification requirements
In order to meet the general entry requirements, the applicant must have completed a second-cycle degree, completed courses equivalent to at least 240 higher education credits, of which 60 credits must be in the second cycle, or must have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere.

In order to meet the specific entry requirements for doctoral studies in linguistics, the general syllabus stipulates that an applicant must have received a passing grade on course work of at least 30 higher education credits from the second cycle in Linguistics, including a degree project of at least 15 credits on a topic relevant to the proposed research plan. In addition, the applicant is required to be proficient in the language of the proposed doctoral thesis (English, Swedish or Swedish Sign Language). Proficiency is demonstrated in the research plan and other relevant parts of the application (such as undergraduate theses, publications, grades, certificates and an interview).

The entry requirements can also be met by students who have acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere. Assessment of eligibility is decided on in accordance with the department's local admission procedure and the department's decision and delegation procedure. 

The qualification requirements must be met by the deadline for applications. Induvidual plan for studies in linguistics (in swesdish).

Selection among the eligible candidates will be based on their capacity to benefit from the training. Selection is made by the Department Board, applying the following assessment criteria:

  • Education in general. Assessment is made with regard to both depth and breadth in previous education
  • Scholarly production. On the basis of the applicant’s degree projects from the first and second cycle and, where applicable, other scholarly production, the applicant’s ability to benefit from the training is assessed according to the following criteria: critical ability, analytical skills, creativity, independence and scholarly precision. The time aspect is also considered, that is, to what extent the applicant has demonstrated an ability to complete previous academic projects within specified time limits. In addition, based on a comparison of previous academic output, an assessment is made of the applicant’s academic development
  • The applicant must describe his/her proposed field of research in a research plan. The dissertation project must focus on phonetics. The plan should not exceed 3 numbered pages A4 in Arial, font size 11, with single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, references and any images and examples included. The research plan should contain one or more research problems and an outline of the research project. The research plan is assessed on the basis of: relevance, originality, and potential for completion within the specified time limits (i.e. a period equivalent to four years of full-time study for a doctoral degree)
  • Available supervisor resources
  • Teamwork skills. The applicant's ability to collaborate is assessed on the basis of, for example, references, certificates or interviews.

In selecting applicants for postgraduate education in linguistics, the department board must take into account rules and regulations of the Faculty of Humanities. In addition to the above selection criteria, the following will be of great importance in the assessment:

  • Relevance of the proposed research project to the department's research environment
  • Experience in research-related work within phonetics.

Admission Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Stockholm University are available at: and regulations.

Terms of employment
Only a person who will be or has already been admitted to a third-cycle programme may be appointed to a doctoral studentship.

The term of the initial contract may not exceed one year. The employment may be extended for a maximum of two years at a time. However, the total period of employment may not exceed the equivalent of four years of full-time study. 

Doctoral students should primarily devote themselves to their own education, but may engage in teaching, research, and administration corresponding to a maximum of 20 % of a full-time position. For this particular position, the doctoral student is expected to perform departmental duties corresponding to 20 % of full time. Where applicable, the total time of the appointment is extended to correspond to a full-time doctoral programme for four years.

The proportion of departmental duties may be unevenly distributed across the duration of the doctoral programme.

Please note that admission decisions cannot be appealed.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

For more information, please contact the Head of Department Mattias Heldner, telephone: +46 8 16 19 88, For questions about the doctoral programme, contact the Director of Studies for postgraduate education, Bernhard Wälchli, +46 8 16 23 44,

Union representatives
Ingrid Lander (Saco-S), telephone: +46 708 16 26 64,, Alejandra Pizarro Carrasco (Fackförbundet ST/OFR), telephone: +46 8 16 34 89,, (SEKO), and PhD student representative,

Apply for the PhD student position at Stockholm University's recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

Please include the following information with your application

  • Your contact details and personal data
  • Your highest degree
  • Your language skills
  • Contact details for 2–3 referees (please, specify their relationship to you as an applicant and what they are expected to testify to or comment on)

 and, in addition, please include the following documents

  • Cover letter
  • CV – degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list of degree projects/theses
  • Dissertation plan/research proposal, inclusive of the following:
    • research question(s)
    • brief background (research context and relationship to own interests/qualifications)
    • method and data
    • expected results (specify the scope, especially if the results are mainly descriptive)
    • time plan

Note that the proposal must address the following questions: why your project is suitable to be carried out at the Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University, how you intend to contribute to the research environment at the department with your research project, what makes you particularly suitable (to carry out the proposed research project).

  • Degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files)
  • Degree projects/theses (no more than 6 files).

The instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position.

You are welcome to apply!

Stockholm University contributes to the development of sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.


Closing date: 15/04/2023


URL to this page

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6-14(2023-03-20) PhD student position in experimental phonetics @ Stockholm University, Sweden

The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University invites applications for a PhD student position in experimental phonetics, including (but not limited to) topics in prosody. For details, see: .


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6-15(2023-03-20) PhD student, Bielefeld University, Germany

The Digital Linguistics Lab at Bielefeld University (head: JProf. Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Buschmeier) is seeking to fill a research position (PhD-student, E13 TV-L, 100%, fixed-term) in the area of multimodal human-robot interaction in the research project ?Hybrid Living?.

Join us to work in an interdisciplinary team on research questions in the intersection of human-robot interaction and computational linguistics. Specifically, you will work (1) on the use of multimodal communication (verbal and nonverbal) to situatively instruct a service robot, (2) on making the robot's behaviour transparent to its users, and (3) on models for solving human-robot interaction problems through communication.

The formal job advertisement, with information on how to apply, can be found here:

Questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch:

Hendrik Buschmeier

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6-16(2023-03-24) Research assistant, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

We are seeking a multimodal designer to take on a central role in the Shared Reality Lab?s open source IMAGE project (, focused on making photos, charts, and maps available to people who are blind or low vision. We are currently operating under two grants, focused on integrating haptic force feedback and pin array devices into IMAGE. You will work with a multidisciplinary team of user experience researchers, designers, and developers who will support you in designing and releasing multimodal audio and haptic experiences that will delight our end users. The primary requirement is a strong background and passion for owning both design and iterative testing of combined audio/haptic end-user experiences. Since the goal of IMAGE is to release a practical solution that can be used on a daily basis, the candidate will work directly with developers and the rest of the team to make sure that ideas and designs get translated into implementable requirements, then deployed into production.


  • Demonstrated experience designing and creating multimodal experiences, including audio and haptics. Please include portfolio, or links to projects.
  • Ability to work with user experience researchers to clearly define user needs and specific implementation requirements to meet them.
  • Comfortable working directly with developers to make sure the experiences are implementable within the project timeline and available resources.
  • Prototyping experience.
  • Designing and carrying out methodologically sound user testing in consultation with our existing user studies lead.
  • Strong plus: Sensitization to development issues, software release cycles, software architecture, client-server tradeoffs, audio synthesis.
  • Bonus: French, spoken and/or written.
  • Bonus: Experience working with the blind/low vision community.

Other useful skills (not required). If the candidate has the desire and capability, they are also welcome to participate in software architecture and implementation, for example:

  • Audio synthesis experience. (IMAGE currently uses SuperCollider)
  • Software architecture, design, and documentation, including creating usable solutions for developers and content creators in a client/server model.
  • Mentoring junior designers/developers.

Candidates applying as a research assistant must be eligible to work in Canada.

Those applying as postdoctoral candidates should refer to McGill?s requirements on postdoctoral appointments,, for conditions and additional information on the status of the position. (In Quebec, a Postdoctoral Fellow is a full-time student status and trainee category, and the Ministère de l'Education, Enseignement Supérieur et Recherche (MESRS) stipulates that all postdocs must be registered on a university student registration system.) Please note that non-Canadian postdoctoral fellows must obtain valid Citizenship or an Immigration Canada (CIC) work permit to legally work in Canada.

To apply for the position, please email the following items to Jeremy Cooperstock (

  • A brief letter of application, describing your qualifications and relevant experience to the position of interest, along with your dates of availability.
  • Detailed CV with links to online papers and/or project portfolios.
  • Two (2) reference letters (sent separately).

The position is available immediately, with an initial appointment of up to one year. Informal inquiries are welcome.

About us: The Shared Reality Lab conducts research in audio, video, and haptic technologies, building systems that leverage their capabilities to facilitate and enrich both human-computer and computer-mediated human-human interaction. The lab is part of the Centre for Intelligent Machines and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of McGill University. McGill, one of Canada's most prestigious universities, is located in Montreal, a top city to live in, especially for students.
McGill University is committed to equity in employment and diversity. It welcomes applications from Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, visible minorities, women and others who may contribute to diversification. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply, although Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

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6-17(2023-04-07) Researcher position at the School of Informatics, Kyoto University , Japan
Researcher position at the School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan

Job description:
Research & Development in the Moonshot program 'Avatar Symbiotic Society',
in particular spoken dialogue design and implementation for semi-autonomous avatars

Expert area:
Spoken Dialogue Systems OR Human-Robot Interaction

- Ph.D degree related with the above expert area.
- Programming skill (python)
- Fluent in English
- At least beginner level of Japanese language

Work Place:
Kyoto University, School of Informatics, Speech and Audio Processing Lab.
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan

Work Hours:
Discretionary work system (7 hour 45 min. standard)
Monday to Friday except for national holidays and summer holidays

Determined based on the work experiences and the guideline of University

Starting Date:
As early as possible

Employment Term:
Can be renewed every year and until November, 2025.

Tatsuya Kawahara, Professor
School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN

Documents to be submitted:
- Resume (CV)
- List of publications
- List of reference persons

Application Deadline:
Closed when an appropriate person is found.
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6-18(2023-04-08) PhD Position @ SPEAC, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

We have an open 4yr PhD position in the SPEAC lab (Speech Perception in Audiovisual Communication) at the Donders Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.


The position is funded through an ERC Starting Grant (HearingHands, 101040276) awarded to Dr. Hans Rutger Bosker. We are looking for candidates with a strong background in speech perception and an interest in audiovisual prosody and gesture-speech integration.


You will work closely with Dr. Hans Rutger Bosker (PI) and Prof. James McQueen (promotor). The PhD project aims to determine how and when the timing of seemingly meaningless up-and-down hand gestures influences audiovisual speech perception, specifically targeting more naturalistic communicative settings. You will use virtual avatars, allowing careful control of their gestural movements, to establish which kinematic and communicative properties of hand gestures influence low-level speech perception. You will assess how challenging listening conditions impact the perceptual weighting of visual, auditory and audiovisual cues to prominence, as well as determine the time-course of these cues using eye-tracking. Finally, you will design training studies to test how humans adjust their perception to between-talker variation in gesture-speech alignment.


- 4 year contract, 1.0 FTE

- gross monthly salary: ? 2,541 - ? 3,247 (scale P)

- application deadline: May 22, 2023

- preferred starting date: September 1, 2023


More details about the project, profile, and what we have to offer is available through the link below. If you have any questions, do get in touch at

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6-19(2023-04-09) Postdoc @ University of Washington, USA

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Laboratory for Speech Physiology and Motor Control 


Post-doctoral position in speech sensorimotor learning in typical adults,

DBS patients, and adults who stutter



The Laboratory for Speech Physiology and Motor Control (PI Ludo Max, Ph.D.) at the University of Washington (Seattle) is seeking to fill a post-doctoral position in the areas of sensorimotor integration and sensorimotor learning for speech production. The position will involve experimental work on sensorimotor adaptation, sensory prediction, and error evaluation in typical adults, Parkinson’s and essential tremor patients with deep brain stimulation implants (DBS), and adults who stutter. The lab is located in the University of Washington's Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences and has additional affiliations with the Graduate Program in Neuroscience, the Department of Bioengineering, and the Department of Linguistics.

The successful candidate will use speech sensorimotor adaptation paradigms (with digital signal processing perturbations applied to the real-time auditory feedback or mechanical loads applied to the jaw by a robotic device) to investigate various aspects of motor learning and control. Data collection will involve acoustic, kinematic, and neural data to investigate auditory-motor interactions during speech movement planning and execution.


The appointment is initially for one year, with renewal possible contingent upon satisfactory performance and productivity. We are looking for a candidate available to start in the summer of 2023, and applicants should have completed all requirements for their Ph.D. degree by that time. Review of applications will begin immediately. Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in neuroscience, cognitive/behavioral neuroscience, motor control/kinesiology, biomedical engineering, communication disorders/speech science, and related fields, are encouraged to apply.

For more information, please contact lab director Ludo Max, Ph.D. ( Applications can be submitted to the same e-mail address. Interested candidates should submit (a) a cover letter describing their research experiences, interests, and goals, (b) a curriculum vitae, (c) the names and contact information of three individuals who can serve as references, and (d) reprints of relevant journal publications.

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6-20(2023-04-12) 3 Postdocs @ IRIT, Toulouse, France

Dans le cadre d'un projet PIA, nous avons trois offres de post-doc d'une durée de 2 ans,
ouvertes sur le site toulousain : reconnaissance automatique de la parole, analyse de
sentiments et modélisation de préférences, pour un assistant vocal embarqué dans les

Plus d'info ici :

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6-21(2023-04-15) Chargé.e de recherche et développement (H/F) projet Bruel, IRCAM, Paris, France

Offre d’emploi : 1 Chargé.e de recherche et développement (H/F) Conversion neuronale de l’identité vocale pour la réalisation d’attaques adverses

Disponibilité et durée : 18 mois, de préférence à partir du 01 juin 2023

Description du poste: Dans le cadre du projet ANR BRUEL (2022-2026), l’équipe Analyse et Synthèse des sons recherche un.e chargé.e de recherche pour la conception, l’implémentation, et l’apprentissage d’algorithmes de conversion neuronale de l’identité vocale pour la création d’attaques d’usurpation d’identité. A partir d’un ensemble de scénarios d’attaques envisagées pour réaliser ces attaques en fonction des moyens et ressources disponibles (expertise, algorithmes, données), les travaux consisteront dans un premier temps à réaliser l’implémentation d’un banc d’essais d’algorithmes pour évaluer la robustesse des systèmes d’authentification et de détection face à ces attaques. Les travaux porteront dans un second temps sur l’une ou plusieurs des problématiques suivantes : - L’apprentissage de la conversion d’identité à partir de données de qualité hétérogène et dégradée (compression, bruits, etc…) librement accessibles (par exemple sur internet), et le transfert d’identité à partir de peu de données par des stratégies d’adaptation neuronale à partir de peu d’exemples; - La génération de conversions avec un contrôle de l’emprunte acoustique pour que l’attaque soit adaptée à l’environnement sonore et au canal de communication en fonction des scénarios envisagés (depuis des conditions professionnelles jusqu’à des conditions dégradées de communication téléphonique ou internet). L’ensemble des travaux réalisés seront évalués selon les protocoles usuels en conversion d’identité vocale, mais également en relation avec les partenaires du projet pour mesurer les performances des systèmes d’authentification/détection en fonction des scénarios envisagés. Les avancées réalisées seront intégrées au système de conversion neuronale de l'identité vocale de l’Ircam et évaluées in situ dans le cadre de productions professionnelles et/ou artistiques réalisées à l’Ircam. Le.a chargé.e de recherche collaborera également avec l’équipe de développement et participera aux activités du projet (évaluation des algorithmes, réunions, spécifications, livrables, rapports).

Présentation du projet BRUEL Le projet ANR BRUEL (ElaBoRation d’Une méthodologie d’EvaLuation des systèmes d’identification par la voix) concerne l’évaluation/certification des systèmes d’identification par la voix face aux attaques adverses. En effet, les systèmes de reconnaissance automatique du locuteur sont vulnérables non seulement à la parole produite artificiellement par synthèse vocale, mais aussi à d'autres formes d'attaques telles que la conversion d’identité vocale et la relecture. Les artefacts créés lors de la création ou la manipulation de ces attaques frauduleuses constituent les marques laissées dans le signal par les algorithmes de synthèse vocale permettant ainsi de distinguer la voix réelle originale d’une voix usurpée. Dans ces conditions, la détection de l'usurpation d'identité requiert d'évaluer les contre-mesures d'usurpation d'identité en même temps que les systèmes de reconnaissance du locuteur. Le projet BRUEL ambitionne de proposer la première méthodologie d’évaluation/certification des systèmes d'identification par la voix basée sur une approche Critères Communs.

Contexte de travail Le travail sera effectué à l’IRCAM au sein de l’équipe Analyse et Synthèse des sons encadré par Nicolas Obin et Axel ROEBEL (SU, CNRS, IRCAM). Le travail pourra être mené partiellement à distance, avec la nécessité d’une participation aux réunions d’avancement du projet. L'Ircam est une association à but non lucratif, associée au Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, dont les missions comprennent des activités de recherche, de création et de pédagogie autour de la musique du XXème siècle et de ses relations avec les sciences et technologies. Au sein de l'unité mixte de recherche, UMR 9912 STMS (Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son) commune à l’Ircam, à Sorbonne Université, au CNRS, et au Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, des équipes spécialisées mènent des travaux de recherche et de développement informatique dans les domaines de l'acoustique, du traitement des signaux sonores, des sciences cognitives, des technologies d’interaction, de l’informatique musicale et de la musicologie.

L'Ircam est situé au centre de Paris à proximité du Centre Georges Pompidou au 1, Place Stravinsky 75004 Paris.

Expérience et compétences requises: Nous recherchons un.e candidat.e spécialisé.e en apprentissage de réseaux de neurones profonds et en traitement automatique de la parole ou en vision, de préférence en deep fakes. Le·a candidate devra avoir une thèse de doctorat en sciences informatiques dans les domaines de l’apprentissage par réseaux de neurones profonds, ainsi que des publications dans des conférences et revues reconnues dans le domaine. Le·a candidat·e idéal·e aura:

• Une solide expertise en apprentissage machine, et en particulier en réseaux de neurones profonds.

• Une bonne expérience en traitement automatique de la parole ; de préférence dans le domaine de la génération ou des deep-fakes;

• Maîtrise du traitement du signal audio-vidéo numérique;

• Une excellente maîtrise du langage de programmation Python, de l’environnement TensorFlow pour l’apprentissage de réseaux de neurones, et du calcul distribué sur des serveurs GPUs

• Excellente maîtrise de l’anglais scientifique parlé et écrit

• Autonomie, travail en équipe, productivité, rigueur et méthodologie

Salaire Selon formation et expérience professionnelle

Candidatures Prière d'envoyer une lettre de motivation et un CV détaillant le niveau d'expérience/expertise dans les domaines mentionnés ci-dessus (ainsi que tout autre information pertinente) à et Date limite de candidature 31 mai 2023

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6-22(2023-04-15) Chargé.e de recherche et développement (H/F) projet DeTOX, IRCAM, Paris, France

Offre d’emploi : 1 Chargé.e de recherche et développement (H/F) Génération de deep fakes audio-visuel

Disponibilité et durée : 15 mois, de préférence à partir du 01 juin 2023

Description du poste Dans le cadre du projet ASTRID DeTOX (2023-2025), l’équipe Analyse et Synthèse des sons recherche un.e chargé.e de recherche pourl’implémentation et l’apprentissage d’algorithmes pour la génération de deep fakes audio-visuels avec les missions suivantes : - Collection, implémentation, et apprentissage d’algorithmes représentatifs de l’état-del’art pour la génération de deep fakes audio et visuel - Implémentation d’un nouvel algorithme de génération de deep fakes audio-visuel avec synchronisation des deux modalités en particulier pour assurer la cohérence de la parole et du mouvement du lèvre et du bas du visage - Construction de bases de données audio-visuel des personnes ciblées et apprentissage de modèles de génération de deep fakes pour ces personnes Le.a chargé.e de recherche collaborera également avec l’équipe de développement et participera aux activités du projet (évaluation des algorithmes, réunions, spécifications, livrables, rapports). Présentation du projet DeTOX Les récents challenges ont montré qu'il était extrêmement difficile de mettre au point des détecteurs universels de vidéos hyper-truquées - à l'exemple des 'deep fakes' utilisés pour contrefaire l'identité d'une personne. Lorsque les détecteurs sont exposés à des vidéos générées par un algorithme nouveau, c'est-à-dire inconnu lors de la phase d'apprentissage, les performances sont encore extrêmement limitées. Pour la partie vidéo, les algorithmes examinent les images une par une, sans tenir compte de l'évolution de la dynamique faciale au cours du temps. Pour la partie vocale, la voix est générée de manière indépendante de la vidéo ; en particulier, la synchronisation audio-vidéo entre la voix et les mouvements des lèvres n'est pas prise en compte. Ceci constitue un point faible important des algorithmes de génération de vidéos hyper-truquées. Le présent projet vise à implémenter et à apprendre des algorithmes de détection de deepfakes personnalisés sur des individus pour lesquels on peut disposer et/ou fabriquer de nombreuses séquences audio-vidéo réelles et falsifiées. En se basant sur des briques technologiques de base en audio et vidéo récupérées de l'état de l'art, le projet se concentrera sur la prise en compte de l'évolution temporelle des signaux audio-visuels et de leur cohérence pour la génération et la détection. Nous souhaitons ainsi démontrer qu'en utilisant simultanément l’audio et la vidéo et en se focalisant sur une personne précise lors de l'apprentissage et de la détection, il est possible de concevoir des détecteurs efficaces même face à des générateurs encore non répertoriés. De tels outils permettront de scruter et de détecter sur le web d'éventuelles vidéos hyper-truquées de personnalités françaises importantes (président de la république, journalistes, chef d'étatmajor des armées, ...) et ce dès leur publication.

Contexte de travail Le travail sera effectué à l’IRCAM au sein de l’équipe Analyse et Synthèse des sons encadré par Nicolas Obin et Axel ROEBEL (SU, CNRS, IRCAM). Le travail pourra être mené partiellement à distance, avec la nécessité d’une participation aux réunions d’avancement du projet. L'Ircam est une association à but non lucratif, associée au Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, dont les missions comprennent des activités de recherche, de création et de pédagogie autour de la musique du XXème siècle et de ses relations avec les sciences et technologies. Au sein de l'unité mixte de recherche, UMR 9912 STMS (Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son) commune à l’Ircam, à Sorbonne Université, au CNRS, et au Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, des équipes spécialisées mènent des travaux de recherche et de développement informatique dans les domaines de l'acoustique, du traitement des signaux sonores, des sciences cognitives, des technologies d’interaction, de l’informatique musicale et de la musicologie.

L'Ircam est situé au centre de Paris à proximité du Centre Georges Pompidou au 1, Place Stravinsky 75004 Paris.

Expérience et compétences requises Nous recherchons un.e candidat.e spécialisé.e en apprentissage de réseaux de neurones profonds et en traitement automatique de la parole ou en vision, de préférence en deep fakes. Le·a candidate devra avoir une thèse de doctorat en sciences informatiques dans les domaines de l’apprentissage par réseaux de neurones profonds, ainsi que des publications dans des conférences et revues reconnues dans le domaine. Le·a candidat·e idéal·e aura:

• Une solide expertise en apprentissage machine, et en particulier en réseaux de neurones profonds.

• Une bonne expérience en traitement automatique de la parole ou en vision ; de préférence dans le domaine des deep-fakes;

• Maîtrise du traitement du signal audio-vidéo numérique;

• Une excellente maîtrise du langage de programmation Python, de l’environnement TensorFlow pour l’apprentissage de réseaux de neurones, et du calcul distribué sur des serveurs GPUs

• Excellente maîtrise de l’anglais scientifique parlé et écrit

• Autonomie, travail en équipe, productivité, rigueur et méthodologie

Salaire Selon formation et expérience professionnelle

Candidatures Prière d'envoyer une lettre de motivation et un CV détaillant le niveau d'expérience/expertise dans les domaines mentionnés ci-dessus (ainsi que tout autre information pertinente) à et Date limite de candidature 31 mai 2023

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6-23(2023-05-09) PhD position @ IMT Brest France and Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal

PhD Title: SUMMA-Sound : SUMMarization of Activities of daily living using Sound-based activity recognition Partnership:

IMT Atlantique : Campus ☒ Brest ☐ Nantes ☐ Rennes Laboratory : Lab-STICC Doctoral school : ☒ SPIN ☐ 3MG Funding: IMT Atlantique, co-tutelle with Instituto Superior Técnico

Context : IMT Atlantique, internationally recognised for the quality of its research, is a leading general engineering school under the aegis of the French Ministry of Industry and Digital Technology, ranked in the three main international rankings (THE, SHANGHAI, QS). Located on three campuses, Brest, Nantes and Rennes, IMT Atlantique aims to combine digital technology and energy to transform society and industry through training, research and innovation. It aims to be the leading French higher education and research institution in this field on an international scale. With 290 researchers and permanent lecturers, 1000 publications and 18 M€ of contracts, it supervises 2300 students each year and its training courses are based on cutting-edge research carried out within 6 joint research units: GEPEA, IRISA, LATIM, LABSTICC, LS2N and SUBATECH. The proposed thesis is part of the research activities of the team RAMBO (Robot interaction, Ambient systems, Machine learning, Behaviour, Optimization) and of the laboratory Lab-STICC and the department of Computer Science of IMT Atlantique. Scientific context: The objective of this thesis is to develop a method for collecting and summarizing domestic health-related data relevant for medical diagnosis, in a non-intrusive manner using audio information. This research addresses the lack of existing practical tools for providing high-level succinct information to medical staff on the evolution of patients they follow for health diagnostic purposes. This research is based on the assumption that valuable diagnostic data can be collected by observing short- and long-term lifestyle changes and behavioural anomalies. It relies on the latest advances in the domains of audio-based activity recognition, summarization of human activity, and health diagnosis. Research on health diagnosis in domestic environments has already explored a variety of sensors and modalities for gathering data on human health indicators [5]. Nevertheless, audio-based activity recognition is notable for its less intrusive nature. Employing state-of-the-art sound-based activity recognition models [2] to monitor domestic human activity, the thesis will investigate and develop methods for summarization of human activity [3] in a human-understandable language, in order to produce easily interpretable data by doctors who, remotely, monitor their patients [4]. This work continues and fosters the research of the RAMBO team at IMT Atlantique on ambient systems, enabling well ageing at home for the elderly adults or dependent populations [1]. We expect this thesis to provide technology likely to relieve the burden on gerontologists and elderly-care facilities, and alleviate the caregiver shortage by offering some automatic support to the task of monitoring elderly or handicapped people, enabling them to age-at-home while still being followed by medical specialists using automated means. Expected contributions of the thesis Scientific goals: (1) Determine the set of human activities relevant for health diagnosis, (2) Implement a state-of-the-art model for audio-based activity recognition and validate its function by clinicians, (3) Develop a model for summarizing the evolution of human activity over time intervals of arbitrary duration (typically spanning from days to months and possibly years). Expected outcomes of the PhD: (1) A model for semantic summarization of human activity, based on sound recognition of activities of daily living. (2) A proof of concept for this model Candidate profile and required skills: • Master Degree in Computer Science (or equivalent) • Programming and Software Engineering skills (Python, Git, Software Architecture Design) • Data science skills • Machine learning skills • English speaking and writing skills References: [1] Damien Bouchabou. “Human activity recognition in smart homes : tackling data variability using context-dependent deep learning, transfer learning and data synthesis”. Theses. Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique, May 2022. url: [2] Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE). url: (visited on 07/01/2022). [3] P Durga et al. “When less is better: A summarization technique that enhances clinical effectiveness of data”. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Digital Health. 2018, pp. 116–120. [4] Akshay Jain et al. “Linguistic summarization of in-home sensor data”. In: Journal of Biomedical Informatics 96 (2019), p. 103240. issn: 1532-0464. [5] Mostafa Haghi Kashani et al. “A systematic review of IoT in healthcare: Applications, techniques, and trends”. In: Journal of Network and Computer Applications 192 (2021), p. 103164. Work Plan: The thesis will be organised in the following steps: (1) Definition of pertinent sounds and activities for health diagnosis, (2) Hardware set-up, (3) Dataset constitution, (4) Activity recognition, (5) Diarization of activities, (6) Summarization, (7) Validation in a real environment. Application: To apply for this position, please send an email with your Curriculum Vitae, a document with your academic results (if possible), and a couple of lines describing your motivation to pursue a PhD to mihai[dot]andries[at]imt-atlantique[dot]fr before 16 May 2023. Additional Information :  Application deadline : 16 May 2023  Start date : Fall 2023  Contract duration: 36 months  Localisation - Location : Brest (France) and Lisbon (Portugal)  Contact(s) : Mihai ANDRIES (mihai[dot]andries[at] Plinio Moreno (plinio[at]

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6-24(2023-05-11) PhD position @ ISIR and IRCAM Paris France

Multimodal behavior generation and style transfer for virtual agent animation

Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Obin


Humans communicate through speech but also through their hand gestures, body posture, facial expression, gaze, touch, speech prosody, etc, a wide range of multimodal signals. Verbal and non-verbal behavior play a crucial role in sending and in perceiving new information in human-human interaction. Depending on the context of communication and the audience, a person is continuously adapting its style during interaction. This stylistic adaptation implies verbal and nonverbal modalities, such as language, speech prosody, facial expressions, hand gesture, and body posture. Virtual agents, also called Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs- see [B] for an overview), are entities that can communicate verbally and nonverbally with human interlocutors. Their roles can vary depending on the applications. They can act as a tutor, an assistant or even a companion. Matching agent’s behavior style with their interaction context ensures better engagement and adherence of the human users. A large number of generative models were proposed in the past few years for synthesizing gestures of ECAs. Lately, style modeling and transfer have been receiving an increase of attention in order to adapt the behavior of the ECA to its context and audience. The latest research proposes neural architectures including a content and a style encoders and a decoder conditioned so as to generate the ECA gestural behavior corresponding to the content and with the desired style. While the first attempts focused on modeling the style of a single speaker [4, 5, 7], there is a rapidly increasing effort towards multi-speaker and multi-style modeling and transfer [1,2]. In particular, few-shots style transfer architectures attempt to generate a gestural behavior in a certain style with the minimum amount of data of the desired style and with the minimum requirement in terms of further training or fine-tuning.

Objectives and methodology:

The aim of this PhD is to generate human-like gestural behavior in order to empower virtual agents to communicate verbally and nonverbally with different styles - extending previous thesis accomplished by Mireille Fares [A]. We view behavioral style as being pervasive while speaking; it colors the communicative behaviors while content is carried by multimodal signals but mainly expressed through text semantics. The objective is to generate ultra-realistic verbal and nonverbal behaviors (text style, prosody, facial expression, body gestures and poses) corresponding to a given content (mostly driven by text and speech), and to adapt it to a specific style. This raises methodological and fundamental challenges in the fields of machine learning and human-computer interaction: 1) How to define content and style; which modalities are involved and with which proportion in the gestural expression of content and style? 2) How do we implement efficient neural architectures to disentangle content and style information from multimodal human behavior (text, speech, gestures)? The proposed directions will leverage on the cutting-edge research in neural networks such as multimodal modeling and generation [8], information disentanglement [6], and text prompt generation as popularized by DALL-E or Chat-GPT [9].

The research questions can be summarized as follows:

·       What is a multimodal style?: What are the style cues in each modality (verbal, prosody, and nonverbal behavior)? How to fuse each modality cues to build a multimodal style?


·       How to control the generation of verbal and nonverbal cues using a multimodal style? How to transfer a multimodal style into generative models? How to integrate style-oriented prompts/instructions into multimodal generative models by keeping the underlying intentions to be conveyed by the agent?


·       How to evaluate the generation?: How to measure the content preservation and the style transfer? How to design evaluation protocols with real users?

The PhD candidate will elaborate contributions in the field of neural multimodal behavior generation of virtual agents with a particular focus on multimodal style generation and controls:


·       Learning disentangled content and style encodings from multimodal human behavior using adversarial learning, bottleneck learning, and cross-entropy / mutual information formalisms.

·       Generating expressive multimodal behavior using prompt-tuning, VAE-GAN, and stable diffusion algorithms. To accomplish those objectives, we propose the following steps:

·       Analyzing corpus to identify style and content cues in different modalities.

·       Proposing generative models for multimodal style transfer according to different control levels (human mimicking or prompts/instructions)


·       Evaluating the proposed models with dedicated corpus (e.g. PATS) and with real users. Different criterias will be evaluated: content preservation, style transfer, coherence of the ECA overall modalities. When evaluated with a human user, we envision measuring the user’s engagement, their knowledge memorization and preferences.


Supervision team

Catherine Pelachaud is director of research CNRS at ISIR working on embodied conversational agent, affective computing and human-machine interaction.
[A] M. Fares, C. PelachaudN. Obin (2022) Transformer Network for Semantically-Aware and Speech-Driven Upper-Face Generation, in EUSIPCO [B] C. Pelachaud, C. Busso, D. Heylen (2021), Multimodal behavior modeling for socially interactive agents. The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents: 20 Years of Research on Embodied Conversational Agents, Intelligent Virtual Agents, and Social Robotics Volume 1: Methods, Behavior, Cognition
Nicolas Obin is associate professor at Sorbonne Université and research scientist at Ircam in human speech generation, vocal deep fake, and multimodal generation.
[C] L. Benaroya, N. Obin, A. Roebel (2023). Manipulating Voice Attributes by Adversarial Learning of Structured Disentangled Representations. In Entropy 25 (2), 375
[D] F. Bous, L. Benaroya, 
N. Obin, A. Roebel (2022) Voice Reenactment with F0 and timing constraints and adversarial learning of conversions The supervision team is used to publish in high-venue conferences and journals in machine learning (e.g., AAAI, ICLR, DMKD), natural language processing & information access (e.g., EMNLP, SIGIR), agents (e.g., AAMAS), and speech (Interspeech).

Required Experiences and Skills

·       Master or engineering degree in Computer Science or Applied Mathematics /knowledge in deep learning

·       Very proficient in Python (NumPy, SciPy), TensorFlow/Pytorch environment, and distributed computation (GPU)

·       High productivity, capacity for methodical and autonomous work, good communication skills.


The PhD will be hosted by two laboratories ISIR and IRCAM experts in the fields of machine learning, natural language / speech/ human behavior processing, and virtual agents with the support of the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI). The PhD candidate is expected to publish in the most prominent conferences and journals in the domain (such as: ICML, EMNLP, AAAI, IEEE TAC, AAMAS, IVA, ICMI, etc...). SCAI is equipped with a cluster of 30 nodes: 100 GPU cards and a processor of 1800 TFLOPS / FP32. The candidate can also use the Jean Zay cluster hosted by the CNRS-IDRIS. 


[1] C. Ahuja, D. Won Lee, and L.-P. Morency. 2022. Low-Resource Adaptation for Personalized Co-Speech Gesture Generation. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
[2] S. Alexanderson, G. Eje Henter, T. Kucherenko, and J. Beskow. 2020. Style-Controllable Speech-Driven Gesture Synthesis Using Normalising Flows. In Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 39. 487–496. 
[3] P. Bordes, E. Zablocki, L. Soulier, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari (2019). Incorporating Visual Semantics into Sentence Representations within a Grounded Space. In EMNLP/IJCNLP
[4] D. Cudeiro, T. Bolkart, C. Laidlaw, A. Ranjan, A., and M.J. Black. (2019). Capture, learning, and synthesis of 3D speaking styles. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 10101–10111 
[5] S. Ginosar, A. Bar, G. Kohavi, C., Chan, A., Owens and J. Malik. 2019. Learning individual styles of conversational gesture. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
[6] S. Subramanian, G. Lample, E.M. Smith, L. Denoyer, M.'A. Ranzato, Y-L. Boureau (2018). Multiple-Attribute Text Style Transfer. CoRR abs/1811.00552 
[7] T. Karras, T. Aila, S. Laine, A. Herva, and J. Lehtinen. 2017. Audio-driven facial animation by joint end-to-end learning of pose and emotion. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36, 1–12
[8] C. Rebuffel, M. Roberti, L. Soulier, G. Scoutheeten, R. Cancelliere, P. Gallinari (2022). Controlling hallucinations at word level in data-to-text generation. In Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 36(1): 318-354 
[9] L. Yang, Z. Zhang, Y. Song, S. Hong, R. Xu, Y. Zhao, Y. Shao, W. Zhang, M-H Yang, B Cui (2022). Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey of Methods and Applications. CoRR abs/2209.00796
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6-25(2023-05-11) PhD-student position in artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction @ KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

We are looking for a PhD student who is interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Human-Robot Interaction.  The doctoral student will work in a newly funded project at the  Department of Speech, Music and Hearing within the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH. The project is financed by the Swedish AI-program WASP (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program) which offers a graduate school with research visits, partner universities, and visiting lecturers.


The newly started project is titled 'Anticipatory Control in Conversational Human-Robot Interaction'. The aim of the project is to use self-supervised learning to develop generic language models for human-robot interaction and explore how such models can be used in real time to predict and anticipate human behavior and thereby improve the interaction. Whereas traditional language models in NLP (such as BERT, GPT) have focused on written language, we want to model multi-modal conversation, where aspects such as engagement, turn-taking, and incremental processing are of importance. This means that the models will have to process both text, audio and video, including aspects such as how the human users move and their facial expressions.

In collaboration with industry and other projects, we will then explore how such models can be used for social robotic applications. Another important focus will be on model analysis and visualization.


For more information about the position, see


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Prof. Gabriel Skantze


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6-26(2023-05-15) Post-doctoral and engineer positions@ LORIA-INRIA, Nancy, France
Automatic speech recognition for non-natives speakers in a noisy environment

Post-doctoral and engineer positions
Starting date: July-September of 2023
Duration: 24 months for a post-doc position and 12 months for an engineer position
Supervisors: Irina Illina, Associate Professor, HDR Lorraine University LORIA-INRIA Multispeech Team,
Emmanuel Vincent, Senion Research Scientist & Head of Science, INRIA Multispeech Team,
Cons: the application must meet the requirements of the French Directorate General of Armament (Direction générale de l'armement, DGA). 
When a person has their hands busy performing a task like driving a car or piloting an airplane, voice is a fast and efficient way to achieve interaction. In aeronautical communications, the English language is most often compulsory. Unfortunately, a large part of the pilots are not native English and speak with an accent dependent on their native language and are therefore influenced by the pronunciation mechanisms of this language. Inside an aircraft cockpit, non-native voice of the pilots and the surrounding noises are the most difficult challenges to overcome in order to have efficient automatic speech recognition (ASR). The problems of non-native speech are numerous: incorrect or approximate pronunciations, errors of agreement in gender and number, use of non-existent words, missing articles, grammatically incorrect sentences, etc. The acoustic environment adds a disturbing component to the speech signal. Much of the success of speech recognition relies on the ability to take into account different accents and ambient noises into the models used by ARP.
Automatic speech recognition has made great progress thanks to the spectacular development of deep learning. In recent years, end-to-end automatic speech recognition, which directly optimizes the probability of the output character sequence based on the input acoustic characteristics, has made great progress [Chan et al., 2016; Baevski et al., 2020; Gulati, et al., 2020].

The recruited person will have to develop methodologies and tools to obtain high-performance non-native automatic speech recognition in the aeronautical context and more specifically in a (noisy) aircraft cockpit.
This project will be based on an end-to-end automatic speech recognition system [Shi et al., 2021] using wav2vec 2.0 [Baevski et al., 2020]. This model is one of the most efficient of the current state of the art. This wav2vec 2.0 model enables self-supervised learning of representations from raw audio data (without transcription).

How to apply: Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Irina Illina ( with the required documents (CV, transcripts, motivation letter, and recommendation letters).

Requirements & skills:
- Ph.D. degree in speech/audio processing, computer vision, machine learning, or in a related field,
- ability to work independently as well as in a team,
- solid programming skills (Python, PyTorch), and deep learning knowledge,
- good level of written and spoken English.

[Baevski et al., 2020] A. Baevski, H. Zhou, A. Mohamed, and M. Auli. Wav2vec 2.0: A framework for self-supervised learning of speech representations, 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), 2020.
[Chan et al., 2016] W. Chan, N. Jaitly, Q. Le and O. Vinyals. Listen, attend and spell: A neural network for large vocabulary conversational speech recognition. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016, pp. 4960-4964, 2016.
[Chorowski et al., 2017] J. Chorowski, N. Jaitly. Towards better decoding and language model integration in sequence to sequence models. Interspeech, 2017.
[Houlsby et al., 2019] N. Houlsby, A. Giurgiu, S. Jastrzebski, B. Morrone, Q. De Laroussilhe, A. Gesmundo, M. Attariyan, S. Gelly. Parameter-efficient transfer learning for NLP. International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, pp. 2790–2799, 2019.
[Gulati et al., 2020] A. Gulati, J. Qin, C.-C. Chiu, N. Parmar, Y. Zhang, J. Yu, W. Han, S. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Wu, and R. Pang. Conformer: Convolution-augmented transformer for speech recognition. Interspeech, 2020.
[Shi et al., 2021] X. Shi, F. Yu, Y. Lu, Y. Liang, Q. Feng, D. Wang, Y. Qian, and L. Xie. The accented english speech recognition challenge 2020: open datasets, tracks, baselines, results and methods. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 6918–6922, 2021.
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6-27(2023-05-18) PhD position @ GIPSA Lab, Grenoble, France

Nous proposons une offre de thèse en acoustique-aérodynamique-mécatronique de la parole, dans le cadre du projet ANR AVATARS (« Artificial Voice production: control of bio-inspired port-HAmilToniAn numeRical and mechatronic modelS », 2023-2027). Le sujet porte sur la  'Caractérisation du comportement vocal humain dans la parole et dans le chant sur banc mécatronique robotisé. Application au développement de plis vocaux biomimétiques.'

Pour plus d'information et pour candidater :

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6-28(2023-05-20) Poste d' enseignant chercheur, Grenoble, France

Nous recherchons pour l'année 2023-2024 une personne pour un CDD 50% enseignement et
recherche en Phonétique.

Les infos sont à retrouver ici:

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6-29(2023-05-22) PhD position @Lille and Grenoble, France

Nous recherchons un·e candidat·e pour une thèse sur la modélisation computationnelle du
lien perception-production en parole. La thèse sera codirigée par A. Basirat
( et J. Diard ( Les
informations concernant le projet, les compétences attendues et la modalité de
candidature sont disponibles à l’adresse ci-dessous :

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6-30(2023-05-22) PhD Causal Machine Learning Applied to NLP and the Study of Large Language Models, Grenoble, France

Job Offer: PhD Causal Machine Learning Applied to NLP and the Study of Large Language
Starting date: November 1st, 2023 (flexible)
Application deadline: From now until the position is filled
Interviews (tentative):  Beginning of June and latter if the position is still open
Salary: ~2000€ gross/month (social security included)
Mission: research oriented (teaching possible but not mandatory)
Place of work (no remote): Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, CNRS, Grenoble, France

Keywords: natural language processing, causal machine learning, interpretability,
analysis, robustness, large language models, controllability

Natural language processing (NLP) has undergone a paradigm shift in recent years, owing
to the remarkable breakthroughs achieved by large language models (LLMs). Despite being
purely 'correlation machines' [CorrelationMachine], these models have completely altered
the landscape of NLP by demonstrating impressive results in language modeling,
translation, and summarization. Nonetheless, the use of LLMs has also surfaced crucial
questions regarding their reliability and transparency. As a result, there is now an
urgent need to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms governing the behavior of
LLMs, to interpret their decisions and outcomes in principled and scientifically grounded

A promising direction to carry out such analysis comes from the fields of causal analysis
and causal inference [CausalAbstraction]. Examining the causal relationships between the
inputs, outputs, and hidden states of LLMs, can help to build scientific theories about
the behavior of these complex systems. Furthermore, causal inference methods can help
uncover underlying causal mechanisms behind the complex computations of LLMs, giving hope
to better interpret their decisions and understand their limitations [Rome].

Thus, the use of causal analysis in the study of LLMs is a promising research direction
to gain deeper insights into the workings of these models.
As a Ph.D student working on this project, you will be expected to develop a strong
understanding of the principles of causal inference and their application to machine
learning, see for example the invariant language model framework [InvariantLM]. You will
have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects in NLP, contributing to
the development of more reliable and interpretable LLMs. It is important to note that the
Ph.D. research project should be aligned with your interests and expertise. Therefore,
the precise direction of the research can and will be influenced by the personal taste
and research goals of the students. It is encouraged that you bring your unique
perspective and ideas to the table.

Master degree in Natural Language Processing, computer science or data science.
Mastering Python programming and deep learning frameworks.
Experience in causal inference or working with LLMs
Very good communication skills in English, (French not needed).

The thesis will be conducted within the Getalp teams of the LIG laboratory
( The GETALP team has a strong expertise and track record in
Natural Language Processing. The recruited person will be welcomed within the team which
offer a stimulating, multinational and pleasant working environment.
The means to carry out the PhD will be provided both in terms of missions in France and
abroad and in terms of equipment. The candidate will have access to the cluster of GPUs
of both the LIG. Furthermore, access to the National supercomputer Jean-Zay will enable
to run large scale experiments.
The Ph.D. position will be co-supervised by Maxime Peyrard and François Portet.
Additionally, the Ph.D. student will also be working with external academic collaborators
at EPFL and Idiap (e.g., Robert West and Damien Teney)

Applications must contain: CV + letter/message of motivation + master notes + be ready to
provide letter(s) of recommendation; and be addressed to Maxime Peyrard
( and François Portet (

[InvariantLM] Peyrard, Maxime and Ghotra, Sarvjeet and Josifoski, Martin and Agarwal,
Vidhan and Patra, Barun and Carignan, Dean and Kiciman, Emre and Tiwary, Saurabh and
West, Robert, 'Invariant Language Modeling' Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing (2022): 5728–5743

[CorrelationMachine] Feder, Amir and Keith, Katherine A. and Manzoor, Emaad and Pryzant,
Reid and Sridhar, Dhanya and Wood-Doughty, Zach and Eisenstein, Jacob and Grimmer, Justin
and Reichart, Roi and Roberts, Margaret E. and Stewart, Brandon M. and Veitch, Victor and
Yang, Diyi, 'Causal Inference in Natural Language Processing: Estimation, Prediction,
Interpretation and Beyond' Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
(2022), 10:1138–1158.

[CausalAbstraction] Geiger, Atticus and Wu, Zhengxuan and Lu, Hanson and Rozner, Josh and
Kreiss, Elisa and Icard, Thomas and Goodman, Noah and Potts, Christopher, 'Inducing
Causal Structure for Interpretable Neural Networks' Proceedings of Machine Learning
Research (2022): 7324-7338.

[Rome] Meng, Kevin, et al. 'Locating and Editing Factual Associations in GPT.' Advances
in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (2022): 17359-17372.

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6-31(2023-05-27) PhD position@ EECS-KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology has an open Ph.D position in Social Robotics at the division of Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL).
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities, as well as a key center of intellectual talent and innovation. We are Sweden’s largest technical research and learning institution and home to students, researchers and faculty from around the world. Our research and education covers a wide area including natural sciences and all branches of engineering, as well as in architecture, industrial management, urban planning, history and philosophy.
This project addresses the challenge of how to enable robots to learn in a scalable and cost-efficient manner by gradually acquiring new knowledge from non-expert, semi-situated teachers. To achieve this, computational methods will be developed for robots to query the semi-situated teachers (e.g. crowd workers) and incorporate the newly acquired knowledge into their existing decision-making to further use in situ. This project is funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research.
The starting date for the positions is flexible, but preferably during the fall of 2023. 
The candidate must have a degree in Computer Science or related fields. Documented written and spoken English and programming skills are required. Experience with robotics, human-robot interaction, human-computer interaction, multimodal interaction and machine learning are important.
The application should include:
1. Curriculum vitae. 
2. Transcripts from University/College. 
3. Brief description of why the applicant wishes to become a doctoral student. 
The application documents should be uploaded using the KTH's recruitment system. More information here:

The application deadline is ** June 2, 2023 **

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6-32(2023-05-28) Ph.D. position: Automatic speech recognition for non-natives speakers in a noisy environment, LORIA-INRIA, Nancy, France
Automatic speech recognition for non-natives speakers in a noisy environment

Ph.D. position
Starting date: September-October 2023
Duration: 36 months 
Supervisors: Irina Illina, Associate Professor, HDR Lorraine University LORIA-INRIA Multispeech Team,
Emmanuel Vincent, Senior Research Scientist & Head of Science, INRIA Multispeech Team,
Cons: the application must meet the requirements of the French Directorate General of Armament (Direction générale de l'armement, DGA). 
When a person has their hands busy performing a task like driving a car or piloting an airplane, voice is a fast and efficient way to achieve interaction. In aeronautical communications, the English language is most often compulsory. Unfortunately, a large part of the pilots are not native English and speak with an accent dependent on their native language and are therefore influenced by the pronunciation mechanisms of this language. Inside an aircraft cockpit, the non-native voice of the pilots and the surrounding noises are the most difficult challenges to overcome in order to have efficient automatic speech recognition (ASR). The problems of non-native speech are numerous: incorrect or approximate pronunciations, errors of agreement in gender and number, use of non-existent words, missing articles, grammatically incorrect sentences, etc. The acoustic environment adds a disturbing component to the speech signal. Much of the success of speech recognition relies on the ability to take into account different accents and ambient noises in the models used by ASR.
Automatic speech recognition has made great progress thanks to the spectacular development of deep learning. In recent years, end-to-end automatic speech recognition, which directly optimizes the probability of the output character sequence based on the input acoustic characteristics, has made great progress [Chan et al., 2016; Baevski et al., 2020; Gulati, et al., 2020].

The recruited person will have to develop methodologies and tools to obtain high-performance non-native automatic speech recognition in the aeronautical context and more specifically in a (noisy) aircraft cockpit.
This project will be based on an end-to-end automatic speech recognition system [Shi et al., 2021] using wav2vec 2.0 [Baevski et al., 2020]. This model is one of the most efficient of the current state of the art. This wav2vec 2.0 model enables self-supervised learning of representations from raw audio data (without transcription).

How to apply: Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Irina Illina ( with the required documents (CV, transcripts, motivation letter, and recommendation letters).

Requirements & skills:
- Master's degree in speech/audio processing, computer vision, machine learning, or in a related field,
- ability to work independently as well as in a team,
- solid programming skills (Python, PyTorch), and deep learning knowledge,
- good level of written and spoken English.

[Baevski et al., 2020] A. Baevski, H. Zhou, A. Mohamed, and M. Auli. Wav2vec 2.0: A framework for self-supervised learning of speech representations, 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), 2020.
[Chan et al., 2016] W. Chan, N. Jaitly, Q. Le and O. Vinyals. Listen, attend and spell: A neural network for large vocabulary conversational speech recognition. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016, pp. 4960-4964, 2016.
[Chorowski et al., 2017] J. Chorowski, N. Jaitly. Towards better decoding and language model integration in sequence to sequence models. Interspeech, 2017.
[Houlsby et al., 2019] N. Houlsby, A. Giurgiu, S. Jastrzebski, B. Morrone, Q. De Laroussilhe, A. Gesmundo, M. Attariyan, S. Gelly. Parameter-efficient transfer learning for NLP. International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, pp. 2790–2799, 2019.
[Gulati et al., 2020] A. Gulati, J. Qin, C.-C. Chiu, N. Parmar, Y. Zhang, J. Yu, W. Han, S. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Wu, and R. Pang. Conformer: Convolution-augmented transformer for speech recognition. Interspeech, 2020.
[Shi et al., 2021] X. Shi, F. Yu, Y. Lu, Y. Liang, Q. Feng, D. Wang, Y. Qian, and L. Xie. The accented english speech recognition challenge 2020: open datasets, tracks, baselines, results and methods. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 6918–6922, 2021.
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6-33(2023-05-30) PhD position in NLP, @ Jozef International postgraduate School (Slovenia) and La Rochelle University (France).

We are looking for candidates for a fully funded research Ph.D. position in the field of news analysis. The candidate will be enrolled in a joint doctoral programme between Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School (Slovenia) and La Rochelle University (France). The candidate will be co-supervised by asst. Prof. Dr. Senja Pollak and Prof. Dr. Antoine Doucet. Call open until: June 12, 2023.

The candidates will:

  • Stay 18 months in Slovenia and 18 months in France

  • Will receive full fellowship for 3 years

  • Will be part of research groups at Jožef Stefan Institute (Dept. of Knowledge Technologies) and L3i (La Rochelle University)

Possible topics:

  • News analysis

  • Opinion mining 

  • Historical document processing

  • Diachronic analysis

  • Cross-lingual analysis

  • Other related topics

The doctoral candidate will benefit from the context of two active research groups, involving several other PhD students and postdoctoral fellows on each site. The collaboration builds up on two recent Horizon 2020 projects coordinated in Ljubljana and La Rochelle (Embeddia and NewsEye, respectively). 

The application should contain:

  • A CV, including a list of past publications if available, grade from MSc studies, computational knowledge including natural language processing experience if available

  • Motivation letter (1 A4 page)

  • Contact of 2 referees

  • Transcript of MSc grades

The candidates are expected to have:

  • Excellent knowledge of the English language

  • Completed second-cycle university study programme or comparable education by September 1st 2023

  • Interest in scientific research

  • Good programming skills

  • Experience in natural language processing would be a plus

Apply by June 12 2023 by mail: with subject  “Slovenian-French PhD fellowship”

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6-34(2023-06-01) PhD position @ Computer Science Lab in Bordeaux, France (LaBRI) and the LORIA (Nancy, France)

In the framework of the PEPR Santé numérique “Autonom-Health” project (Health, behaviors and autonomous digital technologies), the speech and language research group at the Computer Science Lab in Bordeaux, France (LaBRI) and the LORIA (Nancy, France) are looking for candidates for a fully funded PhD position (36 months).  

The « Autonom-Health » project is a collaborative project on digital health between SANPSY, LaBRI, LORIA, ISIR and LIRIS.  The abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project can be found at the end of this email.  

The missions that will be addressed by the retained candidates are among these tasks, according to the profile of the candidate: 
- Data collection tasks:
- Definition of scenarii for collecting spontaneous speech using Social Interactive Agents (SIAs)
- Collection of patient/doctor interactions during clinical interviews
- ASR-related tasks
- Evaluate and improve the performances of our end2end ESPNET-based ASR system for French real-world spontaneous data recorded from healthy subjects and patients,
- Adaptation of the ASR system to clinical interviews domain,
- Automatic phonetic transcription / alignment using end2end architectures
- Adapting ASR transcripts to be used with semantic analysis tools developed at LORIA
- Speech analysis tasks
- Analysis of vocal biomarkers for different diseases: adaptation of our biomarkers defined for sleepiness, research of new biomarkers targeted to specific diseases.

The position is to be hosted at LaBRI, but depending on the profile of the candidate, close collaboration is expected either with the LORIA teams : « Multispeech » (contact: Emmanuel Vincent and/or the « Sémagramme » (contact: Maxime Amblard

Gross salary: approx. 2044 €/month 
Starting date: October 2023
Required qualifications: Master in Signal processing / speech analysis / computer science Skills: Python programming, statistical learning (machine learning, deep learning), automatic signal/speech processing, excellent command of French (interactions with French patients and clinicians), good level of scientific English. Know-how: Familiarity with the ESPNET toolbox and/or deep learning frameworks, knowledge of automatic speech processing system design. Social skills: good ability to integrate into multi-disciplinary teams, ability to communicate with non-experts.

To apply, please send by email at a single PDF file containing a full CV, cover letter (describing your personal qualifications, research interests and motivation for applying), contact information of two referees and academic certificates (Master, Bachelor certificates).

Abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project:

Western populations face an increase of longevity which mechanically increases the number of chronic disease patients to manage. Current healthcare strategies will not allow to maintain a high level of care with a controlled cost in the future and E health can optimize the management and costs of our health care systems. Healthy behaviors contribute to prevention and optimization of chronic diseases management, but their implementation is still a major challenge. Digital technologies could help their implementation through numeric behavioral medicine programs to be developed in complement (and not substitution) to the existing care in order to focus human interventions on the most severe cases demanding medical interventions. 

However, to do so, we need to develop digital technologies which should be: i) Ecological (related to real-life and real-time behavior of individuals and to social/environmental constraints); ii) Preventive (from healthy subjects to patients); iii)  Personalized (at initiation and adapted over the course of treatment) ; iv) Longitudinal (implemented over long periods of time) ; v) Interoperated (multiscale, multimodal and high-frequency); vi) Highly acceptable (protecting users’ privacy and generating trustability).

The above-mentioned challenges will be disentangled with the following specific goals: Goal 1: Implement large-scale diagnostic evaluations (clinical and biomarkers) and behavioral interventions (physical activities, sleep hygiene, nutrition, therapeutic education, cognitive behavioral therapies...) on healthy subjects and chronic disease patients.  This will require new autonomous digital technologies (i.e. virtual Socially Interactive Agents SIAs, smartphones, wearable sensors). Goal 2:  Optimize clinical phenotyping by collecting and analyzing non-intrusive data (i.e. voice, geolocalisation, body motion, smartphone footprints, ...) which will potentially complement clinical data and biomarkers data from patient cohorts. Goal 3: Better understand psychological, economical and socio-cultural factors driving acceptance and engagement with the autonomous digital technologies and the proposed numeric behavioral interventions. Goal 4:  Improve interaction modalities of digital technologies to personalize and optimize long-term engagement of users. Goal 5: Organize large scale data collection, storage and interoperability with existing and new data sets (i.e, biobanks, hospital patients cohorts and epidemiological cohorts) to generate future multidimensional predictive models for diagnosis and treatment.

Each goal will be addressed by expert teams through complementary work-packages developed sequentially or in parallel. A first modeling phase (based on development and experimental testings), will be performed through this project. A second phase funded via ANR calls will allow to recruit new teams for large scale testing phase.

This project will rely on population-based interventions in existing numeric cohorts (i.e KANOPEE) where virtual agents interact with patients at home on a regular basis. Pilot hospital departments will also be involved for data management supervised by information and decision systems coordinating autonomous digital Cognitive Behavioral interventions based on our virtual agents. The global solution based on empathic Human-Computer Interactions will help targeting, diagnose and treat subjects suffering from dysfunctional behavioral (i.e. sleep deprivation, substance use...) but also sleep and mental disorders. The expected benefits from such a solution will be an increased adherence to treatment, a strong self-empowerment to improve autonomy and finally a reduction of long-term risks for the subjects and patients using this system. Our program should massively improve healthcare systems and allow strong technological transfer to information systems / digital health companies and the pharma industry.

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6-35(2023-06-02) Open faculty position at KU Leuven, Belgium: junior professor in Synergistic Processing of Multisensory Data for Audio-Visual Understanding

Open faculty position at KU Leuven, Belgium: junior professor in Synergistic Processing
of Multisensory Data for Audio-Visual Understanding

KU Leuven's Faculty of Engineering Science has an open position for a junior professor
(tenure track) in the area of audiovisual understanding. The successful candidate will
conduct research on synergetic processing of multisensory data for audio-visual
understanding, teach courses in the Master of Engineering Science and supervise students
in the Master and PhD programs. The candidate will be embedded in the PSI research
division of the Department of Electrical Engineering. More information is available at . The deadline for
applications is September 29, 2023.

KU Leuven is committed to creating a diverse environment. It explicitly encourages
candidates from groups that are currently underrepresented at the university to submit
their applications.

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6-36(2023-06-04) PhD in ML/NLP @ Dauphine Université PSL, Paris and Université Grenoble Alpes, France

PhD in ML/NLP – Fairness and self-supervised learning for speech processing
Starting date: October 1st, 2023 (flexible)
Application deadline: June 9th, 2023
Interviews (tentative): June 14th, 2023

Salary: ~2000€ gross/month (social security included)

Mission: research oriented (teaching possible but not mandatory)


Keywords: speech processing, fairness, bias, self-supervised learning, evaluation metrics 



This thesis is in the context of the ANR project E-SSL (Efficient Self-Supervised Learning for Inclusive and Innovative Speech Technologies). Self-supervised learning (SSL) has recently emerged as one of the most promising artificial intelligence (AI) methods as it becomes now feasible to take advantage of the colossal amounts of existing unlabeled data to significantly improve the performances of various speech processing tasks.



Speech technologies are widely used in our daily life and are expanding the scope of our action, with decision-making systems, including in critical areas such as health or legal aspects. In these societal applications, the question of the use of these tools raises the issue of the possible discrimination of people according to criteria for which society requires equal treatment, such as gender, origin, religion or disability...  Recently, the machine learning community has been confronted with the need to work on the possible biases of algorithms, and many works have shown that the search for the best performance is not the only goal to pursue [1]. For instance, recent evaluations of ASR systems have shown that performances can vary according to the gender but these variations depend both on  data used for learning and on models [2]. Therefore such systems are increasingly scrutinized for being biased while trustworthy speech technologies definitely represents a crucial expectation.

Both the question of bias and the concept of fairness have now become important aspects of AI, and we now have to find the right threshold between accuracy and the measure of fairness. Unfortunately, these notions of fairness and bias are challenging to define and their
 meanings can greatly differ [3].

The goals of this PhD position are threefold:

- First make a survey on the many definitions of robustness, fairness and bias with the aim of coming up with definitions and metrics fit for speech SSL models

- Then gather speech datasets with high amount of well-described metadata

- Setup an evaluation protocol for SSL models and analyzing the results.



  • Master 2 in Natural Language Processing, Speech Processing, computer science or data science.

  • Good mastering of Python programming and deep learning framework.

  • Previous experience in bias in machine learning would be a plus

  • Very good communication skills in English

  • Good command of French would be a plus but is not mandatory 



The PhD position will be co-supervised by Alexandre Allauzen (Dauphine Université PSL, Paris) and Solange Rossato and François Portet (Université Grenoble Alpes). Joint meetings are planned on a regular basis and the student is expected to spend time in both places. Moreover, two other PhD positions are open in this project.  The students, along with the partners will closely collaborate. For instance, specific SSL models along with evaluation criteria will be developed by the other PhD students. Moreover, the PhD student will collaborate with several team members involved in the project in particular the two other PhD candidates who will be recruited  and the partners from LIA, LIG and Dauphine Université PSL, Paris. The means to carry out the PhD will be provided both in terms of missions in France and abroad and in terms of equipment. The candidate will have access to the cluster of GPUs of both the LIG and Dauphine Université PSL. Furthermore, access to the National supercomputer Jean-Zay will enable to run large scale experiments.



Applications must contain: CV + letter/message of motivation + master notes + be ready to provide letter(s) of recommendation; and be addressed to Alexandre Allauzen (, Solange Rossato ( and François Portet ( We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.



[1] Mengesha, Z., Heldreth, C., Lahav, M., Sublewski, J. & Tuennerman, E. “I don’t Think These Devices are Very Culturally Sensitive.”—Impact of Automated Speech Recognition Errors on African Americans. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4. issn: 2624-8212. (2021).

[2] Garnerin, M., Rossato, S. & Besacier, L. Investigating the Impact  of Gender Representation in ASR Training Data: a Case Study on Librispeech in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (2021), 86–92.
[3] Mehrabi, N., Morstatter, F., Saxena, N., Lerman, K. & Galstyan, A. A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning.  ACMComput. Surv. 54. issn: 0360-0300. (July 2021).

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6-37(2023-06-06) Postdoc in recognition and translation @LABRI, Bordeaux, France

In the framework of the European FETPROACT « Fvllmonti » project and the PEPR Santé numérique “Autonom-Health” project, the speech and language research group at the Computer Science Lab in Bordeaux, France (LaBRI) is looking for candidates for a 24-months post-doctoral position. 

The « Fvllmonti » project is a collaborative project on new transistor architectures applied to speech recognition and machine translation between IMS, LaBRI, LAAS, INL, EPFL, GTS and Namlab. More information on the project is available at 

The « Autonom-Health » project is a collaborative project on digital health between SANPSY, LaBRI, LORIA, ISIR and LIRIS. The abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project can be found at the end of this email.  

The missions that will be addressed by the retained candidate are among these selected tasks, according to the profile of the candidate:
- Data collection tasks:
- Definition of scenarii for collecting spontaneous speech using Social Interactive Agents (SIAs)
- ASR-related tasks
- Evaluate and improve the performances of our end2end ESPNET-based ASR system for French real-world spontaneous data recorded from healthy subjects and patients,
- Automatic phonetic transcription / alignment using end2end architectures
- Speech analysis tasks:
- Automatic social affect/emotion/attitudes recognition on speech samples 
- Analysis of vocal biomarkers for different diseases: adaptation of our biomarkers defined for sleepiness, research of new biomarkers targeted to specific diseases.

The position is to be hosted at LaBRI, but depending on the profile of the candidate, close collaboration is expected either with the « Multispeech » (contact: Emmanuel Vincent) and/or the « Sémagramme » (contact: Maxime Amblard) teams at LORIA.  

Gross salary: approx. 2686 €/month
Starting data: As soon as possible 
Required qualifications: PhD in Signal processing / speech analysis / computer science / language sciences 
Skills: Python programming, statistical learning (machine learning, deep learning), automatic signal/speech processing, good command of French (interactions with French patients and clinicians), good level of scientific English. 
Know-how: Familiarity with the ESPNET toolbox and/or deep learning frameworks, knowledge of automatic speech processing system design. 
Social skills: good ability to integrate into multi-disciplinary teams, ability to communicate with non-experts.

To apply, please send by email at a single PDF file containing a full CV (including publication list), cover letter (describing your personal qualifications, research interests and motivation for applying), evidence for software development experience (active Github/Gitlab profile or similar), two of your key publications, contact information of two referees and academic certificates (PhD, Diploma/Master, Bachelor certificates).



Abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project:

Western populations face an increase of longevity which mechanically increases the number of chronic disease patients to manage. Current healthcare strategies will not allow to maintain a high level of care with a controlled cost in the future and E health can optimize the management and costs of our health care systems. Healthy behaviors contribute to prevention and optimization of chronic diseases management, but their implementation is still a major challenge. Digital technologies could help their implementation through numeric behavioral medicine programs to be developed in complement (and not substitution) to the existing care in order to focus human interventions on the most severe cases demanding medical interventions. 

However, to do so, we need to develop digital technologies which should be: i) Ecological (related to real-life and real-time behavior of individuals and to social/environmental constraints); ii) Preventive (from healthy subjects to patients); iii)  Personalized (at initiation and adapted over the course of treatment) ; iv) Longitudinal (implemented over long periods of time) ; v) Interoperated (multiscale, multimodal and high-frequency); vi) Highly acceptable (protecting users’ privacy and generating trustability).

The above-mentioned challenges will be disentangled with the following specific goals: Goal 1: Implement large-scale diagnostic evaluations (clinical and biomarkers) and behavioral interventions (physical activities, sleep hygiene, nutrition, therapeutic education, cognitive behavioral therapies...) on healthy subjects and chronic disease patients.  This will require new autonomous digital technologies (i.e. virtual Socially Interactive Agents SIAs, smartphones, wearable sensors). Goal 2:  Optimize clinical phenotyping by collecting and analyzing non-intrusive data (i.e. voice, geolocalisation, body motion, smartphone footprints, ...) which will potentially complement clinical data and biomarkers data from patient cohorts. Goal 3: Better understand psychological, economical and socio-cultural factors driving acceptance and engagement with the autonomous digital technologies and the proposed numeric behavioral interventions. Goal 4:  Improve interaction modalities of digital technologies to personalize and optimize long-term engagement of users. Goal 5: Organize large scale data collection, storage and interoperability with existing and new data sets (i.e, biobanks, hospital patients cohorts and epidemiological cohorts) to generate future multidimensional predictive models for diagnosis and treatment.

Each goal will be addressed by expert teams through complementary work-packages developed sequentially or in parallel. A first modeling phase (based on development and experimental testings), will be performed through this project. A second phase funded via ANR calls will allow to recruit new teams for large scale testing phase.

This project will rely on population-based interventions in existing numeric cohorts (i.e KANOPEE) where virtual agents interact with patients at home on a regular basis. Pilot hospital departments will also be involved for data management supervised by information and decision systems coordinating autonomous digital Cognitive Behavioral interventions based on our virtual agents. The global solution based on empathic Human-Computer Interactions will help targeting, diagnose and treat subjects suffering from dysfunctional behavioral (i.e. sleep deprivation, substance use...) but also sleep and mental disorders. The expected benefits from such a solution will be an increased adherence to treatment, a strong self-empowerment to improve autonomy and finally a reduction of long-term risks for the subjects and patients using this system. Our program should massively improve healthcare systems and allow strong technological transfer to information systems / digital health companies and the pharma industry.



 In the framework of the European FETPROACT « Fvllmonti » project and the PEPR Santé numérique “Autonom-Health” project, the speech and language research group at the Computer Science Lab in Bordeaux, France (LaBRI) is looking for candidates for a 24-months post-doctoral position. 

The « Fvllmonti » project is a collaborative project on new transistor architectures applied to speech recognition and machine translation between IMS, LaBRI, LAAS, INL, EPFL, GTS and Namlab. More information on the project is available at 

The « Autonom-Health » project is a collaborative project on digital health between SANPSY, LaBRI, LORIA, ISIR and LIRIS. The abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project can be found at the end of this email.  

The missions that will be addressed by the retained candidate are among these selected tasks, according to the profile of the candidate:
- Data collection tasks:
- Definition of scenarii for collecting spontaneous speech using Social Interactive Agents (SIAs)
- ASR-related tasks
- Evaluate and improve the performances of our end2end ESPNET-based ASR system for French real-world spontaneous data recorded from healthy subjects and patients,
- Automatic phonetic transcription / alignment using end2end architectures
- Speech analysis tasks:
- Automatic social affect/emotion/attitudes recognition on speech samples 
- Analysis of vocal biomarkers for different diseases: adaptation of our biomarkers defined for sleepiness, research of new biomarkers targeted to specific diseases.

The position is to be hosted at LaBRI, but depending on the profile of the candidate, close collaboration is expected either with the « Multispeech » (contact: Emmanuel Vincent) and/or the « Sémagramme » (contact: Maxime Amblard) teams at LORIA.  

Gross salary: approx. 2686 €/month
Starting data: As soon as possible 
Required qualifications: PhD in Signal processing / speech analysis / computer science / language sciences 
Skills: Python programming, statistical learning (machine learning, deep learning), automatic signal/speech processing, good command of French (interactions with French patients and clinicians), good level of scientific English. 
Know-how: Familiarity with the ESPNET toolbox and/or deep learning frameworks, knowledge of automatic speech processing system design. 
Social skills: good ability to integrate into multi-disciplinary teams, ability to communicate with non-experts.

To apply, please send by email at a single PDF file containing a full CV (including publication list), cover letter (describing your personal qualifications, research interests and motivation for applying), evidence for software development experience (active Github/Gitlab profile or similar), two of your key publications, contact information of two referees and academic certificates (PhD, Diploma/Master, Bachelor certificates).



Abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project:

Western populations face an increase of longevity which mechanically increases the number of chronic disease patients to manage. Current healthcare strategies will not allow to maintain a high level of care with a controlled cost in the future and E health can optimize the management and costs of our health care systems. Healthy behaviors contribute to prevention and optimization of chronic diseases management, but their implementation is still a major challenge. Digital technologies could help their implementation through numeric behavioral medicine programs to be developed in complement (and not substitution) to the existing care in order to focus human interventions on the most severe cases demanding medical interventions. 

However, to do so, we need to develop digital technologies which should be: i) Ecological (related to real-life and real-time behavior of individuals and to social/environmental constraints); ii) Preventive (from healthy subjects to patients); iii)  Personalized (at initiation and adapted over the course of treatment) ; iv) Longitudinal (implemented over long periods of time) ; v) Interoperated (multiscale, multimodal and high-frequency); vi) Highly acceptable (protecting users’ privacy and generating trustability).

The above-mentioned challenges will be disentangled with the following specific goals: Goal 1: Implement large-scale diagnostic evaluations (clinical and biomarkers) and behavioral interventions (physical activities, sleep hygiene, nutrition, therapeutic education, cognitive behavioral therapies...) on healthy subjects and chronic disease patients.  This will require new autonomous digital technologies (i.e. virtual Socially Interactive Agents SIAs, smartphones, wearable sensors). Goal 2:  Optimize clinical phenotyping by collecting and analyzing non-intrusive data (i.e. voice, geolocalisation, body motion, smartphone footprints, ...) which will potentially complement clinical data and biomarkers data from patient cohorts. Goal 3: Better understand psychological, economical and socio-cultural factors driving acceptance and engagement with the autonomous digital technologies and the proposed numeric behavioral interventions. Goal 4:  Improve interaction modalities of digital technologies to personalize and optimize long-term engagement of users. Goal 5: Organize large scale data collection, storage and interoperability with existing and new data sets (i.e, biobanks, hospital patients cohorts and epidemiological cohorts) to generate future multidimensional predictive models for diagnosis and treatment.

Each goal will be addressed by expert teams through complementary work-packages developed sequentially or in parallel. A first modeling phase (based on development and experimental testings), will be performed through this project. A second phase funded via ANR calls will allow to recruit new teams for large scale testing phase.

This project will rely on population-based interventions in existing numeric cohorts (i.e KANOPEE) where virtual agents interact with patients at home on a regular basis. Pilot hospital departments will also be involved for data management supervised by information and decision systems coordinating autonomous digital Cognitive Behavioral interventions based on our virtual agents. The global solution based on empathic Human-Computer Interactions will help targeting, diagnose and treat subjects suffering from dysfunctional behavioral (i.e. sleep deprivation, substance use...) but also sleep and mental disorders. The expected benefits from such a solution will be an increased adherence to treatment, a strong self-empowerment to improve autonomy and finally a reduction of long-term risks for the subjects and patients using this system. Our program should massively improve healthcare systems and allow strong technological transfer to information systems / digital health companies and the pharma industry.



 In the framework of the European FETPROACT « Fvllmonti » project and the PEPR Santé numérique “Autonom-Health” project, the speech and language research group at the Computer Science Lab in Bordeaux, France (LaBRI) is looking for candidates for a 24-months post-doctoral position. 

The « Fvllmonti » project is a collaborative project on new transistor architectures applied to speech recognition and machine translation between IMS, LaBRI, LAAS, INL, EPFL, GTS and Namlab. More information on the project is available at 

The « Autonom-Health » project is a collaborative project on digital health between SANPSY, LaBRI, LORIA, ISIR and LIRIS. The abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project can be found at the end of this email.  

The missions that will be addressed by the retained candidate are among these selected tasks, according to the profile of the candidate:
- Data collection tasks:
- Definition of scenarii for collecting spontaneous speech using Social Interactive Agents (SIAs)
- ASR-related tasks
- Evaluate and improve the performances of our end2end ESPNET-based ASR system for French real-world spontaneous data recorded from healthy subjects and patients,
- Automatic phonetic transcription / alignment using end2end architectures
- Speech analysis tasks:
- Automatic social affect/emotion/attitudes recognition on speech samples 
- Analysis of vocal biomarkers for different diseases: adaptation of our biomarkers defined for sleepiness, research of new biomarkers targeted to specific diseases.

The position is to be hosted at LaBRI, but depending on the profile of the candidate, close collaboration is expected either with the « Multispeech » (contact: Emmanuel Vincent) and/or the « Sémagramme » (contact: Maxime Amblard) teams at LORIA.  

Gross salary: approx. 2686 €/month
Starting data: As soon as possible 
Required qualifications: PhD in Signal processing / speech analysis / computer science / language sciences 
Skills: Python programming, statistical learning (machine learning, deep learning), automatic signal/speech processing, good command of French (interactions with French patients and clinicians), good level of scientific English. 
Know-how: Familiarity with the ESPNET toolbox and/or deep learning frameworks, knowledge of automatic speech processing system design. 
Social skills: good ability to integrate into multi-disciplinary teams, ability to communicate with non-experts.

To apply, please send by email at a single PDF file containing a full CV (including publication list), cover letter (describing your personal qualifications, research interests and motivation for applying), evidence for software development experience (active Github/Gitlab profile or similar), two of your key publications, contact information of two referees and academic certificates (PhD, Diploma/Master, Bachelor certificates).



Abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project:

Western populations face an increase of longevity which mechanically increases the number of chronic disease patients to manage. Current healthcare strategies will not allow to maintain a high level of care with a controlled cost in the future and E health can optimize the management and costs of our health care systems. Healthy behaviors contribute to prevention and optimization of chronic diseases management, but their implementation is still a major challenge. Digital technologies could help their implementation through numeric behavioral medicine programs to be developed in complement (and not substitution) to the existing care in order to focus human interventions on the most severe cases demanding medical interventions. 

However, to do so, we need to develop digital technologies which should be: i) Ecological (related to real-life and real-time behavior of individuals and to social/environmental constraints); ii) Preventive (from healthy subjects to patients); iii)  Personalized (at initiation and adapted over the course of treatment) ; iv) Longitudinal (implemented over long periods of time) ; v) Interoperated (multiscale, multimodal and high-frequency); vi) Highly acceptable (protecting users’ privacy and generating trustability).

The above-mentioned challenges will be disentangled with the following specific goals: Goal 1: Implement large-scale diagnostic evaluations (clinical and biomarkers) and behavioral interventions (physical activities, sleep hygiene, nutrition, therapeutic education, cognitive behavioral therapies...) on healthy subjects and chronic disease patients.  This will require new autonomous digital technologies (i.e. virtual Socially Interactive Agents SIAs, smartphones, wearable sensors). Goal 2:  Optimize clinical phenotyping by collecting and analyzing non-intrusive data (i.e. voice, geolocalisation, body motion, smartphone footprints, ...) which will potentially complement clinical data and biomarkers data from patient cohorts. Goal 3: Better understand psychological, economical and socio-cultural factors driving acceptance and engagement with the autonomous digital technologies and the proposed numeric behavioral interventions. Goal 4:  Improve interaction modalities of digital technologies to personalize and optimize long-term engagement of users. Goal 5: Organize large scale data collection, storage and interoperability with existing and new data sets (i.e, biobanks, hospital patients cohorts and epidemiological cohorts) to generate future multidimensional predictive models for diagnosis and treatment.

Each goal will be addressed by expert teams through complementary work-packages developed sequentially or in parallel. A first modeling phase (based on development and experimental testings), will be performed through this project. A second phase funded via ANR calls will allow to recruit new teams for large scale testing phase.

This project will rely on population-based interventions in existing numeric cohorts (i.e KANOPEE) where virtual agents interact with patients at home on a regular basis. Pilot hospital departments will also be involved for data management supervised by information and decision systems coordinating autonomous digital Cognitive Behavioral interventions based on our virtual agents. The global solution based on empathic Human-Computer Interactions will help targeting, diagnose and treat subjects suffering from dysfunctional behavioral (i.e. sleep deprivation, substance use...) but also sleep and mental disorders. The expected benefits from such a solution will be an increased adherence to treatment, a strong self-empowerment to improve autonomy and finally a reduction of long-term risks for the subjects and patients using this system. Our program should massively improve healthcare systems and allow strong technological transfer to information systems / digital health companies and the pharma industry.



 In the framework of the European FETPROACT « Fvllmonti » project and the PEPR Santé numérique “Autonom-Health” project, the speech and language research group at the Computer Science Lab in Bordeaux, France (LaBRI) is looking for candidates for a 24-months post-doctoral position. 

The « Fvllmonti » project is a collaborative project on new transistor architectures applied to speech recognition and machine translation between IMS, LaBRI, LAAS, INL, EPFL, GTS and Namlab. More information on the project is available at 

The « Autonom-Health » project is a collaborative project on digital health between SANPSY, LaBRI, LORIA, ISIR and LIRIS. The abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project can be found at the end of this email.  

The missions that will be addressed by the retained candidate are among these selected tasks, according to the profile of the candidate:
- Data collection tasks:
- Definition of scenarii for collecting spontaneous speech using Social Interactive Agents (SIAs)
- ASR-related tasks
- Evaluate and improve the performances of our end2end ESPNET-based ASR system for French real-world spontaneous data recorded from healthy subjects and patients,
- Automatic phonetic transcription / alignment using end2end architectures
- Speech analysis tasks:
- Automatic social affect/emotion/attitudes recognition on speech samples 
- Analysis of vocal biomarkers for different diseases: adaptation of our biomarkers defined for sleepiness, research of new biomarkers targeted to specific diseases.

The position is to be hosted at LaBRI, but depending on the profile of the candidate, close collaboration is expected either with the « Multispeech » (contact: Emmanuel Vincent) and/or the « Sémagramme » (contact: Maxime Amblard) teams at LORIA.  

Gross salary: approx. 2686 €/month
Starting data: As soon as possible 
Required qualifications: PhD in Signal processing / speech analysis / computer science / language sciences 
Skills: Python programming, statistical learning (machine learning, deep learning), automatic signal/speech processing, good command of French (interactions with French patients and clinicians), good level of scientific English. 
Know-how: Familiarity with the ESPNET toolbox and/or deep learning frameworks, knowledge of automatic speech processing system design. 
Social skills: good ability to integrate into multi-disciplinary teams, ability to communicate with non-experts.

To apply, please send by email at a single PDF file containing a full CV (including publication list), cover letter (describing your personal qualifications, research interests and motivation for applying), evidence for software development experience (active Github/Gitlab profile or similar), two of your key publications, contact information of two referees and academic certificates (PhD, Diploma/Master, Bachelor certificates).



Abstract of the « Autonom-Health » project:

Western populations face an increase of longevity which mechanically increases the number of chronic disease patients to manage. Current healthcare strategies will not allow to maintain a high level of care with a controlled cost in the future and E health can optimize the management and costs of our health care systems. Healthy behaviors contribute to prevention and optimization of chronic diseases management, but their implementation is still a major challenge. Digital technologies could help their implementation through numeric behavioral medicine programs to be developed in complement (and not substitution) to the existing care in order to focus human interventions on the most severe cases demanding medical interventions. 

However, to do so, we need to develop digital technologies which should be: i) Ecological (related to real-life and real-time behavior of individuals and to social/environmental constraints); ii) Preventive (from healthy subjects to patients); iii)  Personalized (at initiation and adapted over the course of treatment) ; iv) Longitudinal (implemented over long periods of time) ; v) Interoperated (multiscale, multimodal and high-frequency); vi) Highly acceptable (protecting users’ privacy and generating trustability).

The above-mentioned challenges will be disentangled with the following specific goals: Goal 1: Implement large-scale diagnostic evaluations (clinical and biomarkers) and behavioral interventions (physical activities, sleep hygiene, nutrition, therapeutic education, cognitive behavioral therapies...) on healthy subjects and chronic disease patients.  This will require new autonomous digital technologies (i.e. virtual Socially Interactive Agents SIAs, smartphones, wearable sensors). Goal 2:  Optimize clinical phenotyping by collecting and analyzing non-intrusive data (i.e. voice, geolocalisation, body motion, smartphone footprints, ...) which will potentially complement clinical data and biomarkers data from patient cohorts. Goal 3: Better understand psychological, economical and socio-cultural factors driving acceptance and engagement with the autonomous digital technologies and the proposed numeric behavioral interventions. Goal 4:  Improve interaction modalities of digital technologies to personalize and optimize long-term engagement of users. Goal 5: Organize large scale data collection, storage and interoperability with existing and new data sets (i.e, biobanks, hospital patients cohorts and epidemiological cohorts) to generate future multidimensional predictive models for diagnosis and treatment.

Each goal will be addressed by expert teams through complementary work-packages developed sequentially or in parallel. A first modeling phase (based on development and experimental testings), will be performed through this project. A second phase funded via ANR calls will allow to recruit new teams for large scale testing phase.

This project will rely on population-based interventions in existing numeric cohorts (i.e KANOPEE) where virtual agents interact with patients at home on a regular basis. Pilot hospital departments will also be involved for data management supervised by information and decision systems coordinating autonomous digital Cognitive Behavioral interventions based on our virtual agents. The global solution based on empathic Human-Computer Interactions will help targeting, diagnose and treat subjects suffering from dysfunctional behavioral (i.e. sleep deprivation, substance use...) but also sleep and mental disorders. The expected benefits from such a solution will be an increased adherence to treatment, a strong self-empowerment to improve autonomy and finally a reduction of long-term risks for the subjects and patients using this system. Our program should massively improve healthcare systems and allow strong technological transfer to information systems / digital health companies and the pharma industry.




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6-38(2023-06-02) Transcriptors for ELDA Paris France

ELDA (Evaluations and Language resources Disctribution Agency) looks for full/part time transcriptors for transcription of phone calls in the financial domain.

Location: ELDA (Paris-France)

Latest starting date: July 2023

Languages and mission details


  • German - 21h of speech to be transcribed + phonetisation task;
  • Spanish - 1h of speech to be transcribed;
  • Italian - 1h of speech to be transcribed;
  • Japanese - 21h of speech to transcribe + phonetisation task;
  • Polish - number of hours vary as it is still being tested.


  • Native expertise in the selected language with a very good level of spelling and grammar;
  • Good knowledge of French and/or English;
  • Good computer skills;
  • Ability to integrate and scrupulously follow transcription rules.

Salary and duration

  • Starting from SMIC depending on skills;
  • Approximately 3 months (FT for the longer assignments).


  • Send your CV to <> ou <>;
  • Include [Transcription *language*] in the object field.
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6-39(2023-06-08) Postdoc @ ENS,Paris, France


A new framework for understanding the Dynamic Rhythms and Decoding of Speech

Job Title - Postdoctoral Researcher

Disciplines and Areas of Research - Speech science, Psycholinguistics, Psychoacoustics

Contract Duration - 1 Year

Research Overview: The DRhyaDS project aims to develop a new framework for understanding the dynamic rhythms and decoding of speech. It focuses on exploring the temporal properties of speech and their contribution to speech perception. The project challenges the conventional view that speech rhythm perception relies on a one-to-one association between specific modulation frequencies in the speech signal and linguistic units. One of the key objectives of the project is to investigate the impact of language-specific temporal characteristics on speech dynamics. The project team will analyze two corpora of semi-spontaneous speech data from French and German, representing syllable-timed and stress-timed languages, respectively. Various acoustic analyses will be conducted on these speech corpora to explore the variability of slow temporal modulations in speech at an individual level. This comprehensive acoustic exploration will involve extracting and analyzing prosody, spectral properties, temporal dynamics, and rhythmic patterns. By examining these acoustic parameters, the project aims to uncover intricate details about the structure and variation of speech signals across languages and speakers, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the dynamic nature of spoken language and its role in human communication. Environment: The selected candidate will be an integral part of an international research team and will work in a collaborative and stimulating lab environment. The project brings together a FrancoGerman team of experts in linguistics, psychoacoustics and cognitive neuroscience, led by Dr. Léo Varnet (CNRS, ENS Paris) and Dr. Alessandro Tavano (Max Planck Institute, Goethe University Frankfurt). The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr Léo Varnet, at the Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs (ENS Paris).

Job description: This is a one-year postdoctoral contract position, offering a net salary in accordance with French legislation (~2500€/month + social and medical benefits). Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will participate in research activities, collaborate with team members, and contribute to scientific publications and communications. Additionally, they will have the autonomy to suggest and implement their own analysis techniques and approaches. Their responsibilities will include: - Taking a lead role in collecting a comprehensive corpus of French speech data, adhering to a rigorous data collection protocol - Collaborating closely with the German team to leverage the existing German speech corpus for comparative analysis and cross-linguistic investigations - Conducting in-depth acoustic analysis of the corpora, employing advanced techniques to investigate the variability and dynamics of slow temporal modulations in speech - Actively participating in team meetings, workshops, and conferences to present research progress, exchange ideas, and contribute to the intellectual growth of the project - Engaging in science outreach activities to promote the project's research outcomes and facilitate public understanding of speech perception and language processing.

Qualifications: - A recently obtained PhD in a relevant field (e.g., linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, computational sciences) - Strong expertise in linguistics, speech perception, acoustic analysis, and statistical methods - Proficiency in programming languages commonly used in speech research. Knowledge of MATLAB would be particularly valuable for data processing and analysis within the project. - Strong written and verbal communication skills in English. Candidates with proficiency in French and/or German language skills would be particularly appreciated, as it would enable a deeper understanding of the linguistic characteristics of the respective corpora.

Application process To apply for this position, please submit a CV and a cover letter (in French or English) along with the names and contact information of 2 referees to Léo Varnet ( The application deadline is 31th July 2023. Interviews will be conducted in September. The ideal start date is October-November 2023, with some flexibility allowed. Feel free to get in touch informally to discuss this position

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6-40(2023-06-16) PhD funded position@ INRIA France

Inria is opening a fully funded PhD position on multimodal speech
anonymization. For details and to apply, see:

Applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis until July 2.

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6-41(2023-06-16) Post doc @ IMAG, Grenoble, France

Call for postdoc applications in Natural Language Processing for the automatic detection of gender stereotypes in the French media (Grenoble Alps University, France)

Starting date:                flexible,  November 30, 2023, at the latest

Duration:                       full-time position for 12 months

Salary:                         according to experience (up to 4142€/ month)

Application Deadline: Open until filled

Location:               The position will be based in Grenoble, France. This is not a remote work.

Keywords:             natural language processing, gender stereotypes                                 bias, corpus analysis, language models, transfer                                 learning, deep learning

*Context* The University of Grenoble Alps (UGA) has an open position for a highly motivated postdoc researcher to joint the multidisciplinary GenderedNews project. Natural Language Processing models trained on large amount of on-line content, have quickly opened new perspectives to process on-line large amount of on-line content for measuring gender bias in a daily basis (see our project ). Regarding research on stereotypes, most recent works have studied Language Models (LM) from a stereotype perspective by providing specific corpora such as StereoSet (Nadeem et al., 2020) or CrowS-Pairs (Nangia et al. 2020). However, these studies are focusing on the quantifying of bias in the LM predictions rather than bias in the original data (Choenni et al., 2021). Furthermore, most of these studies ignore named entities (Deshpande et al., 2022) which account for an important part of the referents and speakers in news. In this project, we intend to build corpora, methods and NLP tools to qualify the differences between the language used to describe groups of people in French news.

*Main Tasks*

The successful postdoc will be responsible for day-to-day running of the research project, under the supervision of François Portet (Prof UGA at LIG) and Gilles Bastin (prof UGA at PACTE). Regular meetings will take place every two weeks.

- Defining the dimensions of stereotypes to be investigated and the possible metrics that can be processed from a machine learning perspective.

- Exploring, managing and curating news corpora in French for stereotypes investigation, with a view to making them widely available to the community to favor reproducible research and comparison.

- Studying and developing new computational models to process large number of texts to reveal stereotype bias in news. Make use of pretrained models for the task.

- Evaluate the methods on curated focused corpus and apply it to the unseen real longitudinal corpus and analyze the results with the team.

- Preparing articles for submission to peer-reviewed conferences and journals.

- Organizing progress meetings and liaising between members of the team. 

The hired person will interact with PhD students, interns and researchers being part of the GenderedNews project. According to his/her background his/her own interests and in accordance with the project's objective, the hired person will have the possibility to orient the research in different directions.

*Scientific Environment*

The recruited person will be hosted within the GETALP teams of the LIG laboratory (, which offers a dynamic, international, and stimulating environment for conducting high-level multidisciplinary research. The person will have access to large datasets of French news, GPU servers, to support for missions as well as to the scientific activities of the labs. The team is housed in a modern building (IMAG) located in a 175-hectare landscaped campus that was ranked as the eighth most beautiful campus in Europe by the Times Higher Education magazine in 2018.

The person will also closely work with Gilles Bastin (PACTE, a Sociology lab in Grenoble) and Ange Richard (PhD at LIG and PACTE). The project also includes an informal collaboration with 'Prenons la une' ( a journalists’ association which promotes a fair representation of women in the media.


The candidate must have a PhD degree in Natural Language Processing or computer science or in the process of acquiring it. The successful candidate should have

-  Good knowledge of Natural Language Processing -  Experience in corpus collection/formatting and manipulation. -  Good programming skills in Python -  Publication record in a close field of research -  Willing to work in multidisciplinary and international teams -  Good communication skills -  Good mastering of French is required

*Instructions for applying*

Applications will be considered on the fly and must be addressed to François Portet ( It is therefore advisable to apply as soon as possible. The application file should contain

-   Curriculum vitae -   References for potential letter(s) of recommendation -   One-page summary of research background and interests for the position -   Publications demonstrating expertise in the aforementioned areas -   Pre-defense reports and defense minutes; or summary of the thesis with the date of defense for those currently in doctoral studies


Deshpande et al. (2022). StereoKG: Data-Driven Knowledge Graph Construction for Cultural Knowledge and Stereotypes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.14036.

Choenni et al. (2021). Stepmothers are mean and academics are pretentious: What do pretrained language models learn about you? arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10052.

Nadeem et al. (2020) StereoSet: Measuring stereotypical bias in pretrained language models. ArXiv.

Nangia et al. (2020) CrowS-Pairs: A Challenge Dataset for Measuring Social Biases in Masked Language Models. In EMNLP2020.

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6-42(2023-06-16) 6 Post-doc positions in 'Education and AI in the 21st century. Technology-enabled innovations in subject-specific teaching settings (PostdocTEIFUN)' , Tübingen and Stuttgart, Germany


the new Postdoc-Kolleg 'Education and AI in the 21st century.

Technology-enabled innovations in subject-specific teaching

settings (PostdocTEIFUN)' of the Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

and Professional School of Education Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg (PSE) will

start in 2024.


It is offering six Post-doc positions funded for six years (100% TVL

E14) to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of education

and AI.


The official announcement can be found here:


Among the various potential research fields, the following could be of

interest here:


'Development of didactically informed Intelligent Language Tutoring

approaches targeting spoken language learning for the English

classroom. Potential directions include but are not limited to the

realization of perceptual training, input enhancement, automatic

corrective feedback, or prosodic complexity analysis.'


Interested? Please contact us at:

Sabine Zerbian,

Detmar Meurers,


Note that there is a tight deadline for applications: 30.06.2023

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6-43(2023-06-17) PhD @ NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
The announcement is here:
Deadline is 2023-07-31.
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6-44(2023-06-20) PhD position @ University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Hannover, Germany



In a joint research project *VidQA*, our collaboration partner from University of Applied Sciences (Prof. Christian Wartena, HsH Hochschule Hannover) offers a full position (three years, as soon as possible) for a PhD student:


*VidQA* is a joint research project of the Institute for Applied Data Science Hannover (DATA|H) of the HsH, the Research Center L3S of the Leibniz University and the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology. The goal of the project is the development and evaluation of new methods for semi-automatic generation of questions and answers for learning videos. Here, we pursue several research questions, such as, among others, the aspect of multimodality of video-based learning media, the generation of distractors ('wrong answers') for multiple-choice questions, and the automatic evaluation of answers for open-ended question formats.


*What you can expect*:

-  Develop and implement procedures for generating (multiple choice) questions, answers, and distractors.

-  Development and implementation of procedures for scoring free text answers

-  Collaboration in the development and evaluation of a system for examing comprehension of learning videos

-  Publication of research and development results at conferences and in professional journals

-  Participation in the organization the project



Research Field: Computer science

Education Level: Master Degree or equivalent


-  Master's degree (or equivalent) in computer science or computational linguistics

-  In-depth knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning

-  Proven knowledge in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

-  Gender and diversity skills


Languages:     ENGLISH

Level:     Excellent


Languages:    GERMAN

Level:     Good


Website for additional job details:


Where to apply:

*First Contact*


Prof. Dr. Christian Wartena

University of Applied Sciences (HsH Hochschule Hannover)

Institute for Applied Data Science Hannover (DATA|H)



Postal address

City:    Hannover


Street:     Expo Plaza 12

Postal Code:     30539

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6-45(2023-06-26) These CIFRE pleinement financée, IMAG et Eloquant, Grenoble, France
Appel pour une thèse CIFRE pleinement financée


Sujet : PRESAC – Prédiction de la Satisfaction Client à partir de données massives d’appels vocaux


Partenaires : Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, Eloquant

Durée du contrat : CDD de 36 mois

Langue officielle : français

Date de début : septembre 2023

Date limite de candidature : jusqu’à ce que le poste soit pourvu

Salaire : De 2000 € brut / mois en début de thèse, à 2300 € brut / mois en fin de thèse

Avantages : mutuelle, tickets restaurant, participation aux frais de transports en commun, ...

Missions : recherche et développement (enseignement possible mais non obligatoire)

Mots clés : Satisfaction client, données massives d’appels vocaux à distance, grands modèles de langage


Grenoble compte parmi les écosystèmes de recherche les plus dynamiques de France. Reconnu pour son excellence scientifique et technologique ainsi que son potentiel d’innovation, le site universitaire grenoblois a obtenu la labellisation « Initiative d’excellence », labellisation réservée à une dizaine de sites universitaires en France [1].

La personne recrutée sera accueillie en alternance (selon les besoins du projet) au sein de l'équipe GETALP [2] du Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG), et au sein du pôle recherche de l’entreprise Eloquant. L'équipe GETALP est hébergée dans un bâtiment moderne (IMAG), situé sur un campus paysager de 175 hectares qui a été classé huitième plus beau campus d'Europe par le journal Times Higher Education en 2018. L’entreprise Eloquant est également située à proximité immédiate de ce campus. 

Contexte industriel

Eloquant [3] est une entreprise d’informatique d’environ 110 personnes, spécialisée dans la relation client depuis 2001. Eloquant est aujourd’hui le seul acteur en France à proposer une solution globale en mode Software as a Service, destinée à faciliter le dialogue et l’écoute de ses clients. Elle vise à fournir à ses clients une fluidification et une accélération de leurs processus, en leur fournissant des informations d’intérêt tout en réduisant la sollicitation des clients finaux par l’envoi d'enquêtes de satisfaction post-appel. 

Contexte académique

L’équipe GETALP est une équipe pluridisciplinaire (informatique, langue, phonétique, traduction et traitement de signaux, etc.) dont l’objectif est d’aborder tous les aspects théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques de la communication et du traitement de l’information multilingue (écrite ou orale). La méthodologie de travail du GETALP s’appuie sur des allers-retours continus entre collectes de données, investigations fondamentales, développement de systèmes opérationnels, applications et évaluations expérimentales. L’équipe est aussi réputée pour avoir contribué au développement des premiers grands modèles de langage pour le français, à l’écrit (HANG et al., 2020), ou à l’oral (EVAIN et al., 2021a,b).

Objectifs de la thèse

Une première étape de cette thèse consiste à réaliser un état de l’art des techniques existantes pour prédire la satisfaction client à partir de conversations téléphoniques. Cette étude sera suivie par un travail d’analyse statistique des données propriétaires d’Eloquant, dans l’objectif de construire un corpus d’apprentissage et d’évaluation de méthodes d’inférence. Une fois le corpus de données constitué, le travail consistera à modéliser la satisfaction client à partir des indices linguistiques et acoustiques présents dans les enregistrements. Les outils d’extraction d’informations langagières reposeront autant sur des approches statistiques (e.g., descripteurs prosodiques et probabilistes appliquées sur des items), que sur des grands modèles de langage, tels que BERT (DEVLIN et al., 2019) pour le texte et Whisper (RADFORD et al., 2022) ou Wav2Vec 2.0 (BAEVSKI et al., 2020) pour la parole, notamment pour la langue française (EVAIN et al., 2021a,b). Nous envisageons également l’ajustement (fine-tuning) de ces modèles sur les données propriétaires pour optimiser les performances. Les descripteurs utilisés seront exploités pour évaluer différentes approches d’inférence de la satisfaction client sur les données préalablement identifiées, avec des approches neuronales telles que des modèles récurrents à base d'attention (BAHDANAU et al., 2015). Une part importante du travail consistera également à évaluer la robustesse du système sur la tâche, notamment sur des instances non étiquetées via une tâche d'évaluation humaine.

Compétences et savoir-faire attendu

Titulaire d’un Diplôme de Master 2 Recherche (ou d’un diplôme équivalent conférant le grade de Master, avec une expérience de recherche) avec des fortes connaissances en Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) et en apprentissage profond.

Puisqu’il s’agira d’étudier des phénomènes sociolinguistiques du français, la personne candidatant doit avoir le français comme langue maternelle ou un niveau C2.

Profil recherché

  • Bonnes connaissances en apprentissage artificiel, notamment apprentissage profond ;

  • Bonnes connaissances en traitement du signal audio ;

  • Méthodologies expérimentales pour l’évaluation ;

  • Bonne connaissance du langage Python ;

  • Motivation pour le travail en équipe et dans un environnement interdisciplinaire ;

  • Bonnes capacités de communication ;

  • Très bonnes capacités rédactionnelles 

Instructions pour candidater

  • Les dossiers de candidature doivent être adressés à l’ensemble des personnes suivantes : Fabien Ringeval (, Marco Dinarelli (, Ruslan Kalitvianski (, Mathieu Ruhlmann ( ainsi qu’à l’adresse et doivent contenir :

  • Les relevés de notes détaillés du Master (ou équivalent), 1re et 2nde année ;

  • Un curriculum vitae à jour ;

  • Un résumé d’une page sur l'expérience et les intérêts liés au poste ;

  • Une ou plusieurs lettres de recommandation (non obligatoire)


BAEVSKI, Alexei, MOHAMED, Abdelrahman, AULI, Michael. Wav2VEc 2.0: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning of Speech Representations. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.

BAHDANAU, Dzmitry, CHO, Kyunghyun, BENGIO, Yoshua. Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate. In International Conference on Learning Representation (ICLR), 2015.

DEVLIN, Jacob, CHANG, Ming-Wei, LEE, Kenton, et al. Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding. Association for Computatinoal Linguistics (ACL), 2019.

EVAIN, Solène, NGUYEN, Ha, LE, Hang, et al. Task Agnostic and Task Specific Self-Supervised Learning from Speech with LeBenchmark. In Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021.

EVAIN, Solène, NGUYEN, Ha, LE, Hang, et al. LeBenchmark: A Reproducible Framework for Assessing Self-Supervised Representation Learning from Speech. In Proceedings of Interspeech, 2021.

HANG, Le, VIAL, Loïc, FREJ, Jibril, et al. FlauBERT: Unsupervised Language Model Pre-training for French. In Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2020.

RADFORD, Alec, KIM, Jong Wook, XU, Tao, et al. Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision. ArXiv preprint abs/2212.04356, 2022




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6-46(2023-06-27) Research Associate in Integrated Multitask Neural Speech Labelling, University of Sheffield, UK
Deadline July 13th, 2023


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6-47(2023-07-01) Offre de thèse en 'Apprentissage profond pour l'identification du locuteur et séparation de la parole', CNRS

Pour plus d'informations voir :

Pour candidater remplissez le formulaire suivant :

La date de clôture à candidatures est le 10 juillet 2023.

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6-48(2023-07-19) Ingénieur chef de projet ressources et technologies linguistiques, INRIA, Nancy,France

Ingénieur chef de projet ressources et technologies linguistiques
Centre Inria : CRI Nancy - Grand Est 

Ville : Nancy, France
Date de prise de fonction souhaitée : 2023-10-01
Type de contrat : CDD 4 ans
Niveau de diplôme exigé : BAC+5 ou équivalent
Niveau d’expérience souhaité : de 3 à 5 ans

Pour postuler :
Pour plus d’informations, contacter :

Description complète du poste :

Poste : Ingénieur chef de projet ressources et technologies linguistiques


Ce poste se place dans le cadre du Défi Inria COLaF (Corpus et Outils pour les Langues de France), qui est une collaboration entre les équipes ALMAnaCH et MULTISPEECH. L’objectif du Défi est de développer et mettre à disposition des technologies numériques linguistiques pour la francophonie et les langues de France, en contribuant à la création de corpus de données inclusifs, de modèles, et de briques logicielles. L’équipe ALMAnaCH focalise sur le texte et l’équipe MULTISPEECH sur la parole multimodale. Les deux principaux objectifs de ce projet sont :

(1) La collecte de corpus de données francophones, massifs et inclusifs : Il s’agit de constituer de très grands corpus textuels et de parole, avec des métadonnées riches pour améliorer la robustesse des modèles face à la variation linguistique, avec une place particulière pour la variation géographico-dialectale dans le contexte de la francophonie, dont une partie pourra être multimodale (audio, image, vidéo), voire spécifique à la langue des signes française (LSF). Les données liées à la parole multimodale concerneront entre autres les dialectes, les accents, la parole des personnes âgées, des enfants et des adolescents, la LSF et les autres langues largement parlées en France. 

La collecte de corpus sera basée prioritairement sur les données existantes. Ces données (parole multimodale) peuvent provenir des archives de l’INA et des radio-télévisions régionales ou étrangères, mais rarement sous une forme directement exploitable, ou bien auprès des spécialistes, mais sous forme de petits corpus dispersés. La difficulté consiste d’une part à identifier et pré-traiter les données pertinentes afin d’obtenir des corpus homogènes, et d’autre part à clarifier (et si possible assouplir) les contraintes légales et les contreparties financières régissant leur usage afin d’assurer l’impact le plus large possible. Lorsque les contraintes légales ne permettent pas d’utiliser les données existantes, un effort supplémentaire de collecte de données sera nécessaire. Ce sera probablement le cas des enfants (applications à l’éducation) et les personnes âgées (applications à la santé). Selon la situation, cet effort sera sous-traité à des linguistes de terrain ou mènera à une campagne à grande échelle. Cela sera conduit en collaboration avec Le VoiceLab et la DGLFLF.

(2) Le développement et la mise à disposition de technologies linguistiques inclusives : Les technologies linguistiques considérées dans ce projet par l’équipe MULTISPEECH sont la reconnaissance et la synthèse de la parole, et la génération de la langue des signes. De nombreuses technologies sont déjà commercialisées. Il s’agit donc de ne pas réinventer ces outils, mais leur apporter les modifications nécessaires, afin qu’ils puissent exploiter les corpus inclusifs créés. Les technologies qui seront utilisées dans le cadre de ce projet portent sur, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les tâches suivantes :
• Identification et prétraitement (semi-)automatique des données pertinentes au sein de masses de données existantes. Cela inclut la détection et le remplacement d’entités nommées à des fins d’anonymisation.
• Architectures neuronales et approches adaptées aux scénarios à faibles ressources (augmentation de données, apprentissage par transfert, apprentissage faiblement/non supervisé, apprentissage actif, et combinaison entre ces diverses formes d’apprentissage)


L’ingénieur chef de projet aura deux missions principales :

•  La gestion du projet et la coordination pratique de la contribution de l’équipe MULTISPEECH au Défi Inria. L’ingénieur chef de projet travaillera en étroite collaboration avec un ingénieur « junior », un chercheur et deux doctorants, tous travaillant dans le cadre de ce projet. Il assurera un encadrement rapproché de l’ingénieur « junior » et une interaction très fréquente avec le chercheur et les doctorants. Il sera en contact également avec les membres de l’équipe MULTISPEECH. Il y aura certainement une concertation et une collaboration solide avec son homologue au sein de l’équipe ALMAnaCH.
• La collecte de données et création de corpus de parole multimodale (cela comprend : certains dialectes, les accents, les personnes âgées, les enfants et adolescents, la LSF et certaines langues largement parlées en France autre que le français). Une grande partie de la collecte des données se fera auprès d’associations de locuteurs, des producteurs de contenus et tout partenaire pertinent pour la récupération de données. L’ingénieur chef de projet sera amené à discuter, notamment les aspects juridiques, avec nos interlocuteurs.

• Définition des différents types de corpus à collecter (identifier les corpus potentiellement exploitables, établir une priorité et un planning de collecte) 
• Collecte de corpus de parole auprès de producteurs de contenus ou de tout autre partenaire. (s'assurer que les données respectent les normes et les standards de qualité)
• Négociation des contrats d'utilisation des données, en veillant à respecter les aspects juridiques (négocier les conditions d'utilisation des données avec les producteurs de contenus ou les partenaires, en veillant à ce que les droits de propriété intellectuelle soient respectés et que les aspects juridiques soient pris en compte).
• Création et mise à disposition des technologies linguistiques pour le traitement de ces corpus : une fois collectées, les données doivent être analysées et traitées de manière à en extraire des informations utiles. L’ingénieur chef de projet doit proposer des technologies et des outils parmi l’existant, nécessaires à cette analyse, et s'assurer qu'ils sont accessibles aux utilisateurs. 
• Encadrement rapproché de l’ingénieur junior : accompagnement et conseil au niveau des choix techniques et stratégiques de développement.
• Concertation et animation des échanges entre les membres du projet : (1) avec le chercheur et les deux doctorants (réflexions et échanges sur les données, et leurs adéquations au Défi.) ; (2) coordination avec les membres du projet au sein de l’équipe ALMAnaCH.
• Veille technologique, en particulier dans le domaine du ce défi.
• Rédaction et présentation de documentation technique
Note : Il s’agît ici d’une liste indicative d’activités qui pourra être adaptée dans le respect de la mission telle que libellée plus haut.


• Diplômé en informatique, linguistique ou toute autre formation relevant du domaine du traitement automatique de la parole ou des langues
• Expérience confirmée en gestion de projet et en communication
• Connaissance approfondie des technologies linguistiques
• Capacité à travailler en équipe et à respecter les délais
• Bonne connaissance de l'anglais
• Capacité à rédiger, à publier et à présenter en français et en anglais
• Maitrise des techniques de conduite des projets et de négociation
• Bases juridiques (données personnelles, propriété intellectuelle, droit des affaires)

• Capacités d'analyse, rédactionnelles et de synthèse 
• Savoir accompagner et conseiller
• Savoir développer un réseau relationnel
• Savoir mener de front différents projets en même temps
• Capacités de négociation 
• Sens des responsabilités et autonomie
• Sens du contact et goût pour le travail en équipe
• Rigueur, sens des priorités et du reporting
• Qualités relationnelles (écoute- diplomatie- pouvoir de conviction)
• Appétence pour la négociation (Le VoiceLab, DGLFLF, etc.)
• Capacité d’anticipation 
• Esprit d’initiative et curiosité d’esprit
Poste à temps complet, à pourvoir dès que possible.
Rémunération selon l’expérience.
Les candidatures doivent être déposées en ligne sur le site Inria. Le traitement des candidatures adressées par d'autres canaux n'est pas garanti.

• Restauration subventionnée
• Transports publics remboursés partiellement
• Congés: 7 semaines de congés annuels + 10 jours de RTT (base temps plein) + possibilité d'autorisations d'absence exceptionnelle (ex : enfants malades, déménagement)
• Équipements professionnels à disposition (visioconférence, prêts de matériels informatiques, etc.)
• Prestations sociales, culturelles et sportives (Association de gestion des œuvres sociales d'Inria)
• Accès à la formation professionnelle
• Sécurité sociale
2765€ brut/mois (selon l’expérience)


Inria est l’institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique. La recherche de rang mondial, l’innovation technologique et le risque entrepreneurial constituent son ADN. Au sein de 200 équipes-projets, pour la plupart communes avec les grandes universités de recherche, plus de 3 500 chercheurs et ingénieurs y explorent des voies nouvelles, souvent dans l’interdisciplinarité et en collaboration avec des partenaires industriels pour répondre à des défis ambitieux. Inria soutient la diversité des voies de l’innovation : de l’édition open source de logiciels à la création de startups technologiques (Deeptech).


Le centre Inria Nancy – Grand-Est est un des huit centres d’Inria regroupant 400 personnes, réparties dans 22 équipes de recherche, et 8 services d’appui à la recherche. Toutes ces équipes de recherche sont communes avec des partenaires académiques, et trois d’entre elles sont basées à Strasbourg. 

Ce centre de recherche est un acteur majeur et reconnu dans le domaine des sciences numériques. Il est au cœur d'un riche écosystème de R&D et d’innovation : PME fortement innovantes, grands groupes, start-up, incubateurs & accélérateurs, pôles de compétitivité, acteurs de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur, instituts de recherche technologique.


L’ingénieur chef de projet travaillera au sein de l’équipe projet MULTISPEECH au Centre de recherche Inria Nancy.   Les recherches de MULTISPEECH sont centrées sur la parole multimodale, notamment sur son analyse et sa génération dans le contexte de l'interaction homme-machine. Un point central de ces travaux est la conception de modèles et de techniques d'apprentissage automatique pour extraire des informations sur le contenu linguistique, l'identité et les états du locuteur, et l'environnement de la parole, et pour synthétiser la parole multimodale en utilisant des quantités limitées de données étiquetées. 

Pour postuler :
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6-49(2023-07-21) Offre de thèse à l'IRCAM, Paris, France
 Offre de thèse sur la conversion neuronale de la parole financée dans le cadre du projet ANR EVA “Explicit Voice Attributes'
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6-50(2023-08-10) Postdocs in Natural Language Processing for the automatic detection of gender, Alps University, Grenoble, France)

Call for postdoc applications in Natural Language Processing for the automatic detection of gender stereotypes in the French media (Grenoble Alps University, France)

Starting date:                flexible,  November 30, 2023, at the latest

Duration:                       full-time position for 12 months

Salary:                         according to experience (up to 4142€/ month)

Application Deadline: Open until filled

Location:               The position will be based in Grenoble, France. This is not a remote work.

Keywords:             natural language processing, gender stereotypes                                 bias, corpus analysis, language models, transfer                                 learning, deep learning

*Context* The University of Grenoble Alps (UGA) has an open position for a highly motivated postdoc researcher to joint the multidisciplinary GenderedNews project. Natural Language Processing models trained on large amount of on-line content, have quickly opened new perspectives to process on-line large amount of on-line content for measuring gender bias in a daily basis (see our project ). Regarding research on stereotypes, most recent works have studied Language Models (LM) from a stereotype perspective by providing specific corpora such as StereoSet (Nadeem et al., 2020) or CrowS-Pairs (Nangia et al. 2020). However, these studies are focusing on the quantifying of bias in the LM predictions rather than bias in the original data (Choenni et al., 2021). Furthermore, most of these studies ignore named entities (Deshpande et al., 2022) which account for an important part of the referents and speakers in news. In this project, we intend to build corpora, methods and NLP tools to qualify the differences between the language used to describe groups of people in French news.

*Main Tasks*

The successful postdoc will be responsible for day-to-day running of the research project, under the supervision of François Portet (Prof UGA at LIG) and Gilles Bastin (prof UGA at PACTE). Regular meetings will take place every two weeks.

- Defining the dimensions of stereotypes to be investigated and the possible metrics that can be processed from a machine learning perspective.

- Exploring, managing and curating news corpora in French for stereotypes investigation, with a view to making them widely available to the community to favor reproducible research and comparison.

- Studying and developing new computational models to process large number of texts to reveal stereotype bias in news. Make use of pretrained models for the task.

- Evaluate the methods on curated focused corpus and apply it to the unseen real longitudinal corpus and analyze the results with the team.

- Preparing articles for submission to peer-reviewed conferences and journals.

- Organizing progress meetings and liaising between members of the team. 

The hired person will interact with PhD students, interns and researchers being part of the GenderedNews project. According to his/her background his/her own interests and in accordance with the project's objective, the hired person will have the possibility to orient the research in different directions.

*Scientific Environment*

The recruited person will be hosted within the GETALP teams of the LIG laboratory (, which offers a dynamic, international, and stimulating environment for conducting high-level multidisciplinary research. The person will have access to large datasets of French news, GPU servers, to support for missions as well as to the scientific activities of the labs. The team is housed in a modern building (IMAG) located in a 175-hectare landscaped campus that was ranked as the eighth most beautiful campus in Europe by the Times Higher Education magazine in 2018.

The person will also closely work with Gilles Bastin (PACTE, a Sociology lab in Grenoble) and Ange Richard (PhD at LIG and PACTE). The project also includes an informal collaboration with 'Prenons la une' ( a journalists’ association which promotes a fair representation of women in the media.


The candidate must have a PhD degree in Natural Language Processing or computer science or in the process of acquiring it. The successful candidate should have

-  Good knowledge of Natural Language Processing -  Experience in corpus collection/formatting and manipulation. -  Good programming skills in Python -  Publication record in a close field of research -  Willing to work in multidisciplinary and international teams -  Good communication skills -  Good mastering of French is required

*Instructions for applying*

Applications will be considered on the fly and must be addressed to François Portet ( It is therefore advisable to apply as soon as possible. The application file should contain

-   Curriculum vitae -   References for potential letter(s) of recommendation -   One-page summary of research background and interests for the position -   Publications demonstrating expertise in the aforementioned areas -   Pre-defense reports and defense minutes; or summary of the thesis with the date of defense for those currently in doctoral studies


Deshpande et al. (2022). StereoKG: Data-Driven Knowledge Graph Construction for Cultural Knowledge and Stereotypes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.14036.

Choenni et al. (2021). Stepmothers are mean and academics are pretentious: What do pretrained language models learn about you? arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10052.

Nadeem et al. (2020) StereoSet: Measuring stereotypical bias in pretrained language models. ArXiv.

Nangia et al. (2020) CrowS-Pairs: A Challenge Dataset for Measuring Social Biases in Masked Language Models. In EMNLP2020.

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6-51(2023-09-04) Project Manager@ELDA, Paris, France

The Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA), a company specialized in Human Language Technologies within an international context is currently seeking to fill an immediate vacancy for the permanent position: Project Manager - Intellectual Property, Personal Data Protection for AI and Language Technologies.

Job description

Under the CEO’s supervision, the Project Manager will handle legal issues related to the compilation, use and distribution of language datasets in a European and international environment. This yields excellent opportunities for creative, and motivated candidates wishing to participate actively in the Language Engineering field.


Their main tasks will consist of:


  • Analysing the legal status of language datasets and language models;
  • Implementing data protection requirements in the processing and distribution of language data;
  • Analysing data collection legal issues;
  • Drafting and negotiating distribution contracts for language datasets to be added to an online catalogue;
  • Implementing evaluation procedures for IPR clearance of digital data;
  • Assessing ethical practices within our activities.


The position is based in Paris.

Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience (between 40-60K€).

Other benefits: complementary health insurance and meal vouchers.

Required profile:


  • PhD (or Master’s degree + at least 3 years’ experience) in IT Law, with good understanding of intellectual property and data protection;
  • Fluent English, with advanced writing and analytical skills;
  • Experience implementing data protection regulations;
  • Knowledge of the European digital regulatory environment (eg. Digital Services Act, Digital Market Act, Data Act, Digital Governance Act, Open Data Directive, AI Act);
  • Familiar with public licensing schemes (CC, GPL, etc.); 
  • Involvement in European or international projects related to IPR and other legal aspects;
  • Dynamic, communicative, flexible and capable of working independently as well as in a team;
  • EU citizen, or residence permit enabling to work in France.



ELDA is an SME established in 1995 to promote the development and exploitation of Language Resources (LRs). Language Resources include all data necessary for language engineering, such as monolingual and multilingual lexica, text corpora, speech databases and terminology. ELDA’s role is to produce LRs, to collect and to validate them and, foremost, make them available to users in compliance with applicable regulations and ethical requirements.

For further information about ELDA, visit:  

Applicants should email a cover letter addressing the points listed above together with a curriculum vitae to:

9 rue des Cordelières
75013 Paris

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6-52(2023-09-08) 2 Research and Teaching Associates – PhD Positions –Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory (TU Graz), Austria

The Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory ( of
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) is looking for

    2 Research and Teaching Associates
            – PhD Positions –
    in Signal Processing and Speech Communication

with appointments planned for November 2023.

Both associates are expected to perform excellent research towards a PhD degree (often in cooperation with international partners) under the guidance of professors Gernot Kubin and Barbara Schuppler. Furthermore, the associates will co-advise Bachelor’s and Master’s student projects and develop and teach laboratory and problem classes on various aspects of signal processing. Fluency in English is a must, knowledge of German is an asset. A strong background in signal processing and/or speech communication as well as an excellent Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering, or similar are required.

Entry-level gross yearly salaries are about EUR 45.900,- for 40 hrs per week and initial contract durations may span up to 4 years.

The Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory was the main organizer of INTERSPEECH 2019 in Graz ( and takes the lead in building a Graduate School of Excellence in European Speech and Language Technologies together with seven partners of the Unite! University Alliance ( TU Graz is ranked #2 of all universities in the German speaking countries (

Graz ( is the second largest city of Austria located in the south-eastern province of Styria at the cross-roads of major continental European cultures. It enjoys a vibrant student life with eight universities and excellent leisure and sports opportunities in the larger Alps-Adriatic region. UNESCO has included the historic centre of Graz in its World Heritage List and Graz has been a Cultural Capital of Europe.

For further information, please contact the two advisors
Gernot Kubin at  and Barbara Schuppler at

Applications are due by September 27, 2023, and must be submitted electronically at

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6-53(2023-10-04) PhD position at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology announces a fully funded Ph.D position in machine learning for conversational AI at the division of Speech, Music, and Hearing (TMH).

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities, as well as a key center of intellectual talent and innovation. We are Sweden’s largest technical research and learning institution and home to students, researchers and faculty from around the world. Our research and education covers a wide area including natural sciences and all branches of engineering, as well as in architecture, industrial management, urban planning, history and philosophy.

The doctoral position is offered by the division of Speech, Music and Hearing ( It is an internationally prominent research group within speech technology and related areas with a heritage that ranges back to the early 50s. It was one of the first research groups of its kind, and is likely the oldest that is still active. The group is in the forefront of fundamental research in areas such as speech analysis, analysis of human communicative behaviours, audiovisual synthesis and generation, speech perception and understanding, and multimodal dialogue systems.

The task of the candidate is to develop and evaluate the usefulness of a generative AI and expressive
speech synthesis in Augmentative Communication Technology for individuals with communication disabilities. As the AI voice system is designed for users who input text using gaze trackers the project also involves using Large Language models to speed up the text input given the previous context.
The system will leverage the KTH spontaneous TTS (

Supervision: The doctoral student will be supervised by
Joakim Gustafson (
Éva Székely (

The starting date for the positions is flexible, but as soon as possible.

What we offer
- Workplace that focus on working conditions, gender equality, diversity, study environment
- A monthly salary of around 3.000 EUR, and benefits such as 6 weeks paid vacation, health insurance, paid parental leave and occupational pensions.

The candidate must have a degree in Computer Science or related fields.  In order to succeed as doctoral student at KTH you need to be goal oriented and persevering in your work. During the selection process, candidates will be assessed upon their ability to work both independently and to collaborate with others. Other important traits are openness toward interdisciplinary research, creativity and a structured approach. Good command of spoken and written English is required. Expertise in machine learning/deep learning and good programming skills are strongly desirable. Experience and interest in areas like speech technology, signal processing, natural language processing, linguistics, perception is also considered as asset. After the qualification requirements, great emphasis will be placed on personal qualities and personal suitability.


The application should include:
1. Curriculum vitae.
2. Transcripts from University/College.
3. Brief description of why the applicant wishes to become a doctoral student.

More information here:

The application documents should be uploaded using the KTH's recruitment system.

The application deadline is ** October 10, 2023 **

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