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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #297  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2023-06-04) CfP Student competition at ICASSP 2023, Rhodes, Greece

ISCApad #297

Monday, March 06, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-10 (2023-06-04) CfP Student competition at ICASSP 2023, Rhodes, Greece
Call for Proposals
Student Competitions at IEEE ICASSP 2023
The IEEE Signal Processing Society is calling those interested in organizing one of the student competitions that will be held at ICASSP 2023! The SP Cup gives SPS Students the opportunity to solve real-life problems using signal processing or video and image processing methods. Rounds of open competition are held before three final teams are selected to present their work and compete for the US$5,000 grand prize at ICASSP 2023! See the full SP Cup Call for Proposals.
The 5-MICC is the Society’s new video contest in which teams of students create five-minute videos that highlight and generate excitement about signal processing concepts. The final three teams’ videos will be selected and featured on the ICASSP website, where the ICASSP and signal processing community can vote for their favorites! Those teams will be invited to attend ICASSP for the final phase of the competition and US$5,000 grand prize. See the full 5-MICC Call for Proposals.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal for the SP Cup or the 5-Minute Video Clip Contest being held at ICASSP 2023, please submit your proposal for endorsement to the SPS Technical Committee (TC) that best fits your proposal by 6 January 2023 for the SP Cup and 3 January 2023 for the 5-MICC. Your proposal must be endorsed by one of the TCs. You can find the Society’s TCs located on the Technical Committees page on the SPS website. The endorsed proposals will then be submitted by the TC Chairs to SP-SC-STUDENTSERVICES@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG by 13 January 2023 for the SP Cup and 7 January 2023 for the 5-MICC.

If you have questions, you can reach out directly to Angshul Majumdar, SPS Student Services Director, and Jaqueline Rash, SPS Membership Program and Events Administrator, or the SSC alias.

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