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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #293  »  ISCA News  »  Message from ISCA president Prof. Sebastian Möller

ISCApad #293

Tuesday, November 08, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

2-1 Message from ISCA president Prof. Sebastian Möller


Dear friends of ISCA,


in this ISCApad, you will find the latest news from our association and community. Some points I would like to particularly highlight this month:

  • The virtual workshop which will be organized in honor of the late Prof. Sadaoki Furui on November 29, 14h00 Paris time; more details on the program and how to get access to the zoom room will be provided on the ISCA home page soon

  • The association is working on the installation of two new software tools: A new association management software, and a new paper management and review portal; we hope to have both ready for the upcoming Interspeech conference; in case you would like to provide support, please send an email to Antoine Serrurier via

  • Given the still rising number of submissions to Interspeech and other ISCA events, we are looking for new reviewer candidates in all areas of speech communication; please check the reviewer portal to self-nominate or nominate others

  • Sadly, we have to announce the passing of a core member of our community: Prof. Dr. Hermann Künzel, an expert in forensic speech processing and long-standing colleague of IAFPA, passed away on October 18; you will find an obituary note in the present ISCApad

  • The call for bids for hosting Interspeech 2026 will remain open until November 15. We encourage submissions from all regions.

  • We solicit nominations for a number of ISCA awards, namely the ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement, the ISCA Service medal (deadline for both: January 6, 2023), and for new ISCA Fellows (deadline: February 10, 2023); details on the nomination procedure and on the timeline can be found on the ISCA home page as well


I wish you a pleasant read of the ISCApad, as usual kindly compiled by Chris Wellekens.


Sebastian Möller

ISCA President





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