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Communication Association

ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #293  »  Academic and Industry Notes

ISCApad #293

Tuesday, November 08, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

4 Academic and Industry Notes
4-1New Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research covering all areas of language science,Univ. of Paris, France

The Paris Graduate School of Linguistics (PGSL) is a newly-formed Paris-area graduate program covering all areas of language science.

It offers a comprehensive Master curriculum integrating advanced study and research, in close connection with PhD programs as well as with the Empirical Foundations of Linguistics consortium. 

Research plays a central part in the program, and students also take elective courses to develop an interdisciplinary outlook. Prior knowledge of French is not required.

For more details, please see

New funding opportunity:

 Application deadline : February 1st 2021 (program starting September 1st 2021)

PGSL is funded by Smarts-UP (Student-centered iMproved, Active Research-based Training Strategy at Université de Paris) through the ANR SFRI grant « Grandes universités de recherche » (PIA3) 2020-2029.

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4-2Cambridge's Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil

Cambridge's Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil


Are you interested in speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, human-computer interaction, or machine learning? Please consider applying to the University of Cambridge?s Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (MLMI) MPhil programme


The MLMI MPhil is an elite 11 month programme with a small cohort of about 30 students each year. Due to its small size there is the opportunity to carry out PhD-like research projects on the course (see here for previous students? dissertations), as well having a number of bespoke taught modules with lots of opportunities to interact with the faculty and other members of the course (see here for a list of modules and here for a list of the teaching staff).


Previous members of the MPhil have gone on to study for PhDs in top research groups (e.g. at Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, and MIT), and have gone into top industry positions (e.g. Microsoft Research, Facebook AI Research, Open AI, and AstraZeneca).


This year our programme is restructuring around four overlapping tracks: speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, human-computer interaction, and machine learning. You apply to one of these tracks and this choice shapes your module options and the research project that you will take on. We are especially interested in candidates who are interested in speech and language processing, computer vision & robotics, and human-computer interaction as we have significant capacity to expand in these areas this year.


Details about the application process can be found on our website. The application deadline is 2nd December 2021.

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4-3Serveur Discord pour jeunes chercheurs.
Nous souhaitons vous faire part aujourd'hui de la création d'un serveur Discord pour les jeunes chercheurs en parole:

Cet espace de discussion a pour but de rassembler la communauté des jeunes chercheurs en parole en France (étudiants en master, doctorants, post-doctorants...).
Vous pourrez notamment y partager vos derniers papiers publiés, vos questions ou appels à l'aide pour l'utilisation d'un logiciel (ou autre), ou simplement rentrer en contact avec des personnes qui travaillent dans votre domaine ou des domaines liés au votre. Rien n'est fixe, le serveur est voué à évoluer au cours de son utilisation! Il peut aussi nous servir à nous retrouver lors d'une conférence ou autre. En tant que jeunes chercheurs avec un petit réseau, on connaît tous ce sentiment peu confortable d'être seul(e) à une conférence, malgré les 1500 personnes autour de nous. Alors plutôt que de stresser chacun dans notre coin, autant nous retrouver et partager tout ça ensemble en nous donnant rendez-vous grâce au serveur de discussion!

La création de ce serveur Discord fait suite à l'appel du comité d'organisation des JEP pour l'organisation d'un événement à destination des jeunes chercheurs en parole lors des Journées d'Etudes en Parole qui auront lieu à Noirmoutier du 13 au 17 juin 2022 ( Nous l'avons d'abord créé pour discuter entre jeunes chercheurs sur ce que l'on pourrait imaginer comme événement, puis nous avons pensé qu'il serait intéressant de l'ouvrir à tous pour recueillir vos besoins/envies et voir ce qui pourrait intéresser un maximum de personnes. Il est donc également destiné à essayer de mieux cerner les besoins de formation de chacun. Rassurez-vous, il est partagé en deux: une catégorie pour tous, et une catégorie pour celles et ceux intéressés par l'organisation de journées d'études, ainsi, pas de spam inutile. Si vous souhaitez rejoindre cette deuxième catégorie, il faudra me le notifier dans le canal #général ou me le demander par message privé*.

Rendez-vous sur le serveur pour faire vivre notre communauté de jeunes chercheurs!
Merci aux organisateurs des JEP et à l'AFCP pour leur soutien.
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4-4ASR challenge in Hindi
We are excited to announce the Interspeech-2022 ASR challenge in Hindi using the data collected by Gram Vaani - a social technology enterprise. The data consists of 100 hours of transcribed data and 1000 hours of unlabelled data. More details about the challenge can be found in the attached flyer or at the following website:
We solicit your participation in this challenge, and innovative work done as part of this challenge may be submitted to the Interspeech-2022 Special Session on Low Resource ASR Development (
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4-5The new ISLRN Web Portal is now open (ELRA)

Press Release – Immediate

Paris, France, March 23, 2022

The new ISLRN Web Portal is now open.

ELRA is happy to release a new version of ISLRN (International Standard Language Resource Number) web portal.

In order to improve the performance of the portal, with an up-to-date technical infrastructure, ISLRN was ported into latest versions of Django and Python frameworks. Consequently, the website design was also adapted to make the navigation and the functionalities clearer and faster for users.

Some of the main design changes currently are:

-          The main page now offers an extensive description of ISLRN and a single click button to request for an ISLRN number. Subpages can now be viewed from the top menu at all levels of the portal;

-          The search tool that allows for looking for resources “by ISLRN” or “by resource name” has been combined into one single search box with predictive typing function and is also accessible at all levels of the portal;

-          Expressive icons allow users to locate the functionalities in a more intuitive way;

-          Language Resources description pages are better structured and the ISLRN ID of the resource may be copied directly from the Language Resource description page;

-          Functionalities of management pages (both for users and administrators), such as profile pages or user internal submission pages are improved.



The ISLRN (International Standard Language Resource Number) is a unique persistent identifier to be assigned to each Language Resource. The establishment of ISLRNs was a major step in the networked and shared world of Human Language Technologies. Unique resources must be identified as they are, and meta-catalogues require a common identification format to manage data correctly. Therefore, Language Resources should carry identical identification schemes regardless their representations, their types and their storage place (hard drives, internet or intranet).

To find out more about ISLRN, please visit the website:

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4-6WSIS hackathon

UNESCO and the International Telecommunications Union ITU are organizing a

global hackathon on ICTs to support the decade of indigenous languages,

as part of the 2022 WSIS Forum.

The WSIS hackathon will launch on 19 April through 10 May.

Prize winners will be selected in three categories: Knowledge, Empowerment and Preservation.

UNESCO and ITU will organize two mentoring sessions, most likely on the 21st and 25th of April this month, with one session held in the morning (for Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asian time zone) and another in the afternoon (for the Americas).

The mentoring session would involve your hearing pitch sessions by the coding teams and then providing your constructive feedback in such areas as relevance & originality, feasibility, suggestions for additional tweaks/improvements. The mentors may also give opening or closing remarks highlighting the challenges and needs facing indigenous populations and languages from your perspective. There is a chance we may also forward you any further questions from the hackathon teams, which you may help respond to if you wish.

These mentoring sessions will be a key aspect of the global hackathon. We are hoping for as many as 60 teams to sign up for a five minute pitch session with one of at least six volunteer mentors, approximately ten mentoring sessions for you of 5 minutes each, over perhaps a two hour period.

REQUEST: I hope that you may agree to volunteer your time to help mentor the coding teams, and/or designate, if you are not available, representative(s) from your organization to be our WSIS hackathon mentors. N.B. Bilingual mentors in any language would be useful, e.g. Spanish/English bilingual speakers for the afternoon session, and French/Arabic/English for the morning session.

Upon hearing back from you on your availability, I will send you more details, options and ways to engage and contribute.

p.s. I also welcome you to please share the hackathon link (registration deadline is 19 April) on your mailing lists and newsletters to encourage more indigenous participants who may be interested.

Thank you so much for your consideration. Best regards, Joe





Jo Hironaka (広中 浄)

Programme Specialist

Digital Innovation and Transformation

Communication and Information Sector



tel.: +33 (0)145680941


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4-7Le projet European Language Equality

Le projet European Language Equality vise à établir un agenda stratégique concernant la
recherche et l’innovation pour atteindre l’égalité des langues à l’ère numérique en
Europe en 2030. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les partenaires ont produit des rapports
documentant l'état des technologies et ressources pour chaque langue officielle, ainsi
que pour certaines langues non-officielles (D1.4-D1.36). Des états de l'art couvrant
quatre grands domaines ont également été produits (D2.12-D2.16):
- la traduction automatique:
- les technologies vocales
- les technologies pour l'analyse et la compréhension des langues
- les ressources et les bases de connaissance.

Tous ces rapports sont accessibles depuis le site du projet:

Le rapport consacré à l'état des technologies pour la langue française et pour la langue
des signes française a fait l'objet d'une traduction en français. Il est disponible ici:

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4-8Annoted tweet corpus , ELDA and INSA Rouen

ELDA and INSA Rouen Normandie partner to release the Annotated tweet corpus in Arabizi, French and English

ELDA and INSA Rouen Normandie are pleased to announce the release of the Annotated tweet corpus in Arabizi, French and English. This corpus was built by ELDA on behalf of INSA Rouen Normandie (Normandie Université, LITIS team), in the framework of the SAPhIRS project (System for the Analysis of Information Propagation in Social Networks), funded by the DGE (Direction Générale des Entreprises, France) through the RAPID programme (2017-2020). This project aimed at studying the mechanisms of information and opinion propagation within social networks: identifying influential leaders, detecting channels for disseminating information and opinion. The purpose of the corpus constitution, completed in 2020, was to collect and annotate tweets in 3 languages (Arabizi, French and English) for 3 predefined themes (Hooliganism, Racism, Terrorism).

The annotated tweet corpus in Arabizi, French and English can be found in the ELRA Catalogue under the following links and references:

 For more information and/or questions, please write to


About INSA Rouen Normandie

As a leading regional institute for research and higher education in engineering and among the main French establishments, INSA Rouen Normandie holds a major place in the landscape of engineering education in France. Its mission includes education (11 engineering courses including 4 apprenticeship programs, 2 master’s specialization and 7 masters), research (8 laboratories) and the spreading of scientific culture in the following fields of expertise: information systems, big data, mathematics, chemistry and processes, risks management and industrial site recovery, energy, propulsion systems, mechanics, industrial performance, civil engineering and urban design and planning. INSA Rouen Normandie graduates almost 400 engineers and is a member of the INSA group. It is closely tied to the world of industry and has established a large number of partnerships with international organisations.

To find out more about INSA Rouen Normandie, please visit:


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4-9Proposals for the 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)

Call for Proposals

2024 IEEE International Workshop on
Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)

IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee (MLSP TC) is soliciting proposals from researchers interested in organizing the 2024 MLSP Workshop. The MLSP Workshop is a four-day workshop and will include tutorials on the first day.

Proposing teams are asked to create a proposal that follows the following outline:
  1. Location and Venue: Give an idea on the venue size and facilities.
  2. Conference Dates: Ensure they do not conflict with major holidays, or other SPS conferences and workshops. Typically,
    the workshop is held during the period of mid-September to mid-October.
  3. Organizing Committee Members: Build the organizing committee considering factors including (a) active SPS
    members; (b) diversity in geographical, industry and academia, age, and gender; (c) conference and/or workshop
    experience; (d) event management experience. For examples, refer to
  4. Technical Program: Consider the overall structure and conference model; innovative initiatives; student and young
    professional initiatives; and industry-participation/support initiatives.
  5. Budget including registration fees.
  6. Hotels in the area that cater to different attendee budget levels.
  7. Travel and transportation between the nearest airport and the conference venue.
  8. Any other relevant information about the venue or the organization.
The intention letter deadline is August 1, 2022, and the deadline for submission of proposals is August 15, 2022.
Please submit your proposal to the MLSP TC Chair, Zheng-Hua Tan,, and the MLSP Workshop Sub-Committee Chair, Murat Akcakaya, via email. We encourage you to contact them with questions or to obtain further details about the content of the proposals.
Proposals will be reviewed by the MLSP TC, and the selection results will be announced in October 2022.
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4-10ISCSLP2022 Conversational Short-phrase Speaker Diarization Challenge Registration Open
On July 4, 2022, ISCSLP 2022 Conversational Short-phrase Speaker Diarization Challenge (CSSD) which is jointly sponsored by the Institute of Acoustics CAS, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Singapore A*STAR Institute of Information and Communication, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Magic Data (Beijing Aishu Smart Technology Co., Ltd.), is officially opened for registration. Groups and individuals from academia and industry are welcome to register for the competition.

 CSSD Challenge Registration


 Challenge Background 


Dialogue scenarios are one of the most essential and challenging scenarios for speech processing technology. In daily conversations, people casually respond to each other and continue the conversation with coherent questions and comments rather than bluntly answering each other's questions. Accurately detecting the speech activity of each person in a conversation is critical for many downstream tasks such as natural language processing and machine translation. The evaluation metric for speaker classification systems, the classification error rate (DER), has long been used as a standard evaluation metric for speaker classification. However, it fails to pay enough attention to short dialogue phrases. These short dialogue phrases are short but play an essential role at the semantic level. The speech community also lacks evaluation metrics to effectively assess the accuracy of short speech classification in conversations. 

To solve this problem, we open-sourced the MagicData-RAMC Chinese conversational speech dataset, which contains 180 hours of manually annotated conversational speech data.  For the CSSD evaluation, we also prepare 20 hours of dialogue data for testing purpose, and manually annotate the speaker's timestamps. For the CSSD challenge, we also design a new accuracy evaluation metric to calculate the accuracy of sentence-level speaker diarization. By advancing research on segmentation and clustering techniques for dialogue data, we aim to further promote reproducible research in this field.



 Challenge Committee and Support Team 

Questions related to the challenge could email or with the subject of the email titled 'Question about the Conversational Short-phrase Speaker Diarization Challenge'.



 Scoring Method 


Participants submit inference results, and competition committee will calculate the score. The file format and evaluation metric will be announced in the open stage of the competition.


 Prize Settings 


Three sets of competitors will be awarded first prize, second prize, and third prize. The winners will have the opportunity to participate in ISCSLP 2022 for presentation.



Registration website:
Number of participants: Less than 5 participants per team (including 5 people)
More details:

All challengers are welcome to sign up for the competition!






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4-11CHiME Challenge Call for Proposals
CHiME Challenge Call for Proposals 

CHiME is a challenge series whose purpose is to produce scientific advances in the field of distant microphone speech processing. The challenge’s six previous iterations from 2011 until 2020 have resulted in major improvements in word error rate and diarisation error rate for single-speaker voice commands in various environments and for multi-speaker conversations in homes. These six previous iterations have been centrally organised.

We now wish to introduce a more open model, where the annual CHiME Challenge features independent tasks organised by teams who work within a schedule defined by the CHiME Steering Group. Teams will be responsible for managing the tasks, i.e., providing data and instructions, scoring submissions and results, etc. The CHiME Steering Group will then work to support teams in the development of their task. The Steering Group will also organise a CHiME workshop where the tasks will be presented.

The CHiME Steering Group is now inviting task proposals for the CHiME 2023 Challenge. Proposed tasks will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
  • relevance to the CHiME goals
  • methodology - ie. likelihood to lead to robust and novel scientific findings
  • accessibility - i.e. how easy is it for teams to engage with
  • feasibility - likelihood to complete on schedule, risk management
  • reproducibility - e.g. openness of data, baseline
  • diversity - amongst organisers and expected participants, e.g. academia vs industry, geography, gender etc.
We wish to foster a collaborative proposal process that minimises overlap between proposals. To this end, if you are considering proposing a task, please sign up to the CHiME mailing list and feel free to discuss your plans. Or if you wish information to be shared more privately, i.e., amongst other bidders only, then you may share details or initial plans with the CHiME Steering Group who will then share with others whose plans may overlap.

Task bidders should submit a task proposal for review by the Steering Group. The proposal should be a maximum of two pages (pdf format preferred) including the following information:
  • Task name
  • Coordinators
  • Keywords (e.g. enhancement, diarization, speaker recognition, etc)
  • Definition (one sentence)
  • Short description (incl. research question the task is tackling)
  • Dataset description: development, evaluation (short description, how much data is already available and prepared, how long would it take to prepare the rest, mention if you allow external data/transfer learning or not)
  • Evaluation method / metric
  • Baseline system (brief description, planned method if you do not have one from a previous challenge)
  • List of expected participants
  • Contact person (for main communication, website)
The proposal should be sent to the CHiME Steering Group ( by 26th September. The Steering Group will review the proposals and provide feedback by 10th October. In case task amendments are requested, the task acceptance decision will be finalized by 4th November.
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4-12NLP4NLP Corpus 5 Years After

Following a survey of the Interspeech conference presented for the 25th anniversary of
ESCA/ISCA at Interspeech 2013, the NLP4NLP corpus was gathered for conducting an analysis
of the main conferences and journals in the field of speech and language processing over
50 years (1965-2015). The results of this analysis was published in 2019 as a series of
two papers in a special issue on 'Mining Scientific Papers: NLP-enhanced Bibliometrics'
of the 'Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics' journal, which attracted a large

This corpus has now been extended over the recent past 5 years (2016–2020), which show a
strong activity in that field: as many articles have been published in the single year
2020 than over the first 25 years of NLP4NLP for example. This new analysis concludes in
identifying profound changes in research topics as well as in the emergence of a new
generation of authors and the appearance of new publications around artificial
intelligence, neural networks, machine learning, and word embedding. These results have
just been published in a second special issue on 'Knowledge Discovery and Data
Exploitation' of the 'Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics' journal:

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4-13About JSALT

Each summer, CLSP organizes and hosts a few international teams for an intensive 6-week research workshop on speech and language engineering. These very successful workshops have had a widespread impact on the Human Language Technology community. Recently, we are beginning to experiment with broadening their reach to adjacent research communities.

Each workshop team spends 6 weeks together at CLSP (after some advance preparation), working in close proximity on some challenging problem or a promising solution technique that has not yet been well studied. Many teams have had a lasting influence on subsequent research and practice through the publications, software, and data that they produce. For many workshop participants, the biggest benefit is the interaction with other researchers, seeding new and lasting collaborations.

The workshops also contribute to the pool of trained specialists in the fields of speech and natural language processing by providing immersive training to undergraduate and graduate students, allowing researchers from different backgrounds to learn from one another, and educating all workshop participants through guest lectures, participant seminars, and team research updates.

This year, the ESPERANTO team contributes to the development of speech-to-speech translation systems with a special focus on enabling 
the adaptation of such models for under-resourced languages.
Find more about the ESPERANTO project:

Anthony Larcher
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4-14Cf special sessions @ICASSP 2023





Call for Special Sessions at ICASSP 2023! 

The organizing committee of ICASSP 2023 invites proposals for Special Sessions on emerging topics in signal processing. Please find the submission link and the proposal template on the ICASSP website.

Proposal Submission

Each session proposal should include an Abstract (limited to 2,000 characters) along with a Background-and-Justification paragraph (limited to 3,000 characters), in which the session organizers elaborate on i) the motivation behind the special session, and ii) the collective quality and potential impact of the committed papers in the proposed session. Each proposal should also include a title, list of authors, and Abstracts of the committed papers. It will be appreciated for the six (6) committed papers per proposed session to reflect geographic diversity to the maximum extent possible. All papers of proposed special sessions will be rigorously reviewed, and every effort will be made for the accepted ones to be presented in oral sessions.

No author can appear as co-author in more than one paper of a single special session.

ICASSP 2023 will be the first post-pandemic edition of the IEEE-SPS flagship conference, and the special sessions are expected to foster the return to an in-person experience. Accordingly, there must be an author of each accepted paper presenting it in-person.

Proposal Selection

Special session proposals will be evaluated based on i) the proposed topic; ii) the expected impact and quality of the contributed papers; and, iii) the session organizer(s) and contributing authors. A special session should preferably address an emerging topic in signal processing that is not fully aligned with a specific Technical Committee of the Signal Processing Society.

Selection of a special session proposal does not guarantee final acceptance of the special session. Papers submitted to special sessions will undergo rigorous review similar to that for regular submissions. The acceptance of a special session to the ICASSP technical program hinges upon the quality of the papers submitted to the special session.

Important Dates

  • Special Session Proposal Deadline: 18 August 2022
  • Special Session Acceptance Notification: 12 September 2022
  • Special Session Paper Submission Deadline: 19 October 2022

ICASSP 2022 is a flagship event of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, a global network of signal processing and data science professionals. A membership to IEEE SPS connects you with more than 18,000 researchers, academics, industry practitioners, and students advancing and disseminating the latest breakthroughs and technology. By joining, you’ll receive significant savings on registration to future events, including ICASSP 2022, as well as access to highly-ranked journals, continuing education materials, and a robust technical community. Learn more about how you can save and grow with us

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4-15LREC 2022 Proceedings

The LREC 2022 Proceedings (Main conference and Workshops) are now available in the ACL Anthology at
Twitter @LREC2022

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4-16Speech Enhancement for Augmented Reality ( SPEAR) Challenge

SPeech Enhancement for Augmented Reality
(SPEAR) Challenge

Augmented reality devices of the future will likely fuse sensor data from several modalities, allowing multichannel speech enhancement algorithms to exploit, for example, head orientation and accurately estimated source directions. Augmented hearing therefore offers the potential for easier communication in noisy environments, such as restaurants and bars.
The SPEAR challenge offers the opportunity for researchers to benchmark existing speech enhancement algorithms and try out new ideas in the context of head-worn microphone arrays where positional information is available to the algorithm. Using recorded and simulated data, participants will obtain their best estimate of a binaural target signal from a given microphone array where real time information of the wearer head rotation and of the target direction of arrival is available. Enhanced signals will be evaluated through metric calculation and crowdsourced listening tests. To help get started a baseline algorithm is provided.
The challenge is being run by the Speech and Audio Processing lab at Imperial College London in partnership with Reality Labs Research (Meta).

More information can be found on the website along with all the freely available data and tools.

We encourage people to register for the latest information and to follow the SPEAR challenge on Twitter.

Register for the latest information

Important Dates

  • September 2022:
    • Start of the challenge.
    • Release of Train and Dev datasets.
    • Release of baseline and tools.
  • 4 January 2023:
    • Evaluation data released.
  • 25 January 2023:
    • Submission of Evaluation data.
  • February 2023:
    •  Analysis of submitted enhanced audio using metrics calculation and crowdsourced listening tests.
  • March 2023:
    • Workshop presenting results and findings.

For more information, contact
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4-17Call for reviewers ICASSP

This year there has been a significant increase in the number of ICASSP submissions, and as such we would like to solicit additional reviewers to help with the review process.

Please help us by nominating new reviewers through this form:

Candidates may either self-nominate, or be nominated by others.
In order to be eligible, suitable candidates must have published previously in ICASSP/Interspeech, and satisfy at least two of the following criteria:
- Hold a Ph. D.
- 1 Journal article as first author
- 100 citations (on first authored papers)
- 3 ICASSP/Interspeech/ASRU/SLT or major NLP conference papers as first author
- Recommendation by IEEE Senior Member or Fellow

We would also appreciate it if you could forward this request to other members of the speech research community.

Rohit Prabhavalkar.
(On behalf of the IEEE SLTC conference committee)

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4-18BeatboxDay 2022

La journée BeatboxDay 2022 ( ) est

maintenant accessible en ligne sur la chaîne Youtube des Ateliers

Sciences et Voix, dans une playlist dédiée :

Vous pouvez vous inscrire à la liste de diffusion autour du Beatbox (arts-sciences-santé)

créée à cette occasion, depuis la page d'accueil de la liste (onglet 's'abonner') :

Bien cordialement,

Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni, Hélène Lœvenbruck, Benjamin Lecouteux et Annalisa Paroni

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