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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #297  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2023-07-XX) Track 4: Robust and Multilingual Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems - Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC11.T4)

ISCApad #297

Monday, March 06, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-25 (2023-07-XX) Track 4: Robust and Multilingual Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems - Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC11.T4)
Track 4: Robust and Multilingual Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems - Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC11.T4)

Call for Participation

TRACK GOALS AND DETAILS: Two main goals and tasks:
•    Task 1: Propose and develop effective Automatic Metrics for evaluation of open-domain multilingual dialogs.
•    Task 2: Propose and develop Robust Metrics for dialogue systems trained with back translated and paraphrased dialogs in English.

•    High correlation with human annotated assessments.
•    Explainable metrics in terms of the quality of the model-generated responses.
•    Participants can propose their own metric or optionally improve the baseline evaluation metric deep AM-FM (Zhang et al, 2020).

For training: Up to 18 Human-Human curated multilingual datasets (+3M turns), with turn/dialogue level automatic annotations as toxicity or sentiment analysis, among others.
Dev/Test: Up to 10 Human-Chatbot curated multilingual datasets (+150k turns), with turn/dialogue level human annotations including QE metrics or cosine similarity.
Data translated and back-translated into several languages (English, Spanish and Chinese). Also, there are several paraphrases with annotations for each dataset.

The default choice is Deep AM-FM (Zhang et al, 2020). This model has been adapted to be able to evaluate multilingual datasets, as well as to work with paraphrased and back translated sentences.


Training/Validation data release: From November to December in 2022
Test data release: Middle of March in 2023
Entry submission deadline: Middle of March in 2023
Submission of final results: End of March in 2023
Final result announcement: Early of April in 2023
Paper submission: From March to May in 2023
Workshop: July-September/2023 in a venue to be announced with DSTC11

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Tencent AI Lab (China)
New York University (USA)
Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

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