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ISCApad Archive  »  2022  »  ISCApad #290  »  Events  »  Other Events  »  (2023-04-02) 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval , Dublin, Ireland

ISCApad #290

Saturday, August 06, 2022 by Chris Wellekens

3-3-25 (2023-04-02) 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval , Dublin, Ireland





45th European Conference on Information Retrieval 


April 2nd – 6th April 2023 – Dublin, Ireland 




++ Important Dates ++ 

    - Submission deadline: September 19th, 2022 

    - Acceptance Notification Date: October 9th, 2022 

    - Workshops day: April 2nd, 2023 


++ Overview ++ 

ECIR 2023 workshops provide a platform for presenting novel ideas and research results in emerging areas in IR in a more focused and interactive way than the conference itself. Workshops can be either a half-day (3.30 hours plus breaks) or a full day (7 hours plus breaks) and are to be onsite. At least one organizer is expected to attend the workshop. 


++ List of Topics ++ 

ECIR 2023 encourages the submission of workshops on the theory, experimentation, and practice of retrieval, representation, management, and usage of textual, visual, audio, and multi-modal information, but proposals aligned with other topics of IR (namely those identified in the general call for papers) are highly welcome as well.


Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:


  • User aspects, including information interaction, contextualisation, personalisation, simulation, characterisation, and behaviours.
  • System and foundational aspects, including retrieval models and architectures, content analysis and classification, recommendation algorithms, query processing and ranking, efficiency and scalability.
  • Machine learning, deep learning, neural IR, natural language processing, as applied to textual, visual, audio, and multi-modal information.
  • Applications such as web search, recommender systems, web and social media apps, domain-specific search, enterprise search, novel interfaces to search tools, intelligent search, academic search, and conversational agents.
  • Evaluation research, including new measures and novel methods for measuring and evaluating systems, datasets, users, and/or applications. 
  • Cross-disciplinary workshops, including IR and other domains such as NLP, data science, etc., are also particularly welcome.


++ Submission Guidelines ++ 

Workshop proposals should contain the following information:


  • Title and abstract of the workshop;
  • Motivation and relevance to ECIR;
  • Workshop goals/objectives and overall vision, coupled with desired outcomes;
  • Format and Structure, in particular duration of the workshop (full-day or half-day workshop); mention to the type of papers (e.g., full papers, demo papers, negative papers, etc); type of presentation (e.g., oral; poster, etc); and proceedings (e.g., CEUR; Special Issue, etc); planned activities, the tentative schedule of events etc.; resources needed to deliver the workshop (e.g., poster boards, etc);
  • Intended audience, including number of expected participants and how they will be selected/invited;
  • List of organisers with a brief bio of each with respect to the content of the workshop;
  • Names of potential programme committee members, invited speakers; etc
  • Indicate if the workshop is related to or follows on from another workshop; if so, please, identify which conference it was previously held at, the past attendance and outcomes, and why another workshop is needed;
  • Any other relevant information to support your proposal.


Workshop proposals should be prepared using Springer proceedings templates to be found on Springer webpage (, with a maximum length of 8 pages. All proposals should be submitted electronically through the conference submission system ( and must be in English. Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the ECIR 2023 workshop committee based on the quality of their proposal, covered topics, relationship to ECIR and likelihood to attract participants. Final decisions will be made by the ECIR workshop co-chairs. 


++ Workshop Chairs ++ 

Ricardo Campos, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and INESC TEC, Portugal

Gianmaria Silvello, University of Padua, Italy


++ Contacts ++ 

For further information, please contact the ECIR 2023 Workshop chairs by email to

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