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ISCApad Archive  »  2023  »  ISCApad #296  »  Jobs  »  (2022-11-21) Speech researcher @Vivoka, Metz, France

ISCApad #296

Tuesday, February 07, 2023 by Chris Wellekens

6-31 (2022-11-21) Speech researcher @Vivoka, Metz, France







Vivoka is a global leader in voice Al technologies founded in 2015. Thanks to its VDK (Voice Development Kit), Vivoka offers an all-in-one solution that enables any company to create its own high ­performance, secure embedded/offline voice assistant in record time. Vivoka has won several innovation awards and has established leading partnerships with major players in the voice market. Vivoka has a portfolio of about 100 customers from all major industries and is pursuing its goal of bringing people closer to technology through voice.



Aspartofitsconstant evolution,Vivoka isfurther developingthe VoiceDevelopment Kitanditsrelatedprojects.Your mainmissionwillrevolve around creatingsolutions forsignalprocessingandmorespecifically speechprocessing.


Roles& Responsibilities

  • Youwillcreatethenext generation of speech processing engines.

  • Youwillworkaspartofa passionate and collaborative teamspecializedinmachine learningandspeech processingtechnologies.

  • You willhavetheopportunity to publish research articles and contribute to international patents.

  • Youwillparticipateinallaspectsofprojectsincludingproposingideas,data collection/analysis, literature review, prototyping and development.


Job's Requirements

  • Youarepassionate,creative,andhaveacollaborativemindset.

  • speechprocessingor machinelearningorarelatedarea.Oryou areanexceptional candidate holdingaMaster's degree andhaveastrong experience.

  • YouarefamiliarwithrecentresearchinDeepLearningandhavetheknowledge and skills to implement algorithms fromresearch papers.

  • Youhavehands-onexperiencebuildingMLsystemsforsignalprocessingorrelated fields.

  • Youhaveastrongprogrammingbackgroundwith2+yearsofexperienceinanyof the following languages: Python or C++.

  • Youhavetheabilitytoquicklylearnnewtechnologiesandsuccessfully implement them.

  • Youhavegoodanalyticalandsyntheticalskills.

  • Youhavegoodwritingskills.

  • YouarefluentinEnglish.

  • Youhaveexperience withoneor moreof thefollowinglibraries:PyTorch, TensorFlow.

  • Youhavescientificpublications inleadingspeechorsignalprocessingconferences (likelnterspeech,ICASSP,ASRU,etc.)andjournals.

  • Youmayhaveexperiencewithresearchordevelopmentforembedded/edge devices

The advantages of the job

  • Youwillbepartofagrowingproject,andbeoneofitspillars.

  • AtVivoka,autonomyandtrustareimportantvalues.

  • Everydayisanewchallenge,youwillnotexperiencemonotony.

  • Eachprojectisaninnovation,youevolveinacrazyandstimulatingenvironment.

  • AtVivoka,wemakeeveryeffortforouremployeesandtheirwell-being.

  • Youwillbelocatedin Metzwhichisstrategically locatednear the bordersof France, Luxembourg andGermany.

  • Youwillhavecomplementaryhealthinsurancebenefits.

  • Youwillhavecomplementarymonthly mealvouchers.

If you are interested in the position,

send your documents to



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