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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #299  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2023-09-11) Call for Workshops - Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2023, MIT MediaLab, Cambridge, MA, USA

ISCApad #299

Monday, May 08, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-24 (2023-09-11) Call for Workshops - Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2023, MIT MediaLab, Cambridge, MA, USA


The organizing committee of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2023 is now inviting proposals for workshops and challenges. The biennial conference is the flagship conference for research in Affective Computing, covering topics related to the study of intelligent systems that read, express, or otherwise use emotion.

Workshops at ACII allow a group of scientists an opportunity to get together to network and discuss a specific topic in detail. Examples of past workshops include: Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Applied Multimodal Affect Recognition, Functions of Emotions for Socially Interactive Agents, Emotions in Games, Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces, Affective Touch, Group Emotions, and Affective Computing for Affective Disorders. We want to encourage workshop proposals that draw together interdisciplinary perspectives on topics in affective computing. We also welcome Challenge-type workshops, where workshop participants would work on a shared task. This year, given our location in Boston and proximity to leading medical institutions, we particularly invite workshops that touch on health and wellness, spanning theoretical topics on affect in mental health to fielded medical applications of affective computing.  

Workshops should focus on a central question or topic. Workshop organizers will be responsible for soliciting and reviewing papers, and putting together an exciting schedule, including time for networking and discussion. Workshop organizers are also expected to present a short summary of the workshop during the main conference.

Example workshops from ACII2022 are available at: 
The workshop proposals website: 
ACII 2023 website:  

What’s next?
Send your workshop proposal to both workshop chairs.  Please include the following (max three pages):  
  1. Title.
  2. Organizers and affiliations, and Workshop contact person
  3. Extended abstract making the scientific case for the workshop (why, why now, why at ACII, expected outcomes, impact)
  4. Advertisement (e.g. lists, conferences etc., and website hosting (where)).
  5. List of tentative and confirmed PC members (mention this status per PC member)
  6. Expected number of submissions, planned acceptance rate, and paper length, review process.
  7. Tentative/confirmed keynote speaker(s).
  8. Length of the workshop (day or half-day).
  9. List of related and previous workshops/conferences
  10. Your publication plan (e.g., Special Issue, whether contact was made with the publisher already
Proposals will be reviewed in a confidential manner and acceptance will be decided by the ACII 2023 Workshop Chairs and ACII 2023 Senior Program Committee. Decisions about acceptance are final.

Important dates
February 17, 2023: Workshop proposal submission deadline.
Refer to for other dates.

Workshop Chairs
Timothy Bickmore, Northeastern University,
Nutchanon Yongsatianchot, Northeastern University,

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