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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #303  »  Resources  »  Books

ISCApad #303

Thursday, September 07, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

5-1 Books
5-1-1Benjamin Weiss, 'Talker Quality in Human and Machine Interaction - Modeling the Listener’s Perspective in Passive and Interactive Scenarios'. T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services. Springer Nature, Cham. (2020)

Benjamin Weiss (2020): 'Talker Quality in Human and Machine Interaction - Modeling the Listener’s Perspective in Passive and Interactive Scenarios'. T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services. Springer Nature, Cham.

In this book, the background, state of research, and own contributions to the assessment and prediction of talker quality that is constituted in voice perception and in dialog are presented. Starting from theories and empirical findings from human interaction, major results and approaches are transferred to the domain of human-computer interaction. The main subject of this book is to contribute to the evaluation of spoken interaction in both humans and between human and computer, and in particular to the quality subsequently attributed to the speaking system or person, based on the listening and interactive experience.

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5-1-2W.F.Katz, P.F.Assman, 'The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics', Routledge.


The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics Edited by William F. Katz and Peter F. Assmann The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics provides a comprehensive and up-to-date compilation of research, history and techniques in phonetics. With contributions from 41 prominent authors from North America, Europe, Australia and Japan, and including over 130 figures to illustrate key points, this handbook covers all the most important areas in the field, including:

  • The history and scope of techniques used, including speech synthesis, vocal tract imaging techniques, and obtaining information on under-researched languages from language archives;
  • The physiological bases of speech and hearing, including auditory, articulatory, and neural explanations of hearing, speech, and language processes;
  • Theories and models of speech perception and production related to the processing of consonants, vowels, prosody, tone, and intonation;


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5-1-3Proceedings of SLTU-CCURL2020

Dear all,

we are very happy to announce that the SLTU-CCURL2020 Proceedings are available online:
This year, LREC2020 would have featured an extraordinary event: the first joint SLTU-CCURL2020 Workshop, which was planned as a two-day workshop, with 54 papers accepted either as oral and poster presentations.
The workshop program was enriched by two tutorials and two keynote speeches.
We will miss the presentations, the discussions and the overall stimulating environment very deeply. 
We are thankful to ELRA and ISCA for their support to the workshop, to our Google sponsor and to the 60 experts of the Program Committee, who worked tirelessly in order to help us to select the best papers representing a wide perspective over NLP, speech and computational linguistics addressing less-resource languages.
Looking forward to better times when we will be able to meet in person again, we hope that you will find these workshop proceedings relevant and stimulating for your own research.
With our best wishes,

Claudia Soria, Laurent Besacier, Dorothee Beermann, and Sakriani Sakti
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5-1-4J.Blauert, J. Braasch, 'The Technology of Binaural Understanding', Springer and ASA-Press

 My name is Jens Blauert, and you may recall me as an ESCA-Founder and ISCA-Goldmedalist. Although I am professor emeritus since many years, I am still active in science.
     Recently I published an edited book together with Jonas Braasch (Professor at RPI, Troy NY) at both SPRINGER and ASA-Press. The book?s title is ?The Technology of Binaural Understanding?. It attempts to bridge between audition and cognition and thus, as far as speech communication is concerned, between speech and language. The book's motto is:

     People, when exposed to acoustic stimuli, do not react directly to what they hear
     but rather to what they hear means to them.

     Obviously this is an issue which is also relevant for speech communication at large. Thus, I kindly  ask you to consider whether this book would qualify for a book announcement in the ISCAPad. If a full book review were also feasible, I can send you an eBook-link, and after a reviewer is has been assigned, SPRINGER will deliver a printed copy to him/her.
--   Thank you for your efforts in advance!
     With best regards, Jens Blauert

.PS. Preface and  table of contents of the book are available under the following link:

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5-1-5Weiss B., Trouvain J., Barkat-Defradas M., Ohala J.J., 'Voice Attractiveness', Springer 2021

Voice Attractiveness

Voice attractiveness

Studies on Sexy, Likable, and Charismatic Speakers

  • Editors
  • Benjamin Weiss
  • Jürgen Trouvain
  • Melissa Barkat-Defradas
  • John J. Ohala
  • Describes the multifaceted aspects of voice that may seduce, irritate or euphorize, and determine the way people perceive us

  • Provides approaches to, and exemplary studies on various methods of addressing voice attractiveness

  • Discusses voice attractiveness in passive listening scenarios and in conversation

  • Presents studies on normal, pathological and professional speakers

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5-1-6Proceedings Speech Prosody 2022

Dear Speech Prosody SIG Members,


As many of you already know, Speech Prosody 2022 was a great technical and social success! Our thanks to Sonia Frota, Marina Vigario, and all the organizers.


The proceedings are already available, at .


Also, to share a link announced at the closing ceremony, there are now digitized, searchable versions of all past ICPhS proceedings, at .



Nigel Ward, SProSIG Chair,

Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso  

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5-1-7Diana Sidtis, Foundations of Familiar Language, Wiley


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