ISCApad Archive » 2023 » ISCApad #300 » Jobs » (2023-02-06) Associate professor (tenure position) @Telecom Paris in Machine Learning for Socia lComputing |
ISCApad #300 |
Saturday, June 10, 2023 by Chris Wellekens |
Faculty position (Associate professor, tenure position) at Telecom Paris in Machine-Learning for Social Computing. Telecom Paris has a new permanent (tenure) faculty position (Associate Professor/ “Maître de conférences”) in the area of **machine learning for social computing**. Applicants from the following sub-research areas are welcome: - Neural models for the recognition and generation of socio-emotional behaviors - Natural language and speech processing - Dialogue, conversational systems, and social robotics - Reinforcement learning for dialogue - Sentiment analysis in social interactions - Bias and explainability in AI - Model tractability, multi-task learning, meta-learning Salary: between 40,58 k€ and 58,67 k€ depending on profile and experience Important Dates - March 20th, 2023: closing date for applications - April 20th, 2023: hearings of the preselected candidates Context Social Computing team [1] - S²A (machine learning, statistics and signal processing) group [2] - LTCI (laboratoire de traitement et communication de l’information) [3] - Telecom Paris [4] . Ecosystem Telecom Paris [4] is a founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris <> (IP Paris), a world-class scientific and technological institution. Located at the Plateau de Saclay close to Paris-Saclay University, this Institution is a partnership between Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télecom SudParis, with HEC as a key partner. Regularly ranked as one of the best engineering schools in France, Télécom Paris is recognized for its excellent training, its very good employability rate with high salaries, its high-level research, and its very close proximity to companies. The THE (Times Higher Education) ranks Télécom Paris 2nd best French engineering school, 5th better French university, and 6th « best small university » <>. The newly created institution IP Paris was ranked in the top 50 best universities in the QS world university ranking. In the context of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the activities in Data Science and AI of the team benefit from the center Hi!Paris (, offering seminars, workshops, and fundings through calls for project Main missions/Research activities - Develop groundbreaking research in the field of machine learning applied to Social Computing, which includes: natural language and speech processing, dialogue, conversational systems, and social robotics, reinforcement learning for dialogue, sentiment analysis in social interactions, bias and explainability in AI, model tractability, multi-task learning, meta-learning - Develop both academic and industrial collaborations on the same topic, including collaborative activities with other Telecom Paris research departments and teams (including social sciences researchers of economics and social sciences department [6]), and research contracts with industrial players - Set up research grants and take part in national and international collaborative research projects - Publish high-quality research work in leading journals and conferences - Be an active member of the research community (serving on scientific committees and boards, organizing seminars, workshops, and special sessions...) Main missions/Teaching activities Participate in teaching activities at Telecom Paris and its partner academic institutions (as part of joint Master programs), especially in natural language processing, speech processing, machine learning, and Data Science, including life-long training programs (e.g. the local “Mastères Spécialisés”) Candidate profile As a minimum requirement, the successful candidate will have: - A Ph.D. degree - A track record of research and publication in one or more of the following areas: conversational artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, speech and signal processing, human-agent interactions, social robotics - Experience in teaching - An international postdoctoral experience is welcome but not mandatory - Excellent command of English NOTE: The candidate does *not* need to speak French to apply, just to be willing to learn the language (teaching will be mostly given in English) Other skills expected include: • Capacity to work in a team and develop good relationships with colleagues and peers • Excellent writing and pedagogical skills More about the position • Place of work: Saclay (Paris outskirts) How to apply? Applications must be submitted via one of the following websites: French Version: English Version: Applicants should submit a single PDF file that includes: - cover letter, - curriculum vitae, - statements of research and teaching interests (4 pages) - three publications - contact information for two references Contacts: == please do not hesitate to directly contact us before applying == Chloé Clavel (Coordinator of the Social Computing team) Stéphan Clémençon (Head of the S²A group) Florence d’Alché-Buc (Head of the IDS department) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] |
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